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Ready or Not, Here Comes Service Pack 2 725

I_am_Rambi writes "On Tuesday, April 12, Microsoft will turn off the blocking feature that has made it possible for some enterprises to block Windows XP Service Pack 2 downloads by employees who use Automatic Update. That means in companies that used the blocking tool, SP2 will be downloaded automatically to desktop computers that use Windows' Automatic Update feature." An anonymous reader adds "Microsoft has published a list of known software that will not work with Service Pack 2. Most of the software will either not run or will display a blue screen of death during installation of the software or when you start up your computer." That may be why, as ErichTheWebGuy writes, "In a survey of PCs at 251 businesses in the U.S. and Canada, asset tracking company AssetMetrix of Ottawa found that only 24 percent of the systems running Windows XP had been upgraded to Service Pack 2."
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Ready or Not, Here Comes Service Pack 2

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  • by BWJones ( 18351 ) * on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:51PM (#12157191) Homepage Journal

    " You vill download zee program and you vill love it!" I for one would not want to be on the end of the help desk phones. "What do you mean you installed SP2?!!? Our company policy specifically prohibits that Service Pack because of incompatibility X"

    Seriously though, looking at the list, there are some stunning show stoppers. Photoshop CS!!?! Live Motion! and perhaps the most surprising of all, Microsoft's own Virtual PC.

    Yeah, I think I will stick with OS X for my daily productivity which makes me wonder just what Microsoft is planning on doing for those individuals who switch to OS X. Microsoft does not appear to be doing anything to stop the emigrating hoards or doing anything to retain folks on the Windows platform. For instance, our Windows based systems are locked down pretty hard and our students are not allowed to surf the Internet or do anything else on them that does not have to do with the specific tasks they are set up for. We have provided them with OS X boxes that they can do anything with or install anything they want onto. At meetings I attend, there has been a sharp upswing in the numbers of Apple laptops seen in the last couple of years and the resounding response to why has been, "it's just easier after getting tired of dealing with all the crap Windows puts one through". There has been no compelling reason for folks to remain on the platform other than reasons where you might be locked into a particular piece of software or other Microsoft specific needs.

    • "Seriously though, looking at the list, there are some stunning show stoppers. Photoshop CS!!?! " Remember that Phototshop CS2 will be out soon... now would be a great time to upgrade. /sarcasm
    • You vill download zee program and you vill love it!"

      No, you lazy IT folk will not be able to stop your users from downloading and installing it.

      I run an absolutely plain XP system on my laptop. The only company provided programs I use are office, Visio and occasionally Visual Studio. There is absolutely no reason why I shouldn't have used XP SP2 the day it was released. I can't download it and run it on my machine because IT is still checking out a bunch of apps they wrote that I never use.

    • by cpuh0g ( 839926 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:56PM (#12157280)
      Photoshop CS runs just fine on my Windows XP SP2 box, I'm not sure exactly which features they are claiming are broken with SP2, but I haven't found any.

      All of the negative noise about SP2 is alot of FUD (howz that for irony). I recommend it to all of my neighbors who are inundated with viruses and [mal|ad]-ware (no way they are switchng to Linux, so don't even go there).

      • by CDarklock ( 869868 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:59PM (#12157334) Homepage Journal
        > Photoshop CS runs just fine on
        > my Windows XP SP2 box

        Those who actually paid attention to the WHOLE list know that PhotoShop CS only fails to start under XP SP2 on 64-bit processors, and that Virtual PC simply runs XP SP2 virtual machines more *slowly* than XP SP1 virtual machines.

        You know, if you want to do more than knee-jerk over the name in the left hand column.
        • by TetryonX ( 830121 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @05:35PM (#12159237)
          I have XP SP2 and an Athlon64.
          It has never had any problems what so ever with any application I have ever used, with exception to windows itself.

          However I will repeat myself on how to get rid of those things that cause SP2 to screw up applications.

          First: Turn off NoExecute, easily done by altering your boot.ini to remove the /NoExecute=OptIn flag.
          Method 1: Hit start and go to Run... Type cmd
          - Type: attrib -s -h -r %SystemDrive%\boot.ini
          - Type: notepad %SystemDrive%\boot.ini
          - Remove all instances of /NoExecute=OptIn from any of the boot lines.
          - Save, Exit, and Type: attrib +s +h +r %SystemDrive%\boot.ini
          - Reboot and NoExecute is now gone.
          Method 2: Right click on My Computer and go to Properties
          - Click on the Advanced tab and hit the settings button located in the Startup and Recovery section.
          - Hit the edit button undernear the first set of check marks.
          - Remove all instances of /NoExecute=OptIn from any of the boot lines.
          - Save, exit, reboot.

          Turn off the windows firewall
          Method 1: Install a 3rd party software firewall first before continuing.
          - Hit Start -> Run... and type: services.msc
          - Navigate down the list until you get to Windows Firewall, double click on it.
          - Hit the stop button and change the Startup type combobox to Disabled.
          - Hit ok and close this.
          - If you wish to turn off nagging (if your firewall does not support telling windows about itself) continue to the following.

          Get rid of those firewall/antivirus/update warnings
          Method 1:
          - Go to your control panel. In either classic view or category view, open Security Center
          - On the Resources bar, click on "Change the way Security Center alerts me"
          - Uncheck all that you want the security center to quit nagging about.
          - Hit ok. You are done.

          I do not condone usage of windows sp2 without these key features, designed to prevent virii and attacks on your computer, without actually knowing what the hell you are doing, or at least have a viable replacement for them. NoExecute, in my view, is a waste of cpu cycles and memory space because most devices out there do not support the NX bit flag properly. Even on my Athlon64 3000+ I can see a pretty heafty performance hit in applications such as Photoshop CS when NoExecute is enabled, and other applications such as WindowBlinds (other than their was-then beta for SP2 users) and DesktopX become extremely unstable. Clearly microsoft did not have application compatibility in mind when they added this feature, but at least with the new revision of windows firewall it had a little more (of much needed) power. I like it how it can configure my router's hardware firewall as well as provide an additional layer of security for my systems. It does lack the configurability of the much loved Linux Firewall, and there are alternative firewalls I can use, but they tend to cause other conflicts with my other applications. So the jury is out with the Windows Firewall, but damn. The security center was by far the most annoying thing I have seen microsoft implement. I hope these corporate users have fun if their admins forget to turn that annoying service off.
      • Can it be Adobes spyware networked activity scheme?
      • by LnxAddct ( 679316 ) <> on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @03:31PM (#12157790)
        Corporations have a lot of custom software. I know that even in a small law firm that I used to work for (about 25 people), we couldn't install Service Pack 2 simply because our core software wasn't compatible. MS only lists commercial software (obviously) but I've come across a ton of custom apps and older shareware and stuff that is less popular that breaks in many ways under SP2. It's not FUD, you jsut aren't in a situation to experience it. For home users, there really isn't any excuse not to install it (in most cases) and I highly recommend it, but for businesses its a different story.
    • Just so you know. I've used it on SP2 with no problems, other than it won't run Knoppix 3.6 (i think?) right (there's no titlebars, like the WM is having some serious problems).
    • by DavidLeblond ( 267211 ) <> on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:59PM (#12157328) Homepage
      I have Windows XP SP2 running Windows XP SP2 in Virtual PC right now. I don't see the problem.
    • by panaceaa ( 205396 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @03:11PM (#12157488) Homepage Journal
      Is it just me, or do most people stop reading a post once OSX is mentioned?

      I read the first paragraph, then started the second one and BOOM! OSX fanboy alert! I didn't even bother to look at the next sentence. Then I realized my behavior was instinctual, and went back to question it... and indeed, the rest of the post was a rant about BWJones' lust for Steve Jobs' anal cherry. Now I see why I act that way.

      Sorry BWJones, I know you're a really active poster :)
  • by winkydink ( 650484 ) * <> on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:51PM (#12157203) Homepage Journal
    how many run Windows Update automatically?

    Either to download and install (for the brave of heart) or to download and review (for the sound of mind).

    I bet there's a strong corellation between the numbers.
    • how many run Windows Update automatically

      With some service packs, after the instal, the update is turned on automatically; where joe blow won't know how to turn it off. In some ways, it is worse than Real Player.

      And that gets to the heart of my critisism of Microsoft. They sell a product the end user has less and less control over. That is not how it used to be back in the glory days of computers.

  • by ackthpt ( 218170 ) * on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:52PM (#12157206) Homepage Journal
    I notice a number of the affected software inlcude anti-virus and firewall. Granted, some of these are probably out of date, but then again most home users are going to be the ones using these packages.

    Assuming you download SP2, inavertently because you allow auto-update, will it install with the Windows firewall defaulting to On?

    The most sure-fire way to attract the attentions of any virus (including human virus/worm authors) is to have a dense population of the same thing. Naturally, a large number of SP2 firewall enabled computers will provide a challenge to the vermin who write virus/worms will be focusing on it and what a lovely day it will be when they've cracked it.

    At least I didn't see my firewall listed, and I ain't revealing what it is, either.

    • by the_skywise ( 189793 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @03:04PM (#12157401)
      From my experience the Windows Firewall puts itself at the front of the line with the default of everything blocked (except some popular programs including Microsoft programs)

      I was using Norton Internet Security and it continued to run and monitor program activity and port usage, but *behind* Windows' Firewall. After installation you have to shut off Windows Firewall and tell Windows that's okay and that you're running NIS.

      (Or you could download the patch from Symantec that does that for you and notifies Windows that it's the Preferred Firewall vendor.)
    • Did anyone else notice the list of things that SP2 breaks? It's like they hand-picked them!!

      Norton Anti-Virus

      VOILA! those 3 right there makes Windows an overlord. "YOU MUST USE OUR OFFICE, FIREWALL, AND ANTIVIRUS.. AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!!!"

      Wow... How are the courts NOT suing for this?? And .. teh best-case-scenario defense would be "okay, so we make shoddy software. What are you going to do about it?"

  • Nice (Score:4, Funny)

    by nizo ( 81281 ) * on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:52PM (#12157207) Homepage Journal
    This is particularly nice when one of the execs is on the road somewhere, and his laptop starts downloading the service pack while he is dialed in via modem. Assuming he stays connected long enough for it to download (which is likely, since now that his connection is really really slow it takes longer to read email) the patch autoinstalls and breaks things? Sweet!
  • by Cheirdal ( 776541 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:53PM (#12157225) Homepage
    I don't understand all the negative hype around SP2. Everyone I know has had a painless experience running SP2 and their Windows computers are more secure for having SP2 installed on it.
  • by schild ( 713993 )
    Doesn't this seem insane to anyone? I'm not exactly a "Microsoft hater" like many of the people around here, but this sort of thing doesn't make much sense to me. If someone wants to block the download of something exclusive on the autoupdater in Windows, there should be no circumventing it by the company. This should apply in any situation (including the way Steam updates itself, even though I'm sure it's incompatible otherwise). Meh, the general shadiness of it just rubs me the wrong way.
    • Re:Uhm. (Score:3, Insightful)

      by TrueBuckeye ( 675537 )
      By no means is this shady. MS has been called the devil for years for having an unsecure OS (well deserved, IMO). They finally get the guts to secure XP as best they can, fully telling people that they will hate it and that it will break old apps. They do it, and still the crowds yell. Yes, Windows Update Services will auto-download this to your system, but only if you have Windows Update set to Auto. If you don't want it, disable it. If you are in a corporate environment, use Group Policy to disable
  • Thanks to Microsoft's WindowsXP SP2, I have finally made the move to open source applications. I've wanted to make the move for some time but some laziness on my part has delayed me. Thanks, Billy, for pushing out the SP2 and specifically the security center because that horrid piece of programming (I call SP2 the new WinME) finally made me so angry and frustrated with you and your company that I built up a Linux box at home and will soon be migrating all of my personal equipment over to the Penguin. If I a
  • use SUS (Score:5, Informative)

    by Val314 ( 219766 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:53PM (#12157239)
    Every Enterprise that uses a Windows network should have their own SUS [] or something more sophisticated to manage the patches that are deployed.
    with this you can control what patches are deployed and when
  • So use SUS (Score:5, Informative)

    by JohnnyKlunk ( 568221 ) * on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:54PM (#12157247)
    Thats why clever administrators will be using MS SUS Server []. A free MS product that lets administrators choose when patches get pushed out.

    Setup correctly with group policy you can prevent users from running windows update and installing updates themselves.
    Which is essential with XP SP2 as I look after around a thousand desktops and SP2 has been NOTHING but trouble in all our testing so far.
    • Re:So use SUS (Score:2, Insightful)

      by j0217995 ( 597878 )
      This whole mess about automagically downloading Service Pack 2 is so overated and misunderstood. At my work I have deployed SUS and have even deployed Service Pack 2 through it.

      In Group Policy one sets how Automatic Updates work, one can even turn them off or redirect it to the SUS server of your choice. Come on people, this is so much crap about how everything breaks and the sky is falling. I call FUD

      • Re:So use SUS (Score:5, Informative)

        by Aphrika ( 756248 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @03:33PM (#12157820)

        We use SUS to manage around 200-300 Windows 2K and XP machines across four sites and haven't had any major issues with pushing updates out. Ditto with SP2 - while we do use a few custom-built applications internally, most of them are web applications. Some careful planning and firewall configurations meant that come deployment, we had pretty much zero issues.

        I have to say that SUS is great, although we do have some internal rules we adhere to. Firstly the IT department gets the patches a week before anyone else - just in case any issues arise. Secondly, we never run our servers under SUS. They have allocated downtime windows for patching and testing.

        SUS is about to change into Windows Software Update Services [] (WSUS, not WUS as incorrectly mentioned somewhere here) which rolls Office, Windows and Server software updates into one management console. Hopefully that'll keep patching more centralised and easier to deploy in the long run.
  • by RichMeatyTaste ( 519596 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:55PM (#12157262)
    Come on people, you have had time to get ready for this.

    /250 machines, all XP have been SP2 for months since I flipped the switch in WUS //99.5% spyware free ///Properly implemented and secured Windows network
    • Come on people, you have had time to get ready for this.

      Microsoft releases a "patch", the ramifications of which are sufficiently severe that the idea of being forced to prepare for it as a destructive event is a universally accepted premise. We, as Microsoft customers are so inured to the idea that we do not control our own systems that the implicit suggestion of that already accepted premise is actually used as a platform from which to shame those who have not implemented (known harmful!) Microsoft en
  • SovietSoft (Score:2, Funny)

    by panchondo ( 869537 )
    In Soviet Russia, software updates you.
  • Of course, companies using the software in question could simply tell their emplyees not to installl SP2...
  • heh... of the programs known not to work*, included is Microsoft's own VirtualPC.

    (ok, technically the page says it will work, but will be much slower than before Sp2)
  • I've got an idea! (Score:2, Informative)

    by koreaman ( 835838 )
    If you don't want your machine automatically updated, get this, turn off automatic updates!
    Now wasn't that easy?
  • by Tebriel ( 192168 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:57PM (#12157291)
    Disconnect your computer from the internet. It can't download SP2 then. Problem solved!
  • You can still block automatic updates. I was blocking mine for ever because I didn't want to have the "latest and greatest" fix as usually they broke something else.

    For users of windows who have automatic updates, they will HAVE to get XP SP2. OR, they can turn off automatic updates.

    As far as XP SP2 not being on a lot of business machines, the whole hey-some-applications-won't-work thing turns people, I don't know, sort of off, wouldn't you say? I know I didn't deploy it at one office for months in fear i
  • DUPE (Score:2, Informative)

    C'mon Timothy. This was posted in Febuary []
  • Virtual PC? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by geomon ( 78680 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:59PM (#12157314) Homepage Journal
    "Microsoft has published a list of known software that will not work with Service Pack 2."

    Did anyone take notice of the fact that only one software package from Microsoft doesn't play nice with SP2?

    Microsoft will counter any criticism of their move by pointing out that this is a thrid-party vendor problem. While they may technically be correct, what happened to the tightly-integrated developer network that Microsoft has worked to cultivate. While they have made apps easier to write and execute in the Windows environment, they have also had to play the role of whipping boy when the OS didn't play well.

    It is shitty being at the top.
    • what happened to the tightly-integrated developer network that Microsoft has worked to cultivate

      Why, it gave people months and months and months of information, and beta versions to test against, and release candidates to test against, and so on and so fifth.

      Note that this is on top of Microsoft trying to gently ease people over from the 'one user, full access' paradigm to the 'multi-user, restricted access unless you really really need full access to install something' paradigm.

      The fact that some ven

  • by Rikardon ( 116190 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:59PM (#12157320)
    I have some sympathy for Microsoft here. If they don't force this patch, they're damned for perpetuating known security issues. If they do, they're damned for being bullies and for breaking compatibility with older applications.

    Given the choices they're facing, I have to admit this seems reasonable: a few months for businesses to make the move on their own, after which they flip the switch so anyone on Automatic Update receives the patch.

  • by John Seminal ( 698722 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @02:59PM (#12157335) Journal
    Microsoft has published a list of known software that will not work with Service Pack 2

    How much longer would it take, if Microsoft wanted to hold of a release of Windows, to make it right so that service packs are not needed? Is it a matter of months, or is the computer operating system a beast that can't be predicted until it is used by a large number of people?

    And just to rant, because it is Microsoft, I hate service packs because they can force a different EULA on the user. I had one copy of Windows I paid for, and installed it the way I wanted it to work. I then had to download the security patches and updates, and I had to click a new EULA and had some settings changed (such as having automatic update turned on). I now firewall my system like a son of a bitch because I don't trust those fuckers in Richmond.

    How about if you sell me something, and you promise it works, when you find out that it does not work, you don't offer me the fix and then change the rules?????

    I would love to see an OS made for specific hardware that is bullet proof. That would be a cool thing.

  • MS == USR? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by aweiland ( 237773 )
    Why does this whole idea of remotely turning off a feature remind me of the fictional USR company in I, Robot switching off the 3 laws software?

    Know the quality of XP SP2, if my computer were a robot this would be like switching some ethical software feature.
  • The list fails to mention that most of my spyware no longer runs.

    I upgraded expecting to continue having all the parasites and tracking that I am used to :(
  • Both Clearcase and Norton2003 will not work. Of course we want to stop all employees from being able to continue working on their coding projects as well as open up all computers to any and all viruses that exist out there...
  • Thanks for the present, Microsoft. Can I return it for something better?
  • by airrage ( 514164 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @03:10PM (#12157470) Homepage Journal
    You complain when the OS has too many bugs, you complain that there are too many patches and hotfixes, you complain when MS decides to roll them all into an SP, you complain when it available for download, and you complain when its mandated.

    I know this post will probably be karmically pounded, but in all honesty ... you can't have it both ways ...

    • you can't have it both ways ...
      the complaint, as i see it, is that the os has too many bugs, and now a patch is being forced that has just as many, but new, different and exciting, bugs. no one is really complaining about SPs, that they can be downloaded, etc.

      as far as having it both ways, what's wrong with wanting a fix for the current bugs without introducing a boatload more? why can't we have both of those?
    • Mac OS's Software Update does not automatically install patches. The most you can do is to have it download stuff in the background and make it available - you still have to tell it to patch, and you have to give it an administrator password for anything dangerous.

      Apple does both security patches and point releases between major yearly (or so) updates. It's rare for either kind of patch to break existing applications - the recent spate of point releases that broke stuff was news because it's rare.

      I thin
    • by freeweed ( 309734 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @04:30PM (#12158489)
      You complain when the OS has too many bugs, you complain that there are too many patches and hotfixes, you complain when MS decides to roll them all into an SP, you complain when it available for download, and you complain when its mandated.

      You hit the nail on the head exactly.

      Personally, I'll stop complaining when:

      1. The OS runs ZERO listening services by default.
      2. The browser is not only NOT a default part of the OS, but refuses to run executable content.
      3. The media player is not only NOT a default part of the OS, but refuses to run executable content.
      4. The email client is not only NOT a default part of the OS, but refuses to run executable content.

      At that point, quite frankly I couldn't care less about bugs, patches, service packs, or automatic updating. Because there would be no need for any of it. Those 4 issues above cover pretty much every critical Windows update in the past umpteen years.
  • No Problems With SP2 (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Donald Hughes ( 852084 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @03:10PM (#12157482)
    We slowly rolled SP2 out in our organization (small at only 150 PCs) several months ago and have found no compatibility issues. Although I disagree with MS forcing users to install it, I can see it from their point of view. If they're going to continually get nailed for their lack of security, releasing a major security pack that people don't install doesn't improve their situation. I also think the user posts thus far are extremely exaggerating potential problems. The only problems we have had are a few power users being hindered by the Firewall. Of course, the solution was to open up the firewall for that application or that port. But that's an issue you'll have with any personal firewall software (otherwise it's not doing a good job at blocking).

    I would be interested to know how such a bad experience with SP2 could prompt somone to switch their primary OS to OS X or Linux. It seems to me that the inconvenience of switching OS's is far greater than that of suffering through a few incompatible programs (especially if those programs or others are not even available on the other OS).

    I'm waiting to see what Microsoft does with Longhorn. If it lives up to its long-awaited potential, then I'll stick around. Otherwise, I too will have had enough with Microsoft and will migrate completely to Linux.
  • Hypocritical (Score:3, Insightful)

    by gregarican ( 694358 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @03:17PM (#12157596) Homepage
    Most of the posts I am reading are contradictory to most the posts I read right after XPSP2 was released. Then the general sentiment was that Microsoft was finally taking steps to secure their OS and sometimes breaking third-party compatibility was a necessary means to that end. Sooner or later a line had to be drawn in the sand and generally folks agreed that it was past due.

    Since XPSP2 was released the third-party companies have had adequate time to revise their products to be compatible with XPSP2. And, as I have read on a couple of posts, some of the apparent compatibility issues are resolved by allowing the program executable access through the Windows Firewall. The ones that aren't this simple have had time to bring their products up to speed.

    Look how long it's been since XPSP2 has been released for downloading. It's about time it's automatically prompted as a Windows Automatic Update option isn't it? What's the big deal? I support a Windows corporate environment and haven't encountered any BSOD's where the PC's won't even boot up due to installing XPSP2. Methinks a bit of extra FUD on the fire...
  • by wernst ( 536414 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @03:18PM (#12157606) Homepage
    Look, I don't LOVE Microsoft, but SP2 has been out for, what, 3/4 of a year now? And betas were out even earlier. If you currently sell a product that doesn't work in SP2, then SHAME ON YOU!!!

    Similarly, if you're using an older version of a product that fails to work in SP2, you should be seeking a solution (in the form of a patch or other workaround) from the software vendor, not Microsoft. If it is an internal program your company wrote itself for internal workflow, there should have been a project to make it work under SP2 all this time. Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on Microsoft's part.

    The security benefits of SP2 to the average user are real, and worth having. It isn't Microsoft's fault that 3rd party developers are still dragging their feet after all this time.

    That said, it is unfortunate when otherwsie perfectly good software stops working in SP2 and the poor user is forced to perform a non-free upgrade to a new version. But again, this is not Microsoft's fault.

    And finally, please don't tell my copies of NAV 2003 and Photoshop CS to stop working on my computer because SP2 is installed. They both work fine now, so I guess they didn't get the memo.

    I'm sure I'll be modded down, but keep in mind I'm writing this with Firefox under Ubuntu. ;-)

    • by Tsu Dho Nimh ( 663417 ) <abacaxi@h o t m> on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @03:55PM (#12158083)
      "It isn't Microsoft's fault that 3rd party developers are still dragging their feet after all this time."

      I'm working for a very large company, with a group that has to write drivers and GUIs that run under Windows. So far the reliability of the documentation coming from MSFT about the current WinXP APIs has been about as reliable as the press releases by the Iraqui Minister of information under Saddam Hussein. Reverse engineering is usually faster than asking for more information.

      With the betas of new MSFT releases, frequent undocumented changes to the APIs are the rule, not the exception.

      It's no wonder no one wants to change anything: it's a certainty that something will blow up with SP 2 that is critical to the business.

  • FUD (Score:5, Informative)

    by mslinux ( 570958 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @03:29PM (#12157763)
    Before this gets out of hand, let it be known that SP2 is only downloaded it is not installed.

    In order to install the service pack, the user has to be an admin and aceept the EULA as well as click through several disclaimers before manually installing the service pack.

    • Re:FUD (Score:5, Informative)

      by JSBiff ( 87824 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @04:31PM (#12158501) Journal
      And the download can *still* be blocked (if you are worried about a massive bandwidth hit as a lot of machines try to download it). Surprised no one else has mentioned this yet, but it isn't that difficult for a network administrator that knows what he/she's doing, to block connections to

      So, Microsoft's tool won't let you block the download. Big whoop. Block it yourself on your network router/firewall.

      And in other Slashdot news. . . THE SKY IS FALLING OMGOMGOMGOMG
  • by c0d3h4x0r ( 604141 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @04:46PM (#12158709) Homepage Journal
    People bitch every time Microsoft releases a significant security-related update for Windows that stops existing software from working. They never stop and think that the fault lies not with Microsoft for fixing a security hole but with the application makers for writing their software in such a way that it relies on a security hole. Like it or not, closing security holes is going to inevitably require existing software to be rewritten to not utilize those holes.

    Of course, if Microsoft doesn't release a security update, then everyone bitches about the lack of security updates. So I guess there's just no pleasing some people.
  • by chochos ( 700687 ) on Wednesday April 06, 2005 @06:04PM (#12159504) Homepage Journal
    install a pirate copy of windows. SP2 won't install there (or so I've been told... I don't use pirate windows of course - I use linux :)

Is it possible that software is not like anything else, that it is meant to be discarded: that the whole point is to always see it as a soap bubble?
