'Project Vigilant' Recruits At Defcon To Track You 97
angry tapir writes "A secretive volunteer group that tries to track terrorists and criminals on the Internet went to the Defcon hacker conference in hopes of recruiting information security experts, but it will first have to overcome some skepticism. That's because most information security professionals have never heard of the group, called Project Vigilant."
Why not just call their company "NSAFront"? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Why not just call their company "NSAFront"? (Score:4, Informative)
As usual, Glenn Greenwald has several interesting things to say, even though he's not that technical and ascribes far too much credence to the technical prowess and savvy of high-level government officials with "cyber" or some variant in their name.
http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/08/02/privacy/index.html [salon.com]
Re:Why not just call their company "NSAFront"? (Score:5, Informative)
Adrian Lamo worked as an Analyst for Project Vigilant [forbes.com] - which specializes in collecting any and all data from major ISP's where the EULA permits third parties (i.e. pretty much all of them).
Lamo also just happened to turn in chat logs for military whistleblower Bradley Manning [slashdot.org]. There is already decent evidence to suggest that Lamo never talked to Manning [salon.com], but was given the logs by this secretive private catch-all spy network "Project Vigilante" [examiner.com] and told to turn them in.
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Aspergers my ass. He is either drunk, wasted, or on meds. IANAD but from what I have read non of what he was displaying are symptoms of Aspergers.
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So do we burn these guys out now?
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His candor is pretty refreshing and his comedy rebel streak is a bit reminiscent of Banksy [banksy.co.uk].
Oh, and he's also to public face of 2600: The Hacker Quarterly [2600.com] on Facebook.
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His razor sharp wit? That's what we are supposed to be admiring? Are you nuts?
If we believe Lamo's cover story for the Manning affair he was swimming in the wrong end of the pool. That is the beginning and end of the story on the guy. There is no greater fail on my hack-o-meter.
I'm not bashing him for turning anyone over, even if I would have refrained (or told Manning to get his spook enabling ass off my channel). The guy is full of fail because he didn't know how to handle a hot potato while advertis
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Um... there's plenty of evidence that "Adrian Lamo" is nothing more than a high-end con artist:
http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/09/american_police_force_hardin_montana.php?ref=fpb [talkingpointsmemo.com]
http://www.kulr8.com/home/related/62994352.html [kulr8.com]
http://www.infowars.com/exposed-american-police-force-is-a-blackwater-front-group/ [infowars.com]
http://helenair.com/news/local/state-and-regional/article_aac61630-ae5a-11de-a782-001cc4c002e0.html [helenair.com]
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bogus (Score:5, Informative)
So, I got curious and clicked the link to the article. Then I clicked the link to the project's website, which beyond a splash screen with an INGSOC-esque logo with a half-assed latin slogan, you find a cheap-ass Drupal site which requires an OpenID account to log into. The list of logged-in users includes such gems as a guy named "poopcracker."
If this is cointelpro, its either extremely terrible, or extremely brilliant for looking so shoddy. Chances are, its just misguided vigilantism by people who read "gray hat python" and now think they can 'hack the Gibson'. I'm not sure which would disturb me more.
Re:bogus (Score:5, Informative)
When you say "half-assed latin slogan," I hope you mean "pseudo-Latin slogan" - because that motto is the result of someone who doesn't know Latin trying to come up with something and getting it wrong. I think they were going for "We Watch Together," in which case they certainly shouldn't have used the first person *singular* of vigilo (not to mention misspelling "vigilo"). I think they meant Evigilamus Jugiter, to give the phrase the proper tone of menace (if they meant something less menacing, they should have gone with a variation on vigilamus pro te, which is the motto of the Canadian land forces and a translation of the chorus of O Canada).
Re:bogus (Score:5, Funny)
Romanes eunt domus!
Alright! That's it! (Score:1, Funny)
This thread has gotten just too silly. Please move along to the next thread, a fairy story about the police.
Re:bogus (Score:5, Informative)
Some of the names behind Project Vigilante:
...the list of its officials, which includes Mark Rasch, who headed the DOJ's Internet Crime Unit for 9 years; Kevin Manson, a retired Homeland Security official; George Johnson, who "develop[ed] secure tools for the exchange of sensitive information between federal agencies" for the Pentagon; Ira Winkler, a former NSA official; and Suzanne Gorman, former security chief of the New York Stock Exchange. These are people with extensive, sophisticated expertise in compiling highly invasive data about individuals' Internet activities, and more so -- given their background -- how to package it in a way that can be used by federal agencies.
From here [salon.com] and here [examiner.com].
So... perhaps it is a honeypot as well? In any case, the real operation is run backend to your ISP.
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If you like that then check out the linked site for BPH Global. besides being a) the same color. b) the same cheap-ass Drupal. c) even crappier looking (if possible)., click on the Background link and read that. I have read better written spam emails which want to give me millions/make my p3n1s bigger/ sell me v1agra. For thos not wanting to waste your time traveling there, I give you the treasure that is their background:
If you audience are in the field of Information Technology, the term "informati
This is one case (Score:2)
where it is definitely a good idea to take the blue pill!
Really? (Score:3, Funny)
This is one case where it is definitely a good idea to take the blue pill!
I don't see how will taking Viagra do any good here.
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Do you want to be the one doing the shafting, or the one getting shafted?
EU already did it (Score:5, Informative)
EU already has a simular technology in place.
You can get the analysis at wikileaks: EU social network spy system brief, INDECT Work Package 4 [wikileaks.org]
Salon's Glenn Greenwald on Project Vigilant (Score:1, Informative)
But vigilantes have such a great reputation (Score:3, Funny)
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Follow the cash and access (Score:5, Informative)
"that it monitors the traffic of 12 regional Internet service providers, hands much of that information to federal agencies, and encouraged one of its "volunteers," researcher Adrian Lamo, to inform the federal government about the alleged source of a controversial video of civilian deaths in Iraq leaked to whistle-blower site Wikileaks in April."..
but said that because the companies included a provision allowing them to share users' Internet activities with third parties in their end user license agreements (EULAs), Vigilant was able to legally gather data from those Internet carriers and use it to craft reports for federal agencies.
Stealthy Government Contractor Monitors U.S. Internet Providers, Worked With Wikileaks Informant
http://blogs.forbes.com/firewall/2010/08/01/stealthy-government-contractor-monitors-u-s-internet-providers-says-it-employed-wikileaks-informant [forbes.com]
"Elite US cyber team courts hackers to fight terror"
http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hKoXQdL-L1HFYObz0_UUHMactSWg [google.com]
Top tip, stop chatting to strangers, try a sneaker net gap and again stop chatting
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Don't cyber snitch.
Wait, what??? (Score:3, Insightful)
Chet Uber? (Score:5, Funny)
He must have the world's most awesome popped collar!
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Pot, meet kettle (Score:4, Insightful)
So when does the US get some of this help to circumvent government^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H protective spying and allow the free transmission of information. Oh, wait. I see now.
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Manning/wikileaks connection (Score:2, Troll)
You know, as crazy as this may sound to some of you, working in the US intelligence field or the peripheral fields is not akin to being evil.
This really doesn't worry me too much to be honest. I'd rather have these people out there working then not. It's not as black and white as some would like to paint it. When the US Army Intel analyst Manning got busted leaking documents to wikileaks, he broke a Federal law and the authorities, working with an informant through this program, found out. This program was
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You must be old here.
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That's right. He should have recognised that "US" and "intelligence" can't coexist in the same sentence.
Re:Manning/wikileaks connection (Score:5, Insightful)
Do you really want unaccountable, hidden, profit driven - mercs, private corporations, individuals and cyber vigilante types doing what the FBI should?
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Do you really want unaccountable, hidden, profit driven - mercs, private corporations, individuals and cyber vigilante types doing what the FBI should?
No. You are right.
Open letter to the World
We quit. We do not like evil people looking at stuff and busting people. We can not trust them 100% so we are firing them all. Effective intimidate the US will fire all FBI, CIA, NSA, ICE, Treasury agents, and so forth. They are all going home today. We the people from San Fransisco understand that once we stop with our gestapo, imperialistic, "War for Oil", decadent consumerists ways the world will once again embrace us and take us into the loving fold of humanit
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You mean the CIA and NSA. The FBI is for domestic intelligence gathering and enforcement only. This is, in fact, why the FBI and CIA/NSA were purposely intended to never have open channels with each other. What everyone called broken following 9/11 was actually by design and for very, very, very good reasons. The reason is simply, its ripe for domestic abuse and violation of the Constitution.
The FBI was basically considered to be federal police. The CIA/NSA is considered quasi-military, which is exactly why
Re:Manning/wikileaks connection (Score:5, Insightful)
What worries me is that these guys are not required to abide by the constitution; they voluntarily collect information, and then turn it over to the government, which allows the government to obtain evidence that it would not otherwise be able to collect. These "fourth party" arrangements have been discussed in the past, and just because they are not hot news items anymore does not mean they are less worrysome.
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Will do. Can you send me more tin foil? My supplies are low.
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Mods label anything they don't agree with as troll. It's pathetic.
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No matter where you stand on Manning and Wikileaks, the intent of the Fourth Amendment (and the entire Revolution, really) is against the whole idea of the government snooping on its citizens without restraint.
It's one thing when the feds get a warrant to eavesdrop on a suspect like Manning, it's quite another when they wholesale eavesdrop on the entire population (or 250 million IPs in this case) and use the Manning affair to justify it after the fact.
This sounds familiar.. sort of (Score:1)
When I was a MIRT Handler at Castlecops I heard of a secretive invite only organization that coordinated and worked on tracking online criminal activity. I was not told the name of this group. The deal was: if they wanted you then you would hear from them.
I wonder if this is the same group.
If so, then I assume their shadowy invite-only policy isn't working so well for recruiting.
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I'm pretty sure the group I heard about was the real deal. Respected and well known Information Security researchers work with them or for them. Mostly volunteer staffed and they communicate with the government on emerging threats.
Sounds very similar..
Or it could just be a private forum where a bunch of white hat hackers and researchers talk about stuff.
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Sure, it could be any of the things you mention. Unless it is operating under review it is also a cherry picking war hawk's dream organization. Who is going to contest the misappropriation of the analyses to support aggressive action?
The one thing that would have made this country safer after the 2001 attacks was an honest PUBLIC dialogue about the fucked nature of modern strategic options. We have been living with arsenals of WMDs for too long and they are smaller and more synonymous with power than eve
Just posting a piece of new on /. (Score:2)
This is news? (Score:2, Informative)
"Seedy company hires hackers to commit felonies" -- Yawn.
"A person or entity providing an electronic communication service to the public shall not intentionally divulge the contents of any communication while in transmission on that service to any person or entity other than an addressee or intended recipient of such communication or an agent of such addressee or intended recipient."
Terrorists? (Score:3, Insightful)
Given their observation of Iran's election (Score:1)
Why aren't they focusing the same attention on elections in the USA?
Monitors 12 regional Internet service providers? (Score:2)
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Re:BBHC Global L.L.C. (Score:4, Interesting)
From the whois info for projectvigilant.us:
From the whois info on bbhc-global.com
The address "4828 North Kings Highway" is "Indrio Crossing Pack N Ship", a mail drop.
The address "5817 Sunberry Circle" is a 2,800 sq/ft 5br/3ba residence, purchased in 2004 for $205,000.
There are two businesses registered at this address:
There is a drivers license record for Chet Lee Uber (47yo male, other ethnicity) at the Sunberry Circle address. He is a registered voter, affiliated to the Democratic party.
There is a Barbara Uber (66yo white female) with a listed phone number at the same address.
hahahahahaha! Either this guy is living up the cougar lifestyle, or he's living with his mom. :)
I couldn't find a drivers license record for Mr. Steven E Ruhe. There is a Steven R Ruhe (58yo white male) in Merrit Island, FL, but probably isn't him.
Jimita Johnson-Jones (32yo black female) has a drivers license record in Orlando, FL.
Let the jokes about living in his mothers basement commence! ... and all information gathered for this post was available through public resources. No electronic trespass was committed in the gathering of this data.
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From Steven Rhue's Plaxo profile [plaxo.com], he graduated from Wahoo High school in Bumf**K..er Wahoo, NE in 2002, so he is only about 26. His Plaxo profile also has links to both Chet Uber's and Susan Van der Gaast's Plaxo profiles.
His Linkedin profile [linkedin.com] shows him living in Lincoln, NE, which fits with other things I read. It also shows him owning/related to T.G.B.S Construction, which I haven't found anything on.
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Follow the trail.
projectvigilant.us is registered to Steven Ruhe steven.ruhe@bbhc-global.com of BBHC Global LLC in Fort Pierce, Florida
bbhc-global.com is registered to Ruhe, Steven chet.uber@mac.com in Fort Pierce, Florida. Specifically 5817 Sunberry Circle Fort Pierce, Florida 34951
The article specifically cites Chet Uber in Fort Pierce, FL.
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There was no mention of a Steven Ruhe in the story. He gave the alias of Steven Ruhe and the email address of chet.uber@mac.com on one of his domain registrations.
There is no Steven Ruhe living anywhere near where the person mentioned in the story lives. There *IS* a Chet Uber that not only lives in the same area, but at the same address as listed on one of his domains, which is just down the street from the listed address for the "Secretive Group" Project Vigilant (http://pro [projectvigilant.us]
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Oh, sorry. :) It's been a while since I saw Fight Club. I'll have to go add it to my Netflix queue.
Astroturf... (Score:2)
Trying to get their name out there via association with a fake hacker and his sob story via the same publication that was used to bring attention to his 'exploits'.. really does not give them good PR.....
Pseudonymous cowards? (Score:2)
Lamo? Uber? Seriously now, don't they have more creative writers than that? This sounds like life is starting to emulate art (if you can call the assorted CSI:* series such).
Why not just fix security instead? (Score:2)
Reminds me of the Simpsons (Score:2)
More on-topic: I certainly do hope hackers take up the offer. The more Wikileaks, the better for Democracy and Freedom.
In Soviet Russia (Score:1)
Is anyone actually this gullible? (Score:2)
Chet Uber for Project Vigilance? ..
Sounds a lot like Christian Valor (se7en) if anyone remembers him..
My money is on him being bullshit artist looking for some speaking gigs before he gets found out to be a fraud.