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Russia Says 'Unprecedented' Cyberattack Hits Foreign Ministry Amid BICS Summit (reuters.com) 35

The Russian Foreign Ministry says it had been targeted by a large-scale distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS). "A massive cyberattack from abroad began this morning on the infrastructure of the official website, the Russian Foreign Ministry's portal," said spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. She noted that the ministry regularly encounters similar attacks, but today's attack was "unprecedented in scale." Reuters notes that the attack coincided with the major BRICS summit taking place in the country.


Russia Says 'Unprecedented' Cyberattack Hits Foreign Ministry Amid BICS Summit

Comments Filter:
  • ... a bitch.

  • Anyway. How's the weather?

  • The R out of BRICS

    Or is it a summit for pens?

    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

      To be fair, the error here is hilarious considering where the summit is taking place.

    • Oh no! It's spreading!

      "A massive cybeattack fom aboad began this moning on the infastuctue of the official website, the ussian Foeign Ministy's potal," said spokeswoman Maia Zakhaova. She noted that the ministy egulaly encountes simila attacks, but today's attack was "unpecedented in scale." eutes notes that the attack coincided with the majo BICS summit taking place in the county.

    • BICS might refer to a brand of pens, but in most cases we can apply Occam's razor.

  • by RightwingNutjob ( 1302813 ) on Wednesday October 23, 2024 @06:44PM (#64888737)

    A fella I used to work with over a decade ago in some unspecified corner of the defense industry was not a fan of the Israelis playing hardball with Iranian nuclear program personnel. Not because he was a Jew hater or an Islamist sympathyzer but because he wasn't keen on having it become the rule that guys in their position (that is, his position) now had targets on their backs.

    If we don't like it when our government or infrastructure gets hacked by foreign actors, best not to overtly do it to the other guys? Maybe there's something to the idea that you've always got to give your enemy an offramp to at least save face unless you plan on eliminating him entirely.

    • The enemy has an off ramp: Get the fuck out of Ukraine. Seems like a pretty clear ramp, comrade.
      • You'd think so, but there he is. Clearly there's a psychological dimension you're not considering. Possibly because you're a dyed in the wool westerner who cannot conceive of a world leader of a nominally advanced country placing Tribe and Land front and center in his thinking. So instead of trying to get into his head so as to understand the problem, you chalk up his motivation to generic evil and then pretend you can deal with him on your terms alone, rather than his, and get results.

        Hitler wasn't defeate

        • a world leader of a nominally advanced country placing Tribe and Land front and center in his thinking

          Of course we understand that. The muscovite midget is trying to recreate the Soviet Union, believing he is entitled to everything which it previously ruled. The problem is, what he considers Tribe and Land is a farce. He keeps referring to Ukrainians as his "brothers", yet everyday he's killing those very "brothers" (and sisters. Not to mention raping those sisters). If he is so concerned about his "bro

    • by dfghjk ( 711126 )

      Fully embraced the pro-russian views of your party, huh?

      "If we don't like it when our government or infrastructure gets hacked by foreign actors, best not to overtly do it to the other guys?"

      No, fight fire with fire, but then we can all understand why you wouldn't like that. Also, who said it was our government responsible?

      "Maybe there's something to the idea that you've always got to give your enemy an offramp to at least save face unless you plan on eliminating him entirely."

      No, again, and again we can a

      • If you come for the king, you must kill him.

        If you have no real plan for killing him, then talking trash and throwing shit at him will do anything from making yourself look like a feckless moron to inviting aggression, but it won't do anything good for you.

        Tulsi Gabbard got a lot of shit 10 years ago for saying Assad wasn't the enemy in Syria. And you know what? Assad was and is a piece of shit, but half-assedly trying to topple him did no one any good, with the bad stuff ranging from making ourselves look

        • Supposedly he still has nukes so nah. Nobody's touching Putin unless it's an internal coup, and it's highly unlikely that Americans have assets capable of staging such an event.

          The only thing anyone can do is either support Ukraine or not.

    • You're so sure it's a state-sponsored attack? DoS seems kinda lame.
  • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Wednesday October 23, 2024 @06:44PM (#64888741)

    How horrible! Quick, find someone who cares.

  • by Revek ( 133289 ) on Wednesday October 23, 2024 @07:08PM (#64888803)
    The russian way to to bomb hospitals and preschools.

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. -- Albert Einstein
