Onstar Navigation System to Deliver In-Car Spam 182
pneuma_66 writes: "According to the New York Times (Free reg, don't cha know) navigation systems, like OnStar, are planning to deliver ads based on the car's location. For example, the system will 'notify' the driver of sales in nearby stores. The vp of OnStar says "The privacy and the confidentiality of our subscribers are of the utmost importance", well lets see how the big companies play with this new wealth of information."
Well Well Spam even while travelling! (Score:3, Funny)
Isnt there any end to this spamfest?
Moderation Totals: Funny=+1 Insightful=+1 SpamComplaint=-1
Re:Well Well Spam even while travelling! -Addition (Score:1)
The spam industry's never going to let you go..
Re:Well Well Spam even while travelling! -Addition (Score:3, Funny)
How long before procmail [procmail.org] gets ported to OnStar? Hey, Linux has been ported to everything under the sun; why not procmail?
Re:Well Well Spam even while travelling! -Addition (Score:2)
Re:Well Well Spam even while travelling! (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Well Well Spam even while travelling! (Score:2)
That USED to be a valid use of Hotmail, but now with the forced "gift" from M$ of a passport account, it is no longer useful. Of course, I suppose it would be cool if you created the account (and thus received the passport account) from a TOTALLY bogus persona then it wouldn't matter. Nail M$ Snotmail servers with your spam all your want - jut do NOT give them real information when you signup.
On Road Spam (Score:2)
Actually, it would make a wonderful scene for a subplot in a movie. Yes I can see it - someone wins a year in a house from the future - the Microsoft house that wakes you up everytime you get spam. And the final escape to the car where it decides to use the "follow you everywhere" feature for email and messages. complete with the tech support who insist that this is a feature and all the rest.
Someone should be able to hone some sort of open source movie script to fine effect.
Re:On Road Spam (Score:1, Troll)
I think you have the order reversed.
If I had a car with OnStar and got spammed, I'd drive it through the showroom window first (hopefully crushing a cute baby or pregnant woman to death in the process), and then sue the bejeezus out of GM and the advertiser on the grounds that the spam distracted me. A few billion dollars in damages will shut these pigfucking marketroids down pronto, or at least convince potential advertisers to stay the fuck out of my car.
Surely if it's illegal for me to distract myself with a cell phone, but it ought to be just as illegal for my car manufacturer to distract me with spam, no? (That's why I hope there's a preggo or sprog in the showroom when I hit it, it'll spur the congresscritters to stop the advertising in our cars, "for the chilllllllldrun!" With any luck, I can get the next-of-kin to join me as plaintiffs in the suit!)
I get enough spam from these people as it is (Score:3, Insightful)
Online spam in the car? Ouch
Re:I get enough spam from these people as it is (Score:2)
.. and I drive a Toyota too.. heh.
This will last right up until the first accident (Score:5, Interesting)
So when the bicyclist sues you, and you in turn pin it on OnStar, that's when this shit will be nipped in the bud.
Not a big deal (Score:2)
Re:Not a big deal (Score:2)
But if this were to happen, it would provide the perfect anti-spam filtering pattern match, or trigger.
Re:Turn it off (Score:2)
Re:No, YOU are a fucking idiot (Score:3, Troll)
Think first, then post, it'll make you seem a lot smarter.
Re:No, YOU are a fucking idiot (Score:2, Troll)
Many car radios in germany have a feature that recognizes when there is traffic information on a (user-) selected station, and automatically turn the volume up and switch to that station (if you listen to a different one or tape or CD). When the info is over, things go back to what they were before. Some background info [rds.org.uk]
So if a driver doesn't know his radio better than his nav system (actually even then), he could be quite irritatet by both. It certainly anoyed me a couple of times, when the radio began yelling traffic info at me.
RTFA (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:RTFA (Score:2, Insightful)
The article is not very clear. I assumed it would interrupt based on
"Of course, drivers listen to unsolicited
commercial messages every day on their car
radios, with no fuss
Their theory is that because we're being advertised at already, we obviously have no problems with being advertised some more.
I, for one, am quite capable of switching to a different station when the ads start. These new-fangled radios with their presets and memories make channel hopping easy.
Two levels of service? (Score:2)
will that even work... (Score:2, Insightful)
Now something more realistic (if it isnt there already) would be having the system allow a user to query information about nearby hotels, malls, restaurants, etc.
Re:will that even work... (Score:3, Informative)
OnStar is a voice system, not computer/LCD. There's a little button that basically places a cellphone call to a directory service, and also sends your GPS location. From there, you're talking to a real person (or, as in the case of ads, listening to a recording, like on the radio). There won't be a requirement to look anywhere in order to receive the information.
Now something more realistic (if it isnt there already) would be having the system allow a user to query information about nearby hotels, malls, restaurants, etc.
That's pretty much what OnStar's good for right now, aside from auto-calling in an emergency. You can press the OnStar button, and ask somebody where there's a hotel, gas station, movie theater, italian restaurant (and I think they can even make reservations), or as in an example another poster provided, the nearest tittie bar.
Re:will that even work... (Score:1)
Onstar Navigation System to Deliver In-Car Spam (Score:1)
This is stupid. (Score:2, Insightful)
I read something in Analog SF recently that involved a household robot that you could get for free, in exchange for having it spout ads all the time. ("You are out of window cleaning fluid. I suggest you buy Windex! Streak free cleaning bla bla bla...") Maybe if they gave you the OnStar service free, or at a reduced rate, the incar ads wouldn't be so bad... but even then, this is kind of a bad idea.
We'll see how the market likes this.
Re:This is stupid. (Score:2)
Re:This is stupid. (Score:2)
Correction. You pay for the right to access the local cable company's network. You are not paying ESPN/CSPAN/TWC, or even the producers of the programs they run, for the right to watch what they are putting out. They provide this service to you at no charge, and in return, you "agree" to watch their commercials. It's somewhat like electricity -- you can have the lines going into your house, but unless there is somebody on the other end of those lines to provide 'content', it won't do you a damn bit of good. The analogy is that you are paying for the lines here with $$$, but are paying for the actual service with your eyes.
OMG (Score:1)
Re:OMG (Score:1)
Pay them, and STILL get spam? (Score:3, Funny)
They're *already* charging people something like $399/yr, in addition to the stuff being installed on your vehicle,and NOW they're going to try throwing ADVERTISEMENTS at you?
Screw *that* - I'll just drive around with my happy Garmin eTrex GPS unit. At least it doesn't feel the need to inform me of a sale at Macy's.
On the flip side, Onstar really CAN find most anything. Our crazy friend Bill called Onstar and asked "Where's the nearest tittie bar?" and we had the answer within seconds. Gotta love that kind of service.
Re:Pay them, and STILL get spam? (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Pay them, and STILL get spam? (Score:3, Funny)
These guys want you to pay for their service AND serve advertisements to you? I am betting in a few weeks we will see how AOL has filed suit against Onstar for stealing their business practices... they would be right of course -- who could claim prior art against AOL's practices?
no pop-ups? (Score:1)
Re:no pop-ups? (Score:2)
Re:no pop-ups? (Score:2)
Let's see here... (Score:3, Funny)
This might not be all bad... take an example scenario for instance:
1. VA Linux, err... Systems... err, whatever they are nowaways sells all customer information on every
2. Geeks everywhere are suddenly constantly notified (in that pleasant feminine voice) of valuable chances to spend their money:
If done right, it might actually be useful (Score:1)
I too have a knee-jerk reaction to advertising, however I think I would love to have such a service done right, and delivered into my car. I don't know about you, but I think that being in an unknown area and getting notified of nearby restaurants/shops/whatever is kinda neat.
Don't forget advertising's original goal: to get the word out about products.
Re:If done right, it might actually be useful (Score:2)
We finally have it! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:We finally have it! (Score:1)
The day I sign up for marketers telling me what's on "sale" is the day Satan builds a snowman.
where have we heard that before? (Score:2, Insightful)
Why should I complain? Look at all the great stuff that would not exist if companies were not permitted to shove stuff down our throats all day. Highway billboards, McDonalds, top 40 music, alternative top 40 music, Hollywood, children's cereal that cost more per pound than steak, three large and valuable TV fanchises owned by GE, Westinghouse and Disney, artificial grape flavor, the list of quality additions to all our lives goes on and on. With databases they can target those of us who don't buy such shit for extermination. This is a great day and we are one step closer to thar really cool car, Kit pimp addition. Thank you OnStar for proving that there will be one less place to hide.
I can't wait for the new home emergency service with opt in adverts. Just imagine your $400/year burgalar alarm shouting things at you. I'm over awed. I can't wait for it's integration into the Homaland Security sytem so the Federal Government can make sure I'm safe too. This is all so cool. Gadget future, just like predicted in 1984.
Re:where have we heard that before? (Score:2)
Re:where have we heard that before? (Score:1)
Re:where have we heard that before? (Score:1)
Re:where have we heard that before? (Score:2)
It will work... (Score:1)
Let me explain why. Right now there is a certain amount of noise, much like a radio. But now imagine a radio that can custom tailor information based on your location.
I have a GPS system in my car and I LOVE IT!!! I never have to read another map. And in Europe the GPS system is REALLY accurate. What I would love to do is tell my system that I am interested in buying something in the next week. And if I drive past a store that has that something tell me. Or if I need that something right away tell me. The point is that I would really like this even though it is spam.
I think the difference with this spam and other spam is that this is pin point spam that may actually be relevant on the spur of the moment.
Re:It will work... (Score:1)
I see. Does a GPS tell you which roads are one way only, or where the next highway interchange is?
I fail to see why you think not having to read maps anymore is such a great thing. I've been stopped twice in the last month by delivery truck drivers asking me where a street is. I asked them for their map so I could show them how to get there, but neither had one in the cab. That's pretty pathetic.
Re:It will work... (Score:2)
Some do.
Re:It will work... (Score:2, Insightful)
Because of this GPS system I absolutely refuse to buy another car without it.
What I even love about my GPS is when I get lost (did not turn off when I should have) my GPS will automatically reroute me and figure out when I will arrive there. The ETA is really cool because it tells me on a long haul when I will arrive...
Ok I could go on for hours, but the few thousand Euros are worth every penny...
AOL/OnStar collaboration (Score:3, Funny)
Drive by Harvard University... Get your PhD degree!
Drive by the bank... Make $$$ Fast!
Drive by the swimming pool... Get wet pussy now!
Thanks to OnStar and AOL, my daily commute is finally going to become fun again!
How's this different from radio? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:How's this different from radio? (Score:1)
This is how this is different from the radio. (Score:2)
Re:How's this different from radio? (Score:3, Interesting)
Radio is free. As you probably know, the government licenses broadcasters to use the airwaves, because the bandwidth is so limited (I mean bandwidth in the radio sense). This is also why the goverment tightly regulates that industry, limiting programming and requiring a certain amount of public service, such as news and other public service announcements.
Why would anybody do this? Because it's a fantastic tool that you can't just go out and buy or manufacturer. Within the government restrictions, you can provide whatever programming people want to hear and also play advertisements, which pays for all of the programming, and pays for everything else. Without commercials, radio doesn't exist.
No, you didn't "request" the ad. You turned on the radio and listened to the station's programming. This is not a new arrangement, and you knew the rules going in. Radio stations play commercials... that's the way it is. Before anybody mentions their local "commercial free" station as a response to this, any radio station of that sort only exists because it's a "sister station" of another station that DOES play commercials, and news, and PSAs, and everything else that the government and financial considerations require.
Back to OnStar. Having read the New York Times article, I have a different and more accurate understanding of it then the Slashdot headline provided. This is not as much "ads you didn't request", as it is information that you have specified you are interested in.
Re:How's this different from radio? (Score:1)
Because you're already paying, OnStar shouldn't have to bombard you with ad content. But radio, on the other hand, I don't if they play ads because I'm not paying the stations money. And I can just mute the radio for the annoying ads.
Re:How's this different from radio? (Score:3, Insightful)
The BIGGEST difference is that no one knows when you are listening to radio, or even who you are. Your radio listening cannot be tied to you or your vehicle, etc. With OnStar, your vehicle is specifically and explicitely known, and with that YOU are known. A specific advert or move on your part in response to an add is instantly known of and tied to you directly in time and space. HUGE difference.
A Database to Snoop With? (Score:4, Insightful)
Supposing OnStar can track where your car is, can't it also track acceleration and velocity and all that? I mean, supposing there's a sale at a Bob's Stores. It flashes the Ad.
Now, supposing you slow down and turn into the Bob's Stores parking lot. OnStar, technically, could save this information as specific to your vehicle. An entry in their big database that says "Customer 84392 will respond to advertising in this catagory."
What it all seems like is one big cyber-snoop service, tracking where you really are and advertising towards your patterns. A waste of car battery just like the new limewire ads are a waste of processing power.
Now, OnStar could say they won't do this, but you know it'll happen. It's a perfect advertising scheme. They'd know exactly what kind of driver and shopper you were dependant on what stores and advertisements you listened to and responded to.
Predictor at Large
Re:A Database to Snoop With? (Score:2)
I'm wondering if they'll change their advertisement volume/tone-of-voice depending on the drivers habits, too. For example, when websites don't generate enough ad clickthru's, they start putting big fscking obnoxious ads on the page. If the OnStar people find out enough folks aren't suddenly stopping by radio shack to get the newest batteries on sale, I wonder if they'll make the voice louder and more obnoxious. akin to web ads.
But of course, OnStar is a service people pay for, so if they get really annoying, people will just stop buying it. Don't know if you already bought a car with it if you can cancel service.
Re:A Database to Snoop With? (Score:2, Insightful)
"The privacy and the confidentiality of our subscribers are of the utmost importance," said Don Butler, the OnStar vice president in charge of the new Virtual Advisor service. "We're not going to be in a situation where we are tracking the location of a vehicle. We just don't think that's what consumers are looking for."
If you read more, it sounds like they don't keep track at all where you go, so it would take quite a change to catalogue the travel of 1.5 million vehicles, updating every second.
Apparently, OnStar does not have "their big database" that you speak of.
Besides, this isn't advertising like you know it, the article mentions telling the person the gas station in the area with the lowest price, and maybe if the person was asked to be notified if they past a store with something they were looking for in stock. I doubt it is going to bombard with a plethora of advertisements everytime you drive by a Walmart. For one, it is too distracting to the driver, and they know people don't want that. You can't sell a product people don't want.
Re:A Database to Snoop With? (Score:1)
The evil of advertising is not that it's so frequent or intrusive, but that it's so frequently intrusive and *irrelevant*.
If OnStar kept a database of my likes and dislikes, and only targeted ads based on my preferences.. that's not spam, that's valuable information! I like Seafood. If I drive into a new city, and I get a list of seafood restaurants nearby with Zagats reviews, that's VALUABLE! If it shows me McDonalds Filet-o-fish ads, it's history. Even more valuable would be listing the closest stores that have a particular product I'm looking for *in stock*.
I doubt very much that this is what the OnStar ads will be like today, but you can imagine such a service being implemented in the not so distant future.
Re:A Database to Snoop With? (Score:2)
That personal information about your likes and dislikes is part of a larger puzzle...YOU. Such information can be used to create a profile of you in your entirety, not just your shopping habits. The more information, seemingly irrelevant, that a single entity or group of collaborating entities obtain, the easier it is to piece together a FULL personal profile on you that goes well beyond your like of good coffee or music CDs.
There is a balance that can get seriously out of whack with this personal information. The good thing (tm) of having your interests served by targeted advertising of only that stuff you are interested in is counter-balanced by a wider evil of a corporate entity (or bad player(s) within such an entity) creating a full personal profile on you as a person.
Since it appears that you have no problem with this idea, perhaps you would permit me to rumage through your drawers, checkbook, bank statements, library, software, diary or journal, and a record all your phonecalls? I promise I wont do anything with any information I obtain. I just want to know EXACTLY who you are without the filter of your personal idea of who you are. I may, on occassion, use the information to manipulate you into doing something I would like you to do but that is as far as it goes, I promise.
Driving By Spam... (Score:5, Funny)
Oh please OnStar gods help me!
"Hello, OnStar BOFH here"
Yeah, I'm lost, I'm trying to find 1234 Bovine...
"No Problem Sir..."
"Up on your right there is a WalMart, do you see it?"
Uh, yeah, sure... but what...
"Pull into the parking lot so I might give you some indepth instructional proceedures."
"WalMart is having a special on Remington Pump Shotguns, they normally retail for..."
Wait, I need to get to...
"Sure, proceed north for 3 miles and I'll alert you when you reach THAT destination."
"On your right is a StarBucks giving a special discount to OnStar Customers!"
I really really need to get to 1234 bovine...
There is a really important meeting that I must attend, if I don't make it, it could mean the end of my career and all dreams!
"Oh that sounds important..."
Um, sir, this looks like the same walmart I was at an hour ago. My god, the meeting is over... I'm ruined! What is your problem!
"You've reached WalMart, home of the Wally arsenal collection! Your profile suggests this would be perfect"
How much were those shotguns?
Re:Driving By Spam... (Score:2)
Re:Driving By Spam... (Score:2, Funny)
A map and a pair of sidecutters.
Onstar Navigation System to Deliver in-Car Spam (Score:1)
Certainly opens a few possible 'revenue opportunities' for those in the advertising sector. Whether it will catch on is another matter. From a commercial standpoint it's great to advertise to those most likely to buy from you (and if they are nearby, so much the better).
However it's going to be difficult to sell advertising space to reach, lets say, the one unfortunate bastard in the whole state who has bought Onstar and happens to pass by everyday as he leaves his house...
And anyway, as a private individual, I abhor the idea of yet more corporate 'throat-stuffing' as I go about my daily business.
Re: signature addition (off-topic) (Score:1)
Re: signature addition (off-topic) (Score:1)
Off-topic, most certainly is.
By the way, what do you want a boat for? Can't you walk on water like the rest of us? Tsk, tsk.
They had that on Knight Rider (Score:3, Funny)
K.I.T. Michael, there's a 40% discount sale at the "Spank Your Pants" Adult Bookstore in that strip mall to the right.
M. Knight Excellent Kit! Go to "pursuit" mode.
My ad... (Score:1)
Run in fear! Buy Tickets! It's Harry Potter's box office. [lostbrain.com]
'adult' stores (Score:1)
Great sign me up! (Score:2)
If I had one of these things in my car, I would probably rip it out with my own bare hands! How intrusive can you get! With email you can just ignore it or click on it and delete it. But with verbal harassment's
I remember not too long ago that you can have your access to the internet could be terminated for spamming. You could be flamed or kicked out of a newsgroup for spamming only a single spam ad. Seriously. Spamming was very bad. Just ask any old timer. The internet and especially the newsgroups section of it were created for schools and institutions to share and exchange ideas and to promote learning. Today its being banned from schools thanks to porn spams. I was on dejanews recently and I saw actual pedophile spam ads. If I had kids I definitely would not want them to log on to the newsgroups today. What a shame.
On a sidenote... (Score:1)
long live our clueless politicians!
First reaction (Score:2)
My second reaction, upon seeing it is opt-in, is who's stupid enough to sign up for this?
Re:First reaction (Score:4, Interesting)
My second reaction, upon seeing it is opt-in, is who's stupid enough to sign up for this?
The yellow pages is opt-in advertising, but people still use it every day to find out the locations of certain types of stores. All they have to do is get a large enough number of stores to participate so that I can say "Onstar, where is the nearest pizza place. Place an order for a large pepperoni pie.", and there will be plent of people signing up for it. Hell, I'd probably consider signing up for it, if it was free like the yellow pages.
Too weird (Score:2, Interesting)
So on the one hand we are discouraged to use the device then driving around, and to only look it at to get directions, but now the device is going to be advertising junk - trying to get our attention?
Seems like a liable case waiting to happen, unless it only displays spam when the vehicle is detected to be stationary (which would make the spam low volume->not spam).
Yea but... (Score:1)
No? Then I ain't stoppin in the middle of town.
Didn't one commercial have (Score:1)
Duh-nun-nunna-duh-nuh-nunna BAT SPAM!!!
Spam? (Score:1)
It's "targetted advertising."
Information you can use! (Score:4, Funny)
And you HAVE to buy it. (Score:2)
Re:And you HAVE to buy it. (Score:1)
Re:And you HAVE to buy it. (Score:1)
Re:And you HAVE to buy it. (Score:1)
Exactly what is the problem that you have with me owning a "luxury" pickup?
Is it because it gets 5mpg less than your car, sit stoo high, or am I just going against the "active lifestyle" theme of pickup ownership by having ordered mine with leather seats and ass warmers?
Who are you to question what kind of vehicle someone else drives?
Re:And you HAVE to buy it. (Score:1)
Re:And you HAVE to buy it. (Score:1)
Hey my radio does that too! (Score:1)
Of course for some reason the radio stations don't seem to need to track my every movement, or make me pay to recieve their ads, but hey this is progress!
free onstar, yay! (Score:1)
i cant tell you how badly this sits with me...
What's the benifit to the consumer? (Score:2)
Will the price of OnStar be lower because of this? Or will this end up being another thing like cable, where you pay an enourmous amount of money for something that used to be done for free to the enduser, but now you pay AND get commercials.
simple solution (Score:3, Interesting)
There are several Car computing/navigation systems out there. Hell if you want one that is cheap but the first one out there buy an autopc off of ebay. (Dont pay any more than $600.00 for a new one with gps and nav... I've seen them at the "super deals that cost $5.00 to get in" around here for $550.00 with software.)
The biggest problem with most of these navigation systems is that they use the really crappy maps from navtech corperation.. They make the worst map database on the planet... if the city is below 1,000,000 in population it isn't on the disc. and errors will stay there for years before they fix them.
The best nav-system I saw was a Q-pc car computing platform running linux and then running delorme with wine... it rocked, and the 4 year old disc database was perfectly useable if you were interested in addresses or routes...
only problem is that the Q-pc with display is about $3000.00.... ICK... anyone have a nice 4.5 inch 800X600 TFT lcd that can withstand -60degF and has touchscreen? I'll design the vehicle mounted computer.
Re:simple solution (Score:2)
Last winter we got to -15F I'd like an LCD that is actually useable below freezing.. instead of the slight ghost I get for the first 20 minutes in the morning.
Minnesota is worse.. hell the top 1/3 of the States get's danged cold, and canada..... well summer is 3 weeks of bad sledding for them.
Every system can be hacked... (Score:1)
Now suppose I were to intercept that stream. I've always been able to find out data about your car from the DMV (tag #s, VIN, etc). I could then filter that stream for YOUR car, and know where you are at all times. Perhaps I could track you, and notice that you go down a country road everyday on the way to work.
It is a known method of the Mafia to kill people by placing a bomb in a road, and blowing up your car. Now, I could use that data stream to set up my device in a pothole on that country road without ever following you. Nobody ever sees me. I arm the mine with an RF link when you get near it, and it's all over.
In other news... (Score:2, Informative)
OnStar - has a 70% NON-renwal rate... (Score:1, Redundant)
I know I won't - it's cute, but not worth the $$. They want $0.50/min for cell phone use on top of the annual fee! The GPS data is only available to the call center and the thing can't even set the time in the car!
This debacle was obviously created by a Marketing committe.
Not to be a Luddite, but... (Score:3, Interesting)
...this just confirms that "a map" may be the best navigation system out there, if only because it's quiet.
And "a book" may be the best way to read a book, because you can carry it with you and read it wherever, even without violating the law.
What I'm afraid of is the day where you can't get 99% of the books in paper, and where cars come with always-on navigation and "security monitoring" systems which blare ads at you without your ability to stop it.
I'm not afraid of technology. I'm afraid of the dunderheads we have running our world, and what they will do with technology (or anything else).
Throw that junk in the garbage. (Score:2)
Well, you know what I'm gonna do, right? If I ever get a car with On Star, that thing is coming off. Even before the smog stuff.
How it works (Score:2, Interesting)
First Onstar uses the car's speakers. It stops the radio feed then the Onstar operator can speak to you through them. I don't think GM will brake into the radio signal just to send an add, sense this will only piss off paying customers. You have to pay for Onstar. The first year is free but after that it's a subscription.
Now how it works. It has 3 parts a GPS sender, a cell phone receiver, and a control module. The GPS sensor records the car's position. The control module calls the Onstar center every 10 minutes if memory serves. It will also send messages such as the air bag has gone off and the operator can call you assuming you still have power. There are also blue Onstar and red emergency buttons you can press to initiate a call.
Now there is a lot of Big Brother things that can be done with this system but I don?t think Spam is one that GM would stoop to. However I wouldn?t do anything illegal in an Onstar equipped vehicle.
Very misleading write-up (Score:5, Insightful)
Onstar is considering putting ads that are related to their content, such as ads for a brokerage if you're getting stock quotes. That's pretty far from 'in-car spam' based on tracking your location.
The only thing in the article that resembles this is the 'gas station locator' by Wingcast, a service which hasn't even been launched yet. It would notify you when your car runs low on gas, and give you directions to gas stations. It's a useful feature, and I'm sure you'll have to sign up for it before they send you gas station ads.
Personally I'd object to ads mixed in with a service that I paid good money for, even if they're not based on your location. For a few hundred dollars a year, I expect a service that's free of annoyances. A gas station locator isn't an annoyance, it's a feature.
Pushing (Score:3, Informative)
It will get much worse. You know that networked refrigerator they keep telling us is going to come? It too will have ads.
Free software has ads. Spending on advertising is going down as people become trained to ignore them. Just 10 years ago there where 2 less minutes of commercials per 30 minutes of programming. You now see 6 times the number of ads you did 10 years ago (sorry can't think of the source).
Ads are getting more intrusive by the day. Remember when you would get your receipt and it would have coupons on the back? Those are too easy to tune out. Now you get a separate piece of paper with coupons on it.
You used to buy something and it would come with a free gift. That free gift has turned into a discount somewhere else. More advertising.
When will this change? It won't. What can you do to avoid all of this? Nothing. Well nothing unless you live like I do, which is not recommended.
o Text based browser.
o No pager
o No cell phone
o TV is not plugged in
o no VCR
o no DVD
o Listen to NPR, the ads here are even getting an out of hand for "commercial free programming"
o don't own a car
You see fewer ads on the bus because you can bury your head in a book and not have you eyes locked on the road where all those billboards, A-frame signs, and faux-hot-air balloons are.
o Don't shop at the big stores. Hit the thrift stores and antique stores.
o Eat at mom and pop places and not places with BigThemePark adverts on the tray liners, YBotherBox adds on the drinks and movie tie ins on the to go bags.
o and the list goes on.
To explain, no there is too much, let me sum up: This should come as no surprise.
TellMe has ads now (Score:2)
TellMe also offers movie tickets via Fandango, which in my experience has something go wrong in almost every transaction. (Today: six minutes of voice interaction and credit card entry leads to "an unexpected error occured, transferring you to customer service... wait time at least ten minutes...").
I think the challenge of the post-Internet era is to re-implement the better ideas so that they don't suck.
Re:What about the monthly fee? (Score:1)
Re:Car Talk (Score:1)