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Hotmail Servers Shut Down by Code Red 460

An Anonymous Coward writes: "SF Gate has this story about Code Red taking down some of Microsoft's Hotmail servers. That's funny." So is Code Red a problem yet? Meanwhile my sircams have stopped, except for 2 people who mail me a hundred or more a day. Thank god for filters, but if I had a monthly bandwidth cap, I'd be pissed.
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Hotmail Servers shut down by Code Red

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  • I thought Hotmail was not running Windows. Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought it was running Solaris.

    Has any mass media (NBC or CNN) hit Microsoft about their crappy design? I would also like to know if Microsoft would ever consider writing a fixing worm.

    • Call me evil-minded and cynical, but I would not be at all surprised if Microsoft wrote the _hostile_ worm- perhaps even actively propagating it.

      Don't they _want_ to render the existing Internet unworkable so they can sell people an 'upgrade' solution based entirely on proprietary protocols that tie in with .NET?

      Don't they _need_ the current Internet to grind to a halt with as much damage as possible so their stuff looks good by comparison?

      I'm sorry, but Code Red may turn out to be their baby all along. If that is true, then they _meant_ it to cripple the Internet. With .NET coming along, Microsoft desperately want and NEED to cripple the internet. Otherwise, who will buy .NET?

    • by Jucius Maximus ( 229128 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:50AM (#2119111) Journal
      "I thought Hotmail was not running Windows. Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought it was running Solaris."

      Back when MS bought out Hotmail, they were running on BSD software (Apache, I think,) and then a lot of people started to make fund of them because they didn't even use their own software on their own servers.

      So they moved it over to an MS platform. According to my scanner, it's running IIS 5.0.

      [] World Wide Web HTTP
      HTTP/1.1 302 Redirected..Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0..Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 14:48:33 GMT..Location: http://lc2.law5.hotmail.passport.com

    • It's running a win2k frontend with a solaris backend.
    • As far as I can recall, it was running on BSD, and it was being recently "migrated" to Win2K. Re: fixing worms ... don't even go there!!
  • I'm incredulous (Score:5, Interesting)

    by wirefarm ( 18470 ) <jim@NOsPAm.mmdc.net> on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:39AM (#2112157) Homepage
    I find it amazing that they didn't take every precaution to protect what might be their highest-profile property. If MSDN went down, they could cover it - Most of their other servers, too. But Hotmail? That's so closely associated with Passport and, by association, dot-net, that I think they would do absolutely everything in their power to keep it spotless in the minds of the users.
    Good luck to them. They'll need it.
    I got two unsolicited calls asking how to set up Apache on a Windows 2000 server. These were people who had never seen a need to switch before. If I convert their servers for them, I'll probably set up a Linux box or two, 'just for backup purposes'.
    Heh heh.
    Jim in Tokyo
    • it's kinda like win2k, based on NT Technology, (New Technology Technology), or it's the New NT (New New Technology) that's to blame for the failure of the dot.net (yot.yet.not.net) Nyet? They forgot a line!


    • Heh heh. I actually sent a message to noc@microsoft.com yesterday letting them know that several machines were infected:

      To whom it may concern:

      Your Windows server(s) at
      is/are infected with the Code Red worm.

      Please see information about patching your systems at Microsoft's
      http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/defaul t. asp?url=/technet/itsolutions/security/topics/codea lrt.asp

      R Walls
      Linux Systems Admin
      *email removed*

      Had I sent it later in the afternoon, two more servers would have been listed there.

      Can't wait until one of these has a malicious payload.

    • Come on. Patching thousands of Windows PCs is a great deal more difficult than cutting a check for US $35.00 and mailing it to NetSol for the renewal of the PASSPORT.COM domain [slashdot.org], so you can imagine how little chance there was of getting this done. Especially as how the patch DOESN'T fix the problem if URL redirection is being used on said IIS PC.
  • by doctor_oktagon ( 157579 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:40AM (#2113644)
    I just queried Netcraft [netcraft.com] What's That Site Running and it answers:

    The site www.hotmail.com is running Microsoft-IIS/5.0 on Windows 2000

    I also tried the SSL Port 443 and it's also hosted on IIS5/Win2K. Hope this clears up any confusion *grin*

    One thing to consider here folks: this is a classic case of Security Process falling down. It just so happens it's an Win2K hole in this instance. If Hotmail still ran BSD and there was a root exploit discovered, someone still needs to follow the process and plug the hole.

    NB: I'm not excusing MS here ... I'm laughing as much as everyone!
  • by Lonath ( 249354 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @03:10PM (#2114795)
    Microsoft has just reported on its website that the hotmail/passport servers will be down indefinitely because the programmers and technicians who are supposed to fix them can't log into their passport accounts to access their tools to fix the problem.

    More on this at 11.
  • by BillyGoatThree ( 324006 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:30AM (#2116869)
    Make a modified version of CodeRed called, say, CodeNap. Include in the payload an MP3 by Metallica. Wait 48 hours until it's everywhere. Now sue Microsoft because they are making money of a system that is being used to make illegal copies of copyrighted works!
  • Dave Farber's mailing list passed along Microsoft's Hotmail Is Red Hot From Worm [newsbytes.com] from Newsbytes
  • by Foxxz ( 106642 )
    Code Red 2 + Trinoo = Internet Death


    • As this [theregister.co.uk] new story in the Register points out, the Internet managed to survive very well through a whole slew of recent incidents, so there is no reason to believe it will not continue to do so.

      Ok, a DDOS might knock out access to a few websites, or at very worst a full ISP, but it would certainly not lead to the entire Internet grinding to a halt.
  • BSD (Score:5, Informative)

    by Crewd ( 199804 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:15AM (#2117189)
    I bet Microsoft is wishing they left those hotmail servers on BSD. If I remember correctly, they started moving from BSD to Windows 2000 just about this time last year...of course that was after an unsuccessful try in about the 97/98 time frame....

    • Re:BSD (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Balinares ( 316703 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @10:19AM (#2121859)
      I bet Microsoft is wishing they left those hotmail servers on BSD.

      The sad part is, they probably don't. More likely, they're wishing it was illegal to be a programmer outside a regular, certified company. That way, those damn hackers couldn't exist, and only companies would produce software, for the only good reason there is to produce software, money.

      And the worse is, I'm barely being satirical here. It's really what they corporate culture seems to promote, as has been proved too many times... Maybe I'm just being an overreacting idiot, but they've given me that impression so many times...
    • Re:BSD (Score:3, Insightful)

      by smooc ( 59753 )
      I thought just the webfrontends are running a version of Windows & IIS, the backend is still FreeBSD.

      Or did they change that by now?
  • Probably... (Score:5, Funny)

    by briggsb ( 217215 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:15AM (#2117195)
    Microsoft is using a Beta version of the new IIS software [bbspot.com] for their hotmail servers that come with the worm already bundled with it.
    • by Waffle Iron ( 339739 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:25AM (#2123247)
      Microsoft is using a Beta version of the new IIS software for their hotmail servers that come with the worm already bundled with it.

      This is another monopolistic outrage!!! Just where will the bundling stop? Now Bill Gates wants to take away the livelyhoods of the virus witers! Is anybody safe?

  • Windows NT servers (Score:5, Informative)

    by tringstad ( 168599 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @10:24AM (#2117202)

    I submitted this as an article this morning, but as it is still pending, and both my home and work servers are still under constant annoyance, I figured I'd pass it on here as well. If you are running a Windows NT server, kindly do us all a favor and just turn it off for a few months.

    According to yesterday's Handler's Diary [incidents.org] on www.incidents.org [incidents.org], "Microsoft has confirmed that if an IIS 4.0 webserver is using URL redirection, it is still vulnerable to Code Red even if the Microsoft patch is installed". The only known solution [neohapsis.com] is to remove all URL redirections from NT servers running IIS 4.0.


    • When you select for the setting 'When connection to this resource, the content should come from' option 3: A redirection to a URL, (On the 'Home Directory' Tab in the website's properties in IIS4) you are still vulnerable. You are thus not vulnerable when you do response.redirect() kinda stuff in ASP.
  • I found out that a couple of the servers were infected by code red.. not taken down. It even states that it caused no slow down accessing hotmail. The only news here is that MS doesn't care enough about hotmail to patch a few servers. Woo.
  • The only thing better would be if Microsoft's server that has the patch to download was infected...

  • We all do it, that is, create a throw-away HotMail account for those times we need to register online somewhere with an e-mail address. I even go so far as to turn on the SPAM Filtering and limit the use of the account for said registrations.

    Even so, these accounts always manage to get overrun by a flood of SPAM. I've even set up one account to throw away EVERYTHING. Then again, that's the account I used to sign up with SpamCop [spamcop.com]

    So I'm thinking, perhaps it's not a bad thing for all those nasty SPAM'rs to get hundreds, if not thousands of messages bounced back (not like they don't already). One can only hope that their stupid harversters removed bounced addresses from their lists.

    At least in this way, maybe CodeRed will have done us a favor. Even for a short while.

  • by Lussarn ( 105276 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @10:12AM (#2118661)
    Can anyone write a new napster using this "protocol". Then we just have to set up NT servers and wait for the files to arive. First it spread itself to any boxes on the net then start transfering files on off Your HD. Everyday when you come home from work you got 2gb of fresh pron. Should keep you busy for the rest of the evening.
  • by Nick Number ( 447026 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:21AM (#2120829) Homepage Journal
    MSN Hotmail has a new look!
    MSN Hotmail has a brand new face...and it's easier to use. You'll find it easier to create and manage your folders, see which of your Messenger buddies has been hacked by chinese, and quickly choose names from your Address Book when send document for to ask advice.
  • Hmmm...Hotmail used to be a *fantastic* mail service until MS took it over (first, they added SSL which made accessing it from lynx impossible. Fortunately lynx-ssl made it possible again. Then, they added Javascript. Bastards. Javascript, for MAIL???)

    Then Hotmail moved their cluster (several times, if memory serves) from trusty, reliable FreeBSD servers to MS products. We have seen the results of this changeover in the past, and now we're seeing what happens now with all the viruses floating around in MS-land.

    I was happy enough to discover Yahoo Mail [yahoo.com], which IS running on FreeBSD servers, and DOESN'T need SSL or Javascript to access. Haven't had a problem since then. :-)

  • by DG ( 989 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:34AM (#2121359) Homepage Journal
    Back in the Dark Ages of corporate acceptance of Free Software (circa '97 or so) a common pointy-haired manager complaint was "Who do we sue?"

    IE, if the software contained some fatal flaw that resulted in Actual Money being lost, the corporation could go after a commercial software house in the courts in an attempt to recover costs.

    Free Software, being provided as a community service with no sue-able corporation behind it, lacked this perceived accountability.

    Well, here we have a gold-plated example of a fatal flaw in a piece of commercial software, coupled to a lax attitude towards fixing it, that has without question resulted in the loss of Actual Money by a great deal of people. One would think then, that IS Managers across the world would be queuing up to sue Microsoft and recover their costs.

    Anybody seeing any evidence of this happening?

    • Well, here we have a gold-plated example of a fatal flaw in a piece of commercial software, coupled to a lax attitude towards fixing it, that has without question resulted in the loss of Actual Money by a great deal of people. One would think then, that IS Managers across the world would be queuing up to sue Microsoft and recover their costs.

      Sue Microsoft because your sysadmin is too lax to install a security patch that came out almost two months ago?

      Yeah, that'll work.
    • So after Microsoft who do they sue next? SUN? They've had security bugs that have caused problems for customers. How about Apache? They've also had to patch security holes. How many companies that make server software haven't had security holes at one point or another? More viruses/trujans/worms are made to attack MS OSs because they have a larger market share (in the desktop market at least), and they're probably more despised by the crackers writing the viruses/trojans/worms.
      The real story here is that a lot of people running Microsoft OSs don't take applying security patches seriously enough. The fact that some of them are at Hotmail which is owned by Microsoft makes the news both funnier and more depressing.
      System administrators and computer users in general need to be more concerned with the costs of not applying security patches. A more serious effort also has to be made to convince crackers that there will be serious penalties for releasing these viruses/trojans/worms. It's past time to accept excuses like I didn't mean to cause that much harm, or I was just doing it to show the hole existed. Is it necessary to throw a brick through a car window to prove that a car alarm won't stom you from steaning someones stuff out of the car? These crackers are causing serious finicial harm. They should be held responsible for their actions, and not get a slap on the wrist.
    • by slimme ( 84675 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:53AM (#2121048)
      Who has losses that arise from code red?

      ISP's and individuals/companies paying for bandwith used.

      Who causes this mess?

      People who haven't patched their software (gross negligence).

      Who can sue who?

      People who have losses because of gross negligence.

      Micorosoft is shielded by a EULA that limits (or denies)liability (although this EULA might not be fully apllicable worldwide).
      • Who causes this mess?

        Obviously not Msft, since their FU's are protected by the EULA; society seems to want to blame the virus authors who exploit the holes, but I think the blame belongs to: people who take the path of least resistance and buy Msft licenses. Yes, people should be FIRED , sacked, terminated, let go, finito', by company's for recommending Msft Exchange/Outlook/IIS when they get a plague of viruses. And I mean TOP IT mgmt should get the old heave-ho onto the street from the suits when there's a major business disruption. After they dump the McSE fakirs and the "40 Billion Dollar RipOff Goliath" they should look around for some credible, broad computer business information systems experience willing to look at alternatives other than a simple minded 'single source' from budget sucking vendor lock in thieves leading them further down the primrose path to madness, mayhem & self destruction.

        Thank you.
      • You're right on the money for the most part, however lets make a little modification:

        Who has losses that arise from code red?

        ISP's and individuals/companies paying for bandwith used.

        Who causes this mess?

        Microsoft who left a remote buffer overflow in the 5th version of their IIS software

        Who can sue who?

        People who have losses because of gross negligence.

        -- iCEBaLM
  • by jmoo ( 67040 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @10:24AM (#2122962)
    I work for a small company that handles license production for a number of the software companies, most of the stuff for OEMs - one of them is Microsoft. (You know that little piece of paper with the cool hologram and bunch of numbers? We make them)

    Now Microsoft is very critical about who gets access to the serial numbers and databases. They have there own servers, VLAN, and firewall at our plants for distribution of licenses. Think it would be pretty secure, right?

    Well not really, they all got Code Red when it first came out. Now we were cleaning Code Red up on our own webserver (Yeah, I know, should have patched) Noticed that the MS server were infected, called up MS and told them what was up. They didn't believe us and told us the servers were already patched. Took a number of calls and yelling to get their boxes fixed.

    I don't know if its really funny or really sad.
  • Yawn (Score:2, Insightful)

    by DataSquid ( 33187 )
    Now when it hit their Windows Update site, that was funny. Slow day?
    • Re:Yawn (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Tungursk ( 513343 )
      I Don't understand why dont they apply their own patches to their own servers ?
      I bet they do have their own mailing lists where they are talking about this.
      Or possibly they are not interested in it ?
      • I Don't understand why dont they apply their own patches to their own servers ?

        Probably for the same reason many people don't install the patches. They have the server up and running and are afraid of what the patch will break.

  • heh. heheheh. heheheheheheheheheheheh..... hehehehaehahahahahahahaaaaaaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa.... oh, man...... heheheh. muahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaHAHA HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa...

    hee heeeeeeee....
    • by flimflam ( 21332 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:45AM (#2124238)
      GET /default.ida?heheheheheheheheheheheh.....heheheh.m uahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaHAHAH AHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u780 1%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801% u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0 078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0

  • Okay, people keep saying it isn't a problem, the news doesn't know what to say about it, but I can confirm, it is a problem. More of a pain in the ass. Cisco DSL modems are still vulnerable, because people don't realize it is code red locking them up. Infected IIS servers are all over the place, and I keep getting more scans every day.

    On my web server (with multiple IPs), 689 probes yesterday. 613 of those were Code Red II. 685 the day before (578 were CRII). 543 the day before that (419 CRII). 433 the day before that (224 CRII).

    So, simply put, Code Red II is worse than Code Red, and getting more so. Who cares what it does to the servers, right now, it is a major pain in the ass.

    Ever tried explaining to a client that their network is down because of a worm that infects web servers? And no, I didn't install those Ciscos, I would have brought CBOS up to date if I had.
  • Irony? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by rnturn ( 11092 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:48AM (#2123352)

    And this the company whose software that the vast majority of ISPs insist that you use if you want to connect to the internet using their lines.

    I think I'll have some new ammunition the next time I get into an argument with an ISP over what software I'm allowed to run.

  • "There's nothing more useless than an internet account with a monthly cap."

    "You'll find truth only in mathematics."
  • by Havokmon ( 89874 ) <rick@Nospam.havokmon.com> on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:19AM (#2123847) Homepage Journal
    Wasn't it Craig Mundie who said that, in refrence to WHOSE problem the virus was?

    (twas a ZDNet story I can't seem to locate)

  • by bfree ( 113420 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:43AM (#2123859)

    One little server on a little 128k leased line and the attack pattern since 1st August reads
    13,35,24,27,27,63,73,47,32 (in 15 hours)
    Until the 4th August all the attacks were from the initial breed (NNNNNN). On the 4th 3 of the 27 attacks were from the new breed (XXXXXX). On the 5th 15 NNNNN and 12 XXXXX. Day 6 and only 10 of the old breed arrive while 63 of the new breed are in and since then we are down to about 3 attacks of the old NNNNN per day.

    I actually agree with the concept setting up a lot of machines to reply to the virus with the fix. It seems obvious that too many NT/2000 boxes out there are abandoned and vulnerable thanks to the lack of knowledge required to expose one. Who thinks that we won't see any attacks next month?

  • Okay so... (Score:5, Funny)

    by UberOogie ( 464002 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:12AM (#2124831)
    ...Code Red is taking down Hotmail so that people can't get to their accounts that are filled up with SirCam?
    • by balls001 ( 191004 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:22AM (#2109750)
      Did anyone read the Dilbert comic where MS had mis-spelled a word in MS Word? I can imagine the Admin(s) in question to be put into a similar situation

      MS Admin: We got the virus we've been teaching people to prevent.
      Bill: Great, so what are you going to do about it?
      MS Admin: Kill myself as an example to others?
      Bill: .. At our Comdex booth

      • MS Admin: We got the virus we've been teaching people to prevent.
        Bill: Great, so what are you going to do about it?
        MS Admin: Kill myself as an example to others?
        Bill: .. At our Comdex booth

        Have him spray the booth in herring oil, then release the penguins...

        Oh, that would be messy. :)

    • Re:Okay so... (Score:5, Informative)

      by cworley ( 96911 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @11:08AM (#2152542)
      >people can't get to their accounts that are filled up with SirCam

      I was out of town for a week (two weeks ago), when I returned, the Hotmail Janitor had deleted all my saved mail in all my folders, and all I had left was that weeks spam/sircam.

      In complaining to Hotmail support, they replied, to my Hotmail account, asking what the name of my Hotmail account was. I'm not joking -- they're that stupid.

      In further correspondence, they have said that they can't recover anything deleted by their "auto janitor".

      They have said that Hotmail should not be trusted to store valuable mail (and that I should use outlook instead -- the damn software responsible for SirCam in the first place).

      They think this is my problem, and I should upgrade my anti-virus software (I've repeatedly assured them that I've been WinDoh's free for four years -- I can't find McAfee's Linux download site).

      They say their anti-virus protection is sufficient -- yet I rec'd two more SirCam laced spams today. They won't let me download the contents (even though it won't hurt my Linux system).

      I've told them that their anti-virus protection kicks in too late -- they need to not stick any email into the Inbox that has the SirCam virus (they don't let you download the attachment anyway -- why bother letting it fill up your quota).

      I've told them they should shut down their Janitor and make backups until this problem is resolved, or more Hotmail customer's are going to get their accounts wiped out without backup.

      I've also told them that the correct solution is to bounce new incoming emails headed for an over-quota user, rather than allowing the incoming email and deleting the existing, saved, mail.

      They don't get it. They don't understand.

      And, if any Microsoft troll cares to say I'm a liar about this (like they did the last time I reported this in Slashdot)... I have the email transcripts to proove that this is Hotmail's behavior.

      I have found two solutions:


      Both provide free email excellent (and web hosting) service, and are smart enough to not run Microsoft products.

      • Outlook has nothing to do with SirCam. SirCam is an executable virus, not a VBScript virus. You will be infected with SirCam by running the attachment, no matter what email client you are using.

        For some reason, everyone seems to think that every virus is an Outlook virus.

      • Well, why not. A little 486 and a small pipe are all the average user is likely to need. Debian's Exim configuration could not be easier, and it works great. Who needs those big giant single points of failure? Isn't that the whole point of the net?

        Oh, sorry I forgot [slashdot.org]. Some people just can't take the competition.

        Is it true that I can get my FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp? Wow! That's just what I've always wanted, FREE software.

        • by alexburke ( 119254 ) <alex+slashdot@@@alexburke...ca> on Thursday August 09, 2001 @04:37PM (#2141133)
          Is it true that I can get my FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp?

          Nope, but you can at:

  • Um, I actually am surprised to see the level of hostility levied towards a service that is provided free of charge to the general public. One thing that is also interesting is the number of posts (I knew it was inevitable) touting Linux. I love Linux. I think it's great. You want to know why there are no real virus threats against Linux? It's because no one has targeted it. Maybe all the virus writers are 15 years old and using Linux? It seems to me that *no* OS is safe if people really want to target it, and laughing at the misfortune of another smacks of immaturity and a certain foolishness.
  • I seem to remember some savvy /.er out there somewhere who showed that MS was actually using Linux to power Hotmail. Maybe with the recent facelift upgrade they did, they changed the backend as well...

  • Can you believe I have not ever received one single Sircam OR "love bug" mail?
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • .Net (Score:5, Funny)

    by Marcus Erroneous ( 11660 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @10:13AM (#2128619) Homepage
    Sign me up for Hailstorm right now! Do you need my credit card number now or later? When do you want my ssn, drivers license, home address and other personal information? Boy, I sure am glad I've got a big responsible company to handle my sensitive data instead of a bunch of foreign nobodies. If MicroSoft can't protect my information, who can we trust? ;)

  • wasn't it not too long ago this very forum was laughing at the piddly virus 'code red', because the author had 'stupidly' used a site name instead of its IP to attack it. now look at how much trouble it has caused and answer me... how many other more successful viruses have there been? maybe its intended purpose, DDOS-ing whitehouse.gov, has gone by the wayside, but man, what a lot of crap being posted here, there, and everywhere, on the TV, etc, etc. this is an unbelievably 'successful' virus.
  • What the hell. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by scott1853 ( 194884 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:25AM (#2136175)
    Ok, I know it's a lot of servers, but the company that runs Hotmail, also wrote the OS that is insecure. This company release a warning, what, like 6 months ago, and also released a patch at the same time. They have been claiming that this is a major security hole since then and strongly encourages everybody to install the patch, yet they themselves don't.

    Somehow, when I picture a server farm, I see this clean, organized room with nice neat racks. With everything that happens with MS's servers, all I can envision is a building reminiscent of a level from Diablo. Something dark & gloomy with servers just sitting on workbenches with their hard drives just hanging out of the side of the case and the motherboard coated in 1/2" of dust.

    How can you forget a bunch of servers. I work for a small ISP so we're not the most organized place, but hell, all we have is two racks for modems & routers, and a dozen boxes sitting on the floor for servers. But we at least have pieces of paper tacked to the wall with a list of IP addresses, server names, functions and OS. We install the patches on all of our machines just fine.

    All you need is a list of all the servers. Then take that list around with you and after you install the patch, put a little "X" next to the server on the list. Not really complex guys. Of course this is Microsoft, they're probably running little handhelds with WinCE, connecting wirelessly to a MSSQL server that seems to simply misplace records for the hell of it.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 09, 2001 @09:25AM (#2136587)
    first off, cmdrtaco, please keep moaning about getting too much mail all the time from these viruses. it really adds to the discussion to hear every 5 posts or so, 'wah, i am getting megs of virus mail.' okay, we get it. but... what is really weird is the reaction of 'real businesses' to these viruses. IBM for one (and this is why i'm posting anonymously...) SHUT DOWN their entire internal access to all port 80 traffic to stop the spread of code red -- this is a big deal, as this is affecting entire companies' modes of operation and costing millions in lost productivity (no access to even internal web docs, let alone external web resources, etc).
  • Got scanned (Score:3, Informative)

    by SgtClueLs ( 54026 ) <`sgtcluels' `at' `gmail.com'> on Thursday August 09, 2001 @12:45PM (#2152504)
    Known about this since Sunday. When I went thro my error_log file on my apache box and found this.

    Tue Aug 7 05:37:56 2001] [error] [client] File does not exist:
    [Tue Aug 7 05:38:45 2001] [error] [client] File does not exist:
    [Tue Aug 7 05:38:54 2001] [error] [client] File does not exist:
    [Tue Aug 7 05:40:21 2001] [error] [client] File does not exist:
    [Tue Aug 7 05:42:01 2001] [error] [client] File does not exist:
    [Tue Aug 7 05:42:15 2001] [error] [client] File does not exist:
    [Tue Aug 7 05:42:20 2001] [error] [client] File does not exist:
    [Tue Aug 7 05:48:55 2001] [error] [client] File does not exist:
    [Tue Aug 7 05:49:13 2001] [error] [client] File does not exist:
    /usr/local/apache/htdocs/default.ida is msgr-cs20.msgr.hotmail.com

    You'd figure they'd patch themselves.

  • by Sara Chan ( 138144 ) on Thursday August 09, 2001 @12:59PM (#2152694)
    I live in England. For the last day or so, it has not been possible to get telephone-directory inquiries for Europe or Asia. Asking for numbers in Canada/USA works fine. But when I've tried to get a number in Eurasia, I've been told that there are no lines to directory inquiries in those countries. The cause is claimed to be CodeRed, but I haven't been able to find out the details.

    (Note: calls work fine; it's just directory information that you cannot get.)

    [reposted from here [slashdot.org]]

The use of money is all the advantage there is to having money. -- B. Franklin
