Mitnick Speaks About Hacking 221
Rob_Warwick writes "I've just posted a one on one interview with Kevin Mitnick on Applefritter. In just less than 20 minutes, we take a look at who generally gets targeted by social engineering schemes, and how social engineering can assist in making a technical exploit work. Mitnick speaks about which industries are at highest risk from social enginerering, and what types of workers are generally easier to talk into doing something for you. Kevin also talks about who his heroes were when getting into phreaking and computers, as well as a humbling moment when he was on the recieving end of some social engineering. The HOPE keynotes for both Kevin and The Woz are also available for download."
FREE MITNICK! (Score:1, Interesting)
Is it just me... (Score:5, Insightful)
Yes, I had problems with police imprisoning him with little recourse as they did.
Yes, Tsutomu Shimomura is a yahoo who did a lot of stupid and bad things. The greatest was probably his aweful book written with "journalist" John Markoff (I enquote that because as he was ghost writing with Shimora, he was also writing articles that were supposedly objective yet never mentioned doing a book with one of the particpants of the story).
[Shimomura was terribly impressed with his (own) computer security abilities, yet ran tools that had long been sources of security holes because it was convenient. ("I am a master of securing houses; all the world leaders come to me. So imagine my shock and outrage when I'd found that someone had lifted up my welcome mat and used the key I keep there to get in. I must hunt down this bastard and have my revenge.").]
I was appalled that national ISPs would so readily turn over logs and access to their networks and their users information to a vigilant/yahoo.
But no, I wasn't sorry that Mr Mitnick got his ass busted. He was no kiddie using youth as an excuse for poor judgement. He was a thief who rationalized stealing from people and companies by its electronic abstraction.
No, I don't think Kevin's "cool". That he is someone who would steal my personal information because the people I had to give it to are idiots about securing it doesn't make it ok to do so. And it's felony when he then uses that information to buy things. I don't want him in the room when I pull out a credit card. I don't want him in a hotel where I use a credit card.
Should the hotel be smarter? Sure. But the people who decry identity theft cannot also embrace Kevin Mitnick as one to be admired.
He's an asswipe.
Re:Is it just me... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Is it just me... (Score:3, Interesting)
Kevin: I became Jesus on the cross, so that all of you could continue to do what you do
Comic Book Store guy behind me (sarcastically): thank you God!
love him, hate him, or both
did large corporations use him as their scapegoat whipping boy? absolutely.
did the punishment fit the crime? absolutely not.
is he still obsessed with manipulation to get anything he can from suckers? apparently so
is he full of himself? oh
Re:Is it just me...yes, it is just you (Score:2, Interesting)
Than I did some more research, wached the documentary Freedom Downtime
only audio??? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:only audio??? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:only audio??? (Score:1)
Re:only audio??? (Score:2)
Re: (Score:3, Informative)
How to garuntee a slashdotting (Score:2, Insightful)
How to guarantee replies (Score:5, Funny)
* Mis-spell your Subject line.
* Use the unit milligram (mg) instead of megabyte (MB).
Re:How to guarantee replies (Score:5, Funny)
Re:How to garuntee a slashdotting (Score:2)
(I hate paying Comcast so much every month but I have to hand it to them, lately my connection just screams!)
The interviewer (Score:2, Interesting)
Kevin is loud and clear, even though I'm not a native English speaker, nor live in an English speaking country.
Re:The interviewer (Score:2)
Either that, or he has serious case of chinnuts, if you know what i'm saying...
easy (Score:5, Funny)
answer: people with passwords
and how social engineering can assist in making a technical exploit work.
answer: get people with passwords to tell you their passwords
Did anybody time me?
Re:easy (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:easy (Score:2, Informative)
That's easy, offer them chocolate [slashdot.org].
quality (Score:2, Funny)
Mitnick stories... (Score:5, Interesting)
It's a bad dream that just wont go away, some people are so enamored with Kevin that they feel the need to post every story that includes his name.
He's a felon.
One of the first, abeit more publicized and punished geeks, and I really don't care to read stories about him. About the only thing that actually is interesting is that this guy got caught by trying to hack into some other geeks computer, and was traced back to his location.
Amature. Go social engineer some money out of a bank instead of robbing it with a gun, and THEN I'll be interested.
I can see it now, bumper stickers that read:
"Free Kevin v2.0"
Did you listen to the mp3 (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Did you listen to the mp3 (Score:3, Interesting)
Paraphrasing, it was something like: Jealous Slashdot trollers with nothing else going on in their lives.
Even apart from that (mis)quote, that guy is certainly not short of self-confidence. As to the NYT, I wonder how long it will be before they issue a public apology in that case as well. I suppose it could happen in a couple of years.
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:4, Insightful)
To all you Anonymous Cowards: No he's not a hero
Did he suffer a misjustice? Maybe (I'm not a lawyer), but he put himself in that position. Play with fire and someday you'll get burned, it's just that simple.
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:4, Insightful)
Kevin committed a string of crimes, he went to jail, how is that unjust?
Its not like Kevin didn't know he was doing something wrong, when he got busted last time it was not his first run in with the law, it was not even his second. He got chance after chance as a juvenile. Now he wants people to believe he has gone straight.
I don't beleive him, I think he is still using his social engineering skills and the rubes who think he got treated unfairly are only one of his targets.
Remember, its innocent until proven guilty, Kevin has been proven guilty - repeatedly. If you want to feel bad about people who got treated baddly by the US justice system there are plenty of examples of people who went to jail for much longer for doing far, far less.
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:3, Insightful)
The sad truth of it all is that he's part of 'computing lore', he'll end up as a footnote in the computing equivilent of Bullfinches, placed there by his lame fanboys.
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:4, Insightful)
He's a criminal, a convicted felon plain and simple. Unfortunately till these damn wannabes grow up he's always going to have an audience of idiots waiting to pay for his next book.
Kevin was one of the originals. (Score:3, Interesting)
So he's was a felon.. big deal. He's also served his time. ( nes an ex-felon now.. having paid his 'debt' )
( it was also an unjust and mostly fabricated charge that he was convicted on as well.. )
And if you dont care to read stories about him, why are you commenting on here? That means you are STILL reading them.. its your choice, free speech also means you have to read it...
Convicted? (Score:4, Informative)
Tragically, he finally gave up and pleaded no contest to the charges so he could be allowed to leave the prison and return to society. Go watch Freedom Downtime [imdb.com] if you want to understand what Kevin was truly up against.
Re:Convicted? (Score:2)
If that is the case, then the orginal poster that claimed he was a felon that i replied to was wrong anyway...
Either way, i stand by the statement of him being one of the orginals, and still deserves respect...
No Alternate Positions (Score:2)
the reason I sent you to my journal was that this discussion was OT, and does not belong where it was taking place.
It was also much too long for here, and my journal was created to avoid typing the same things again and again.
Secondly, its not MY viewpoint that matters here, its the founding fathers. If you take the time to understand their meaning and intent ( i.e. my suggestion to learn history ), you wont be asking such stupid questions in the
Re:No Alternate Positions (Score:2)
You've now called me stupid,
Re:No Alternate Positions (Score:2)
The part that I left out, does not modify that intent in the slightest, it only neglected the explanation of why it was their intent, but the intent remains intact.
Intolerance and hatred? Sure, ill accept that. I don't tolerate people that don't follow the founders ORIGINAL documents as th
Re:No Alternate Positions (Score:2)
Anyone who edits the text of the Constitution to make it appear to support their own agenda more than it actually does is not a true supporter of the Constitution. It is really scary that there or people such as you who call others traitors for ha
Re:Convicted? (Score:3, Insightful)
The second time around he was being held on the grounds that he absconded while on parole from his first criminal sentence (first as an adult).
If you commit a crime while on parole you go back to jail, if you abscond you go back to jail. The sentence does not 'time out' just because you absconded.
The feds did not need a
Go watch Freedom Downtime. (Score:2)
The charges were bullshit charges.
Re:Go watch Freedom Downtime. (Score:2)
Mitnick committed numerous crimes - which he admits.
In addition to the Solaris source code he was found to have 10,000 stolen credit card numbers.
Perhaps he was just curious, perhaps he was looking to sell them. Does not matter much, he still go to the big house.
Re:Convicted? (Score:2)
I believe that when someone is convicted of a crime they have been convicted. Mitnick was convicted, he admitted a whole series of charges in the plea bargain, he got sentenced for four.
No credible evidence exists to support the exorbitant claims of damage you and others attempt to make to support your unfounded criticisms of Mitnick.
Other than the fact that he admitted the crimes himeself and pled guilty to t
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:2)
the real crime is charging $50 a head to hear him spout his rubbish. Seriously, all H.O.P.E. was was an excuse to sell t-shirts and get drunk in New York for people like him.
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:2)
Not entirely true. This is what you get for $50:
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:2)
However, i think the thing that really bothered me was how it seemed to be a geek t-shirt fashion show. what webcomic or internet joke does your t-shirt represent?
I wish I stayed longer and had a chance to hear about the 'how to hack an ipod' talk. all I heard before was hackers reminiscing about inside jokes I didn't get.
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:2)
I managed to see how many fanatical republicans, nationalists watch and comment at slashdot.
Not surprised of such comments anymore. You don't GET what Mitnick did. Maybe because he didn't get any money for it, you can't render it in your fascist brain...
Whatever. He did good!
Cut him some slack (Score:2, Insightful)
Is it just me, or do you really don't care about him anymore?
It's a bad dream that just wont go away, some people are so enamored with Kevin that they feel the need to post every story that includes his name.
He's a felon.
I'm not denying the legitimacy of your point, but it's hardly an argument worthy of justifying the lack of value Mitnick holds, represents or deserves within this community.
Our history is full of technical "bad guys" from Christopher Columbus to Robin Hood, that are respected in on
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:2)
Time to moderate moderators.
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:2)
I could see resentment if he just returned to evil ways... but geesh, how many of us here have never broken the law?
Not one?
Thought so.
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:2)
Re:Mitnick stories... (Score:2)
Ah right, five hundred years ago the Catholic church imprisoned Gallileo unjustly, therefore Kevin was imprisoned unjustly.
The only thing that Gallileo and Mitnick have in common is that both were guilty of the crimes they were charged with.
Gallileo was actually guilty of heresy. But four hundred years later the Catholic church still does not understand that things like peadohilia are bad so its hardly a gre
love it (Score:1, Insightful)
The interviewer is on speed? (Score:4, Insightful)
Note to applefritter: take the drugs away from DBub.
Re:The interviewer is on speed? (Score:1, Troll)
Re:The interviewer is on speed? (Score:2)
Perhaps the interviewer posted a transcript somewhere?
Didn't Mitnick go to jail? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Didn't Mitnick go to jail? (Score:2)
Re:Didn't Mitnick go to jail? (Score:2)
Something along the lines of he's so hobbled by the restriction on not using a computer that he couldn't get a job on McDonalds.... the fry machine timers there are technically computers.
Re:Didn't Mitnick go to jail? (Score:2)
Re:Didn't Mitnick go to jail? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Didn't Mitnick go to jail? (Score:1)
Don't worry, I wont tell anyone.
Re:Didn't Mitnick go to jail? (Score:3, Insightful)
If there's a machine capable of identifying fingerprints, hand prints, face lay out or retina patterns there sure are one that can record and duplicate the same. Social engineering the new way will sure involve scanning of fingers, hands, retinas and so forth..
"Hi there Sir, how are you doing? (voice). Can you take (fingerpints,
Re:Didn't Mitnick go to jail? (Score:2)
Re:Didn't Mitnick go to jail? (Score:3, Informative)
once your parole time is up, the courts can no longer tell you what you can a
Re:Didn't Mitnick go to jail? (Score:2)
The interviewer is a wierdo (Score:1, Funny)
wish i was a l33t haxor... (Score:3, Funny)
Kevin Mitnick uses INTERNET EXPLORER (Score:3, Funny)
Internet Explorer: Trojan horse (Score:3, Funny)
Ohhhh.... hang on, I just realised something...
Biometrics (Score:4, Insightful)
FUD, apply, lather, rinse, repeat.
Remote (Score:4, Interesting)
Biometrics isn't the panacea it's made out to be. Educate your users, it's the only way.
Re:Remote (Score:2)
The server challenges you with a problem for which it will only accept an answer for (say) sixty seconds. That problem can be solved quickly only using the biometric info (for example, a large composite number one of whose factors is a hash of the fingerprint data). It can be solved via brute force eventually, but you set the time limit low.
An even easier way, for example, is to give every user a public-private key pair, and k
Re:Biometrics (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Biometrics (Score:3, Informative)
You've been watching too much Sci-Fi.. The Sci-reality of the situation that they can currently be fooled by fake fingers made from gelatin [cfo.com], or a photo of an eye [go.com].
Re:Biometrics (Score:5, Insightful)
Aside from that, the implementation is icky. Half a year ago you could read about every single comersially available fingerprint-scanner being defeated by cheap and simple tricks such as for example blowing graphite-dust over them (sticks to the fat-traces from previous finger), and then pressing down on them with a piece of clear tape.
Also, in many situations they're just not useful, how could biometrics secure the login to your online bank ?
Authentication is based upon one or more of what you *know* (for example a password), what you *have* (for example smart-card or key) and what you *are* (for example biometrics).
Good, robust security uses a combination. For example, the combination of posessing a smart-card and knowing a code is used to authenticate to my online bank.
Even if someone convinced an account-holder to give up the password, that'd still not matter, aslong as they didn't *also* convince the person in question to hand over the smart-card.
Re:Biometrics (Score:2)
Re:Biometrics (Score:2)
um.. wrong.... social engineering uber al Re:Biome (Score:2)
So, you're saying if I socially engineer the password to the database where the biometric data is stored and I use the password to swap the records on a known rapist and my victim, that this will fail because????
At the end of the day, biometric data may or may not be unforgeable, but it's the relationship to other data that
This guy... (Score:2, Funny)
tips (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:tips (Score:2)
Isn't Mitnick a Windows user? (Score:2)
Re:Isn't Mitnick a Windows user? (Score:2)
Re:Isn't Mitnick a Windows user? (Score:2)
Oh yeah... this is slashdot :-P linux is everything ;)
Where's Jello? (Score:2)
Re:Where's Jello? (Score:2)
For someone who 'loves' free speach, he sure doesn't like people who think differently than he does.
He doesn't like to pay his bandmates, apparently. [deadkennedysnews.com] He was accused of intentionally ripping off his band (FRAUD). The court ruled against him eight times, and he has yet to win a motion.
Man, if this checks out, Jello will have succeeded in totally removing himself from my list of admired people.
Obligatory "It's Crackers not Hackers" post (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Obligatory "It's Crackers not Hackers" post (Score:3, Insightful)
New name for an old practice. (Score:2, Insightful)
fraud NOT "social engineering" (Score:4, Insightful)
What Mitnick does is not "social engineering." Social engineering would be something like trying to convince a population of people to eat more healthily, or stop smoking, or something like that.
What Mitnick does is fraud. Alternatively, you can call it grift, or con. (As in, Mitnick is a con man.)
Using the term "social engineering" is playing into the hands of the con men. It's a term they invented to con you in to thinking that what they do is somehow more acceptible than it is.
Use the term, and you've been conned.
Argh (Score:4, Insightful)
What encryption and/or data protection schemes did he use that the FBI couldn't break?
PGP (Score:2)
Assuming you use a strong passphrase, PGP [mit.edu] is fantastically secure. Make sure there's no hardware/software keystroke loggers though, or you may end up like Nicky Scarfo [wired.com].
Sorry, Canadian Accent (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Sorry, Canadian Accent (Score:2)
Re:Sorry, Canadian Accent (Score:3, Funny)
I love it.
Another interview with Kevin (Score:3, Informative)
Social Engineering is... (Score:3, Insightful)
RTFA... oh, wait... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:off topic nitpick (Score:5, Funny)
Errr...heroes is the plural, not heros.
Re:ugh (Score:3, Funny)
Re:how did this anti-social thug become a hero?? (Score:2, Interesting)
I was in awe when he hacked netcom. I actually benefited indirectly from his action. Netcom lost my billing info and I got two years of dial-up CSLIP for free.
Re:how did this anti-social thug become a hero?? (Score:2)
Re:how did this anti-social thug become a hero?? (Score:2)
Insulting every person who reads your post by over-generalising is definately flamebait.