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Technology IT

RebuildingTech Infrastructure 5

Warthog9 writes "After the recent tsunami it is obvious that a lot of infrastrcture was lost over in that part of the world, including their technical infastructure. There is an agency over there working directly to help rebuild that infastructure: Aceh Aid at IDEP ( They have some unique things going for them, but they could use your help! They are holding some auctions on e-bay with thirty of the top consultants and trainers in the worldwide .NET community (with PHP, JAVA and Linux people to follow soon after as I understand) donating their consulting time. (Auctions Found here I'm sure there are those of you out there that could use some top notch help with something, and these guys are doing some great work, give them a hand"
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RebuildingTech Infrastructure

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    An hour of consulting time? Like that'll get you anything done. It's nice of them to do this, but it looks like they are getting quite a bit of promotional value out of it themselves, for very little effort.
  • I guess personally, I would love the opportunity to go over and help out. I am wondering if there is an agency that is recruiting people or something along those lines. Any leads? I would just hope that there isn't a security risk similar to the one in Iraq for contractors. I think that this would be a great way for the "comunity" to show our human side. Dispel the Saturday Night Live, 'your companies it guy' stigma... any other thoughts?
    • Actually, the organization is saving people, not computers and therefore they are looking for volunteers with VERY specific skills to go out in the field. There is info on their site about volunteers. They *can* use some i.t. help in their office in Bali. (maybe even more now that they have been /.ted) Definitely check their site.
  • I don't think Tsunami victims need slashdot before food. People always want to volunteer, but always under estimate the time it really takes to bring back an IT environment.

A rock store eventually closed down; they were taking too much for granite.
