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Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter and Pinterest Accounts Hacked ( 99

An anonymous reader writes: Saudi Arabian hacking group OurMine yesterday claimed responsibility for the defacement of Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter and Pinterest accounts, claiming additionally that the Facebook CEO re-used the very low-security password 'dadada' across the accounts. The hack was facilitated by the 2012 data breach of unsalted LinkedIn passwords, offered for sale by hacker 'peace' last month at an equivalent price in Bitcoin of approximately $2,200.The aforementioned group said to have hacked Zuckerberg's Instagram account as well, a claim that has since been refuted by a Facebook spokesperson. Zuckerberg's Google+ account remains intact if you're wondering.
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Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter and Pinterest Accounts Hacked

Comments Filter:
  • oh shit (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    that's preposterous!1

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Zuckerberg knows how much Facebook cares for its products, so it's not as if he's going to invest too much time in his account, is he?

    On the Information Superhighway, there are passengers and there are drivers... []

  • by Anonymous Coward

    $ sudo apt-get install pwgen

    pwgen -y 16

    Or if your password can't handle symbols, omit the -y.

    Captcha: "repeated"

    • It is very obvious that zuck does not use linux .
      • And even if he used, he would go with Fedora.
    • but so, he will be unable to remember his passwords.
    • by xtal ( 49134 )

      Password generators are stupid.

      Want an example of a great password?

      "password generators are stupid - >"

      Longer, at least for passwords, is better, and easier to remember.

  • I feel small (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 06, 2016 @10:11AM (#52258989)

    I feel so very, very small. My passwords are better than that. My security is better than that. I know I have skills on various OSs, I can code in a dozen languages, I have bashed together many personal projects that worked... And yet Zuckerberg is successful and I am not. He his rich, and I am not. He has a family, and I never will. Not only I am too poor to afford it, but I could never even have a girlfriend. I'm too shy and awkward, and none of my technical savvy can help me when it comes to social skills. I have none. I would give all of that technical know-how just to be accepted. Just to be... One of those guys people like to have around. To be liked and loved. But this is never going to be. Goodbye.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Don't do it!

    • by Anonymous Coward

      "One of those guys people like to have around"

      Let's get it straight. You can be:
      1) Technically competent
      2) One of those guys people like to have around
      3) Zuckerberg

      I'd take 1, and 2 follows somewhat on its own. I'd say 3 is overrated.

      • 3 means you can buy 1 and 2, though...

        • 1 and 2 will periodically hack your account and sign you up for hedgehog porn though only #2 will bring beer and make a party of it.

        • by JustNiz ( 692889 )

          You can't actually. You can just buy people who will tell you to your face that you have 1 and 2 (and whatever else you want them to say), regardless of what they actually think.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      I feel sorry for Mr. Zuckerberg's that his privacy was invaded without his consent. And that the attackers attempted to profit from his personal information.


      Captcha: savored

      • No you don't. That's like saying you know how creamer works. Nobody does, and nobody feels bad about it.

        • by JustNiz ( 692889 )

          >> how creamer works.

          Apparently its something to do with some new mystical form of quantum entanglement where the coffee molecules are actually still black until you look at them. The EU are spending $100bn on building a new kind of detector under Swtzerland to answer this very question.

      • by JustNiz ( 692889 )

        I wish I had mod points. +1 from me anyway.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Falos ( 2905315 )
      It turns out most circumstances are beyond our control. Effort, merit, integrity, these have influence but are absolutely dwarfed. When you hear "it's not what you know" that's not a fucking joke.

      Your social status, your career, your resilience and protections against bullshit and exploitation from outside (corporate, gov, etc) are largely determined by the time you draw your ovarian lottery ticket. Sometimes lightning and meteors pick suckers in an obvious manner, it's easy to recognize the universe at
    • by dj245 ( 732906 )

      I feel so very, very small. My passwords are better than that. My security is better than that. I know I have skills on various OSs, I can code in a dozen languages, I have bashed together many personal projects that worked... And yet Zuckerberg is successful and I am not. He his rich, and I am not. He has a family, and I never will. Not only I am too poor to afford it, but I could never even have a girlfriend. I'm too shy and awkward, and none of my technical savvy can help me when it comes to social skills. I have none. I would give all of that technical know-how just to be accepted. Just to be... One of those guys people like to have around. To be liked and loved. But this is never going to be. Goodbye.

      Were you born with technical ability? Do you think that social skills are an inate ability? We all have various handicaps that make learning some tasks easier than others, but technical and social skills are both learned. Tackling the biggest shortcomings in one's knowledge and persona is a lot more difficult than filling up on knowledge that comes easy. But I would argue that it is a lot more beneficial. You may never be a suave salesman, but improving your sales skills from "nonexistant / unworkable"

    • by JustNiz ( 692889 )

      It seems clear that you are yet another victim of the brainwashing that modern society (especially in the US) does to boys and young men, so like most males, you automatically but incorrectly value yourself only by your ability to earn money/usefulness to employers (i.e. employable skills).
      You need to instead learn to see the intrinsic value that just your existence actually has. Trust me its very much there, you just need help and the strength of will to undo the years of destructive social programming tha

    • You should start visiting events he's speaking at and stand outside with a protest sign that just says, " dadada ."

    • I feel so very, very small. My passwords are better than that. My security is better than that. I know I have skills on various OSs, I can code in a dozen languages, I have bashed together many personal projects that worked... And yet Zuckerberg is successful and I am not. He his rich, and I am not. He has a family, and I never will. Not only I am too poor to afford it, but I could never even have a girlfriend. I'm too shy and awkward, and none of my technical savvy can help me when it comes to social skill

  • The hack was facilitated by the 2012 data breach of unsalted LinkedIn passwords, offered for sale by hacker 'peace' last month at an equivalent price in Bitcoin of approximately $2,200.

    That value of $2,200 was on 2016-05-16 (1 BTC = USD$453.38) but today it's worth $2,838 (1 BTC = USD$585.00).

    I guess that's the hidden "Profit!" step everyone's been searching for.

  • by Narcocide ( 102829 ) on Monday June 06, 2016 @10:12AM (#52258995) Homepage

    As in "Da Da Da," by Trio? []

  • by ilsaloving ( 1534307 ) on Monday June 06, 2016 @10:23AM (#52259061)

    So a hacking group that that hacked several accounts for one of the biggest tech names in the world, but they can't be bothered to hack the Google+ account.

    Ouch. :)

    • So is that what we call security through obscurity? Hey maybe Google can market that. "Google+ so unused, no one cares to hack your account."
    • Maybe not. Google has been pushing 2 factor authentication pretty hard. If you don't have it set, you're frequently sent to a page suggesting you set it when you login (either an app or verification sent by text to your mobile phone or email to an alternate address). And they throw in freebies like an extra 1GB or 2GB of Google Drive space if you start using 2FA (or if you already are, for running a security check once a year). They also send you an automated email or text notice if a new device has bee
      • I'm sure you're right. I just thought it was an amusing notion that someone's system is so despised that even hackers refused to hack it. :)

    • by U2xhc2hkb3QgU3Vja3M ( 4212163 ) on Monday June 06, 2016 @11:00AM (#52259301)

      Maybe they thought it was pointless since Google will probably close Google+ in a few months anyway.

    • by Misagon ( 1135 )

      I would think that Zuckerberg hates Google+ so much that he does not have any account there.

      The account on Google+ named "Mark Zuckerberg" is an imposter. That is quite evident if you check the posts made from that account.

  • dadada? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Hartree ( 191324 ) on Monday June 06, 2016 @10:33AM (#52259129)


  • by LeadSongDog ( 1120683 ) on Monday June 06, 2016 @10:42AM (#52259185)
    1. Z's given up any expectation of privacy.
    2. He thinks you should too.
    3. Profit (for him)!!!
    • by ShaunC ( 203807 )

      1. Z's given up any expectation of privacy.

      Except for the part where he bought up all of his neighbors' houses to keep anyone from being able to see into his.

  • I sense a LOCKDOWN coming.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Opportunist ( 166417 )

      Christ yes.

      Could we make it permanent and with him in the middle of it all so we never have to deal with the twat again?

  • by ErichTheRed ( 39327 ) on Monday June 06, 2016 @11:14AM (#52259397)

    I have worked in so many places where the most powerful executives in the company have had either no passwords or "dadada" style passwords. The interesting thing about this is that the execs who have access to the most secret information in the company are the ones who insist on the no-password policy.

    Not to go too far off topic, but this is why I'm not as concerned with the Clinton email scandal as most people. Everyone who's done IT work for executives know that executives break every single rule IT makes to make their lives easier. Whether it's no passwords, letting their staff use their accounts and log in for them, or running an email server in their basement, I've seen most of this. I've definitely seen the basement email server thing around the time the iPhone was becoming popular and Apple hadn't fully integrated Exchange support in yet.

  • by Trogre ( 513942 )

    I see what they did there. Was it a Trio of hackers perchance?

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
