WEP Gets A Bit Stronger 84
gmr2048 writes: "CNN is reporting that RSA has helped develop "Fast Packet Keying" to strengthen WEP security. More info can be found at the RSA page. Damn, and I'm still working on my Pringles can antenna."
You can not win the game, and you are not allowed to stop playing. -- The Third Law Of Thermodynamics
RC4 (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:RC4 (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:RC4 (Score:2, Informative)
I know the first 40 bytes have noticable correlations to the key. That's avoided by skipping the first 256 bytes. I know that if you see 2^^31 bytes of an RC4 stream you can distinguish it from random noise. That's not an interesting flaw at all, unless you're generating 2gig of data and you don't want anyone to know which encryption protocol you're using. Did you mean something more by saying "RC4 is broken"?
odd comment in similar article (Score:3, Redundant)
"... does not address any new holes that might crop up"
can I be the first to tell cnet "DUH!"
Re:Moving ipsec to the hardware layer. (Score:2, Informative)
i dont know how hard it would be to offload portions of IPSec to the network card. i know that freebsd can do checksum offloading if the network card supports it.
OT: pringle cans (Score:3, Interesting)
You can see pictures here:
Re:OT: pringle cans (Score:1)
Re:OT: pringle cans (Score:1)
Re:OT: pringle cans (Score:1, Offtopic)
These articles all say, "then just connect the antenna wire to your card." HOW? Thanks!
Re:OT: pringle cans (Score:2)
Then you can plug the antenna in.
Practical mathematics (Score:3, Interesting)
From http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/index.html [rsasecurity.com]:
Why is WEP Broken? ... While the WEP standard had specified using
different keys for different data packets, the key derivation function (how to derive
a key from a common starting point) was flawed.
The weakness in WEP stems back to a key derivation problem in the standard.
To all you undergrads doing math exams this week: yes, you really do have to know how to do this in the real world!
This is great news! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:But . . . (Score:2, Insightful)
All they need to do is go straight to your ISP, setup a box, capture all your traffic, and anyone else's at the same time.
Much easier that leaving the "Flowers By Irene" truck outside your house around the clock...
Damn... (Score:5, Funny)
Just when my neighbor's online affair was getting interesting.
Why do packet-level encryption ? (Score:5, Interesting)
No bad guy will ever be able to use the network anyway.
You have the choice of encryption policy you want to use and you're in control on how secure you want the network to be.
The overhead of encrypting the packet headers is avoided (granted, the card is supposed to do that transparently, but still I have seen significant slowdowns in lag and throughput when playing with WEP).
The only drawbacks I can think of with doing your own protocol-level encryption are :
Bad guys can still see your bastion host or VPN gateway in clear and have a go at it (DoS or otherwise), and script kiddies might want to have a try because they think it's in clear, while when they see WEP in place they might not even try.
You have to set up a VPN and the infrastructure that goes with it (duh) while you don't have to with WEP.
It's a little harder for Windows users to use your service, if you use PPTP, or it's impossible altogether if you use something Windows doesn't understand, or it's costly because you have to buy third-party Windows VPN software (I don't deal with Windows users, thank God, so problem solved for me).
Re:Why do packet-level encryption ? (Score:3, Informative)
I see two main reasons why packet-level encryption is worthwhile (assuming it isn't totally broken, of course):
Personally, I'm happy to have working packet-level encryption because that adds one more layer. SSH over IPSec over WEP, anyone?
Re:Why do packet-level encryption ? (Score:2)
IPsec for IPv6 (and I assume IPv4) is pretty flexible and can be used on UDP (DNS, DHCP), and I *think* ICMP (it would be useful for the "had to fragment, but couldn't" packets as well as redirects, but since it isn't required there it won't really help).
That said there is very little wrong with packet level encryption, about the only two "wrong" things are fooling people into thinking they don't need session level encryption, and, um, fooling people into thinking they don't need session level encryption :-)
Re:Why do packet-level encryption ? (Score:2, Informative)
IPsec for IPv6 (and I assume IPv4) is pretty flexible and can be used on UDP (DNS, DHCP), and I *think* ICMP
Well, yes and no. DNS, for example, works fine if you have LAN clients and your single LAN DNS server, but you won't be likely to set up IPSec SAs with many external servers.
DHCP, no - how can you set up an SA when one of the endpoints has no IP address? (Not that DHCP is all that much worth protecting, but...)
ICMP, same as DNS - how many remote systems are you going to have, or be able to negotiate, SAs with?
Now, once IPv6 comes in, and IPSec becomes truly opportunistic, maybe - but in IPv4, it isn't really useful for "casual" encryption.
Re:Why do packet-level encryption ? (Score:2)
[laptop] . . . . [Wireless AP]---[Linux+FreeS/WAN]--(the world)
I'm writing a paper on this at the moment, it'll go up somewhere on my web page, some time.
Re:Why do packet-level encryption ? (Score:2)
In the meantime I'm waiting for Lucent to update the firmware and then Dell to repackage it for me!
Re:Why do packet-level encryption ? (Score:2)
Care to explain this comment? I'm actually using PPTP with the server running on a Linux box and a Win2k client system right now to "secure" my WLAN segment. The only other stuff allowed from that segment is IPSec to certain known systems and SSH directly to my linux box (with RSA keys, of course). No problems here.
-- PhoneBoy
Re:Why do packet-level encryption ? (Score:2)
Seems to me that the most secure way to do wireless networking is to set up encrypted tunnels :
Except that that's not enough.
The problem is that all of the hosts on the wireless LAN have the keys used to set up the tunnels through the firewall, and their butts are hanging in the breeze. Sure, adding VPN-type tunnels adds an additional level of complexity to an attacker, and that's a good thing, but until you can ensure the security of all of the wirelessly-connected hosts, it's only an additional work factor *not* strong security.
Each wireless host needs its own firewall that will reject any connections not coming through the secure tunnel. Whether or not running firewall software on the host being protected is good enough depends on your level of paranoia, I suppose.
Re:Why do packet-level encryption ? (Score:2, Informative)
Illegal Communication. (Score:2, Funny)
We have have been reviewing our network usage policy contract within your account and have discovered a violation of your service. You have transmitted information across our networks with intention of slandering our hard-working staff and creditors. Mr/Mrs. Anonymous Cowheard, we find it unacceptible, calous, and most certainly ill-tempered to accuse Network Associates of utilizing "moles" and "payoffs" of individuals outside of Network Associates to steal your most trusted and secure data. Please take measures on your behalf to prevent such communication from moving across our networks and we will continue your service. You are on notice and your conspirator, pater@slashdot.org, has been notified equally. Thankyou for your time.
- Bob Istan
What about the other 12 'key contributors'? (Score:5, Informative)
Fast Packet Keying," a new technology based on the RC4® algorithm, is designed to help organizations securely fix the WEP encryption standard. This new WEP solution, developed by RSA Security, Hifn and other members of the 802.11 committee, is designed to generate a unique RC4 key for each data packet sent over the wireless LAN.
The fix to WEP was developed by a working group in which RSA was far from being the sole contributor. It is a bit off for RSA to try to claim the glory for the fix when a significant part of the WEP problem is due to a weakness in the keying scheme of RC4.
The presentation lists as 'key contributors' Jessie Walker of Intel, Bob Beach and Clint Chaplin from Symbol, Ron Brockman of Intersil Nancy Cam-Winget of Atheros Greg Chesson, Atheros Niels Ferguson, MacFergus BV Marty Lefkowitz, TI Bob O'Hara, Blackstorm Networks Dorothy Stanley, Agere Doug Smith, Cisco Albert Young, 3COM
So when RSA wants to get votes it has a dozen 'key contributors'. But when they want to take the credit there are two.
The original algorithm was botched, in part it is claimed (by an informed source) because the original IEEE working group left the crypto to an NSA advisor. Failing to understand the specific weakness of using a stream cipher in general and the specific weaknesses of the RC4 key scheme are the major reasons for the failure of the WEP design.
One could rightly blame the original working group for failing to read up on the litterature and avoid the known flaws of RC4, only RC4 was until recently a proprietary and secret algorithm of RSA. The key scheme flaws were only publicised after RC4 was reverse engineered without RSA approval, and resulted in considerable protest by RSA.
This type of publicity grab is not good for open standards development. It encourages people to release their proposals to the press rather than to the working group.
More Secure, but not? (Score:3, Interesting)
Please excuse my naivety in the field, but from the Berkeley article I gather that not only is the similarity of the packet keys a weakness of WEP (as RSA indicates), but also the use of a 24-bit space for the initialization vectors used to generate the RC4 packet keys.
Now, is the 24-bit space limitation what RSA means by, "similarity of the packet keys", or are they referring to the fact that most boards start the IV at 0 and simply increment for each packet (the end result being numerous IV collisions)?
The reason I wonder is because theoretically, at least, one could construct a table of all IV + key stream combinations in a decryption table (~15Gb according to Berkeley) and thereby gain himself the key to the city, so to speak. So, while limiting the number of IV collisions would certainly make decryption more difficult and certainly more time consuming, it wouldn't make WEP entirely secure. In the event that someone be so determined to monitor WLAN activity for enough time to construct such a table, could users of WEP be exposed?
Re:More Secure, but not? (Score:5, Informative)
RC4 has a specific design flaw whereby the cipherstream for k has similarities to the cipher stream for k+1. These allow an attacker with cipher text for k and k+1 to recover the plaintext of the messages and the key.
One fix is to throw away the first 256 bytes or so of the cipherstream. Another solution is to make the probability of a collision very small which is what the fast keying scheme is doing.
The main constraint on the solution is that it has to be deployable on cards that have already been manufactured and those are not particularly powerful CPU wise.
The Berkely attack is certainly a concern, 24 bit encryption is not acceptably secure. But that is not the weakness being exploited by AirSnort. There are a bunch of mixing functions defined in the presentation I have seen but there is insufficient info to know if it does indeed do the right thing.
Again, I am somewhat anoyed when cryptographic protocols are puffed in the press prematurely. I am not a member of the 802.11b group, however I will be reviewing their work product when they announce it is ready. I am not aware that this is currently the case. I would like something more than a powerpoint presentation to evaluate the protocol by.
Re:More Secure, but not? (Score:1)
Plus, in their new specification, they say that IVs cannot be reused. Since the IV space is per sender now, each sender can just keep track of what their most recently used IV was, and increment it with each packet. Of course, you still have to change the shared secret when you run out of IV space, which seems really unreasonable, especially since the IV space is now only 2^16, instead of the 2^24 (the new spec changed it to get rid of a portion of really bad IVs).
Do gurus care? (Score:2, Interesting)
My contention is this: Keep WEP as messy as swiss cheese. Let everyone have it right on Main St! More access is good access. Individuals with savvy will guard their own cookie jars.
Keep encryption development as open as it can be, rely on the 'market' to force the security issue. The NSA can probably break it anyway. That's why its released for consumers.
snarf liono.
typo (Score:1)
WEP or WEB or both or Solitaire (Score:2)
I've been wating for years for a better Windows Entertainment Pack! I hope they've improved tetris!
Buy new hardware? (Score:1)
It's pretty ridiculous (Score:4, Insightful)
The solution is to get rid of WEP all together (before someone REALLY breaks it!) and switch to something which works right. IPSec, SSH, SSL, PPTP all come to mind as protocols which could solve this problem, and never have to be upgraded. Now WEP is a cat and mouse game. Companies will continue to iimprovie it, and individuals will continue to find better ways to crack it. Personally, I'll just pass on an access point all together and get a Unix box with IPSec working as the router. Easy as 1, 2,3 and a hell of a lot more secure than any WEP solutions out there.
Re:It's pretty ridiculous (Score:2, Insightful)
so, i suppose you're still using SSLv2 and SSH1? no? why not? perhaps because of the security flaws found in each of them?
Re:It's pretty ridiculous (Score:2)
Re:It's pretty ridiculous (Score:2, Insightful)
just why do you think we have ssh1 (1.3) and ssh1 (1.5) and, for that matter, ssh2? regardless of implementation details (and for that matter, nobody's perfect [ciac.org]) the ssh1 protocol had problems.
Re SSLv2: ciphersuite rollback attack is bad news. read the background section of http://www.counterpane.com/ssl.html
point being, sure WEP may have flaws, but then again, flaws have also been discovered in those other great "never need to upgrade" protocols you mention.
Re:It's pretty ridiculous (Score:2)
Indeed, it was the particular implementation used that was the problem. Of course, you read that too so I'm sure you realize that...
Even if you want to believe that OpenSSH v1 was flawed, you still can't say it was even remotely as bas as WEP. WEP even in it's most secure implementations is easier to crack than the most insecure OpenSSH distribution out there. And secondly, the insecurity with SecSH v1 is merely theoretical. WEP can be decrypted and made into a useable form simply by running a simple program, and wating for WEP to get cracked.
Re:It's pretty ridiculous (Score:1)
Oh goody. (Score:1)
I spent GBP30 extra on each 128bit WEP card over cheaper WEP cards. I was particulary annoyed to find out 10 weeks later that the encryption was worthless.
If FreeSWAN wasn't such a pain in the arse to compile and configure I'd be using that (I stopped relying on kernel patches after getting my fingers burnt over the international crypto patch - Just downloaded 2.4.16? - latest crypto patch is 2.4.3. Oh and it corrupts your data if you use non-relative block numbers), however now I've had to give up using my cards - I live in a flat, I can use a long piece of cat5.
What I'm waiting for, is for Intel to sort out the problem. I don't care if they don't interoperate with other Wifi cards, I just want a cryptographically secure implementation of IVs with RC4 damn you!
Re:Oh goody. (Score:2)
Unfortunately there is little or no chance of getting any real encryption into the kernel, due to various laws etc.
Yes, FreeS/WAN is a pain. Quite quite braindamaged/damaging in places. Maybe OpenBSD's IPSEC implementation is better; I'm waiting for a new machine to test it on.
Why do they insist on RC4? (Score:1, Insightful)
- RC4 have a subclass of weak keys. (Only for "even" keysizes like 32, 64, 128, not 40, 56)
- The Random number generator in RC4 have a statistical weakness making it crappy to use; but this can be overcome by generating N number of bytes (i.e. key dependent if one should wish).
Instead of trying to fill out the holes in this swiss cheese - Why not go with AES?