U.S. Deploys Satellite Jamming System 342
CNN has an article about a ground-based satellite jamming system that "uses electromagnetic radio frequency energy to knock out transmissions on a temporary and reversible basis, without frying components". Is this just another old school EM jamming technique, or something new? Of course they won't say, citing "operational security" concerns.
Thin ice (Score:5, Insightful)
While USAF claims this "ground-based jammer uses electromagnetic radio frequency energy to knock out transmissions on a temporary and reversible basis, without frying components", it will only take one mistake (and it's not that unusual) to fry someone's $500mil baby.
If other countries even dare to think about developing a similar jammer to "neutralize" US's satellite communication and its space-based capabilities, it's likely that US will simply launch another pre-emptive attack to destroy those jammers in these countries.
Re:Thin ice (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Thin ice (Score:2)
Satellites cost a lot to put together on the ground, but they cost a lot to get put up into orbit too ...
Re:Thin ice (Score:2)
You know that buying black market goods is illegal. It is very likely that you'll be hung high and dry as an example of what a "domestic terrorist" is and be given the royal treatment from Homeland Security.
Be a good citizen. Buy from the military directly. On the bright side, you know who to call if tech support is needed. [whitehouse.gov]
Re:Thin ice (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Thin ice (Score:2)
Re:Thin ice (Score:4, Insightful)
Right... just like the US pre-emptively attacked Russia because they build GPS jammers. Now if a country started using (rather than just developing) such a system, I would agree with your position.
Re:Thin ice (Score:5, Insightful)
And because any ground-based emitter of EM is going to show up as a pretty big honking target when it's turned on...
a) blowing up the jammer is not a pre-emptive attack, and
b) your jammer will get blowed up real good, real quick.
Keep in mind that part b) applies to both sides in the conflict. If you're fighting an adversary capable of launching satellites, you're (by definition) fighting an adversary capable of detecting and lobbing anti-radiation missiles at any EM emitter you own that's more powerful than a microwave oven.
Re:Thin ice (Score:2)
Re:Thin ice (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Thin ice (Score:2)
Re:Thin ice (Score:2)
Google is your friend [google.com]
Re:Thin ice (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Thin ice (Score:2, Interesting)
Here's a tip: Go see The Battle of Algiers. It's a good example of how Ira
I disagree (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Thin ice (Score:4, Interesting)
Not likely. If you assume that the jamming approach is to beam noise at the satellite in the frequency range it's designed to accept, then the power required to jam its receiver compared to what is required to damage the thing is at least a couple of orders of magnitude (factors of 10) different.
Jamming the satellite's transmissions in a certain terrestrial location simply involves having localized noise generators in the same frequency band as the satellite in question. Or, for world-wide coverage, just launch a satellite(s) in a compatible orbit to the target satellite, and broadcast away.
Re:Thin ice (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Thin ice (Score:2)
Re:Thin ice (Score:3, Informative)
Computer scientists often refer to an order of magnitude when going from problem sizes of N squared to N cubed, which is again tied to an additional power in the "radix" of the problem at hand. Computer scientists also use the colloquialism, in base 10, so it really isn't a binding definition.
Computer scientists who deal in computability and algorithm analy
Re:Thin ice (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Thin ice (Score:5, Insightful)
Ah... yes, well I'll assume you meant that YOU are getting annoyed.
While USAF claims this [...] jammer [...is...] temporary and reversible [...] it will only take one mistake (and it's not that unusual) to fry someone's $500mil baby.
How often does this particular jamming technology fry satellites? Really, how often? Heck, you don't even know what this *is*, must less what its failure modes are. ANY complaint about this technology must be on the grounds of lack of information (kind of strange to complain about THIS instead of the dozens of other, far more problematic items that the US military refuses to discuss) or on the grounds that the US feels it has the right to unilaterally develop technology to disable other country's communications (again, I'd start with the MONITORING of communications which is ONGOING rather than the chance that the US MIGHT block communications in the future).
Anything else is arm waving.
If other countries even dare to think about developing a similar jammer to "neutralize" US's satellite communication and its space-based capabilities, it's likely that US will simply launch another pre-emptive attack to destroy those jammers in these countries.
Doubtful. Of the countries that have the capabilities to do so, only one is not an ally, and I don't think we'd invade China over THIS.
Re:Thin ice (Score:2, Insightful)
As for the other part, have you ever considered the possibility that the parent poster chose to make a post complaining about satellite jamming rather than something else because the article is about satellite jamming, and not something else? And therefore that the OP is on topic, while you are just ranting?
Re:Thin ice (Score:2)
A country must do what is in its best interests. If that means destroying ground-based jammers pre-emptively, that's what that means. If that disturbs your utopian ideal where every nation and person is treated equally, I'm sorry. Don't hate the US for being the big guy on the block. Any other nation would do the same if they had a legitimate chance at success.
Re:Thin ice (Score:2)
You see.. that's where I differ from most people. I understand the rules of the game, friend. Should someone make war on me, I make war on them. I won't think they played unfairly. That's is how war is won.. by taking every advantage and exploiting every single weakness. I am not one who doesn't stand behind his rhetoric.
Tactics and strategy in electronic warfare (Score:5, Insightful)
The capability of locating an uplink based on signals received from a satellite is of much greater strategic value then destruction of the satellite. This is true for all engaged parties.
So why jam at all?
Suppose something like a cruise missle with partial guidance from a satellite is on it's way to your ship. Ideally you would want to co-opt the satellite and take some control. However, when the time comes, the last thing you want is the correct information to reach the missle. Here jamming makes sense. Without jamming capability a situation might arise in which the strategic value
to you, of your oppositions satellite, is greater than the value of your ship!
Come on
Re:Thin ice (Score:5, Insightful)
I wouldn't be surprised if the U.S. is making this threat public to send a signal to the Europe/China that if they proceed with a GPS system free of U.S. domination the U.S. is going to counter with the technology necessary to cripple it.
China's Xinhua has a pretty biting commentary [spacedaily.com] on the subject that appeared on SpaceDaily a couple days ago.
It is a further indicator that as the U.S. continues to seek its global empire and world dominion it is going to continue to place itself against and at odds with the entire rest of the world.
Apparently only the U.S. is allowed to decide who can use and deploy basic technology.
Re:Thin ice (Score:5, Interesting)
You seam to think people in the USA want to dictate to the rest of the world how to do things. No, actually what happens is the people who want to dictate to the rest of the world, find it easiest to do so through USA.
Such as the skull and bones [wikipedia.org], they are a power out of Europe. And other cartel organizations like the riaa/mpaa have existed long before USA, and each country has their own version of the same thing today. So quit blaming USA for everything. We just have a flaw that is being exploited, that is fixable only by the fact we have the right own guns.
Re:Thin ice (Score:4, Interesting)
Skull and bones is a 100% American. Where exactly did you get "they are a power out of Europe". They are in fact full of wealthy and powerful Americans dedicated to expanding America's wealth and power and dictating to the rest of the world. They are close cousins to the Neocons. If you want to read their outline for global domination read The New American Century [newamericancentury.org]. Many of the people behind this statement are in the current administration and key backers of the war in Iraq, including Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush and Paul Wolfowitz. It is kind of a noble sounding statement, freedom and all, until you appreciate its dark side is it advocates American domination of the world.
The only thing out of Europe about Skull and Bones is yes they are very much an American version of forming a ruling elite like those you find in Great Britain. You know... the sons of the wealthy elite are sent to prep schools and the Ivy League and get the best of everything (like Bush and Kerry), they are qualified to lead and ordinary Americans(like Clinton) aren't. Clinton was basically trailer trash, Rhodes scholar aside, and its one reason the powers that be hounded him every minute he was in office.
Yes there have been cartels since before the USA, though the RIAA/MPAA obviously aren't examples of the same, recording and motion pictures, not being invented until long after the US came in to being. They aren't doing much but trying to protect and maximize the profits they make on mostly bad music and bad movies. I'm not sure they actually count for much on the global stage because their products are so bad and devoid of substance, though people the world over still seem to buy them for some reason. Maybe they are good sedatives. To break the RIAA's back form a band that makes music that doesn't suck and sell it over ITunes without selling your soul to them. To break the MPAA's back stop watching bad movies which is most of them.
One might guess you are alluding to a global Jewish conspiracy, if thats what you are getting at why don't you just spit it out and get flamed for it instead of using all the veiled references like "a power out of Europe" and "cartels". What the hell is that.
Bottomline you are doing what all American's do these days, especially our political leaders. Blame everything bad America does on someone else, instead of taking responsibility when we let our government do bad things. Ranting about "the right to own guns" as being the solution is bullshit until and unless you and probably a whole bunch of others are ready to use them. It would probably be a blood bath and you would probably lose. It may well be that it will come to that if American government stays its current course but I'd say at the moment you are blowing smoke.
Re:Thin ice (Score:2, Insightful)
Way to go! (Score:4, Interesting)
At that time, a long-range planning document, dubbed the Transformation Flight Plan, said such a system would let the United States by 2010 "deny and disrupt an adversary's space-based communications and early warning" of attack."
That's the way to beat the enemy to the punch - make them think you're 5+ years away from ready, then DEPLOY!
Re:Way to go! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Way to go! (Score:2)
It took some digging, but I knew I'd heard that line somewhere before. [irregularwebcomic.net]
Re:Way to go! (Score:2)
After twenty years of Microsoft teaching the world that bugs are normal and acceptable, I assume that the techs'll at least take time to reboot once before realizing that they're under attack.
Hoo boy (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Hoo boy (Score:2)
Re:Hoo boy (Score:2, Funny)
Interesting.. (Score:2)
The article acts as if they should tell us how it works, precisely. While I'm sure many readers already have a good idea, I'm glad they're not just coming out with it.
Re:Interesting.. (Score:2)
Re:Interesting.. (Score:2)
What makes you think they're telling us about technologies that aren't already outdated? For all we know the government has had this for 20 years and now they're telling us it's new since they have something else to replace it.
Maybe I've seen too many movies, but if you think the government is telling us everything that they are doing, you aren't very bright.
Re:Interesting.. (Score:2, Funny)
Sounds familiar... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Sounds familiar... (Score:2)
Sir, our communications satellites are being jammed by the slashdot effect!
Confused... (Score:2)
I would have gotten 1st post (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah Right! (Score:3, Funny)
"Spies like us" (Score:5, Funny)
Like many other technologies (Score:2, Flamebait)
Re:Like many other technologies (Score:3, Funny)
Will be a bad thing... (Score:3, Funny)
Cool! (Score:5, Funny)
Oh! (Score:2)
Re:Oh! (Score:2)
Rasberry! (Score:5, Funny)
"Raspberry! I hate Raspberry!"
Re:Rasberry! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Rasberry! (Score:2, Redundant)
Al-Jazeera (Score:2)
Without frying components (Score:2, Interesting)
Is it possible to knock out transmissions on a reversible basis while frying components?
No. (Score:3, Informative)
Probably old school (Score:5, Interesting)
Now, jamming the downlink is harder, but if you hit the satellite with enough power on any band, it'll freak out. With a highly directional antenna, you could even take out only a specific satellite.
Satellites do have to deal with ionizing radiation and can't have enough shielding to totally block it, so they're equipped to reset themselves when they get `stuck' because some IC got hit with a stray alpha particle -- because it's not *if* it will happen, it's *when*.
Of course, if you hit the satellite with enough power, you may actually damage it. If that happens, you just play dumb. Sure, it may have happened while the satellite was over the US (or a US base, or US ship), but that was just a coincidence, right?
I guess a new school jamming technique might be to actually hit it with ionizing radiation (typically X and gamma rays, and high energy electrons and protons (often with some neutrons in the form of an alpha particle) but these are generally attenutated greatly by the atmosphere (and the charged particles diverted by our magnetic field), so this would be hard to do from the ground. But I guess if you can make it strong enough, or do it from a tall mountain/plane flying above most of our atmosphere ...
Commercial satellites? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Commercial satellites? (Score:2)
tool of terrorism? (Score:4, Interesting)
1) ground-based satelite-destroyers.
2) space-based satelite-destroyers.
Can you imagine the damage to the American psyche if all the TV- and other-entertainment- satellites were knocked out at once? There'd be great moaning and gnashing of teeth while America waited a few months or years for replacements to go up.
Imagine if that happened in the middle of the Superbowl?
Re:tool of terrorism? (Score:5, Funny)
Now, considering the American psyche, what kind of fucking idiot would you have to be to take out all American TV. You thought they were on a rampage after two buildings fell? Shit, if someone took out American TV, especially during the Superbowl I would go look for the nearest fallout shelter and come out 100,000 years later to open a very profitable glass business. Why glass you ask? Because that kind of nuclear holocaust, that is all that is left.
Blow up the Statue of Liberty, the White House, and Wall Street, but for the sake of the rest of world, leave the American heart and soul intact and leave TV alone.
Well... (Score:3, Funny)
So we still have to take out a chunck of Libya or Iran.
If you take out the Statue of Liberty (even though it was given to us by the French), the White House, and Wall Street I'd expect nothing less than the invasion of three countries, not including the invasion of france to grab some artists to replace the statue. (I'm kidding)
Re:tool of terrorism? (Score:2)
Re:tool of terrorism? (Score:2)
Never happen... (Score:2)
I'm not sure this is a great idea (Score:5, Interesting)
For the moment the Russians have a far more capable space program than we do and the Chinese have a bigger industrial base. We can eventually beat the Russians with technology, but not in the short term. But with all our collective money funding the war in Iraq, we would not be able to out-produce or out-spend the Chinese.
I think all it will end up doing is spurring Russia and China into matching the threat. Hopefully we don't find out the hard way that their space capabilities have improved beyond our ability to catch up.
Re:I'm not sure this is a great idea (Score:2)
Insert a 'manned' in between capable and space, and you are correct. Its only our manned program that's FUBAR. Our unmanned space program is arguably superior and certainly not massively inferior to the current Russian space program.
Possible scenario (Score:5, Funny)
Scotty: I'm givin' er all she's got, Chairman...
Egahds! (Score:2, Funny)
That's great!!!! (Score:2, Funny)
Cuz I've got cable.
Re:That's great!!!! (Score:2)
pakistani paper carried story Oct 30 (Score:2)
If I had to design one... (Score:4, Interesting)
Since satellites generally use a few watts to a few tens of watts, and generally use low-gain antennae, it wouldn't take more than a couple of hundred reflected watts to do the job. Say a hundred kilowatts of transmission at the ground.
The chilling implication here: you can only really jam satellites that use low-gain antennae -- e.g. comsats and "cheap" satellites. Anyone who anticipates this type of jamming for a point-to-point communicating bird can just use a high gain antenna to send all their transmitted power straight to the ground station. Another way around, especially for a comlink bird or something that can't use a beam to punch through the noise, would be to use "stealth" planar-panel technology on the satellite. If the satellite presents a flat face to the Earth, the jamming signal will be coherently reflected and probably won't affect the transmission much (except for an unlucky receiver who is in the reflected beam).
So, er, this is probably good for knocking out comsats and academic satellites -- but foreign spy satellites will probably be pretty hardened against it before too long from now.
Note: I'm not a military space insider -- just an astrophysicist. These ideas occurred to me in about 30 seconds, so you can bet anyone with his/her own space program already thought of 'em too.
Re:If I had to design one... (Score:2)
your RF power drops off as distance increases... higher frequencies experience greater spreading loss based on their shorter wavelength. Given the typical sattelite is using microwave frequencies your hundred kilowatts leaving the dish at the ground will be barely 20 watts when it reaches that geostationary bird.
The amount of power which a satellite transmitter needs to send out depends a great deal on whether it is in low earth orbit or in geosync
Re:If I had to design one... (Score:2)
So, er, I agree -- passive
Re:strange (Score:2)
I said "radiotelescope" rather than "dish antenna" because one might want to use phased arrays rather than a physical antenna, these days...
oh boy (Score:5, Funny)
Or maybe this is the govt's answer to all those people hacking satellite cards.
Part of Galileo threat (Score:3, Informative)
This is part of the threat the senior US official made at a London conference on Galileo.
The senior official promised that in the event China used the Galileo system against the US, the US would attempt what they called reversible action, but, if necessary, they would use irreversible action, to knock out the Galileo system.
Article on the threat [spacedaily.com]
Most likely old, conventional tech (Score:3, Informative)
Anyone remember Captain Midnight and the HBO [signaltonoise.net] incident?
Tracking dish, knowledge of the frequencies in use, signal generator and amplifier and you're pretty much there.
Of course if they're using DS spread spectrum and they don't have the spreading code, it could be considerably harder, though turning up the power sufficiently would probably desensitise the front end of the satellite enough to stop it from working.
Space Balls (Score:2)
Likely just a receiver overloading device (Score:5, Informative)
I don't care how, tell me "why" (Score:2, Interesting)
*sighs* Okay, so all this "homeland security for terrorists" stuff has developed a critical and highly expensive need for us jamming their SATELLITES?
Ya know, I'm not really any form of conspiracy theorist, but when I do see something capable of blocking communications by the government on domestic ground, I want to go re-read the Constitution. The only certainty about such a thing was that it was funded for a purpose, so would someone explain to me what a valid purpose for such a thing would be?
Re:I don't care how, tell me "why" (Score:2)
IT IS for Homeland Security (Score:2)
Seems like the likely target is the American people, and no one else.
Re:de facto cold war (Score:2)
G, no smiley in the whole post.
I'm scared. No, really, I'm scared. If a new generation like this (being junior) is risen in the States, then I'm truly scared.
Can we use it.... (Score:2)
Yes, this is a troll, but I don't exactly see where giving publicity to people who behead civilians is doing anything to contribute constructively to reconstructing Iraq or Islamic terrorism generally.
Re:Can we use it.... (Score:2, Insightful)
Line-of-sight... (Score:2, Insightful)
Techno babble (Score:2)
Well, I for one love to know of some type of Radio Frequencie Energy that wasen't Electromagnetic.
Basicly, this is the same idea as me parking my Toyota with it's Radio Shack CB radio next to some trucker and transmitting while he is. Unless he's runnign some kinda 'shoes' - no one's gonna hear either of us. Just some loud, anoying screechie, whiney sounds like what may be used for a bad Sci-Fi movie.
Kinda like this 'gee whiz' article....
Heh, way behind the Russians again (Score:2)
They've also been known to have GPS jamming equipment for years.
How do they manage to do this every time? They build superior weapons while operating within the constraints of their shoestring budget (relative to the US military R&D budget).
The Russian Jamming Approach - Old School (Score:2)
One could do it themself (Score:2)
"Old school?" As opposed to WHAT? (Score:2)
electromagnetic radio frequency energy? (Score:2)
That's the kind of RF energy EVERYONE uses. I think the US should be different...
Re:Section (Score:2)
Re:They have been telling the EU about this. (Score:2)
If so, I would think that it would be much harder to jam a GPS-like system than a spy or communications satellite.
Re:Sprint Networks? (Score:2)
Re:What's that? My signal is "restricted"? (Score:2)