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Microsoft Windows 7 "Wishlist" Leaked 522

Cassius Corodes is one of many readers to point out that a recent "wishlist" of new Windows development features is floating around the net. This list was supposedly leaked from Microsoft and contains some of their key development features for the next version of Windows. Given that the next new Windows release is bound to be a long way off I would recommend seasoning this news with a hefty dose of sodium chloride.
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Microsoft Windows 7 "Wishlist" Leaked

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  • by ackthpt ( 218170 ) * on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:22PM (#21343215) Homepage Journal

    Back up XBOX 360 games to Windows PC - Ain't gonna happen

    New PIP functionality for Media Center - PIP *.WMA/L

    Infinite desktop, virtual desktop idea - Maybe they could port fvwm

    Option to "Reopen Closed tabs" in IE - This will be addressed via "Are you sure you want to close this tab?"

    Auto clean of Temp folders - How about including a way to define which are temp folders.

    How about fixing the paging to use it's own partition, ffs!

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by davester666 ( 731373 )
      ...and the first person to add "make it work better than Mac OS X 10.5" is FIRED!
      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        by ackthpt ( 218170 ) *

        ...and the first person to add "make it work better than Mac OS X 10.5" is FIRED!

        And another chair hits the wall! I should have stock in Herman Miller.

    • by jmauro ( 32523 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:33PM (#21343363)
      Back up XBOX 360 games to Windows PC

      I believe this is refering to the save files stored on the HD and not the actual games.
      • I Wish (Score:2, Informative)

        It were Ubuntu.

        Barring that, I wish it were XP, again.
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          Maybe there is something in that - perhaps what they should be doing is slowly evolving a system - rather then trying to revolutionise it with every release. Although I guess it would be harder to justify having to spend money on purchasing an improved rather than new version...
          • Re:I Wish (Score:5, Funny)

            by s4m7 ( 519684 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @09:00PM (#21344261) Homepage

            perhaps what they should be doing is slowly evolving a system

            Yeah, they should be doing that. But you're right on the mark, it's not going to justify new OS sales if they don't "revolutionize" things every few years. Look at how slow Vista has been taking off, even with many OEM's shipping it unless you specify otherwise.

            Here's what I think the next evolution of windows will be: vista with a fresh coat of paint and a few new system-intensive bells and whistles that don't add much in terms of actual functionality. The key "feature" will be a bunch of built in hooks to use pay-as-you-go subscription web applications hosted by MS.

          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            by empaler ( 130732 )
            For all I care, they can keep releasing ever-newer versions of Windows. My main beef is that most new computers are bundled with the newest flavour-of-the-decade. If it were small increments like OS X*, then it mightn't bother me so much.

            *:(yeah, I read the PR bs about 300 new features - so are you happy about the ability to spellcheck in Danish now? Did it change your life that you can now install in Polish or Russian?)

    • When installing Windows, I make a partition specifically for the swap file and temp files. That way they don't add to the fragmentation mess of the OS partition.

      Speaking of which, why does Windows still use a variable sized swap file? I lock it down to 2x RAM or 4GB. Whichever is larger. I do not want fragmentation in the swap file. I'd prefer not to need one, but that's another story.

      And how about moving IE's temp files somewhere else? Okay, you can still set permissions on the folder, but get it out of th
      • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:50PM (#21343587)
        While we're at "sensible default settings": Show those damn extensions!
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by vimh42 ( 981236 )
        I've always been in the habit of making four partitions. Windows, applications, games and misc/tmp drive. It's worked well for me.
      • C:\Windows\temp was done away with back with Windows NT... IIRC. At any rate, here in XP it's a per-user folder under a user's Application Data\Local Settings

        I lock my swap file down to a fixed size too, although to only 1.5gb, since I heard you should stick to 3x ram and I had .5gb ram to start... then I got 1gb more ram and I just kept the swap size.

        However more recently I realized that it's not a good idea to lock the upper bound of the size... since if a program starts eating memory out of control

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        When installing Windows, I make a partition specifically for the swap file and temp files. That way they don't add to the fragmentation mess of the OS partition.

        This hasn't been necessary for several years now, NT usually creates a non-fragmented pagefile.

        Speaking of which, why does Windows still use a variable sized swap file? I lock it down to 2x RAM or 4GB. Whichever is larger. I do not want fragmentation in the swap file. I'd prefer not to need one, but that's another story.

        Again it hasn't since Win98,
      • by Daltorak ( 122403 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @10:19PM (#21344909)

        When installing Windows, I make a partition specifically for the swap file and temp files. That way they don't add to the fragmentation mess of the OS partition.
        Whoah now, hang on a minute there. You're seriously misinformed.

        First of all, it's called the page file, not the swap file. This isn't Unix and this isn't Windows 3.x. If you're going to pretend to know something about this aspect of Windows, you'd do well to at least use the correct name.

        Second, and far more importantly -- You do not get fragmentation in the page file unless the page file is resized, and the only time the page file gets resized is when you consume ALL your physical memory, and ALL the memory in the page file. On a system with 1 GB of memory (which will be given a 1.5GB page file), you will have 2.5 GB of memory that you have to fill up first. Windows XP & later will display a pop-up balloon when this happen.

        Fragmentation NEVER HAPPENS OTHERWISE. Why is this such a major concern to you?

        Third, separate logical partitions for the page file is a bad idea because it significantly lowers the performance of paging operations. Regardless of whether you use all the physical memory in your machine or not, the page file is utilised to store data that hasn't been used recently, thus freeing more physicla memory for cacheing stuff that is used more often. Performance suffers because now the disk heads have to move further into the disk in order to get the page file. On a freshly-installed Windows system, the page file gets placed near the beginning of the disk (in the fastest portion), close to the operating system files that are likely candidates for ongoing file operations.

        Consider that Mac OS X doesn't use a separate partition for its swap files, either.

        Speaking of which, why does Windows still use a variable sized swap file? I lock it down to 2x RAM or 4GB.
        Fourth, this is a bad idea because you are almost certainly not going to want to use a system that is so heavily loaded that you will need to use up to 300% of your total system memory. It's bad enough when you're running 20% over physical, isn't it? Now you're just wasting vast amounts of hard drive space for no particularly good reason.

        And how about moving IE's temp files somewhere else? Okay, you can still set permissions on the folder, but get it out of the user's profile.
        Why? Is there a sound technical reason for this? The IE temporary files (and indeed the user's general-purpose temp directory) is in a disposable area of the profile directory structure... it isn't part of the "roaming" profile.

        I spend 15 extra minutes just getting the directories and swap arranged correctly every time I set up someone's Windows machine.
        You're wasting their time and yours doing the wrong thing. Stop that and you'll be happier.

        If you want to really understand how Windows works, do yourself a big favour and go pick up a copy of Windows Internals [amazon.com] by Russinovich and Solomon. Yeah, that's the same Russinovich who discovered the Sony rootkit a couple of years ago, so, chances are he knows what he's talking about.
        • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

          by will_die ( 586523 )
          Unless you set your page file to the same initial and max sizes then it is going to grow in increments and cause fragmentation. If you use user swapping them it is really going to increase in size. To check the fragements of page file(s) run defrag(XP) and the report will show how many fragments, also sysinternals has a great pagedefrag(2000,2003) program. BTW a frag in the page file does cause major performance hits, which is the reason for the recommendation to set intial and max sizes.

          Placing your p
    • by Mr Pippin ( 659094 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @09:14PM (#21344379)
      Vista = New Coke
      Just admit the mistake and bring back XP.
  • by night_flyer ( 453866 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:24PM (#21343239) Homepage
    It will sell better than Vista!
  • by EmbeddedJanitor ( 597831 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:24PM (#21343247)
    Who needs Windows sodium chloride: Us open source people make our own. Just give us hydrochoric acid and sodium hydroxide and we'll make... AAAAAAGGGGHHHH
  • by MrAndrews ( 456547 ) * <mcm@@@1889...ca> on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:25PM (#21343253) Homepage
    Microsoft is displeased at the leak. Apparently it's not a wishlist at all. [pttbt.ca]
  • Recycling (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Tom ( 822 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:25PM (#21343255) Homepage Journal
    So is this a new list or did they simply take the list of all the features they removed from Longhorn before it became Vista and exchanged the header?
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      it's a list of things ballmer is envious about other OSes and internet browsers. He's also developing a new model of chair for the release of windows 7 deadly sins edition. :)
  • half that stuff on their list is already a part of firefox and either a part of many linux distros or easily addable- what is new here exactly?
  • by elronxenu ( 117773 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:26PM (#21343273) Homepage
    Step 1: Release awful product
    Step 2: Seed the marketplace with rumours about how great the next version will be
    Step 3: Sell a lot of awful product (this is the Profit!!! step)
    Step 4: Develop next version, dropping cool features and instead devoting more development time to Microsoft Bob, Clippy, and meaningless user-interface tweaks
    Loop around to Step 1.
  • by sexconker ( 1179573 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:29PM (#21343313)
    7 Things for Windows 7

    No DRM
    No Bloat
    No Eye Candy
    No ClearType
    No Authentication or WGA
    No Restrictions for Video or Audio Output
    No Search Indexing
    • Hey, if you want Linux, get Linux, ok? Leave those people alone that want DRM, Bloat, Eye Candy...
    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @08:00PM (#21343691)
      They already have that product, it's called Windows 2000.
      Who here thinks they should just re-release Windows 2000 with longer support period and updated drivers? /me raises hand

      Maybe they can add full disk encryption if they feel like being generous
    • by Blakey Rat ( 99501 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @08:35PM (#21344047)
      Ok a lot of your complaints are the general Slashdot/cranky old bastard complaints.

      But no ClearType or Search Indexing? WTF, those are very very useful features. ClearType lets me actually read text on a monitor without gagging at his hideous it all is, and search indexing makes searching orders of magnitude faster at the cost of a few megabytes. Both are no-brainers.
  • by athloi ( 1075845 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:29PM (#21343315) Homepage Journal
    Given the latency involved with getting 65,000 people into the right parking spaces, much less coding up an operating system, I'd guess the list is this:

    1. Telepathy
    2. Time Travel
    3. Prescience
    4. Anomie
    5. 4D Interface
    6. Zen
    7. Levitation
    • My three pet gripes about GUI software are 1) focus stealers -- you are typing away in one app and some other app pops up and then you are typing into some other window that has grabbed focus, 2) Files Save that makes you start over from the beginning with each program launch or even each Files Save instead of remembering where you last saved a file, and 3) programs that lock up the GUI at the least provocation (yeah you, Adobe -- I dread Web surfing into PDF files, even from a broadband connection).
  • by Alaska Jack ( 679307 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:30PM (#21343335) Journal
    17 years (!) after Windows 95-style open-and-save dialog boxes debuted, and I still can't simply drag and drop the folders *I* want into and out of the "Places" bar. (Or change the "Other places" links, if I have that left-hand taskbar thingie enabled.)

    In explorer, I can open the favorites in the left-hand pane by clicking the "favorites" button -- but there is no way to KEEP it permanently open. I have to click the favorites button every. single. time.

    Open and save dialogs highlight the entire filename in the text entry field, despite the fact that 99 times out of 100, I don't want to change the extension.

    etc etc etc.

        - Alaska Jack

    PS Using Windows XP pro. Don't know if these have changed in Vista.
  • 1. Publish MS Wishlist
    2. ???
    3. PROFIT !!!

    I think point two is the implementation of only minor items from the wishlist and have people think they need it.
  • by xtracto ( 837672 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:35PM (#21343407) Journal
    Yup, I still remember when I got all excited about the WinFS Filesystem (yeah, in the ATM Machine) which was supposed to come in Vista... this "leak" was surely "leaked" by Microsoft's hype department.
    • You got excited about patent burdened and deliberately filesystem work, designed to break NTFS drivers and prevent anyone from reading a Windows Vista hard drive without buying a license and support massively enhanced DRM? Excited is not the word I would choose.
    • by RedBear ( 207369 ) <redbear@redb e a r n et.com> on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @09:57PM (#21344727) Homepage
      I seem to remember reading some Microsoft history where it was stated that pretty much every version of Windows going back to the original release of NT were all supposed to have some sort of database filesystem like WinFS, and with every release of Windows they've failed to produce it. But I'm sure with the next version of Windows they'll succeed. Bwa, ha, ha. I mean, it will be on the announced "features list" up until a week before the official release, and then they'll cut it out for the umpteenth time. But don't worry, they'll make up for it by updating the secret specs of NTFS to once again make it unsafe to work with from any other operating system.

      I'm waiting for full read/write ZFS support to solidify in Mac OS X and Linux. Once that happens there will be no looking back for me. For the first time in computing history there will finally be a single filesystem worth standardizing on, with no idiotic file size, partition size, or filename limitations that should have been overcome a decade ago. Windows, NTFS and any other proprietary filesystem can be damned as far as I'm concerned from that point forward.

      A lot of /.ers seem to blow off ZFS as if it's just another filesystem, but it isn't. When it comes into its own, it's going to be BIG, for the same reason that Apple has sold over 1.4 million iPhones in the last 4 months. ZFS is going to change file storage forever. It takes something that has historically been overly complicated and not terribly reliable, and makes it simple and reliable. The best chance we have of killing off proprietary crap like NTFS is to port solid, well-supported drivers for filesystems like ZFS and Ext3 to (drumroll please)... Windows (and Mac OS X). Oddly I have noticed over the years that everyone gets up in arms about the fact that it is difficult to work with NTFS on non-Windows platforms, but there has been very little effort toward making it easy to use alternate filesystems from Windows. It's a two-way street, people. We know Microsoft is never going to build it in themselves, so it's up to us to provide that support for alternate choices.

      Does this seem a bit off-topic? Well, I don't think it is. The point of all this is that if the free software community was a little more focused on providing ways to use alternative solutions from the Windows side, Windows users would already be a lot less attached to Windows and would have much less inclination to be impressed by any list of features Microsoft pulls out of their collective ass in the future. The hype machine would break down if users on all platforms could start coming together around kickass features like a cross-platform standard filesystem that works everywhere. Microsoft Office would be dead already if the OpenDocument format had been a usable specification half a decade ago instead of being finalized, what, last year? And if people knew they didn't need Microsoft Office, they would know they don't need Windows.

      Microsoft may be pathetic in their inability to create quality software, but there's nothing pathetic about their continuing stranglehold on computing based on stuff like this "wishlist", a history of hyped-up phantom features that never actually get released. Something needs to be done about that instead of just obliviously continuing to play around developing for Linux and other free platforms as if they're in some private little universe that's too good to interact with everyone else.

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:38PM (#21343445)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • My short list (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Provocateur ( 133110 )
    An eject button for the DVD drive, as well as uneject. *nix has had eject and eject -t for decades, and Apple has a button on the keyboard (!) for this. But to install a third party app to f***ing close the tray is sooo 20th century. I don't think the EU is going to frown on this one as more monopolistic behaviour.
  • Who cares? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by miffo.swe ( 547642 ) <daniel DOT hedblom AT gmail DOT com> on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @07:55PM (#21343645) Homepage Journal
    Really, after Windows Vista i have really just stopped caring about what MS does. They can do whatever but i doubt Windows 7 will be anything but some minor enhanchements and some new fancy clothes when the day for gold comes. If they horribly failed with current codebase how can they do any better without a major rewrite in just a couple of years? It must suck for MS to have put themselves in this position.
    • Re:Who cares? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by nine-times ( 778537 ) <nine.times@gmail.com> on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @09:16PM (#21344387) Homepage

      I care what Microsoft does on various levels. I'm not a Microsoft fan and I think Vista is a disaster, but honestly, I would *love* for Microsoft to come out with a great new OS. I'm the sort of guy who likes good software wherever it comes from.

      On the other hand, I don't care about wishlists or press releases. I also don't think that Windows can continue to compete if they keep doing what they're doing. Some key things that Windows absolutely has to do if I'm going to continue using it in the future:

      • Drop activation. At the very least, go back to offering a corporate version which doesn't require activation. Activation makes it hard to manage lots of machines, image them, and I don't need my computer going into "reduced functionality" because of an error".
      • Improve imagine support and booting from external drives. For a model to copy, watch how easy it is for someone to copy their whole OSX install to an external USB drive using Carbon Copy Cloner, and then to immediately reboot and run the copy on the USB drive, or boot that USB drive on *any* Mac without needing to reconfigure anything or install drivers.
      • better interoperability with Unix/Linux/OSX.

      That's the bare minimum that Microsoft can do before I'll even look at them again.

  • by webmaster404 ( 1148909 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @08:21PM (#21343909)
    How about a user wishlist? I would probably be using Vista instead of Ubuntu if it had these things that will probably never make it into any of the Vista service packs nor Windows 7

    1. A decent license, now open-sourcing Windows would be excellent but just having it under a "you bought the copy now do whatever you want with it" would be a ton better then the usual "Microsoft owns your computer" And that is one of the reasons I switched to Linux

    2. Good speed. I shouldn't need 4 Gigs of RAM just to get halfway decent performance out of my operating system, 512 MB should be fast enough and at 2 gigs it should have all the power needed for anything other then heavy gaming and major video editing

    3. Non-Fragmenting filesystem, Seriously, when there is file systems on Linux that never have to be de-fragmented that have been there since at least 2000, why can't Windows in 2006 not have it?

    4. Acceptance of other operating systems other then Windows. When Windows can't open up simple, free open standards by default such as .ogg, .tar and .pdf without the aid of third-party software that is just stupidity. MS needs to realize that they don't have a monopoly and that the rest of the OS world outside of MS use those and they are gaining while MS is loosing.

    5. Security without annoyances. Seriously, what is up with UAC. So now I need to click a dialog box whenever I want to run a binary from a CD-ROM??? When I clicked on it? On Ubuntu on an under-privileged account, I don't even hardly need to type my password for anything other then major system work such as installing software or changing accounts and even then it keeps it for a bit so every time I don't need to enter it.

    Its time for MS to start listing to people and make a halfway decent OS, otherwise there will be more people like me switching to Linux or OS-X.
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @08:37PM (#21344067)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by The MAZZTer ( 911996 ) <megazzt.gmail@com> on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @10:05PM (#21344787) Homepage

    "...When Dual-Booting With XP"

    I dualboot with XP... I should check to see if this is happening... however I DID disable system restore for the Vista drive from XP, and visa-versa, to decrease the chance they would mess each other up. I do thing both OSs have system restore enabled for all my common drives, except those I don't put Windows programs on since that would be useless.

  • Don't Worry (Score:4, Funny)

    by PPH ( 736903 ) on Tuesday November 13, 2007 @11:07PM (#21345259)
    A stable, secure version of Windows is in our future and always will be.
  • by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Wednesday November 14, 2007 @01:29AM (#21346333)
    More service packs for Windows 2000.

    Really, that's all I could possibly want. I've got a Vista, an XP and a 2k box, and I have to say that that also happens to be the order that they give me headaches in, from most to least. In fact, it had been a while since I touched my 2k box, and upon recently turning it on I was surprised at how fast and smoothly it worked compared to XP; I had gotten used to the crippling XP bloat in the meantime and had forgotten the advantages.

    Vista, on the other hand, actually introduces driver problems when I try to install it on the XP box, whether as a clean install or an upgrade. USB ports that worked fine stop functioning, and two television tuners magically turn into one.

    Forget the bells and whistles. For a brief, brilliant instant, everything fell into place and worked as it was supposed to. But then XP and new versions of WMP came out and it seems to have gone downhill since. Heck, I'm finding myself wondering of NT4 gave me as many issues, was as finicky as Vista.
  • by AbRASiON ( 589899 ) * on Wednesday November 14, 2007 @02:54AM (#21346797) Journal
    First off, this post and my subsequent replies, my "general whinge with the OS"
    http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=304745&cid=20695969 [slashdot.org]

    Then in a little bit more detail
    (crosspost of a post I made on a forum not more than 24 hours ago, I finally documented precisely why Vista Explorer shits me to tears)
    Warning: Bad language ahead.

    Why does Windows Vista insist on a startup sound, despite me disabling all sounds, they are turned off but it does one at startup, I like quiet and what if I don't want to wake people up?

    I've been meaning to make this post for a while, I may have railed on Vista for performance problems, specifically in Crysis, you do need to give a new operating system a 'pass' for a while, let it settle in (it's nearly been a year though!!!)

    My beef still sits with Windows Explorer, something I use daily, a lot at work and home, I need it clean, simple and easy to get data into my face as quick as possible so I can react as quickly as possible (yes, I sorry to big note but I am, *that* quick on the keyboard and when working with files)

    http://abrasion.shackspace.com/lolsta/argh01.jpg [shackspace.com]
    Apply to all folders won't let me save the options for "Computer" (My Computer) or Desktop, this is annoying.
    also, fuck the breadcrumbs bar, in the ASSSSS

    http://abrasion.shackspace.com/lolsta/argh02.jpg [shackspace.com]
    That motherfucker 'task pane' which is taking space up from my damn explorer view.
    Sure, I found some website suggesting I shrink the size of it (yay) but I can still accidentally click the bastard, plus it still looks messy.

    http://abrasion.shackspace.com/lolsta/argh03.jpg [shackspace.com]
    Mofo! I accidentally clicked it, see explanation of why it eats babies in the JPG itself.

    http://abrasion.shackspace.com/lolsta/whywhy01.jpg [shackspace.com]
    Those little box pluses, I like them, why take them away? It's confusing and slowing down the amount of data I can take in per 'scene' I need info and you're witholding it, just so you can pretend you're neater than you actually are.

    http://abrasion.shackspace.com/lolsta/whywhy02.jpg [shackspace.com]
    Ahh my boxes are back, this is good, also more cluttered shit.

    http://abrasion.shackspace.com/lolsta/wtf01.jpg [shackspace.com]
    You call this a save as dialogue box?
    I hit shift tab twice (yes, I do often, try it people) to navigate quickly to where I normally would on XP.
    I slap backspace like 10 times fast, this should ensure I'm at desktop, almost instantly (shift tab x2 and backspace x10 takes me 1 second)
    Does it work? no, of course it doesn't you breadcrumb whores.

    soooo I hit browse

    http://abrasion.shackspace.com/lolsta/wtf02.jpg [shackspace.com] oh oh
    Hot jesus, make the fucking hurting stop!
    This is one of the best reasons WHY I can't deal, look at it, just look and tell me that's simple, quick and easy to work with?
    This picture alone is why osx is going to gain some serious marketshare in the next 5 years.

    http://abrasion.shackspace.com/lolsta/shambles01.jpg [shackspace.com]
    This one is a lot more subtle, this is the kind of cluttered stuff that's hard for anyone to notice is cluttered unless you analyse it.
    You'll need to see all 3 JPGS to understand where I'm going with this.
    Maybe I should've got into UI design? Maybe I should be a minimalist linux nerd but damnit that screams messy and awkward to me:/
    http://abrasion.shackspace.com/lolsta/shambles01a.jpg [shackspace.com]
    Same picture, without t

All laws are simulations of reality. -- John C. Lilly
