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Bug Software

After 9 Years, Bugzilla Moves Up to 3.0 99

BuggyUser writes "Bugzilla, the popular application to track and manage software development bug reports, has moved up to version 3.0. The 2.x series has been in service for the last nine years. From the article: 'According to the Bugzilla 3.0 release announcement, some of the new features in this version include custom fields, support for the Apache mod_perl module, per-product permissions, an XML-RPC interface, and the ability to create and edit bugs via email. A demo site has been set up where users can test the new version before downloading.'" and are both owned by OSTG.
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After 9 Years, Bugzilla Moves Up to 3.0

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  • features... (Score:5, Funny)

    by frakir ( 760204 ) on Saturday May 12, 2007 @02:30AM (#19093987)
    "...the ability to create and edit bugs via email."
    Love it.
  • What does it do that make it deserve a mention as opposed to the other zillion bug tracking systems? The site says they don't support their own language choice any longer.
    • Re:What, why? (Score:5, Informative)

      by Knuckles ( 8964 ) <> on Saturday May 12, 2007 @03:40AM (#19094207)
      What does it do that make it deserve a mention

      It's the bugtracker that is used by most major FOSS projects.
      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by orra ( 1039354 )

        used by most major FOSS projects.

        This is kind of worrying. See, unlike Firefox and Thunderbird, Bugzilla is only licensed under the MPL. Debian considers the MPL non-free [], at least because it requires that source code be available at least six months after you stop distributing a binary, if you distribute the binary over a network. This is considered too onerous a restriction, as unavoidable circumstances (e.g. a Slashdotting) might prevent the availability of the source code. [Note that the GPL does not require this: if you distribute s

        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by cortana ( 588495 )
          Debian does not consider the MPL to be non-free: Debian includes MPL-licensed software like Bugzilla and Firebird in their distribution.
          • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

            by spiffyman ( 949476 )
            A little clicking around in the GP's link renders the following []: "If it's MPL *only*, you'll have to reject if it's targetted for main. If, like firefox and friends, it's multi-licensed, then it's fine." Also, this []: "It is, in fact, not distributable as an executable by Debian."

            I'm not involved in Debian, but that's a pretty resounding set of rejections. If you read the whole thread (here [], find "MPL") you can see one or two dissenting opinions, but the "reject" option does seem to be the consensus view. And
            • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

              by cortana ( 588495 )
              debian-legal is just a discussion mailing lists. The messages posted there do not represent the views of the Debian project.

              Actions speak louder than words, and the continued presense of Bugzilla, Firebird and other MPL-licensed packages in main indicate that the project does not consider the MPL to be non-free.
        • Debian is a bunch of jackasses. Remember firefox/ice weasel?
          • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

            by Ant P. ( 974313 )
            They're jackasses for respecting the trademark licensing agreement for the Firefox name and logos? If not that, then what?
            Are they supposed to break the law to get in your goody-goody list? Fuck you.
        • Perhaps more significant is that it is GPL incompatible []. Also, see the Mozilla Relicensing FAQ [] for details about their decision to triple license (MPL/GPL/LGPL), rather than modifying the MPL, to make Mozilla source compatible with the GPL.

          AFAICT, the MPL is not a bad license, other than its GPL incompatibility.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • The site itself doesn't say that at all.

  • by iamacat ( 583406 ) on Saturday May 12, 2007 @03:21AM (#19094145)
    But it crashes when I try to submit it. Oh well.
  • by k1980pc ( 942645 ) on Saturday May 12, 2007 @03:41AM (#19094209)
    I find bugzilla lacking in polish..Been using the test director for quite a long time at work and it seems very slick. I have used bugzilla only a few times [have raised some of the early ubuntu-vmware issues ]. Interestingly, feature by feature, it holds ground against the more [very] expensive counterpart. Bugzilla works well with firefox and safari - which I guess Test director may not due to few activex dependencies.

    The reason why I felt this was I suggested bugzilla to a colleague in a different organisation and they were far from satisfied. A more intuitive gui and some pleasing css works would have saved the day for bugzilla.

    Come to think of it, I could say that against many of the projects(FOSS in particular)... A bit more effort on UX could make a world of difference. Been testing office 2007 last few weeks and I'm very impressed. Just one of the apps in recent times whose UI made me feel why didn't I think of it. Just a pity that the guys who made Office 2007 were not more involved with Vista.
    Now off to some much needed sleep....
    PS - Most of the comments above are subjective and anecdotal - Your experience and opinions might differ and I can live with it.
    • The advantage of Bugzilla is that you can easily change large chunks of it, it is far easier to customise than TD...

      I would say that if you want to use the other parts of TD (Test Plan, Test Lab et cetera), then it is just about the best thing since sliced bread (even given that it *can* be fucking annoying to use, and reporting is a bit shit). BUT - if you just want bug tracking then I do think Bugzilla is the way to go, even if only due to the price :) As said, you can customise it a lot, and perhaps t
    • Come to think of it, I could say that against many of the projects(FOSS in particular)... A bit more effort on UI could make a world of difference. Been testing office 2007 last few weeks and I'm very impressed. Just one of the apps in recent times whose UI made me feel why didn't I think of it.

      It's not a matter of effort, it's a matter of vision. The nature of how OSS works (many eyeballs) is counter to how good GUI's are designed (central visionary designer). To make matters worse, in most OSS projects th
      • by moranar ( 632206 ) on Saturday May 12, 2007 @04:26AM (#19094333) Homepage Journal
        Ahem. The normal userbase of a bug tracking program is not composed of coders and engineers?
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by carou ( 88501 )
          Ahem. The normal userbase of a bug tracking program is not composed of coders and engineers?

          Who is it discovers bugs and submits reports in the first place? Magic leprechauns?
          • by moranar ( 632206 )
            Normally, users "evolved" enough to even know what is a bug tracker and how to follow the instructions.

            Sorry, but something that is obvious to you (and that you asked rethorically) isn't to me.
            • by carou ( 88501 )
              The point is only that end-users see it.

              If you install Bugzilla on your product's web site, and users think the Bugzilla user interface sucks, then they'll most likely associate that suckiness not with Mozilla but rather with you. That's why it is in your own interest to use a bug-reporting system which has an interface targeted at your end users rather than at yourself.

              And it's nothing to do with users being "evolved" or having the mere capability to read instructions - their ability to complete the task i
              • by moranar ( 632206 )
                You assume that normally, users have access to the bug tracking interface, which is only generally true of FOSS software, not of commercial software in general.

                Don't get me wrong, there are many things to be improved in Bugzilla's interface. Still, the normal public of bugzilla is either motivated enough (as I am) to work with it, or is not, in which case they tend to use IRC channels, email or other tools to submit their reports (as I sometimes do: I don't always want to register on a bug tracker database
                • The tools are not only useful for external communities of users. In a previous job, several years ago now, I had to look after the development of a fairly complex site. This comprised a public facing side, but also a number of back-end tools. As we developed the site, and post launch we needed a bug tracker so that members of staff could report problems as we found them. The Bugzilla interface was just too inflexible and overly complex for our users to cope with. We ended up using Mantis [] instead. And were
                • Don't get me wrong, there are many things to be improved in Bugzilla's interface. Still, the normal public of bugzilla is either motivated enough (as I am) to work with it, or is not, in which case they tend to use IRC channels, email or other tools to submit their reports (as I sometimes do: I don't always want to register on a bug tracker database just to report one single bug.

                  But that's the problem with large OSS projects - there's often no contact information for submitting bugs other than the link to the bug-tracking software.

                  And the problem with Bugzilla is that (a) you can't submit anonymous bugs, and (b) the search engine to check if anyone's submitted the same bug before you is particularly sucky. Which means that a lot of bugs don't get submitted because users can't be bothered, and the ones that do get submitted often turn out to be dupes.

         has a much bet

                  • by moranar ( 632206 )
                    "that's the problem with large OSS projects - there's often no contact information for submitting bugs other than the link to the bug-tracking software."

                    Sorry, that hasn't been my experience at all. Most big projects I know of have at least a mailing list and an IRC channel, in addition to the bug tracker. Maybe we're thinking of different areas of OSS?
            • by sconeu ( 64226 )
              Normally, users "evolved" enough to even know what is a bug tracker and how to follow the instructions.

              Now, however they're unintelligently designed so as not to be able to do so.

          • by spitzak ( 4019 )
            We put "submit a bug" in as a menu item and it talks to Bugzilla (by sending email). The user never sees the bugzilla web pages.

            However I also think the bugzilla pages are pretty ugly and sparse. Can't they get rid of about 3/4 of those fields so you don't have to scroll to see the text of the bug?
        • Ahem. The normal userbase of a bug tracking program is not composed of coders and engineers?
          Sure, but expecting coders and engineers to be good interface designers is like expecting lumberjacks to all make violins like Stradivarius. After all, the violin's just made of wood, right?
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by ismakhan ( 1101191 )
      Compared to test director, bugzilla is cross-platform. HP Test Director [now part of Quality Center] needs a ActiveX control on client to work. This may not be problem for you but is for many people.

      Test Director also has a very bad reputation for security problems. Almost all security for it is done on the untrusted ActiveX client and not on server! Do not use test director if users are not 100% trusted.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by cerberusss ( 660701 )
      Yeah well if you start talking that way.... I'm using the version control utility subversion [] at work which doesn't have much of an interface by default (except a commandline one).

      Now I've heard about the graphical client SvnTortoise or something, but my point is: I'd rather stab my eyes out that going back to that slow piece of shit Perforce.

      So I ask you: please, UI is important, but it's only one of many features.
      • by samkass ( 174571 )
        We use Perforce at work and I'm loving it. (They want us to move to ClearCase to integrate with the rest of our (huge) company, which scares me.) Perforce also integrates really well with our Bugzilla system, in that I can attach the resolution of a bug to a Perforce changelist directly, so when I look up the source code changes later I can immediately see which bugs that checkin fixed. Handy.

        At my last company we used StarTeam, and although it sucked badly as a version control system, it had a nice tie-
    • I find bugzilla lacking in polish.

      Specifically in this case it seems that of the 17 available localizations only Japanese in an initial release form is currently available for the 3.0 version. The most recent available Polish versions are for 2.20 and 2.18 which is as fresh as any other localized package apart from Japanese. This is another example of localization trailing development instead of being integrated with it. (Reference: bugzilla download localizations [])

    • "I suggested bugzilla to a colleague in a different organisation and they were far from satisfied. A more intuitive gui and some pleasing css works would have saved the day for bugzilla."

      Was the guy to provide developer time or money to Bugzilla? Probably not.

      As you already said Buzguilla can stand feature-to-feature against solutions more expensive and (probably) with their own sets of problems (like being privative, for instance). So in the end, your colleague dismissed bugzilla not on a technical backgr
    • You know, I'm one of the primary developers of Bugzilla, and I agree with you! It absolutely could use some UX love.

      One problem is that UX engineers are kind of hard to come by. Most of them get paid a lot of money and work all day, and I know few of them who work on open source projects in their spare time.

      We have some good programmers on the team, but we're not all UI designers. I have some UI design experience myself, but I'm usually caught up in doing architecture and backend. We do consider improving B
  • "and the ability to *create* and edit bugs via email."

    Is that *really* such a good idea, I wonder? ;-)

    • Works for Debian all right for a long time now. See []
    • Every damn Bugzilla insists that I make an account. I don't want any more accounts!!!

      I don't have any sort of account with Debian, yet I can file bugs and comment on bugs. It's easy, so they get lots of good bug reports from me. Likewise for the kernel, because they take bugs on an unrestricted mailing list.

      With Bugzilla and restricted mailing lists, usually I just don't bother. Screw them. If they wanted bug reports, they wouldn't have made filing bug reports a pain in the ass.

      So... will it be easy like De
      • by Firehed ( 942385 )
        Hm... maybe they should consider support for OpenID, or some other form of unified login concept.

        I know that on more than one occasion, this kind of thing has scared me off from filing a bug report. Enough accounts aside, I just don't feel it's worth my time or effort to sign up for something else just to tell them about a glitch.
  • by RedMagic ( 658608 ) on Saturday May 12, 2007 @04:11AM (#19094289) Homepage
    Bugzilla's 9-year-road to 3.0 is a good example of why code should very rarely been rewritten from scratch and even if, then never the whole codebase. The more ambitious the goal one tries to achieve by that the harder the task - especially if one needs to keep updating the old codebase. There is no code which cannot be iteratively improved to achieve whatever the fresh code is suppose to.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by jsebrech ( 525647 )
      Bugzilla's 9-year-road to 3.0 is a good example of why code should very rarely been rewritten from scratch and even if, then never the whole codebase. The more ambitious the goal one tries to achieve by that the harder the task - especially if one needs to keep updating the old codebase. There is no code which cannot be iteratively improved to achieve whatever the fresh code is suppose to.

      So, if you had a bug tracker written in assembly you'd keep iteratively improving the assembly instead of rewriting it i
      • > So, if you had a bug tracker written in assembly you'd keep iteratively improving the assembly instead of rewriting it in a higher-level language?

        If resources are tight and you have commitments to your customers, you definitely should not try to rewrite from scratch.
        Rewriting from scratch while maintaining a production branch takes a lot of effort - some times too much. You don't have to look far to find a perfect example: an earlier effort to rewrite Bugzilla from scratch failed - the rewrite never ca
      • Yup. MGPP (Multi Generation Project Plan) is useful here.

        See [] [, not goatse ;-) ]

        It's not 'rewrite fast, release often, fix the bugs, restart'.

        More, you define where you want to be in 10 years time, then focus on delivering something that takes you nearer to that goal every - say - 3 to 9 months.

        Think NASA and going to the moon...
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      If nothing else they broke the 'release early and often' cycle. That's worth something.
      • If nothing else they broke the 'release early and often' cycle. That's worth something.
        How is that a good thing?
        • All too often releases are made for reasons other than having a release ready product. While I notice this mostly in the proprietary world, the last release of FF jumps to mind as an OSS example.

          I love FF, but felt the last release was rushed to prevent IE from getting all the headlines. I seem to recall some high profile bugs and gripes about the release feeling more like an incremental... none of which helped FF's profile in the non-OSS world.

          As for proprietary examples... um... where would I start?

          • All too often releases are made for reasons other than having a release ready product. While I notice this mostly in the proprietary world, the last release of FF jumps to mind as an OSS example.

            But "release early, release often" refers to bleeding-edge development builds, not to stable products! The whole point of the concept is to get as many users as possible providing constructive feedback and testing, so that when a stable release does happen it's as complete as possible.

            (Of course, in these happy days of SVN, it's pretty much been made irrelevant, since everyone has easy access to the development version of OSS projects.)

            • That is why I had a hard time coming up with OSS examples. The philosophy works well for incremental OSS releases because community participation is essential to the development process. *.0 releases are a different story, and the last FF .0 release was not up to par.

              Proprietary vendors using the same release philosophy is akin to selling a car that needs a shitload of work, but selling it at a new car price anyhow, knowing you will make money off bringing that car up to standards because the customer has
              • I believe we are in agreement in general.
                Yes, I think so :) I'd certainly agree that FF 2.0 was a rushed job that shouldn't have been released on the masses at the stage it was at.

                Mind you, the masses were so used to IE bugs that they don't seem to have cared overly much, so I guess it all evens out in the wash.

    • by Gerv ( 15179 )
      That's rubbish, for two reasons. 3.0 wasn't a from-scratch rewrite from 2; the team did the normal incremental and iterative development. And so the "9 years" says nothing about whether software should be rewritten from scratch or not. In fact, the main reason that Bugzilla hasn't been labelled "3.0" before is because one developer a few years ago went off and started an abortive complete rewrite which he called "Bugzilla 3", and we didn't want to confuse things by reusing the number.

      This is actually explai
  • by jsebrech ( 525647 ) on Saturday May 12, 2007 @04:39AM (#19094361)
    The article mentions the fact that bugzilla's release manager wants to see it rewritten in some other language because in his opinion perl is no longer a good language to be writing large applications in. I expected to go into the comments and see nothing but outraged reactions from perl lovers, because that's what I would have seen 5 years ago.

    Where has all the perl love gone?
    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      I'm pretty sure they've grown up. Perl _is_ a great language for what it is. It _isn't_ for everything.

      There's no reason to think that a rewrite of any large perl program wouldn't retain some perl bits or that most programs of this nature wouldn't benefit from some perl here and there. The point is that perl need not and should not be the core of a large project like this.

      It's nothing against perl.

      It's like building a stereo system: there's a few key components you want to go balls to the wall on (eg, speak
    • by Marcion ( 876801 )
      Seems that some of them want to port it to Ruby on Rails or similar. I do not do Perl or Ruby so I do not really care either way (I'm a Pythonista), other users of the software probably do not either, it is just a tool to get other (more interesting) things done. Bugzilla is of historical interest because it was the first major open source tracker, which then helped to create the notion of using an open online tracker; however these days there are lots of alternatives, as well as hosted canned services etc.
    • by renoX ( 11677 ) on Saturday May 12, 2007 @06:31AM (#19094661)
      Well for me, the more I used Perl, the less I liked it so I'm not surprised that Perl's popularity has faded..

      When I was taught Perl, I thought 'cool a better, more powerful, portable shell' and then I had to maintain Perl's code, some written by beginners and some by 'experts'.. And I discovered what a mess Perl is..

      Sure it's portable but the language don't give you the correct defaults so beginners code is usually awful AND experienced Perl coders let them sucked by TWTDI which makes their code hard to maintain by anybody else..

      It takes *a lot* of self-discipline to write maintainable/readable Perl, so not surprisingly lots of Perl code is junk.

      Hating Perl, I looked for another language and found Ruby which unfortunately I don't use that much as my boss won't let me do it (not widespread enough for him), *sigh* such a beautiful language and having to use shell or Perl instead..

      • It takes *a lot* of self-discipline to write maintainable/readable Perl, so not surprisingly lots of Perl code is junk.

        It takes a lot of self-discipline -- a lot -- to write readable, well-structured English -- even more so than Perl, because it doesn't even have to pass a syntax check -- so not surprisingly, lots of English is junk. Perl purports to be accessible to beginners and experts, and to make easy things easy and difficult things possible, and as a result, it's more feasible to turn a poor des

      • Hating Perl, I looked for another language and found Ruby which unfortunately I don't use that much as my boss won't let me do it (not widespread enough for him), *sigh* such a beautiful language and having to use shell or Perl instead..

        Have you tried Python? It seems to live in the same problem space as Ruby, but has the boss-wowing factor of being a paid project of Google.

        • by renoX ( 11677 )
          I've spent quite some time evaluating Python and Ruby as I was trying to find the "best", my conclusion was that these language were twins, they had exactly the same qualities (with a little preference for Ruby), but Python doesn't suit my boss either..

          The thing: with the number of tools written in shell&Perl, you cannot avoid having those two installed, and advocating a *third* interpreter is a hard sell (plus he didn't like the space indentation of Python).
    • by Plugh ( 27537 )
      I love Perl and have coded in Perl almost exclusively for nearly a decade. I think Perl has failed to deliver on Perl6/Parrot. Perl5.x has some great features, but they're pretty hacked-up. Perl has pointers (references), structs (hashrefs), is extensible (XS) and OO (close enough for government work). If you want something portable, and you find that Java is inflexible, resource-hungry, and has all the comfort of a well-worn straightjacket, use Perl and you'll do great.
    • Where has all the perl love gone?

      Unlike Python or Ruby on Rails, one is not required to swear a blood oath to evangelize Perl at every opportunity to be a Perl hacker. So, the Perl lovers are probably off writing code instead of doing songs and dances here on Slashdot. Its evangelized in a more sublime way - working code. Yeah, that's probably not as effective marketing in today's "ooh, shiny" society.

      I'm not sure what the release manager is thinking. Perl 5 hasn't changed drastically in quite a while s
    • by Error27 ( 100234 )
      The guy obviously knows Perl and he's right about what's wrong with Perl.

      The python stuff is pretty bogus. You don't need a special editor to recognize indent blocks. (Hint: Look for things 4 spaces further away from the margin than the line before). That said, python is slower than perl for many things. I've written internal webpages in python but I've not seen many comercial websites done in Python. There is probably a reason for that.

      Ruby. Don't know. Joel on Software says it's slow. Otherwise,
      • "That said, python is slower than perl for many things. I've written internal webpages in python but I've not seen many comercial websites done in Python. There is probably a reason for that."

        Check out
      • by Nevyn ( 5505 ) *

        The python stuff is pretty bogus. You don't need a special editor to recognize indent blocks. (Hint: Look for things 4 spaces further away from the margin than the line before).

        Speaking as someone who writes pretty much all of his non-C/sh in python nowadays, I call BS ... Python has a lot of things going for it, but making invisible characters part of the syntax isn't one of them.

        Maybe you don't think you need real begin/end markers to read code, but I find it very painful to not have them ... and

    • Well, it was more of a post exploring whether or not there would be advantages and if it could all be done iteratively without a re-write. I'm big on iterative development--to a large degree, I spearheaded a lot of the recent iterative improvements to Bugzilla.

  • Trac is da bomb (Score:5, Interesting)

    by cerberusss ( 660701 ) on Saturday May 12, 2007 @05:22AM (#19094435) Journal
    Nowadays, the sysadmins have installed Trac [] for us. Works very good, with integrated Wiki and all that jazz. I don't know how it stands up featurewise against Bugzilla, but Trac has a very flat learning curve. For instance, searching is one box. One search box. Compare that to the humongous Bugzilla search screen.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Bugzilla has two search screens, one simplified and one advanced. Though I can tell you I am one of the few people who actually searches for bug report for a major (and I mean major) Free software project. Most users just file the bugs and I (and sometime when I am sleeping, others) close bug reports as being duplicated. The major problem I have found with bug tracking systems so having too many of them.
      At work, I use 4 different bug databases, 3 of them are bugzilla and one a home grown one. Moving bug
    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Bugzilla's advanced search screen [] is indeed humongous, but the default simplified screen [] is definitely not hard to grasp. The plus side of trac seems to be very nice SVN integration.
    • Re:Trac is da bomb (Score:4, Interesting)

      by AlXtreme ( 223728 ) on Saturday May 12, 2007 @07:34AM (#19094943) Homepage Journal
      I completely agree with you on this one. After trying Trac out a few years ago, I haven't looked back. Besides for personal and university projects, I've been using separate Trac-installs for clients. Everything from support requests to development projects end up as tickets, with wiki pages for additional details and background information.

      The main reason why Trac is so successful is indeed the flat learning curve / simple interface. Two sentences along the lines of "If you add a new ticket here, I'll get right on it" are enough. Clients happy because they can easily bug me and have an overview of past tickets, I'm happy because of the decrease of postit's on my monitor.

      Oh, Bugzilla you ask? I've had to deal with it in the past for a few OSS projects. I'm still scared of it, and wouldn't let my clients near it even if they begged me. It might be more useful when you have hundreds of technical users working on a single project with needs like reporting and time tracking, but for anything less a more flexible alternative is preferable, IMHO.
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by foniksonik ( 573572 )

        I'm still scared of it, and wouldn't let my clients near it even if they begged me. It might be more useful when you have hundreds of technical users working on a single project with needs like reporting and time tracking, but for anything less a more flexible alternative is preferable, IMHO.

        This is so interesting.... something must have changed at say 2.2 or 2.3 cause back at 2.16 of Bugzilla I as a designer with about 6 months or perl exposure (but plenty of html + css + javascript) went in to the Bugzill

      • We tried out Trac and found it annoying creating separate Trac instances for each project. With bugzilla, we have some degree of knowledge sharing with everything in one place, and issues can move between products if they're miscategorized, or if they apply to more than one.

        Bugzilla is too hard-coded as a software issue tracker, but Trac is even more so. Both begin to break down when used for tracking hardware problems, customer inquiries, etc. We're still searching...
    • Not only that, but Trac integrates with Subversion *very* well (and I think CVS and other version control systems too). You can see diffs between versions, reference commits in the comments of tickets and vice versa, browse the source (of any version). Really really nice.
    • by slyborg ( 524607 )
      Has some nice features. I like the Roadmap. But the Searching, feh. Only by strings? And I need to write SQL to create a report?
    • by jhol13 ( 1087781 )
      Trac is somewhat limited. Having used Quality Center I appreciate integration of requirement specifications and test cases (to bug database).

      After all, a defect should be findable by a test case (else you should create new one), and calculating defect count for a feature/requirement is a good thing to have.

      Integration to SVN is a very good feature (which QC lacks).
  • by merlyn ( 9918 ) on Monday May 14, 2007 @06:38AM (#19111905) Homepage Journal
    "We'd actually prefer if you STOP using Perl. You seem to be giving it a bad name. KTHX, Bye."

Them as has, gets.
