Atos Origin Predicts Open Source Landscape 62
Rob writes "IT services provider Atos Origin has predicted a forthcoming change in the software
landscape based on the results of a survey it has carried out in conjunction with the UK's
National Computing Centre. The survey, which was compiled through over 140 web-based
questionnaires completed by senior UK IT professionals in May and June, indicated that
over 60% believe open source will either increase its presence in certain business areas
or be a fundamental component in core IT systems, while
73% expect open source to develop within their organizations' IT strategy over the next
five years."
Surprise (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm always a little skeptical of companies that fund surveys whose results jive with their business offerings.
Re:Surprise (Score:2)
And why would they use the survey company again if they gave "bad results?"
I'm not a fan of funded surveys either. Let a third-party decide to do it on their own, anonymously.
Re:Surprise (Score:1)
Re:Surprise (Score:2)
From the article... (Score:4, Informative)
That seems odd... I wouldn't expect PostgreSQL to fall into that category, especially with all the EnterpriseDB [enterprisedb.com] stuff going on.
Apropos of nothing, if you need to get Jabber to log to a PostgreSQL database, look yonder [infoether.com].
Re:From the article... (Score:1)
Re:From the article... (Score:2)
> for what it does.
+1. I've used BDB with Guy Decoux's Ruby bindings [moulon.inra.fr] and, as you say, for what it does, it works great.
Deploying opensource but what about adding to OSS (Score:3, Insightful)
How do these companies think they will add the OSS community?
How do they think they will be supported? (Yes, lame question, I know how OSS support model works, but still, a company manager thinks in terms of support contracts)
Re:Deploying opensource but what about adding to O (Score:2)
I think they expect to be supported by the OSS community itself, without any intervention on their part. Corporate IT managers are smart enough to know that in-house apps are supported in-house, but it's the out-house (sorry, couldn't resist) apps like operating systems, browsers, mail servers and clients that cause them 98 percent of their headaches, mostly in the realm of security. The OSS community has a far better track record of producing fewer exploita
Re:Deploying opensource but what about adding to O (Score:1)
The moment that occurs, Microsoft will alter the document format to destroy cross-compatibility. Heck, Microsoft has done it before (compatibility issues between Office '97 and 2000) in order to force consumers to upgrade.
What really will create support for Linux/OSS would be a set of open standards, supported by all parties, dealing with text d
Re:Deploying opensource but what about adding to O (Score:2)
Maybe they don't think they will add to it. Maybe they will write an e-mail when they find a bug (if you think that is not valuable, ask a developer). Maybe they will pay an OSS vendor for a software support contract.
How do they think they will be supported? (Yes, lame question, I know how OSS support model works, but still, a company manager thinks in terms of support contracts)
In addition to software contracts, which I already mentioned
Re:Deploying opensource but what about adding to O (Score:1)
they will add marketshare. that will improve hardware (mostly drivers/specifications) & software (especially the ones that come with your digital photocamera, scanner etcetc) support.
they will use decent browsers, so there will be more motivation to create webpages that are closer to standards than browser bug workarounds.
more people will be exposed to oss at work, so when they will find out that this software is free
Re:Deploying opensource but what about adding to O (Score:2)
I just hope that they will make donations, or really buy the support in such a way that it reaches the developers. They are what keeps the system going.
If a product is so good that it needs only minimal support, a direct donation to the organization or individual which develops this product would be the nice and probably the sane thing to do.
They are saving big bucks with the use of OSS (whatever TCO studies says, I see the saving big time around me), so lets hope they are wise enough to give s
80 people being interested in OSS is a trend? (Score:2, Insightful)
MySQL last in the pack? (Score:1)
Not even close (Score:3, Informative)
WHOAH. I take it you don't use MS SQL Server (or possibly even the MSDE)?
I'm qualifying this by saying that I've been primarily a LAMP developer for going on 9 years. MySQL is great for many things, and no, I'm not even going to be condescending and say just "small" projects. I've seen it used on very large projects, and it does fine.
However, it will not be 'on par' with MS SQL. I dare say MySQL5 won't even be 'on par' with MS SQL Server 2000, which is, what, 5 or 6 ye
Why am I not surprised? (Score:5, Interesting)
Too bad most custom solutions aren't Open Source. At least open source to the company that uses it. How many companies have at least some custom solution to one problem or another, implemented even in dos, that could be greatly expanded in capability if it simply could be built upon or ported to a more capable platform or what not.
How often can closed-source one-size-fits-all solutions be the be-all and end-all of your needs?
Not to mention that closed-source solutions, by there very nature tend to be more inflexible and what's more - organizations grow to depend on them (and their proprietory file formats) more than they should like.
Re:Why am I not surprised? (Score:2)
Re:Why am I not surprised? (Score:2)
What is preventing you from going to any other distro?
It's not that I'm shocked that lock-in can happen with a linux distro - it's simply that I don't see what Red Hat has that is so unique that you couldn't move if you wanted to?
If you need to move to a distro where you need to use old packages, consider Linux From Scratch. Or consider going into that package that's giving trouble and fixing the problem that won't allow it to compile with the new library. It's work, I know, but such is the
Then why is it that ... (Score:5, Informative)
Because the NHS, like several other areas in UK government IT, are standardizing on Microsoft technologies (yeah, the AIX is IBM, but it's still closed as hell). That means thousands of hospitals and clinics (and other government entities) are locking themselves into Windows for another 10+ years right now!
Re:Then why is it that ... (Score:2)
After all, they just provide bodies - they don't care about the technology.
Re:Then why is it that ... (Score:2, Insightful)
Well, they knighted Sir William, after all.
Re:Then why is it that ... (Score:1)
I won't bore you with why: it's the usual commodity of software/commodity of staff with skills/standardisation/etc.
They're asking the wrong people... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:They're asking the wrong people... (Score:2)
I also wonder whether the difference between the actual expected users (73%) and what the same people think will be the users (60%) reflects FUD. Even when using it themselves, they don't believe it will be as widespread as it will. But on
Re:They're asking the wrong people... (Score:1)
What I'm more interested in is the possibility of more programming positions opening up at smaller firms (who would presumably be quicker to adopt OS solutions). I mean, what are the reasons against a firm hiring X number of programmers, having them sift through possible OS software, making a few modifications, then providing support for that software for everyone else w
Blinders (Score:2, Insightful)
So 23% interviewed/surveyed worked in Redmond?
Seriously, you'd have to be still using only a typewriter, to not see the increase of open source in day to day business. (Although, most home users would be suprised at how many aplliances in their homes already run open source software, so wh
Bad Naming (Score:4, Funny)
"Atos Origin" sounds less like an IT consultancy and more like an Everquest character.
Re:Bad Naming (Score:1)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atos_Origin [wikipedia.org] will give you the meaning/history of the name.
More likely (Score:1, Informative)
As to development? Never happen. Open source API's are too poorly designed, making them difficult to use. Take, for example, openssl and the Microsoft CryptoAPI. Now, anyone who has ever used both of these APIs can tell you that they implement pretty much the same functionality - and that same person will tell you that CryptoAPI is intu
Re:More likely (Score:2)
You actually need to read the article (Score:5, Informative)
There is no ammunition here at all for MS-bashers, and the scenario it paints is a bit gloomy. If in 5 years time everybody is still supporting Office - which, regardless of whether it is the MS version or the OO version is, to my mind, still a truly terrible way to meet the day to day needs of most ordinary office workers - we will surely have learnt nothing and done nothing to meet the real needs of business.
It would be nice to think that this particular survey will go the way of all preductions of the future and be wrong, but actually it seems to point to a growing IT trend - inertia. It makes little difference whether it's computers or SUVs, the answer to all problems is to do more of the same. Perhaps slightly lower fuel consumption immediately offset by dragging around some new feature. 17 inch wheels/monitors? Next year we'll have 19 inch wheels/monitors! And in a nod to the environment, perhaps in 5 years time 5% will be recyclable/OSS. Meanwhile, can anyone explain to me, clearly and convincingly, exactly how the average joe office worker's life benefits from the capabilities of Excel in 2005 versus Lotus 123 in, say, 1990, excluding Y2000 fixes, speed and memory?
Re:You actually need to read the article (Score:2)
The casual average home user has less bureacracy against any new thing plus not the budget for things like Microsoft Office, etcetera.
Overseas, the companies will likely find Opensource cheaper for their budget, they might also like the idea of not supporting or being dependent on an American company (especially governments), or that the software is
Re:You actually need to read the article (Score:2)
"Can anyone explain to me, clearly and convincingly, exactly how the average joe office worker's life benefits from the capabilities of Excel in 2005 versus Lotus 123 in, say, 1990, excluding Y2000 fixes, speed and memory?"
To pick one example, pivot tables [cpearson.com]. Pivot tables enable Excel to do a form of OLAP [wikipedia.org] that a lot of businesses are getting a lot of mileage out of.
Note that I'm not a big fan of Excel, or indeed of spreadsheets in general. But I'm not sure the form of the critique given above is fair.
"Expect open source to develop"? (Score:2)
Does it mean modification of software? A Linux or BSD server? Use of a commercial product such as Mac OS or TiVo that is a combination of free and proprietary elements?
Open source being present in your IT strategy could just mean encouraging people to use Firefox.
.NET is on the rise, but Functional Programming... (Score:3, Interesting)
That said, ASP.NET is growing too. I work for a government consulting company in Northern VA. Most people here only know .NET. The biggest propronents are, naturally, the client-server VB-SQLServer guys who were dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Now that they must create web apps, they think ASP.NET and all its ungodly web controls are the cow's milk (or the kitten's mittens, if you prefer).
Their rationale? Well, besides coming from MS, many of our projects are hosted on a government network. If you use their boxes, you must use what they installed. That is, Cold Fusion 5 (a monstrosity if I ever saw one) and now .NET.
If your project does not require one of their servers (that is, you install your own server or the project springs for new hardware), you can install whatever you like. I have a java app running on the same network.
One of the largest projects we host on that network is being re-rewritten from VB-SQLServer (it also has a web piece in CF5) in .NET by an old stored procedure (T-SQL) guy. This implementation has to be done entirely in web services. He's drank too much of the kool aid.
In java, there seems to be an entire community that's shunned the over-engineering of EJBs and went with POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects). Why? It just works. It's simple. In my observation, the .net crowd doesn't believe in POCO (Plain Old C# Objects). Everything has to be a webservice or somehow use xml.
They'll learn (or they won't). Doesn't matter much to me. I've already started using a functional programming language for my java apps. Much, much shorter programs, flexibility out the wazoo, and you don't have to write 10 lines just to get "Hello World" from Standard Out. The secret is the Rhino javascript from Mozilla. It will be included by default in Java 6. Apparently I'm not the only one tired of verbosity.
In a nutshell, do the simplest thing that could possibly work in the fewest lines of code and the least amount of mental constructs using the highest level language you can get away with. Tune for performance only after you've perfected how it works.
Claim MS tech growing, get modded 'off topic' (Score:2)
Way to go, slashdot mods!
Re:.NET is on the rise, but Functional Programming (Score:1)
Checkout http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_programmi
But I agree with you in that verbosity is out, but I would go for languages like Perl for quick writing and C++ (or C ) for performance
Javascript can be used functionally (Score:2)
Javascript can be used functionally, even if it is not the quintessential functional programming language, like Scheme or Lisp.
But to show off Javascript's power, here's a Lisp interpreter written in javascript: Lisp in JS [ganley.org]
Re:.NET is on the rise, but Functional Programming (Score:2)
javascript != functional programming? What does that mean? You can't do functional programming in javascript? Javascript functions are first class objects [codingforums.com]. Javascript supports closures [jibbering.com]. Now, javascript isn't a pure functional language, but neither is Lisp or ML (or any of their dialects), but nobody claims Lisp or ML are not functional languages.
Oh, I get it. Javascript isn't a functional language because Wikipedia doesn't mention it as a functional language. Yeah, that must be it.
Disclaimer: I don
Hilarious (Score:3, Informative)
Atos/Origin manages $EMPLOYER's network and has to be one of the most software libre-hostile service organizations around.
I did a survey (Score:2, Insightful)
The overwhelming response was "yes" thus confirming my thesis.
It's like a game of analyst tennis (Score:2)
Another analyst predicts that Linux and Open Source shall thrive.
Yet another produces figures that reveal the demise of things Open Source.
Another produces figures that back up the growing use of Open Source software.
One wails in horror at the 'fact' penguins shall be extinct by 2019.
Rob Enderle predicts that SCO shall topple Microsoft next Tuesday.
Another analyst predicts the culling of analysts within the next year or so.
On the other hand (Score:3, Informative)
They seem to get it wrong (Score:2)
And so, we seem to be advocating it wrong.
The lists of softwares that they would and would not deploy seem to be marketing driven. That is the only way I can understand that MySQL would be deployed and PosgreSQL not. Also, Exim and Thunderbird on that list seems suspect. People should desist of free software just after they try it (if it is free(beer), they there is no excuse about not trying), not because soembody told them something weird about them. The good news is that Open Office may still be desirab
Well done, SCO (Score:3, Insightful)
From the article:
Meanwhile, there was a clear leader in terms of the perceived inhibitors for open source adoption, with the lack of long-term support scoring 33%, ahead of legal issues related to intellectual property and copyright (21%), and a lack of understanding of the benefits, and a lack of clarity on potential return on investment (both 19%).Since -- as far as I know ? -- there is still not ONE case of an open-source project having lost a case of IP violations, we can conclude that SCO did its FUD job very well.
--Go Debian!
Re:Well done, SCO (Score:2)
And as we all know, risk is the bane of an established company's management (ie. don't fix something that not broke... jus
No brainer this... (Score:1)
This from ATOS... (Score:1)
Atos indeed is a large consulting organization, with some weight in the telecoms space, and I remember their stance from the days "Linux isn't a supported product..". Now that the OSS initiative is growing rapidly, and becoming more prevalent, they suddenly jump on the bandwagon and "predict" it will become more prevalent!
Sounds like a nifty management task of going with the flow if they can't
GNU & OSS (Score:2)