RC5-72 Clients Available on distributed.net 197
Yoda2 writes "From the distributed.net site... 'The RC5-72 project is now officially up and running, as of 03-Dec-2002! You will need to download a new client in order to participate. Our FAQ-O-matic has been updated with the beginnings of a new RC5-72 section.' Also, there is a $10,000 prize for the winner, but as with the other RC5 projects, the owner of the computer that finds the key does not get all of the money."
I predict (Score:5, Funny)
No, wait, I'm wrong (Score:4, Funny)
Re:I predict (Score:1, Funny)
Re:I predict (Score:1)
Why bother? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Why bother? (Score:1)
Re:Why bother? (Score:5, Informative)
A Golomb ruler is a set of integers (marks) a(1) < ... < a(n) such that all
the differences a(i)-a(j) (i > j) are distinct. Clearly we may assume a(1)=0.
Then a(n) is the length of the Golomb ruler. For a given number of marks, n, we
are interested in finding the shortest Golomb rulers. Such rulers are called
Re:Why bother? (Score:2)
Re:Why bother? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Why bother? (Score:1)
Re:Why bother? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Why bother? (Score:2)
Hey, don't knock SETI@Home--this is the first time it actually has a better chance of succeeding than the crypto challenge does!
What would be bad-ass is if aliens came down from outer space with superpowerful quantum computers and totally schooled us in RC5-72 and SETI@Home at the same time!
Re:Why bother? (Score:2)
Here's the executive summary: CPUs consume more electricity when actively computing than they do when idle. To solve the RC5-72 challenge may require an additional 2 million tons of coal be burned in order to produce the additional electricity required. That's over 200 full coal trains. 9.2 billion pounds of additional carbon dioxide will be produced and released. The details follow.
I sent a letter to my buddies during a discussion of relaunching our team to attack the RC5-72 challenge. It showed a simplistic estimation of the energy costs required for me to participate in the challenge. I know that my CPU uses more energy to perform math calculations than it does to sit idle. It has since occurred to me that not only would I be burning an extra megawatt or two of electricity during the contest to participate, but so would all the other participants.
I've researched things a bit more since then. The distributed.net speed page [distributed.net] shows an Athlon 1GHz Thunderbird averaging 3,540,087 keys/sec, or 12,744,313,200 keys/hour during the RC5-64 contest. A hardware vendor's page [zalman.co.kr] shows an active Athlon 1GHz Thunderbird CPU consumes an extra 10 watt-hours above its standby level. This is only the difference between an active CPU and an idle CPU, and does not account for any other standby power savings that may or may not take place. That means a 1GHz Athlon Thunderbird participating in the contest can either sit idle or test 1,275 million keys at a cost of one additional watt-hour. Since the RC5-64 contest tested 15,769,938,165,961,326,592 keys, at this rate that is 12,368,578,953 additional watt-hours used. That means about 12 gigawatt-hours (gWH) of additional electrical power were produced and consumed over the last four years just to solve the contest.
This Los Alamos National Laboratory web page [lanl.gov] provided lots of data regarding coal and electrical generation. Referring to only the 1998 figures, I found that U.S. electric generators required 10,311 BTU to generate one kilowatt-hour. If the contest required 12 gWH of additional electricity, it must have taken about 123,732 million BTUs to generate it. Bituminous coal yields 24 million BTU per ton; sub-bituminous coal yields only 17 million BTU per ton. In 1998, the US was mining and burning about a 47%/53% mix, averaging out to about 20.5 million BTU/ton. Therefore 6,036 tons of coal had to be burned in order to generate that much eletricity. Over sixty railroad cars of coal. Looking at the CO2 problem, at the reported U.S. average of 208 lbs of CO2 produced per million BTU generated by burning coal, the contest was responsible for the production and emission of about 26 million pounds of carbon dioxide.
When it comes to the RC5-72 contest the numbers get even worse, since according to the RC5-72 speed page [distributed.net] the number of keys per second drops to about 72% of the RC5-64 cracking speed for the Athlon 1GHz Thunderbird. Assuming that this 72% ratio is similar across most architectures, extrapolating the contest to RC5-72 should require about 2^8 times as much of everything to solve at 72% efficiency, or about 356 times the RC5-64 figures. 12 gWH * 356 is 4.3 terawatt-hours. 6,036 tons * 356 is over 2 million tons of coal. More than 210 full trains. 26 * 356 is about 9.2 billion pounds of carbon dioxide that will be produced.
Now, these numbers are pretty much long-range projections made from some small, narrow observations. Not every CPU will consume 10 additional watts when busy. And not every CPU would otherwise drop to an idle or standby state. But some computers will be left on and cracking keys rather than hibernating or being powered off, which could save 116 watts/hour or more. And some may consume more than 10 extra watt-hours when active; such as a Pentium III-667 MHz which consumes 34 watt-hours operating but only 5 watt-hours when it can drop to standby. [jemai.or.jp]
Also, only about 56% of our electricity is generated by burning coal: the rest is produced by nuclear power, or burning natural gas, fuel oil or biomass; about 10% is produced by renewable resources. The key could be found tomorrow, or it could be found 15 years from now. So my estimates are still just that: estimates. I could be wrong by orders of magnitude, but even so, the fact is that the RC5-72 contest is going to increase electricity consumption. Over the course of its life, the RC5-72 contest might be responsible for burning only 100 tons of coal, or it might cause the burn of 4 billion tons of coal.
And for those of you are still reading and haven't been bored by all the numbers, I think it would have cost me about $850.00 worth of electricity to personally participate. The prize is $10,000, $1,000 of which goes to distributed.net, $8,000 goes to a charitable organization of distributed.net's choosing (the EFF, I think) and $1,000 goes to the person whose machine found the winning key.
That's an $850 investment for a 1/165,000,000,000 chance of winning $1,000 in the next 10 years. That's discounting
I think my money would be MUCH safer invested in lottery tickets, where I've heard that investments pay out about $0.11 on the dollar (average.)
Wouldn't it be funny? (Score:5, Funny)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Wouldn't it be funny? (Score:1)
This is a waste of time (Score:5, Insightful)
These cycles would be a lot better spent on something constructive like the protean folding project.
Re:This is a waste of time (Score:2, Insightful)
Personally, I gave up at the end of RC5-64 and I'm using Folding at Home instead. Should be more useful than RC5, and Seti too....
Re:This is a waste of time (Score:2, Funny)
What do participants think? (Score:2)
Re:What do participants think? (Score:1, Funny)
Re:What do participants think? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:This is a waste of time (Score:1)
Re:This is a waste of time (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:This is a waste of time (Score:4, Insightful)
I HAVE AN IDEA (Score:5, Funny)
We can use some of distributed.net's power to spell check this guy's post!
Re:I HAVE AN IDEA (Score:2)
Re:This is a waste of time (Score:2)
Re:This is a waste of time (Score:5, Informative)
No, no, use your cycles to crack something real like the TiVo password [mit.edu]!
Re:This is a waste of time (Score:1)
Re:This is a waste of time (Score:1)
I got excited about the protein folding project at stanford university, only to find that the goal of the project was to demostrate that distributed computing can be used for research. They were not planning to discover a new drug or anything.
Does anyone know of good projects for distributed computing?
Stats Page... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Stats Page... (Score:1)
I guess they still are in development or something
RC5-72 stats not currently available (Score:5, Informative)
Re:RC5-72 stats not currently available (Score:2, Troll)
That was in early 1999, and I never returned.
I dont give my cycles away anymore, but if I were, itd be to something that would help advance science and have nothing to do with aliens or cryptography.
Is this even worth it? (Score:5, Informative)
Ehrm... (Score:2)
Re:Is this even worth it? (Score:1)
Re:Is this even worth it? (Score:2)
If I'm reading their charts [distributed.net] right, the rate at the end of RC5-64 was around 250 Gkeys/sec. That's roughly 2^38, so to search half the keyspace of RC5-72 at the same rate would take 2^33 seconds, or around 270 years. Until computers get a lot faster, any work done on RC5-72 will just be a drop in the very large bucket.
Re:Is this even worth it? (Score:2)
If right now we can do 2^38 keys/sec, or about 2^63 keys/year, in 18 months we'll be able to do 2^64 keys a year. 18 months later, 2^65. Still only a tiny fraction of the keyspace, but it gets bigger every 18-month period.
From 2^63, or 1/512th of the keyspace, it takes 8 18-month periods to get to 2^71, meaning that in 12 years, we can cover half the keyspace in the course of a year.
RC5-72 will be broken within 12 years. In theory.
Don't forget Optimum Slackitude (Score:5, Interesting)
I think that's probably what people object to about starting this project now instead of in a couple years.
Re:Don't forget Optimum Slackitude (Score:2)
Re:Don't forget Optimum Slackitude (Score:2)
Sorry, long day...
Re:Is this even worth it? (Score:5, Insightful)
The "Because it's fun" one is bizarre too. I'm sure it was fun writing the client and developing all the server side stuff. But if you just run the client in the background and get any excitement of that then you need to get out more
But, as always, it's their computers and if they want to run this contest more power to them.
Re:Is this even worth it? (Score:1)
Re:Is this even worth it? (Score:2)
We fiddle while the puppeteers flee... (Score:5, Funny)
Five years from now, it may be that your house is participating, your cars are, as well perhaps as your shirts and underwear.
In sixeen years, shortly before skynet takes over, the smart dust in your living room may decide to participate as well. (Most likely the dust will not participate, but will instead form themselves into a gollum and try to kill you, but maybe...)
Re:We fiddle while the puppeteers flee... (Score:1)
Re:Is this even worth it? (Score:2)
Or you could just get 20 times as many people to run the client. There are LOTS of unused CPU cycles in the world. Probably 99.999% of all CPU cycles are doing nothing but spinning in main{} right now. Let's put 'em to work!
Re:Is this even worth it? (Score:2, Interesting)
Or you could just get 20 times as many people to run the client. There are LOTS of unused CPU cycles in the world. Probably 99.999% of all CPU cycles are doing nothing but spinning in main{} right now. Let's put 'em to work!
Or let's put 'em to sleep! I used to leave all my computers running all night just to crack RC5. I noticed a significant drop in my power bill when I started turning machines off. (Also, my laptop battery started lasting 2.5 hours instead of 40 minutes.)
Maybe if they started paying for my cycles, I'd reconsider, but I'd still have to look at peak power prices first.
My brain hertz (Score:2)
And then you also bring in the economic problems of understanding altruism (folks do pay the costs of participating in these low payoff questions, why do they?).
The problem of free riders. Jeez Tim, when we find the aliens one hour too late, just because you didn't turn your computer on, I hope you're the first one up against the wall.
And even the problem of how much sense does common sense make: I think you want to look at average power prices, not peak.
Exponential arithmetic. (Score:2)
2^(t/1.5) = 256
(t/1.5) = log_2 (256) = 8
t = 8 * 1.5 = 12.
Re:Exponential arithmetic. (Score:4, Interesting)
(t/1.5) = log_2 (256) = 8
t = 8 * 1.5 = 12.
Uhm, not quite. That's how long it will take before our machines are 256 times faster, which is a very different question. (It would be tempting to just multiply this number by 4, the number of years it took to solve RC-64, but that would merely tell us how long it would take the computers of 2014 to solve RC-72 [answer: 48 years].)
You need a more nuanced answer that takes into account your exponential progress as you're ramping up to full speed.
Let C be the Moore doubling time. Let P be the number of computations required to solve RC-64. Let X be the instantaneous speed at which you can solve problems, in units of P/year. So for t = 4
1/2 x/C t^2 = 1
so x = (C/8 years) P/year
Given that, we can calculate t in this equation:
1/16years^2 t^2 = 256
t^2 = 4096 years^2
t = 64 years
Re:Exponential arithmetic. (Score:2)
What the hell are you talking about? RC-72 requires 256 times as much computation as RC-64, so once computers are 256 times faster, the faster computers will be able to solve RC-72 in the same length of time that current computers could solve RC-64. The fact that the previous poster forgot to take into account that work can be done while you're ramping up to speed means that the correct answer should be smaller than the previous poster's answer, not larger.
In fact, if we do as you did and let C be the Moore doubling time, let P be the number of computations to solve RC-64, let t be time in years, with 0 being now, let f(t) be the instantaneous computation speed in units of P/year, and let f0 be the time it would take to solve RC-64 now if computers remained at constant speed, then we have f(t) = (1/f0)*2^(t/C).
Starting now, we can solve RC-72 in time t, such that the integral of f(x) from 0 to t is 256.
The integration gives us C/(f0*ln(2))*(2^(t/c)-1)=256.
So, if we plug in C=1.5 and f0=1, then t=10.3 years.
Re:Is this even worth it? (Score:2, Insightful)
Now of course, we have SETI@Home, the various protein folding projects, all stuff that many people would argue is a "better" use of time.
Plus, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't the original point of the RC5 projects to show how weak limited-length keys were?
While you're at it. (Score:3, Funny)
Ideally before the end of the semester, thanks.
Re:While you're at it. (Score:1, Funny)
Re:While you're at it. (Score:1)
Choices. (Score:3, Interesting)
I ran the RC5-64 Project for a long time. I like it, In my year(s?) or participating I developed a habit of definding it, explaining it, and had grown to care for it.
But when the end of RC5-64 came along I was left idle. I believe that some good can come of these distributed projects, but I've never made the effort to install F@H on my assorted boxen, my own little garden.
I'm well versed in the cow though, and could be back on RC5 quickly...
argh, choices, choices.
Re:Choices. (Score:2)
Re:Choices. (Score:1)
Seriously. You can run both. I've been running d.net and f@h for a couple weeks now with nothing bad happening.
Personally, I'm none too excited about RC5-72, because, in the end, we don't really know anymore than we do now. But OGR-25 actually has some value, so I'm sticking with it and, for the moment, doing a few RC5's just for the heck of it.
You won't climb the stats mountain as quickly doing both, but I'm not a stats hound exactly either.
Re:Choices. (Score:2)
Team Slashdot? (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Team Slashdot? (Score:1)
Wooo... I'm not doing shit, and I'm on a team of people not doing shit.
And the rankings.. If your team wins, that means either on of or both of the following:
a) you have more computer than you need
b) you don't use the computer you have
Myself, I waste my idle cycles. Completely wasted. That brand new 2.53ghz P4 is sitting at home, powered on, doing absolutely NOTHING.
Re:Team Slashdot? (Score:1)
P3 866
P3 933
P4 240
- Jim
Re:Team Slashdot? (Score:1)
P4 2400
What a waste of CPU cycles. (Score:2, Insightful)
At some point, there's just no point...
Re:What a waste of CPU cycles. (Score:2)
OGR-25 has some really cool potential and will be helpful to the world if solved. Basically it is a project to find the "Optimal Goloumb Ruler of 25 marks" -- which basically means trying to find a ruler with the least number of marks that can measure the most distances. It's a number theory problem.
For instance, if you have a ruler with a mark at one inch and one at three inches, one can measure 1", 2", 3" and 4" objects only using those two marks.
The applications of this principle are numerous. One that comes to mind is the optimal antenna that has the least number of of parts (aka smallest) that can transmit and recieve the largest bandwidth (range). Very cool.
This is stupid (Score:2, Flamebait)
- To do something with all this computing power
There are other interesting more useful things to do with computing power.
- To prove that small-bitsize encryption is insufficient
I think they got the message the first 2 times.
- To explore the feasibility of cooperative networked multiprocessing
You mean they're still not convinced after all those years?
- Because it's fun
Yeah, okay... I guess everyone has their little projects.
- Because you can win money!
Um... yeah... you can win money with the lottery too. This might give you a slightly higher chance, but you'll have to wait many years to find out if you've won or not.
- To get to know more people
You don't need to waste CPU cycles and electricity in this manner to meet people. Running an RC5 client is not necessary to use IRC.
Re:This is stupid (Score:1)
You may, or may not care, if the machine sitting on your desk works in 5-10 years. Some upgrade and throw the old out, some like me keep it around as a printserver/router, etc.
But they should at least mention that keeping your CPU (and memory bandwidth, HDD) at a close to 100% utilization constantly *WILL* shorten its life.
The winning team should be... (Score:1)
...we need (peaceful) war :) (Score:4, Interesting)
Anyway, I think all of these efforts would benefit from some real competition. You can't believe how rewarding it was to race with distributed.net and the other efforts and to see who can develop best optimized code - for example.
But to build that spirit of competition (without doing duplicate work) between the efforts, we would need some fresh and new (reasonable, interesting) idea for: what to crunch? Any ideas there? I am sure the guys at distributed.net and the multiple other efforts would love to see the same "fighting spirit" again as well :) And as result, I believe everyones code will be optimized much faster and new ideas will be created faster, more people will be interested to join...but: what to crunch, what would be really really interesting? :)
Re:...we need (peaceful) war :) (Score:1, Insightful)
I really hope to see this some day, because I will move from d.net to cure for cancer when I believe that the medical software is making as efficient use of my processor as d.net is now.
Re:...we need (peaceful) war :) (Score:2)
I've decyphered it already! (Score:1)
Hmm... (Score:1, Redundant)
Other then yet another encryption crack or useless mathematics, what else is there around to waste my server's cycles on? Preferably something useful, like cancer research or something. Oh, and SETI isn't considered to be useful IMHO.
Re:Hmm... (Score:2, Interesting)
- some how this is supposed to help with cancer but I am no doctor and have no idea what folding protein means - i just draw pretty pictures all day, but this makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside after passing by the bums on the street.
Re:Hmm... (Score:2)
I'm looking for a Linux client instead
Re:Hmm... (Score:2, Informative)
you can turn it on by clicking the DNA icon on the bar
Re:Hmm... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Hmm... (Score:2)
Ah yes, the United Devices client for Cancer Research. I already run that one on my main (windows) PC, I'm not looking for something on my Linux server.
Also... (Score:5, Funny)
if the correct key is found by a P2 300 MHz laptop, floating around the pacific on a small raft, before it's batteries are empty, Taco Bell will give free tacos to all.
Somebody with points, up-mod this parent. (Score:1)
[OT] font size? (Score:1, Offtopic)
Folding At Home Misguided? (Score:4, Interesting)
I'm not against folding@home, but I don't think that the number crunching approach to solving protein folding is ever really going to give us the breakthroughs we want. We need to theoretically address the issue of folding and find more simple behavioral theories with which to approach the problem. I know a lot of work is currently being done from the physics front with spin glasses and other complex systems models.
The difference between these two approaches is the difference between the current encryption cracking projects, and a Sneakers-like approach to actually find a mathematical solution to the large number factoring problem.
Re:Folding At Home Misguided? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Folding At Home Misguided? (Score:2)
> actual folding process
My understanding is that the folding model they're using is based on molecular kinetics. I agree that we need further investigation of the area, and it may absolutely be that physical chemistry is the only way to address the problem.
But the similarity of the problem space to other complex systems would seem to indicate that there may be another way. All I'm saying is that as long as we are forced to address the problem with horsepower, as opposed to refining a theoretical approach (possibly a radical approach that does not come directly from the underlying molecular mechanics), the solutions are going to remin one-shot deals. There are just so *many* proteins we're interested in that taking a long time on an @home type project just will not be able to address them.
If I'm incorrect, and this is the actual point of the research, I aplolgize... It just didn't look that way from their website (based on a recent, and cursory, examination).
If they want me to run it, they can pay me. (Score:1, Interesting)
I wonder how far OGR stats will drop... (Score:2)
Here's a curious question/criticism...how come the OGR-24 project isn't completed yet? It doesn't look like there's really anyone working on it...and that should have been done long ago.
And I'm running RC5-72 because it's winter up here and my apartment is cold.
The time will fly by! Honest! (Score:2, Funny)
The odds are 1 in 5,137,904,802 that we will wrap this thing up in the next 24 hours. (This also means that we'll exhaust the keyspace in 5,137,904,802 days at yesterday's rate.)
Kick ass! I can't wait for the year 14,078,453 so that I can spend my $10,000. I wonder what I'll be able to buy...
Buffer issues with the new client (Score:1)
I didn't find this in a cursory view of the readme's, but did find it in the FAQ-o-matic (and with a helpful comment from Jeff Palmer on the mail list).
Whatever happened to OGR? (Score:4, Interesting)
OGR-24 started over two years ago, the distributed calculations were done in a matter of months, and yet we have no results returned for what should be an interesting project. Were previous methods of finding OGRs optimal? Did we find a new one, and if so, what is it? You'd think that with all the calculations done, two years would be enough time to process the results. In fact, you'd think that the results processing code would be written BEFORE using countless cpu-years on such a project. To me, this indicates a disturbing lack of professionalism, if not outright laziness. Or perhaps the entire project is flawed, and dnet wishes it would just go away. Why did we need RC5-72 pushed out the door in a matter of weeks when dnet already has OGR-25 running?
Look at the frequency of
And instead of laying down the infrastructure, resolving old issues, and finishing previous projects, the organization hacks together an RC5-72 project as quickly and with as little work as possible, and launches it.
It's getting very hard to take dnet seriously.
The Reason This is Awesome... (Score:4, Insightful)
Oh, lastly, I thought I'd mention I was one of the many people that submitted this story before it finally made it. I'm glad it was more than just me... :)
Re:The Reason This is Awesome... (Score:2)
Agreed, the stats are what drives a lot of people. IMHO, dnet doesn't have the best stats though. If you're mainly doing it for the stats, there are other projects with much better stats.
Re:The Reason This is Awesome... (Score:2)
NOTE: to increase performance on the client, be sure to manually select the core it uses! I've noticed that if you don't do this, it will automatically run a microbench to determine the fastest core EVERY time, and that will cause you to lose precious keys.
RC5-64 was good enough for me! (Score:2, Interesting)
Playstation 2 key rate? (Score:3, Insightful)
Screw this project... (Score:2, Informative)
GIMPS - another use for idle CPU cycles (Score:2, Informative)
GIMPS [mersenne.org] is the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search - a distributed effort to check what numbers of the form 2^P - 1 are prime, given that P is prime.
See the project's web site for more details. With a bit of luck, this research will never be of any practical use, as pure math was intended to be...
Because, my mom has cancer (Score:1, Insightful)