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Class Action Lawsuit Against Spammer 299

sfjoe writes "California-based spammer eTracks is being sued by the law firm, Morrison and Foerster (who have a very cool homepage). M & F's press release says they are "...seeking other relief, including attorneys' fees and statutorily authorized damages of $50 for each email delivered in violation of the law, up to $25,000 per day". California's anti-spam law has already held up under appeals court scrutiny so this may very well be a major setback to the spam industry." I think spammers should be forced to pay by donating an organ for each forged header.
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Class Action Lawsuit Against Spammer

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  • Mofo. (Score:5, Funny)

    by Bonker ( 243350 ) on Friday March 15, 2002 @04:26PM (#3170280)
    These are either the coolest lawyers in the world or most clueless.
  • MoFo (Score:2, Funny)

    by unformed ( 225214 )
    How cool of a name is that?

    Judge: And the defendent is MoFo and associates.

    I'll have to hire them if I ever get caught ..... um, i mean, arrested.
  • by derrickh ( 157646 ) on Friday March 15, 2002 @04:28PM (#3170296) Homepage
    Unfortunatley, odds are that as soon as they win the case, the spammer will disappear and resurface somewhere else, only to repeat the process.

    • Go where? (Score:2, Insightful)

      by ackthpt ( 218170 )
      Unfortunatley, odds are that as soon as they win the case, the spammer will disappear and resurface somewhere else, only to repeat the process.

      The hole in this theory is that most of these people are actually based in the US and spamming because they have squat for money and need to con people to get any. Now, assume they relocate to Mexico they might get away with it for a while, but I wouldn't count on that either. Effectively they'd have to pick up and move themselves to a country without extradition, etc. If they have the wherewithall to do that, most probably wouldn't need to spam.

    • Which is why we should jail the spammers and seize their assets. And put them in with Enron and Andersen execs who stole, in a large cage with the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

      Then do streaming video and sell the rights to finance the convictions of more spamsters ....

  • homepage (Score:2, Funny)

    by selderrr ( 523988 )
    who have a very cool homepage).

    Not anymore in say... 30 minutes ?

    Mr. Turd, this is MoFo.Prepare for some heavy slashdotting
  • by Stonehand ( 71085 ) on Friday March 15, 2002 @04:31PM (#3170333) Homepage
    It looks like Morrison and Foerster is suing on its own behalf rather than some other party, and that the spammer had continued to spam even after being warned.

    Oops. So when can we expect a) spammers filtering to avoid spamming law firms, and b) law firms offering e-mail aliasing to avoid the spammers? :)
  • $50/e-mail! (Score:2, Funny)

    by Yoda2 ( 522522 )
    I could retire at $50/spam message!

    The big problem is how can we get at all of the garbage that originates overseas? Half of my spam comes from ".tw"

    While it would be nice to get rid of spam, I will miss the daily opportunity to have my penis enlarged.

    • Re:$50/e-mail! (Score:2, Informative)

      by zbuffered ( 125292 )
      I could retire at $3/spam. :(

      The way we get rid of .tw spam is we all cut taiwan off, like we did China, until they stop all the damn spamming. Then go on to the next country we get spam from and threaten to cut them off. Choke them off one at a time until they execute spammers or whatever. Like Microsoft.
  • by pinkpineapple ( 173261 ) on Friday March 15, 2002 @04:32PM (#3170337) Homepage
    ...and win my case? I receive about 3 ads for penis enlargement a day even if I am from the opposite sex.

    PPA, the girl next door.
  • by edrugtrader ( 442064 ) on Friday March 15, 2002 @04:32PM (#3170341) Homepage
    email_removal@response.etrac ks.com
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Sen. Jeff Sessions senator@sessions.senate.gov Sen. Richard Shelby senator@shelby.senate.gov Rep. Spencer Bachus sbachus@hr.house.gov Rep. Sonny Callahan callahan@hr.house.gov Rep. Bud Cramer budmail@hr.house.gov Rep. Terry Everett everett@hr.house.gov Alaska Sen Ted Stevens senator_stevens@stevens.senate.gov Sen. Frank Murkowski email@murkowski.senate.gov Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl info@kyl.senate.gov Sen. John McCain senator_mccain@mccain.senate.gov Rep. J. D. Hayworth hayworth@hr.house.gov Rep. Jim Kolbe jimkolbe@hr.house.gov Rep. Ed Pastor edpastor@hr.house.gov Arkansas Sen. Dale Bumpers senator@bumpers.senate.gov Sen. Tim Hutchinson senator hutchinson@hutchinson.senate.gov Rep. Jay Dickey jdickey@hr.house.gov Rep. Tim Hutchinson timhutch@hr.house.gov California Sen. Barbara Boxer senator@boxer.senate.gov Sen. Dianne Feinstein senator@feinstein.senate.gov Rep. Brian Bilbray bilbray@hr.house.gov Rep. George Brown talk2geb@hr.house.gov Rep. Tom Campbell campbell@hr.house.gov Rep. Chris Cox chriscox@hr.house.gov Rep. David Dreier cyberrep@hr.house.gov Rep. Anna Eshoo annagram@hr.house.gov Rep. Sam Farr samfarr@hr.house.gov Rep. Vic Fazio dcaucus@hr.house.gov Rep. Jane Harman jharman@hr.house.gov Rep. Tom Lantos talk2tom@hr.house.gov Rep. Jerry Lewis khuiskes@hr.house.gov Rep. Zoe Lofgren zoegram@hr.house.gov Rep. Howard McKeon tellbuck@hr.house.gov Rep. George Miller gmiller@hr.house.gov Rep. Ron Packard rpackard@hr.house.gov Rep. Nancy Pelosi sfnancy@hr.house.gov Rep. George Radanovich george@hr.house.gov Rep. Frank Riggs repriggs@hr.house.gov Rep. Fortney 'Pete' Stark petemail@hr.house.gov Rep. Lynn C. Woolsey woolsey@hr.house.gov Colorado Sen. Wayne Allard Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell data@nighthorse.falcontech.com Rep. Dan Schaefer schaefer@hr.house.gov Rep. David Skaggs skaggs@hr.house.gov Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd. sen_dodd@dodd.senate.gov Sen. Joseph Lieberman. senator_lieberman@lieberman.senate.gov Rep. Sam Gejdenson bozrah@hr.house.gov Rep. Christopher Shays cshays@hr.house.gov Delaware Sen. Joseph Biden senator@biden.senate.gov Sen. William Roth Rep. Michael Castle delaware@hr.house.gov Florida Sen. Bob Graham bob_graham@graham.senate.gov Sen. Connie Mack senator_mack@jec.senate.gov Rep. Michael Bilirakis truerep@hr.house.gov Rep. Charles Canady canady@hr.house.gov Rep. Peter Deutsch pdeutsch@hr.house.gov Rep. Alcee Hastings hastings@hr.house.gov Rep. John Mica mica@hr.house.gov Rep. Dan Miller miller13@hr.house.gov Rep. Cliff Stearns cstearns@hr.house.gov Rep. Karen Thurman kthurman@hr.house.gov Rep. Dave Weldon fla-15@hr.house.gov Georgia Sen. Max Cleland senator_max_cleland@cleland.senate.gov Sen. Paul Coverdell senator_coverdell@coverdell.senate.gov Rep. Saxby Chambliss saxby@hr.house.gov Rep. Mac Collins rep3mac@hr.house.gov Rep. Newt Gingrich georgia6@hr.house.gov Rep. John Linder jlinder@hr.house.gov Rep. Charlie Norwood ga10@hr.house.gov Hawaii Sen. Daniel Akaka Sen. Daniel Inouye senator@inouye.senate.gov Rep. Neil Abercrombie neil@abercrombie.house.gov Idaho Sen. Larry Craig larry_craig@craig.senate.gov Sen. Dirk Kempthorne dirk_kempthorne@kempthorne.senate.gov Rep. Helen Chenoweth askhelen@hr.house.gov Illinois Sen. Richard Durbin Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun senator@moseley-braun.senate.gov Rep. Jerry Costello jfcil12@hr.house.gov Rep. Harris Fawell hfawell@hr.house.gov Rep. Luis Gutierrez luisg@hr.house.gov Rep. Dennis Hastert dhastert@hr.house.gov Rep. Ray LaHood lahood18@hr.house.gov Rep. Bobby Rush brush@hr.house.gov Rep. Jerry Weller jweller@hr.house.gov Indiana Sen. Dan Coats Sen. Richard Lugar lugar@iquest.net Rep. Lee Hamilton hamilton@hr.house.gov Rep. John Hostettler johnhost@hr.house.gov Rep. David McIntosh mcintosh@hr.house.gov Rep. Tim Roemer troemer@hr.house.gov Rep. Mark Souder souder@hr.house.gov Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley chuck_grassley@grassley.senate.gov Sen. Tom Harkin tom_harkin@harkin.senate.gov Rep. Jim Nussle nussleia@hr.house.gov Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback sam_brownback@brownback.senate.gov Sen. Pat Roberts Rep. Todd Tiahrt tiahrt@hr.house.gov Kentucky Sen. Wendell Ford wendell_ford@ford.senate.gov Sen. Mitch McConnell senator@mcconnell.senate.gov Rep. Jim Bunning bunning4@hr.house.gov Louisiana Sen. John Breaux senator@breaux.senate.gov Sen. Mary Landrieu senator@landrieu.senate.gov Rep. Jim McCrery mccrery@hr.house.gov Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe olympia@snowe.senate.gov Sen. Susan Collins senator@collins.senate.gov Rep. John Baldacci baldacci@hr.house.gov Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski. senator@mikulski.senate.gov Sen. Paul Sarbanes senator@sarbanes.senate.gov Rep. Ben Cardin cardin@hr.house.gov Rep. Robert Ehrlich, Jr. ehrlich@hr.house.gov Rep. Albert Wynn alwynn@hr.house.gov Massachusetts Sen Edward Kennedy senator@kennedy.senate.gov Sen. John Kerry john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov Rep. Martin Meehan mtmeehan@hr.house.gov Rep. Joe Moakley jmoakley@hr.house.gov Rep. John Olver olver@hr.house.gov Michigan Sen. Spencer Abraham michigan@abraham.senate.gov Sen. Carl Levin senator@levin.senate.gov Rep. Dave Camp davecamp@hr.house.gov Rep. John Conyers, Jr. jconyers@hr.house.gov Rep. Vernon Ehlers congehlr@hr.house.gov Rep. Peter Hoekstra tellhoek@hr.house.gov Rep. Lynn Rivers lrivers@hr.house.gov Rep. Nick Smith repsmith@hr.house.gov Rep. Bart Stupak stupak@hr.house.gov Rep. Fred Upton talk2fsu@hr.house.gov Minnesota Sen. Rod Grams mail_grams@grams.senate.gov Sen. Paul Wellstone senator@wellstone.senate.gov Rep. Gil Gutknecht gil@hr.house.gov Rep. Bill Luther tellbill@hr.house.gov Rep. David Minge dminge@hr.house.gov Rep. James Oberstar oberstar@hr.house.gov Rep. Collin Peterson tocollin@hr.house.gov Rep. Jim Ramstad mn03@hr.house.gov Rep. Martin Sabo msabo@hr.house.gov Rep. Bruce Vento vento@hr.house.gov Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran senator@cochran.senate.gov Sen. Trent Lott sentorlott@lott.senate.gov Rep. Bennie Thompson ms2nd@hr.house.gov Rep. Roger Wicker rwicker@hr.hosue.gov Missouri Sen. John Ashcroft john_ashcroft@ashcroft.senate.gov Sen. Christopher Bond kit_bond@bond.senate.gov Rep. Jo Ann Emerson jemerson@hr.house.gov Rep. Richard Gephardt demldr@hr.house.gov Rep. James Talent talentmo@hr.house.gov Montana Sen. Max Baucus max@baucus.senate.gov Sen Conrad Burns conrad_burns@burns.senate.gov Nebraska Sen. Charles Hagel chuck_hagel@hagel.senate.gov Sen. Bob Kerrey bob@kerrey.senate.gov Rep. Jon Cristensen talk2jon@hr.house.gov Nevada Sen. Harry Reid senator_reid@reid.senate.gov Sen. Richard Bryan senator@bryan.senate.gov Rep. John Ensign ensign@hr.house.gov New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg mailbox@gregg.senate.gov Sen. Bob Smith opinion@smith.senate.gov Rep. Charles Bass cbass@hr.house.gov New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg frank_lautenberg@lautenberg.senate.gov Sen. Robert Toricelli senator_torricelli@torricelli.senate.gov Rep. Robert Andrews randrews@hr.house.gov Rep. Bob Franks franksnj@hr.house.gov Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen njeleven@hr.house.gov New Mexico Sen. Jeff Bingaman senator_bingaman@bingaman.senate.gov Sen. Pete Domenici senator_domenici@domenici.senate.gov New York Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan senator@dpm.senate.gov Sen. Alfonse D'Amato senator_al@damato.senate.gov Rep. Sherwood Boehlert boehlert@hr.house.gov Rep. Eliot Engel engeline@hr.house.gov Rep. Michael Forbes mpforbes@hr.house.gov Rep. Maurice Hinchey hinchey@hr.house.gov Rep. Sue Kelly dearsue@hr.house.gov Rep. Peter King peteking@hr.house.gov Rep. Rick Lazio lazio@hr.house.gov Rep. Nita Lowey nitamail@hr.house.gov Rep. Carolyn Maloney cmaloney@hr.house.gov Rep. Thomas Manton tmanton@hr.house.gov Rep. Michael McNulty mmcnulty@hr.house.gov Rep. Susan Molinari molinari@hr.house.gov Rep. Jerrold Nadler nadler@hr.house.gov Rep. Bill Paxon bpaxon@hr.house.gov Rep. Charles Rangel rangel@hr.house.gov Rep. Jose Serrano jserrano@hr.house.gov Rep. Jim Walsh jwalsh@hr.house.gov North Carolina Sen Lauch Faircloth senator@faircloth.senate.gov Sen. Jesse Helms jesse_helms@helms.senate.gov Rep. Cass Ballenger cassmail@hr.house.gov Rep. Richard Burr mail2nc5@hr.house.gov Rep. Sue Myrick myrick@hr.house.gov Rep. Charles Taylor chtaylor@hr.house.gov Rep. Mel Watt melmail@hr.house.gov North Dakota Sen. Kent Conrad senator@conrad.senate.gov Sen. Byron Dorgan senator@dorgan.senate.gov Rep. Earl Pomeroy epomeroy@hr.house.gov Ohio Sen. Mike DeWine senator_dewine@dewine.senate.gov Sen. John Glenn senator_glenn@glenn.senate.gov Rep. Sherrod Brown sherrod@hr.house.gov Rep. John Kasich budget@hr.house.gov Rep. Michael Oxley oxley@hr.house.gov Rep. Rob Portman portmail@hr.house.gov Rep. Deborah Pryce pryce15@hr.house.gov Rep. James Traficant telljim@hr.house.gov Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe Sen. Don Nickles senator@nickles.senate.gov Rep. Ernest J. Istook, Jr. istook@hr.house.gov Oregon Sen. Gordon Smith oregon@gsmith.senate.gov Sen. Ron Wyden senator@wyden.senate.gov Rep. Peter DeFazio pdefazio@hr.house.gov Rep. Elizabeth Furse furseor1@hr.house.gov Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum senator@santorum.senate.gov Sen Arlen Specter senator_specter@specter.senate.gov Rep. Jon Fox jonfox@hr.house.gov Rep. Paul Kanjorski kanjo@hr.house.gov Rep. Paul McHale mchale@hr.house.gov Rep.John Murtha murtha@hr.house.gov Rep. Curt Weldon curtpa7@hr.house.gov Rhode Island Sen. John Chafee senator_chafee@chafee.senate.gov Sen. Jack Reed South Carolina Sen. Ernest Hollings senator@hollings.senate.gov Sen. Strom Thurmond senator@thurmond.senate.gov Rep. James E. Clyburn jclyburn@hr.house.gov Rep. Bob Inglis binglis@hr.house.gov Rep. Mark Sanford sanford@hr.house.gov Rep. John Spratt jspratt@hr.house.gov South Dakota Sen. Tom Daschle tom_daschle@daschle.senate.gov Sen. Tim Johnson tim@johnson.senate.gov Tennessee Sen. Bill Frist senator_frist@frist.senate.gov Sen Fred Thompson senator_thompson@thompson.senate.gov Rep. Bob Clement clement@hr.house.gov Rep. J.J. Duncan jjduncan@hr.house.gov Rep. Harold Ford hford@hr.house.gov Rep. Bart Gordon bart@hr.house.gov Texas Sen. Phil Gramm Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison senator@hutchison.senate.gov Rep. Joe Barton barton06@hr.house.gov Rep. Lloyd Doggett doggett@hr.house.gov Rep. Martin Frost frost@hr.house.gov Rep. Henry Gonzales bnkgdems@hr.house.gov Rep. Gene Green ggreen@hr.house.gov Rep. Sam Johnson samtx03@hr.house.gov Utah Sen. Robert Bennett senator@bennett.senate.gov Sen. Orrin Hatch senator_hatch@hatch.senate.gov Vermont Sen. Jim Jeffords vermont@jeffords.senate.gov Sen. Patrick Leahy senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov Rep. Bernie Sanders bsanders@igc.apc.org Virginia Sen. Charles Robb senator@robb.senate.gov Sen. John Warner senator@warner.senate.gov Rep. Rick Boucher ninthnet@hr.house.gov Rep. Thomas Davis tomdavis@hr.house.gov Rep. Bob Goodlatte talk2bob@hr.house.gov Rep. Jim Moran repmoran@hr.house.gov Rep. Owen Pickett opickett@hr.house.gov Washington Sen. Slade Gorton senator_gorton@gorton.senate.gov Sen. Patty Murray senator_murray@murray.senate.gov Rep. Jennifer Dunn dunnwa08@hr.house.gov Rep. George Nethercutt grnwa05@hr.house.gov Rep. Linda Smith asklinda@hr.house.gov Rep. Rick White repwhite@hr.house.gov West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd senator_byrd@byrd.senate.gov Sen. John Rockefeller III senator@rockefeller.senate.gov Rep. Nick Rahall nrahall@hr.house.gov Rep. Bob Wise bobwise@hr.house.gov Wisconsin Sen. Russell Feingold senator@feingold.senate.gov Sen. Herb Kohl senator_kohl@kohl.senate.gov Rep. Thomas Barrett telltom@hr.house.gov Rep. Jerry Kleczka jerry4wi@hr.house.gov Rep. Scott Klug badger02@hr.house.gov Rep. Mark Neumann mneumann@hr.house.gov Rep. Tom Petri tompetri@hr.house.gov Rep. James Sensenbrenner sensen09@hr.house.gov Wyoming Sen. Craig Thomas craig@thomas.senate.gov Sen. Mike Enzi senator@enzi.senate.gov Guam Del. Robert Underwood guamtodc@hr.house.gov
      • LOL..like any of these bozo's ever reads their own email ?? The got some staffer to delete things as they come in.
    • If it works as supposed (by law) to, email_removal@response.etracks.com will add spammers address to the list of removing, effectively removing this address and spammer's kissmeplenty20022@hotmail.com from the list.

      But if works as it usually works, you effectevely created a cycled list of selfsubcribing spam lists!

    • Hey! Stop posting on slashdot and get back to work, like the rest of us! Uh, oh, wait....

      (mr edrugtrader is my employee :)

  • by ksw2 ( 520093 ) <obeyeater@gmai[ ]om ['l.c' in gap]> on Friday March 15, 2002 @04:34PM (#3170347) Homepage
    Not to be confused with Mark A. Fry & Associates [mafa.com].
  • by derrickh ( 157646 ) on Friday March 15, 2002 @04:35PM (#3170358) Homepage
    Who's the hitech private dick thats a sex machine to all the chicks?

    Who won't let you down when there's spam all around?

    You damn right.
    That mofo is one bad mutha-
    -Shut your mouth!
    I'm just talkin' about Morrison and Foerster.
    -We can can dig it!

  • Good make them pay (Score:2, Interesting)

    by md_doc ( 8431 )
    I know when I e-mail my lawyer they charge me for about 15 minutes in most cases at an hourly rate of 250 an hour so it makes sense that if this spammer is mailing them all day long they should get charged as well.
  • by sharkey ( 16670 ) on Friday March 15, 2002 @04:42PM (#3170391)
    From the eTracks homepage:
    Not only is your target moving...It's picking up speed.

    Now I wonder why that is. Could it be that your "target" is trying to not receive your fucking worthles spam? Perhaps they are satisfied with their penis size? Maybe they don't want to about losing 150 pounds in three days? Perhaps the Ladies Quilting Club down at the retirement center isn't interested in tight teen anal sex?
  • by Mordain ( 204988 ) on Friday March 15, 2002 @04:43PM (#3170405) Homepage
    As a collective sigh of longing sounds over the internet the unthinkable has happened. The slashdot community has fallen in love with a law firm.

  • by BrookHarty ( 9119 ) on Friday March 15, 2002 @04:44PM (#3170411) Journal
    [snip]Morrison & Foerster employs approximately 1,000 attorneys and 1,350 non-attorney staff in 18 offices worldwide. [/snip]
    [snip] Morrison & Foerster was named by Fortune Magazine in its first list of 100 Best Companies to Work for in America. [/snip]

    Thats alot of desktop computers and servers for a company, Always wondered how many people from the companies in articles on /. read slashdot. I know I get a kick when the company I work for or related subjects are news posts.

    Come on MoFo IT/IS guys, post some replys!
    • by Anonymous Coward
      It ain't just the IT/IS guys reading -- I refresh this site every 15 minutes or so..

      - MoFo attorney (is there any other sort?)
  • Ok, I can understand slashdot reposting a story that was reported, say, two months ago. But this story [slashdot.org] was posted _yesterday_. You can tell they're the same story just from the three line blurb on the front page.

  • Deja Vu? (Score:2, Informative)

    by DragonPup ( 302885 )
    This story seems oddly familar [slashdot.org]

  • by Lumpish Scholar ( 17107 ) on Friday March 15, 2002 @04:52PM (#3170476) Homepage Journal
    The reason people spam is that the cost is low, even in the worst case.

    Spammer's worst case just got much worse.

    If spamming becomes a risky, possibly very expensive proposition, the big spamhauses could be in trouble. They've got deep enough pockets to be hurt badly by such a suit. Bad news for them; good news for the rest of the Net.

    Sadly, it's probably not much of a threat to spammers in China, Russia, etc.
  • Not Class Action (Score:3, Informative)

    by CaptainCarrot ( 84625 ) on Friday March 15, 2002 @04:55PM (#3170490)
    Geez, don't people read the linked material before posting? Or don't the editors make corrections before sending the thing to the main page? This is not a class action suit. It's Morrison and Foerster suing on their own behalf because of spam sent to users on their own network.
  • The lawsuit is being filed on behalf of Morrison & Foster by itself and is not a class action. Nobody else is entitled to restitution. Sorry. I'm waiting for better tech [slashdot.org] to sort out this sort of "editorial" oversight in the future.
  • I hope Bernard Shifman [petemoss.com] is making enough money to be able to cover his advertising expenses at $50 per e-mail. I don't think he is because last reports had him still spamming message boards and a few other addresses.

    Couldn't Californians bring suit against Shifman if they have recieved one of his silly resumes?
  • I noticed this on Etracks' page:

    Response rates:
    E-messaging 5%-15%
    Traditional direct 0.5%-5.0%

    Source: Jupiter Communications

    Anybody know how accurate this is? I always though spam was less effective than junk mail . . .
    • by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 15, 2002 @05:51PM (#3170802)
      Wow, what a day. Today I found out that a good friend of mine just started working for a Spammer. I genuinely don't know how I feel about this -- he's part of the fucking problem!!!

      Anyways, the info he told me about their first spam run:
      400 web page hits per day pre-spam
      500K emails sent out (on behalf of a client)
      192K hits to client's webpage after that
      only 400 "take me off this list" messages


      So I guess it works.
    • Response rates:
      E-messaging 5%-15%
      Traditional direct 0.5%-5.0%
      Anybody know how accurate this is?

      The 5-15% response rate for emessaging is about right for "direct email marketing" [non-UCE or unintentional ("oops, we f---ed up") UCE]. Actual response rate varies wildly, depending on list composition, message type (newsletter, service reminder, etc.), and the vlue proposition of the message itself. Response rate is usually defined as unique clickthroughs (at least one "click" on at least one link contained within an email per recipient == a response). Jupiter may have defined it to mean something else.

      Response rates in this range generally require good recipient lists (recent, active accounts comprised of people who actually opted to receive your message). Weaker lists ("sign up for special messages from our partners when you open a HotMail account") typically net a 2-4% clickthrough response in best case scenarios.

      Now, true UCE/spam ... well, I find it difficult to believe that its response rates (measured as clickthrough) rarely approach even 2-4%, let alone 5-15%.

      Note that the "response rates" for the two media you lifted (email v. direct mail) aren't necessarily measurements of the same *type* of response.

      - fmr. direct email mktg. cog

    • If it were less effective, there wouldn't be as much of it. Duh.

      Spam is not only more effective than traditional direct mail, it is far cheaper (for the advertiser).

      I suppose the effectiveness will wane when net-newbies are no longer newbies. Which means never. As long as someone responds and the spammer gets results, the spammer will continue to seek those results.
  • by Dimensio ( 311070 ) <[darkstar] [at] [iglou.com]> on Friday March 15, 2002 @05:28PM (#3170694)
    Regarding "I think spammers should be forced to pay by donating an organ for each forged header."

    Who would want an organ from a spammer in them? I'd sooner trust an organ from a pig, at least it's a mammal.
  • I just sent those guys at MoFo an email saying thanks, and win one for the good guys, etc. I think it would be cool to show them how much support they will get for doing this sort of litigation. Perhaps it will persuade them (or other law firms) to go after lots of other spammers. I never thought I'd be so openly rooting for a law firm to win a case. But spam is THAT evil.

    Anyway, contact them at info@mofo.com

  • Try looking at TMDA [libertine.org]... I'm running it on my mail server and I am down from 10 spams a day to one a month. That one is through a mailing list that I would rather not unsubscribe from.

    Basically it adds a whitelist of people that you will accept mail from, a blacklist that you will reject mail from, and will allow people to automatically add themselves to your whitelist.

    You can also have time limited addresses, keyword addresses that you can revoke, and so on...

    It is working for me, if it's not working for you, why not. :-)


  • by Jace of Fuse! ( 72042 ) on Friday March 15, 2002 @07:12PM (#3171172) Homepage
    I think spammers should be forced to pay by donating an organ for each forged header.

    I'm not sure I'd ask anything from a spammer, short of their immediate death.

    TO: Jace of Fuse!
    FROM: Body Organs Galore

    Hello! I am e-mailing you about this great opprotunity to get ahold of a high quality kidney! Let me tell you the story! Once not too long ago, a college boy woke up in a bath tub full of ice...
  • by Telemakhos ( 548307 ) <mistkrause@hotmail.com> on Friday March 15, 2002 @07:15PM (#3171181)

    This lawsuit made it onto NPR tonight... I was rather amused by one spam executive saying the mail was not "unsolicited" because many users give their names to mailing lists when registering for products... "without knowing it" (exact quote... forgive the lack of attribution, but I'm sure someone can dig up an NPR transcript for around 6:45 PM EST on 15 March 2002).

    My question then is this: how is the mail not unsolicited if the user doesn't know he's soliciting?

    Plato's Socrates might argue, of course, following the Meno, that the user's psyche solicited e-mail advertisements before birth and merely forgot about his solicitation upon entering the world. Perhaps he would demonstrate this by having an uneducated slave register software and sign up to be notified of special offers that might be of interest to him... but then the Athenians forced Socrates to drink hemlock precisely because they didn't want to put up with that kind of nonsense.

  • Make spammers pay by being forced to donate $5 per email to each of the following:

    Electronic Freedom Foundation
    Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email
    Free Software Foundation
    Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
    Privacy International

    We'll have enough lobbying power to stomp the NSA, telemarketers, spammers, AND the RIAA :)
  • And how about when spammers lie, and say "this email was not sent unsolicited, you opted-in". I know for a fact that I never opted in to any of the spam places that send me this stuff.
  • Well, for the ones that say that spammers has never hurt anyone, I can only say that they haven't tried to have their own email adr as the sender of some spam mail. If the undeliverable error mails doesn't kill you, the 1000s of mad people thinking that you sent it will sure get to you.
  • I wonder... (Score:3, Funny)

    by CleverNickName ( 129189 ) <.ten.notaehwliw. .ta. .liw.> on Friday March 15, 2002 @10:16PM (#3171710) Homepage Journal
    I wonder how Spammer^H^H^H^H^H Governor-hopeful Bill Simon feels about this?

    I wonder if we could bring class action against his campaign?
  • I looked at Etracks's web page. Unlike many alleged spammers, they *look* like they're in the legitimate email marketing business - sending email to people who actually want to receive it, e.g. product announcements that people have asked to be updated on, etc. They have a management team that has some respectable-sounding background, and relatively professional-looking pages with relatively professional-looking data.

    Compare that to the average spamhaus or spammer page you've seen that tells how you can !Annoy! People!! Fast!!! or get !!!Bullet-Proof !!!Bulk!!!! Email!! Accounts!!! and !!!Address !!!Harvesting !Software!!!!!!!.

    That doesn't mean that these guys *aren't* just spammers with college educations trying to attract a better-paying class of spammer or trying not to discourage the occasional legitimate customer, but at least on the surface they look respectable. But perhaps Mofo Knows [sincity.com]

Algebraic symbols are used when you do not know what you are talking about. -- Philippe Schnoebelen
