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Encryption Security

RSA Cracked - Not 128

fintler was the first of many to tell us about the ZDNetAsia and Philippine newspaper stories that proclaim that RSA encryption has been "cracked." This might make an entertaining movie plot but it isn't true. I bet cryptographers get hot tips like this from well-meaning amateurs all the time, but most of them don't get this much press. Here's a cleaned-up edit of what's been bouncing around your inboxes all day (read parts [F] and [I]), and for a briefer commentary by the "R" in RSA, read on.

Hi Jamie --

Thanks for checking with me.

A fellow by the name of Leo de Velez from the Phillipines had thought he had broken RSA, and a reporter colleague wrote up this story and published it. This is probably what you have heard about.

Mr. Velez also wrote to me with his ideas. Unfortunately for him, his approach is actually much *slower* than the naive approach to factoring by trial division by 2, 3, 4, .... His approach doesn't improve on any known techniques, and doesn't constitute a "break" of RSA at all.

If you write to Mr. Velez (leo at teammail dot com) he will confirm...

Thanks again for checking...

Feel free to quote me...

Ron Rivest

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RSA Cracked - Not

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  • You may know more about RSA than I do, but isn't the RSA algorithm NP? Or, is just O(x^)?

    Yes, they are NP, that is, given two integers P, Q that are claimed to be a factorization of a given number N, you can compute their product P*Q and compare it to N in polynomial time. Remember, NP means ``an answer can be verified in polynomial time''; it does NOT mean `not P' (where P means: a solution can be found in polynomial time). NP is a superset of P.

    That said, neither the RSA problem (factor large integers) nor the Diffie-Helman problem (compute discrete log) are proven to be NP-hard (that is, if you can solve them, you can solve any NP problem). Some attempts have been made to make crypto algorithms that are based on NP-hard problems (back pack packing, traveling salesman), but no satisfactory implementation of these is currently known.

  • RSA encryption will be one of the best types around, at least mathematically speaking.

    This is incorrect. RSA is strictly worse than Diffie-Helman. To elaborate, there are four problems we need to distinguish:

    • RSAP, the RSA Problem: given a large composite number, factor it.
    • DHP, the Diffie-Helman Problem: given A in Z/p (integers modulo some prime p) and n a positive integer, find B such that B^n=A. This is called the `discrete logarithm' b/c if we have A and B in the real numbers, this is just finding B=log_n A.
    • RSA, a cryptalgorithm based on the RSAP
    • DH (Diffie-Helman), a cryptalgoritm based on the DHP

    To elaborate: a solution for the DHP would give a solution to the RSAP; thus RSA is on shakier ground than DH. Note that if cracking DH or RSA does not require solving DHP (resp. RSAP), then this is academic. We thus get the diagram:

    DHP >= DH
    RSAP >= RSA

    that is, if you can solve DHP, you can solve all of these, but if you can solve RSAP, you only get RSA cracked. Thus the security of DH (resp. RSA) is based on two assumptions:

    • Cracking DH/RSA requires solving the underlying mathematical problem (DHP/RSAP)
    • The underlying mathematical problem is hard

    Unless you think there is something wrong with DH that allows cracking it without solving DHP, then DH is better than RSA. That said, the reason RSA is so prevalent is b/c it was patented after DH, and thus RSA inc. could make $$$ off it longer than if they used the technically superior DH; however, RSA has been ``good enough''; regardless of whether governments can crack it, $|<r1p+ <1dd1e$ sure can't. But that's all RSA is: good enough.

  • True, but Jamie didn't post the email because it illustrates how cool Rivest is. He posted it to show us all how well connected he is.

    I, for one, am very impressed.

  • Actually the Squaring the circle is possible. Miklos Laczkovich of Lorand Eotvos University in Budapest solved this by cutting it into 10^50 pieces (Scientific America July 1989).

    Though seems unlikely that an unknown person might find the counterexample, it's a bad idea to dismiss it as "impossible" or "funny", because one day, in some mathematical field or another, it'll happen. Save the laughter for the many people who still believe they can trisect the angle, square the circle, double the cube etc., in the face of proofs of their impossibility.
  • rjh writes:

    I'm very hesitant to declare RSA to be "one of the best types around". RSA is built on several conjectures, none of which have been proven, namely:
    1. The only way to make a general break of RSA is to factor large composite numbers
    2. Factorization of large numbers is an NP-complete problem,
    3. P != NP

    #1 is incorrect, there are a few ways to break RSA, only one of which is to factor large composite numbers (another is this Leo person's method). Assuming effective key management, no method has been found which is significantly easier than the factorization problem (although some are no harder). For more detail, see [].

    #2 is also incorrect. Factorization is probably not NP-Complete, but RSA never depends on it being NP-Complete, merely on it being really hard to solve. Factorization is provably NP, but has not been shown to be NP-Complete. This is potentially a good thing, if #3 ever falls through for the NP-Complete set, the fact that it isn't NP-Complete means that Factorization will probably still be hard.

    #3, of course, has not been proven. It also has not been disproven, despite hundreds of mathematicians trying for decades. A good analysis of the issue is at /NP/ijcai91/paper/IJCAI91-paper.html [].

    Just because #3 hasn't been proven doesn't mean it's not a useful assumption. People routinely bet their lives on much flimsier ones.

  • why bother cracking an ssl session when the tried-and-true method of hacking into poorly-protected sites is available?
  • That sounds about right - and since single-DES uses a 56-bit key (which provides, I believe, a 55 bit keyspace,) you've really only added one bit onto the key. There's a fairly clever meet-in-the-middle attack on double-encrypted ciphers; I can't remember most of it right now, though -- I believe that while it ends up only taking twice as long as a brute-force attack on single encryption, it consumes an awful lot of memory.

    Triple-DES does give you the full 112 bits of your key, since triple-encryption manages to avoid that problem.

    - cicadia

  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:02PM (#455771) Homepage
    the key to breaking RSA encryption, as most people know, is factoring large numbers quickly. According to the current state of mathematics this is not possible except by trial and error, brute force.

    Actually, factoring is a problem which is believed to be hard, but there is no proof that it is. There's no formal lower bound on the amount of computation required to break RSA. But it's a problem that many mathematicians have worked on without cracking it. That's the main reason for confidence in RSA. Nevertheless, the possibility of a new discovery cannot be excluded. (Nor can you exclude the possibility that it has been made already. You have to assume that the world's major cryptographic agencies have smart people working hard, but quietly, on the problem).

    It's also worth remembering that there are lots of problems for which the worst case is exponentially hard, but the average case is far easier. Linear programming and the travelling salesman problem are examples. If you could break a high percentage of keys, that would be of practical use, even if some were harder than others. Note that there have been weak RSA implementations where the keys were ill-chosen from some subset of primes.

    The first attempt at a public-key cryptosystem was based on the knapsack algorithm, a problem that hadn't received much attention. Once people starting looking hard at that problem, a way was found to solve it rapidly. Since then, cryptographers have been very cautious about new asymmetric-key algorithms.

  • I thought part of the power of encryption (and RSA in general) was that it's wide spread use would lead to stronger security. I.E. if everyone uses it for everything, then why the hell bother decrypting anything since it could be nothing more than a slashdot post. This was explained to me as the "Fax machine" principle. Encryption is only valuable if enough people use it.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Check out tries... Link Here []
  • I beg to differ. The best part is the paragraph which begins

    "While you thought you were attempting some 'new' way of attacking RSA, the method you propose is in fact equivalent to the 'old' way..."

    [Translation: shouldn't you stick to making sneakers for Nike, instead of worrying about this newfangled math stuff?]
  • by Alan Livingston ( 209463 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:48AM (#455775)

    I've cracked RSA. Unfortunately, the details of my algorithm are slightly too large to fit into this here Comment box.

    -P. Fermat

  • by sid_vicious ( 157798 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:48AM (#455776) Homepage Journal
    The place to look for cracks is less in the theory and more in the implementations.

    I was reading "Crypto", and I remember them mentioning that an older version of PGP was using a pretty weak random number generator, making it easy to guess what the supposedly random keys were.

    Maybe there'll be a shortcut somebody figures out for factoring large numbers quickly into their constituent primes.. -shrug-.. more likely, somebody will find some kind of buffer overflow or cruddy random number generator, or hashed passwords in one particular implemenation of RSA..

    Disclaimer: I am not a mathematician! No need to mentally bully me if I screwed up a detail!


  • by ShaunC ( 203807 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:48AM (#455777)
    Here you go. []

  • Of course this isn't so good for real time comms. And the more layers you add, the less easily you're able to get at your data. (unless you're only using one passphrase for eveything which can then be cracked...)
  • On average, its 10 years ahead of the curve on everything...

    Where did that figure come from? Do you know of any concrete examples? (Not sarcasm, I'm really interested)

    I know that when DES was being designed, in the early 70's, they were roughly 20 years ahead of the civilian mathematics field. The differential attacks that it had been designed to withstand weren't discovered until 1990.

    Makes you wonder what they've been up to since then... :|

    - cicadia

    1. No attack against RSA with better-than-factorization results has ever been demonstrated, to the best of my knowledge. Saying that `there are other means' is technically true--for a 4096-bit RSA key, you could conceivably break it by putting a 4096-bit counter through its paces. But that does not fall into the realm of practical cryptanalysis by any means.
    2. Whether or not factorization is NP-complete is definitely still a conjecture, the assumption of which is at the heart of RSA. Remember that all P-space problems exist in the general class of NP problems, but NP-complete problems have no P-space analogs. If factorization does have a P-space solution, that would be catastrophic to RSA.

      By the way--how the hell do you define `really hard' without NP-completeness?
    3. Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups. Yes, people put a lot of faith in flimsier assumptions--but that doesn't mean we ought to put blind faith in an assumption. The heart of security is the management of risk; and without a fair and frank assessment of risk, there is no security.
  • RSA's biggest fear just might be some modern day Ramajun. The big 'R' should be understandably apprehensive whenever some guy off the street emails and says he's broken RSA - because it just could be true.

    I certainly hope that, if RSA is ever broken, that that's exactly how it happens. It would be so much more satisfying to see some brilliant stroke of human insight cut through a problem which has been declared "really really hard; maybe impossible" by leading cryptographers than to see it broken by a computer through mechanical processes. I remember being thrilled when hearing that Fermat's Last Theorem had been proven, and then quite disappointed when I then heard that it had taken so much computer assistance that it would likely take years of hand checking to be sure that it really had worked, and that even then, it was so complex that a lay mathematician wouldn't have a hope of understanding it.

    That being said, I don't think that Leo de Velez is RSA's Ramanujan (yet) - His description of his method shows that he understands some of the mechanics behind the algorithm, but lacks a feel for the behaviour of numbers at the sizes used in practical public-key crypto.

    - cicadia

  • If factorization does have a P-space solution, that would be catastrophic to RSA.

    Not really. It would be catastrophic if factorisation had a low-exponent polynomial solution. If someone could find a n^10 algorithm, and prove that this was a lower bound on the complexity, RSA would be strengthend, not weakened.

  • by CyberKnet ( 184349 ) <(slashdot) (at) (> on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:18AM (#455783) Homepage Journal
    A slashdot staffer (actually) checked the story, and found it wasnt true.. Then posted the results! This has to be a first... doesnt it?


  • Coming up with a quantum algorithm is a pretty weird process. The algorithm doesn't actually come up with a single solution, but a random one governed by a probability distribution. The clever thing is that different possible paths through the algorithm can interfere constructively and destructively with each other, so in effect the final probability distribution is a result of the combined effects of all possible computational paths. The tricky part is to come up with a system which takes advantage of this parallelism and interfere in order to make the correct outcome by far the most likely. This makes coming up with a successful quantum algorithm a completely different, and much harder, process than programming in, say, C.
    The reason quantum computers are exciting is not that they do anything which classical ones can't or that they have a really high clock speed or something. It is that in certain cases, they can solve in polynomial time problems which classical machines take exponential time to complete. With classical computers, if someone came up with a machine which could factorise a 400 digit number in 1 hour, it would still take perhaps 2 hours to factorise a 401 digit number, 4 hourse to factorise a 402 digit numbers, 8 hours...etc. So if you used an 800 digit number it would still take a crazy amount of time to factorise it. With quantum computers (if you found a linear time algorithm) if a 400 digit number required 1 hour, an 800 digit number would require 2 hours, making any encryption based on factorising a large number crackable in minutes, hours or days rather than a billion billion billion years or something.
    It is hoped that quantum computers will complement classical ones and be useful for specific problems, not that they will run word processors - classical computers do that well enough and are many orders of magnitude easier to program.
  • I achieved cold fusion in my bathtub this morning.

    I will retract the following statement later today, after it has been forwarded to the scientific community ten times over
  • The TSP problem is "is there a path within this threshold?". it's in NP because there's an obvious poly-time algorithm for determining whether a particular path is no longer than the threshold.

    For some reason optimisation problems are the most popular examples of NP-complete problems, but they're harder to think about than simple decision problems, because you have to look at them through this layer of abstraction. NP problems don't ask "what's the best you can do", they ask "can this be done?", so for an optimisation problem you have a family of questions "can this be done in 100 miles of travel?", "can this be done in 50 miles?" and so on.
  • ... anyone want to hear my plan for Cold Fusion? ;p


  • Thanks for the warning!

    And now, in the interest of giving something back, here's some tips for you:

    I think these things called "computers" might be big, they seem like more than a fad.

    The internet... I think it really might catch on!

    Now, use this information wisely.

  • by Nonesuch ( 90847 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:20AM (#455789) Homepage Journal
    The best part of the 'cleaned-up edit [] is the encouragement Ron Rivest (The 'R' in RSA) gives to the budding cryptographer.

    The moral of the story is to always obtain peer review (by qualified peers) before publishing your results!

  • I've become wary of people who deliberately post misapprehensions because they think that helpfulness is laughable; I got a bit paranoid there. Glad to know I was wrong.

  • by jellisky ( 211018 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:21AM (#455791) Journal
    I really needed something as funny as this to brighten my day.

    Seriously, though, I don't recall all the specifics, but I do believe that, unless some brilliant advances in number theory or computational power happen soon, RSA encryption will be one of the best types around, at least mathematically speaking.
    The thing we have to worry about most currently with RSA is whether or not we're all using the same keys over and over again. That's more of a threat than someone "breaking" RSA.

  • But doing that naively is dangerous.
    How can you prove that the product of the chain is not encoded with fewer bits than any of the steps? (Trivial example: double ROT-13)
  • Ok, now explain how to factor prime integers into Gaussian integers. For example, 13 = (2+3i) * (2-3i)

    What billg meant to say was "... factor into prime numbers".


  • by Lizard_King ( 149713 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:55AM (#455794) Journal
    I'm pretty impressed by how Ron handled this situation. I could understand someone in his position getting a little perturbed when a 'story' like this is leaked to the media. Instead, he put in the time and the effort to teach Leo the falicies of his algorithm. I got the feeling when reading the email conversations that Ron *truly* wants to challenge people to get out there and try to crack RSA...
  • In fact, in order to break RSA, you'd have to find a way to discover prime numbers without having to check them individually - that'd be quite an achievement and a mathematical triumph.

    That's been known for a long, long time. We already know how to find prime factors faster than checking them individually. What's hard is finding them fast enough.


  • I'm sorry but there's no polite way to say this: that's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

    The whole basis of your argument is that if we use the algorythm too often, we're giving too much incentive to hackers to break it. That's stupid. If the algorythm is sufficiently breakable that we can realistically believe it may be broken anytime soon, we shouldn't use it at all because it's obviously not safe enough.

    Also, by only encrypting "a small proportion of our data", you effectively take everything important and hang a neon sign on it saying "This is the valuable stuff that we are afraid you might want to steal!" It's a big pointer to potential hackers to tell them what to look for. Why else do you think sites using SecureID get so many hack attempts? Applying abnormally high security to something (such as encrypting it when nothing else is encrypted) makes it just scream that it's a target.

  • In fact, in order to break RSA, you'd have to find a way to discover prime numbers without having to check them individually - that'd be quite an achievement and a mathematical triumph.
    First, you mean prime factors, not prime numbers. It is very instructive to consider that there are indeed ways of finding prime numbers without checking them individually -- otherwise RSA encryption would be intractable, since it would take exponential runtime to generate keys, not just to break them. The interesting thing is, it is a probabalistic approach... it is indeed very difficult to generate known prime numbers, but relatively easy to generate numbers that are "probably" prime with arbitrarily small error margins. See _Applied Cryptograph_ for more info.

    Given that, it seems a whole lot less "obvious" that it is not possible to find large prime factors in polynomial time--though based on the amount of research that has gone into it, I am inclined to believe it.

    Likewise, Quantum Computing algorithms for factoring prime numbers are not perfect. Since QM is inherently statistical, it only has a statistical chance of getting the right answer -- of course, you can check it on a regular computer and try again if it doesn't work, but the point is, Quantum Computing algorithms may have very good runtime for various algorithms, but in general have completely unbounded worst case runtimes.

  • While it's difficult to justify blind faith in a newspaper in a foreign country, one does put at least a little bit of faith in ZDNet. From the movie Sneakers, "You won't know who to trust..."
  • How long till Katz starts writing a Greek Tragedy about this?
  • The most horrible thing about slashdot is that there's no mechanism to discover who the real trolls are.

    I'm not reffering to Urban Existentialist, or Kiss the Blade, or New Lover's Arrival. I'm referring to the social misfits that keep moderating up the posts of these people.

    I'd love to shake the hand of the guy who posted the above as +1 insightful. He's the reason I read slashdot.
  • you assume tha RSA is breakable. It probably isnt unless quantum computers become a reality. Before you say something like "everything is breakable" learn some number theory. Understand what people mean when they say that a problem is hard. Given that most encryption schemes rely on factoring large numbers, for the most part, you break RSA, you pretty much have broken encryption. The only serious encryption that I know of that doesnt rely on factoring numbers being hard is a one time pad.

  • > Triple-DES does give you the full 112 bits of your key, since triple-encryption manages to avoid that problem.

    No, triple encryption has the same problem, which is why it only gives you 112 bits from a 168 bit key. (Though you can use a 168 bit key with 112 bits of entropy -
  • rjh asks:

    By the way--how the hell do you define `really hard' without NP-completeness?

    Personally, I define it as impossible to solve given current mathematical and computational technology in less than a year for less than a hundred thousand dollars. If I was in a field with stricter security requirements, I'd probably up the dollar figure. If I was in a less time-critical field I'd probably up the time. Factorization of a typical RSA key easily falls into my definition of "really hard".

    Yes, people put a lot of faith in flimsier assumptions--but that doesn't mean we ought to put blind faith in an assumption.

    The Brooklyn Bridge (finished 1883) was built with many assumptions, one of which was "Gravity acts in the way that Isaac Newton described". Not only had this assumption never been proven (just as current gravitational theory has never been proven), a few decades later that assumption was actually disproven. Does that make the bridge any less stable? No.

    Most things in life are unprovable. If you only allow yourself provable things, you never leave abstract mathematics.

    The heart of security is the management of risk; and without a fair and frank assessment of risk, there is no security.

    Which is why RSA is so much more popular than elliptical cryptosystems. Because the risks involved in RSA are better understood, explored and documented. If you implement a security system that involves RSA, you have an easy-to-calculate risk involved in that link of the chain depending on key length. You can be confident that, absent an advance in technology, you fully understand the risks involved in your security system.

    Note that "absent an advance in technology" phrase. That is not unique to RSA, but is true with any security system: be it cryptography, digital or even a physical security system. The risk of technological advances obsoleting your security system is always present. If you cannot stomach that, I'd suggest that you keep away from fields that require significant security.

  • 1. Yes, factorisation is the most effective attack on RSA known by far. Well, there's other stuff like low exponent attacks or chosen-ciphertext attacks which you can avoid with good practice, but factoring is the best approach given only the public key and one ciphertext.

    2. I define "really hard" as "intractable": ie "yielding to no polynomial-time algorithm" or "outside P" in short. Assuming P != NP, I see no reason to believe that all problems in NP but outside P will be NP-complete.

    3. We currently have no means to prove any cryptographic problem intractable. Thus the best we can do is base our cryptosystems on the best-tested assumptions. The RSA problem is certainly one of the best studied problems in cryptography.
  • If the NP-complete problems are in P, all NP problems are in P, including factoring: that's what P=NP means.
  • The guy who came up with the attack seems to have failed- but Ron R. came up with the interesting observation that the attack converts an RSA problem into finding a discrete log in a finite field (Diffie's public key algorithm, first implemented in GPG before RSA became public domain.)

    Now, if a math problem can be converted from a patented algorithm into one in the public domain, which wins? Does the PD algorithm fall under the patent, or does the patent go away?

    This wouldn't have been trivial a year ago when RSA was still under patent protection. Even two years ago RSA, Inc. was peddling FUD on Diffie's finite field problem, saying it needed more analysis before being trusted.

    Mathematics behind both processes look a lot alike to the untrained (only 18 semester hrs of undergrad math) armchair math/crypto geek.

  • RSA is built on the assumption that the RSA problem is hard. This would imply point 3, and it would imply that factoring is hard, but RSA might still be strong even if both of your points 1 and 2 were false. In fact I don't think factoring is believed to be NP-complete, but it is believed to be outside P.
  • It is well known that by using a large vocabulary, anyone can get many responses, of which many seem to be of an inflammatory nature, particularly as of late. While this is all fine and dandy, I do find it fun to immitate and decry the horridness of my own being.

    I would therefore suggest that we use RSA to encrypt my dog, as evidenced by the influx of fleas onto his own corporeal being. Or better yet, to tie bananas around our necks as to attract more monkeys. Because monkeys are fun.

  • Plan case of strike use robots to replace teachers.(From the Simpsons.)
  • by norton_I ( 64015 ) <> on Monday February 05, 2001 @11:13AM (#455810)
    >Nothing is unbreakable.

    This is just Not True. Though no encryption agorithm other than a one time pad has been proven unbreakable, the foundations of computer science are based on the ability to calculate (for some problems) with 100% certainty that "you have to do operation o at least f(n) times to solve a this problem", and that certain problems (ie, the halting problem) cannot be solved by computers. Even quantum computing doesn't get around this, it just allows many parallel computations to take place at once.

    I don't think that any wide spread encryption algorithm falls into either the "unsolvable" or "known scale super-polynomically", and I don't expect to see any of the former (that would make it kind of hard to decrypt), but super-polynomic encryption algorithms are certainly possible. That kind of algorithm, while crackable, can be made arbitrairly hard to crack, at much lower cost to the encryptor (assuming the actual alg. runs as a polynomial of the key size).

    Quantum Encryption (which really isn't an encryption algorithm, but a protocol for securely exchanging one time pads) looks like it is provably secure. It is based on the principle that it is impossible to duplicate a 2-state system exactly.

  • I've submitted a story 3 times about RSA encryption being cracked. It has been cracked using a Feed Forward Neural Network, and any RSA encrypted message up to 1024 characters can be broken using the software within 2 weeks. There is no limit to the keysize the software will handle, but currently it is optimized for 1024 bits. I have a copy of the software which was at one time hosted on my webserver and available to the general public for analysis.

    As it stands, the software requires some small changes but is very close to a working copy. Email me if you want a copy, or talk to this guy [].
  • can someone please point to his source ? while there are some I trust none as so far have reveiwed this can someone point to his source so I may review it and make my mind up myself ! kind regards john jones
  • First of all, we will never rid ourselves of the idea of encryption - that is how we protect data from others. In addition, breaking RSA is not as trivial as the media makes it out to be. The chances of a random teen in Ireland finding an efficient way to factor large composites is remarkably slim. Just because no one has shown that a problem is "hard" does not imply that it is not. In fact, I attended the P=NP lecture at Harvard (the minesweeper thing), and heard an interesting theory that the problem might be a Goedel problem: one whose solution is not determined by any existing mathematical axioms. Furthermore, if it is a Goedel problem, it is entirely possible that that fact cannot be proven!

    Furthermore, "Plan B", as you call it, has been under development for some time. Theoretically, a quantum computer would be able to test many possible factors simultaneously, thus reducing the problem of factoring large numbers to a constant-time (O(1), for you math geeks) problem. However, algorithms for quantum cryptography using phase-shifting of the wavepacket are being perfected by several groups.

    Which is all well and good, except that the best quantum computer to date is one bit. That's actually okay, since the current maximum bitsize for a quantum compiler is also one bit. Pretty soon, a quantum computer will be able to show that 4 = 2 * 2.

  • Touche. Actually, that would be warm fusion, and I have achieved that in my bathtub for years now. :)

  • In 2 words, you're wrong.

    This is an obvious troll, and repeats the tired old myth that only people with something to hide need to use encryption.

    The security of the RSA algorithm is based around factoring of large prime numbers. Unless a faster method of factoring is developed (e.g. quantum computers) RSA (the algorithm) is safe.

    The main vulnerabilities with RSA are implementation-specific: short passwords, keystroke recording, etc. That's why an open-source implementation is desirable. I'll give a meatspace analogy. Which would you choose - a lock that you have the blueprints for and hackers worldwide can't crack or a lock a martektroid assures you is secure.

  • If this is true, you can easily prove it.

    Ron Rivest indicated he was happy to generate an RSA challenge for anyone who thought they had a break. Why don't you ask him for a challenge, break it, and then the world will believe you?

    Alternatively, piss off and stop spreading FUD.
  • Dirk Gently's Detective Agency.

    Man I loved that gag. Douglas adams excells at setting things up in one half of the book and then waiting until you're off guard to pull them out for maximum effect.
  • As far as I can tell, 2 is inaccurate and 3 is not specific to RSA.

    2) Factors doesn't have to be NP complete. If I have a P time way of solving Factors, that doesn't help me solve 3-SAT without a bidirectional reduction between them (from 3-SAT to Factors should be straight forward, the reverse is thought unlikely to exist). Factors only has not to be in P, which would require NP != P. which brings us to #3

    3) ALL key-based encryption is based on the assumption that P!=NP, as ALL such schemes are in NP. Thus, if a solution demonstrating how to solve any one NP-complete problem (any one NP problem will not suffice) in P time is found, all key based encryption has been broken.

    However, your first point is well taken.

    Ok, now that I've nitpicked on your points, feel free to return the favor.
  • #146 bascially beat me to the punch, but I'd like to reiterate the fact that there is a whole slew of problems that are not in NP (and not in P) but are unlikely to be NP-complete.

    Factors is one such problem, as are most other encryption schemes, including blowfish and rijndael (sp?).

    For all these problems, if NP = P is proven, we're hosed. But it is fine if Factors is proven not to be NP-Complete.
  • English phrases tend to have about 1.1 bits of entropy per letter; see, for instance, Refining the Estimated Entropy of Engligh by Shannon Game Simulation []. So guessing an English phrase (for instance, someone's password) tends to be easy.
  • ssl can be easily circumvented by using dnsspoof and sslmitm in the dsniff utility collection.
  • Well, having spent a lot of time working with algorithms that scale as N^12 I can assure you that there are problems with polynomial time solutions that are insoluble with current hardware (and will remain so for some time).

    And since computer speeds are still improving at an exponential rate, you can't guarantee anything will be insoluble in the future unless you can demonstrate supra-exponential running time (which I don't think factorization has).

    Granted, having a worse-than-polynomial running time to crack your cipher is nice, but I'll take a cipher which takes N^3,000,000 days to crack (where N is my keysize) over one that takes (1 + 1e-302)^N femptoseconds to crack, even though the former has a polynomial running time.

  • No, triple encryption has the same problem, which is why it only gives you 112 bits from a 168 bit key. (Though you can use a 168 bit key with 112 bits of entropy

    The general method for triple-encryption of any block cipher is to use two keys, A and B, and to compute the ciphertext as Enc(A,Dec(B,Enc(A,Plaintext))).

    With 56-bit DES, this method uses 112 bits of key, and is resistant to the meet-in-the-middle attack used against double-DES

    Now, the issue of whether to call this a single 112-bit key (AB) or a 168-bit key (ABA) with only 112 bits of entropy is really a matter of semantics. I prefer the to use the first, and to consider the number of times that a particular bit is reused in an algorithm irrelevant.

  • Good point. Thanks.
  • nah, not implementations. if someone implemented RSA incorrectly and you exploited that, you haven't broken RSA. cryptanalysists don't care about implementation, crackers do. a cryptanalysist assumes that all implementation is correct, thus focuses on shredding the algorithm into tiny pieces for once that is done, all the implementations are useless.

  • No no no no. That's a "GEEK" tragedy.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    This episode confirms that you will not have RSA cracked by amateurs, romantic as that notion may sound. People who can't articulate their methods coherently or understand rudimentary abstract algebra simply cannot understand the issues involved. The mathematical community is just not that stupid to have overlooked elementary attacks.

    However, Quantum Computing is a line of investigation these days that has the potential to break RSA. It's known that factoring can be performed in polynomial time on a quantum machine. Practical implementations are far away, but the problems inherent in this method of computation are being tackled bit by bit. It's conceivable that in a few decades a whole new class of computational devices may exist that make cracking RSA and many other problems trivial. You have been forewarned!

  • haha, nice post!
  • Define "similar"

    Two algorithms can look completely different, and then be almost exactly the same when reduced. The reduction may just not have been discovered yet. And even if the algorithms are completely different, how do you know that the strengths of one are partially(or even completely) eliminated by the weakness in another?

    The example I've seen mentioned here (I don't know if it's true or not) is that double DES has exactly the same strength as single DES, but triple DES is stronger. Not an intuitive result.
  • This has to be a first... doesnt it?

    Well you should have checked with slashdot first before posting such speculation, Jeez!

  • Factoring is not in NP-Complete, period.

    NP-Complete refers to problems for which verifying the solution is in NP.

    Travelling Salesman is NP-Complete because given a potential solution it is believed that you still have to check all the others to prove it's optimal.

    Factoring is provably not in NP-Complete, because given a potential solution all you have to do is multiply the factors together to check it's correct.

  • by grappler ( 14976 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @11:42AM (#455832) Homepage
    I think we are doomed to see one of these remarks every time there is a story that has something to do with some kind of math problem/puzzle. Oh well.
  • Are you making the distinction between deterministic and non-deterministic functions? Just asking.

    As for quantum encryption, there are still problems. The MitM factor becomes very serious in quantum key exchange. But if you can get around that, it's possibly provable.
  • the key to breaking RSA encryption, as most people know, is factoring large numbers quickly. according to the current state of mathimatics this is not possible except by trial and error, brute force. However if there was a way to factor numbers without the need for mathimatics, this method of encryption could be rendered useless. I have an idea for using physical means to break down large numbers into their prime number componants (factoring). If anybody is interesting in reading about my machine (which will never be build because i lack the skill, drive, and malice towards society) feel free to write me and i'll post it somewhere.
  • I saw it in RSA Unleashed and later on in Teach Yourself Cryptography in 24 Hours! (Sam's Publishing, 1998)
    Of course, my favorite method of encryption is the ultra-secure, one-way method that gives you optimal compression to boot: piping to /dev/null.

    Bingo Foo


  • While I agree in general, and certainly in this case with the amount of scrutiny RSA has had, we still see cases where someone makes a very basic simplifying assumption that turns out to be wrong.

    If it happens, I suspect a crack to RSA will be simple and elegant.


  • Not since I lost all the pages between giraffe and tuberculosis.

    Cue trombone and cymbal sting.

  • I cracked RSA, too, but as soon as I finished composing my email, federal agents burst in to my apartment, hauled me away, and informed me I'm now working for the NSA, and if I talk, I'll spend the next 40 years factoring primes with a pencil and paper in Leavenworth.
  • > The general method for triple-encryption of any block cipher is to use two keys, A and B
    No. The general method is to use three keys. Using ABA is a (commonly used) special case of that.

    Someone's borrowed my copy of Schneier, so I can't give a page reference in that right now, but yhe bottom of page 272 of HAC mentions both two and three key triple encryption (and EEE as well as EDE). See also RSA Labs Crypto FAQ

    Now, the issue of whether to call this a single 112-bit key (AB) or a 168-bit key (ABA) with only 112 bits of entropy.
    Read the reference I posted. There's more to it than repeating one of the keys.

  • What you say is true, but it's mathematically much easier to explore the boundary between poly-time and super-poly-time than it is to work with the real-world constraints you describe. In practice, anything with a super-polynomial difficulty can be made too hard for your attacker with an appropriate keysize; people are less likely to be confident of that with poly-time problems.

    Factorisation is super-polynomial but sub-exponential. I don't think Moore's Law will be threatening 4096-bit keys for some time to come...
  • I really needed something as funny as this to brighten my day. Seriously, though, I don't recall all the specifics, but I do believe that, unless some brilliant advances in number theory or computational power happen soon, RSA encryption will be one of the best types around, at least mathematically speaking.

    I think this is a slightly risky viewpoint. We do not yet have a mathematical proof that prime-factorising is hard (and even if it is hard in the asymptotical sense, as N -> infinity, that doesn't mean RSA isn't easily crackable for any particular values of N we might use). Most mathematicians believe that is hard, but nobody can prove it.

    Although it would be remarkable for someone to find a counterexample to this viewpoint, it is not unprecedented. People used to believe that "strange attractors", like the Lorenz fractal, could not exist. Frege spent years developing his set theory, only for Russell to show that it was inconsistent.

    Though seems unlikely that an unknown person might find the counterexample, it's a bad idea to dismiss it as "impossible" or "funny", because one day, in some mathematical field or another, it'll happen. Save the laughter for the many people who still believe they can trisect the angle, square the circle, double the cube etc., in the face of proofs of their impossibility.

  • If someone were to crack RSA, that is, find a method to find one key from the other in less than exponential time, it would automatically follow that they had a method to factor numbers in polynomial time. It's not just that if you can factor numbers, you can solve RSA. If you have the public and the private key, you can recover the factors of N, which almost everyone thinks is hard.

    Factoring is not believed to be NP-Complete, but it isn't thought to be in P either. It's in the "can't do it in P, but it's easier than other stuff you can't do in P". Breaking RSA isn't the same as breaking something like DES. DES is a strange bundle of a bunch of stuff with little theoretical backing (it just works). RSA is based on really simple number theory. Breaking it would probably be the biggest math story of the decade (this one, that is. last decade had a better one).
  • I take it that "subtle" and "innuendo" aren't in your dictionary?
  • Though no encryption agorithm other than a one time pad has been proven unbreakable,
    This is true.
    the foundations of computer science are based on the ability to calculate (for some problems) with 100% certainty that "you have to do operation o at least f(n) times to solve a this problem", and that certain problems (ie, the halting problem) cannot be solved by computers.
    Lower bounds are known for some questions, like sorting, but most of the time they're just too hard to prove. Even so, lower bounds and impossibility proofs only apply to the general case of a problem. Sorting a general list of n numbers takes O(n log n) time, but sorting the list [1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7] can be done a lot faster. Similarly, the halting problem is undecidable in general, but you can decide a lot of specific problems. There are NP-complete problems which are strongly believed to be intractable in practice (exponential-time), like satisfiability of boolean equations. Again, though, basing a cryptosystem on NP-complete problems is a bad bet, because a lot of specific instances are easy to solve.
    I don't think that any wide spread encryption algorithm falls into either the "unsolvable" or "known scale super-polynomically", and I don't expect to see any of the former (that would make it kind of hard to decrypt), but super-polynomic encryption algorithms are certainly possible. That kind of algorithm, while crackable, can be made arbitrairly hard to crack, at much lower cost to the encryptor (assuming the actual alg. runs as a polynomial of the key size).
    You don't want your encryption or decryption to be anything but polynomial in both the key size and the input data. On the other hand, the cryptosystems in wide use today have the property that breaking the key appears to require time exponential in the key size. There are no known proofs that these algorithms are hard to break, though.
    Quantum Encryption (which really isn't an encryption algorithm, but a protocol for securely exchanging one time pads) looks like it is provably secure. It is based on the principle that it is impossible to duplicate a 2-state system exactly.
    Quantum encryption is provably secure. The one time pads, though, are generated by quantum mechanics, taking care of one of the big problems with otp encryption. You make two particles share some quantum state (at the time of creation, you don't know what the state is, just that the particles share it), move them apart and read off the state. There's your one-time pad.
  • by RandomPeon ( 230002 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @02:35PM (#455852) Journal
    Though seems unlikely that an unknown person might find the counterexample, it's a bad idea to dismiss it as "impossible" or "funny", because one day, in some mathematical field or another, it'll happen.

    It has happened before, and could happen again. Higher mathematics is a fascinating field - every now and then you end up with interesting character. Erdos was a crazy vagabond but he is one the most prolific and insightful mathematicians of modern times. Ramajun (sp?) was an Indian college dropout who made made significant contributions in analysis with little formal training in math. He wasn't big on proof, and some of his 'thereoms' were just stated as truths, and not rigorously justified (or dejustified) until after his death.

    RSA's biggest fear just might be some modern day Ramajun. The big 'R' should be understandably apprehensive whenever some guy off the street emails and says he's broken RSA - because it just could be true.
  • This is a troll, but for the benefit of those who might be misled:

    Problems in NP have yes/no answers, and the question can always be cast as "is there a string with this property?" where you can check a candidate string in P time (on the size of the problem). In this sense, the TSP doesn't ask "what's the shortest route?". It asks "is there a route shorter than this?"

    NP-complete problems are as hard as any in NP: given any problem in NP, you can re-cast it as an instance of the Travelling Salesman problem (in polynomial time), so if you solve TSP, you effectively solve all of NP, and thus proven that P = NP.

    Factoring is neither proven in P nor proven NP-complete.
  • ... is that you should check your sources. Now while Slashdot lets you know that they don't verify news (the leave that up to us, see the FAQ), that doesn't work for newspapers. They are supposed to check stuff out first - and now that they messed up, they can be held liable for the damage.

    Check your sources people! Unless you can link to it on a reputable site or find it in a reputable (whatever), don't trust it. And for the reputable sites - CHECK IT FIRST!

    Ok, end-of-rant. RSA is safe to use and since it is the simplest public-key algorithm I know of, I don't it believe it will be broken (simpler is easier in security). In fact, in order to break RSA, you'd have to find a way to discover prime numbers without having to check them individually - that'd be quite an achievement and a mathematical triumph.

    The problem with capped Karma is it only goes down...

  • by OlympicSponsor ( 236309 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:26AM (#455857)
    "Here's a cleaned-up edit of what's been bouncing around your inboxes all day..."

    Turn off your javascript! I don't want you reading what's bouncing around MY inbox!
    MailOne []
  • by Ben Schumin ( 312122 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:27AM (#455858)
    People really seemed to get quite upset about the possibility of someone cracking RSA. I can imagine people were probably quite scared. I think this highlights a problem in our security infrastructure.

    Right now, there are so many systems that are 100% reliant on encryption to provide their security. What's going to happen to our security infrastructure once someone *does* find a way to break these systems?

    Don't we need some kind of "Plan B?" Whether it comes from a mathematical breakthrough on factoring, or quantum computing, these methods will eventually be broken. Nothing is unbreakable.

    We're just lucky that this time someone was just a bit confused.

  • A simple method of trisecting any angle has been developed by an amateur mathematician working in Los Angeles, following quickly on his patent for a perpetual motion machine.

    Stories by credulous journalists everywhere.
  • I for one am very pleased to hear that the Republic of South Africa hasn't actually been cracked. They really have enough problems down there as it is.
  • Just like Star Trek made us doomed to hear "Resistance is futile" every time someone uses the word "resistance."
  • You're substantially right. Two nitpicks:

    "Less than exponential time" != "polynomial time". Factoring is slower than polynomial time but faster than exponential time.

    "breaking RSA" != "recovering the private key". You're right that recovering the private key allows you to factor N. But it hasn't been proven that being able to recover the plaintext to arbitrary ciphertext given only the public key gives you a way to find the private key, and so in that sense RSA is not provably as hard as factoring. Some other cryptosystems, like Rabin and Blum-Blum-Shub, have this property.
  • by rjh ( 40933 ) <> on Monday February 05, 2001 @03:26PM (#455871)
    I'm very hesitant to declare RSA to be "one of the best types around". RSA is built on several conjectures, none of which have been proven, namely:
    1. The only way to make a general break of RSA is to factor large composite numbers,
    2. Factorization of large numbers is an NP-complete problem,
    3. P != NP
    Remember: none of these have been proven. At all. There is absolutely no evidence of the correctness of any of the three conjectures, except that historically we haven't been able to do it--and that's exceptionally weak evidence.

    Compare this against something like elliptical-curve cryptography. ECC is also built on many conjectures, but one of them (the Taniyama-Shimura Conjecture) has recently been formally proven (by Wiles, et al). Mathematicians are still reviewing the multiple Taniyama-Shimura proofs to make sure that (a) they are correct singly, and (b) taken together they prove the entirety of Taniyama-Shimura--but last I heard, things were looking promising.

    The thing we have to worry about most currently with RSA is whether or not we're all using the same keys over and over again.

    Absolutely not. We've got some extremely good ways of generating large random primes. The odds of a collision in the keyspace is probably somewhere on the order of 10^(-150), a really really small chance.

    If you want to see this principle in action, connect to a PGP keyserver and type in your key ID (a cryptographic hash of your key). If you get any other keys coming up with your same key ID, then I'll agree that we've got a problem. Otherwise, don't worry about it. :)
  • My understanding of "triple DES" is this: You encrypt a plaintext file with some key (say "A"), then you run the decrypt function with some other key (say "B") and then recrypt the results with the original key ("A") When you go to decrypt it, Do the opposite steps (Decrypt A -> encrypt B -> Decrypt A), and that gives you the strength of 112bit key (IIRC) Also, I think that encrypting DES with two different keys gives you the strength of a 57 bit key
  • by Pinball Wizard ( 161942 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:29AM (#455875) Homepage Journal
    According to Bill Gates, "the obvious mathematical breakthrough would be to factor large prime numbers" []

    I would like to announce the solution to this difficult scientific problem as well as to establish prior art against any future patent holders. The following code is now in the public domain, feel free to add it to your security product.

    Here is my algorithm for factoring prime numbers.

    double FactorPrime(double PrimeNum)
    cout << "The factors of prime number " << PrimeNum << " are 1 and << PrimeNum << ".";
    return PrimeNum;

  • by funkman ( 13736 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:34AM (#455879)
    Leo: I cracked RSA!
    Ron: How about some details.
    Leo: Here are some. Blah, blah...
    Ron: How about some details.
    Leo: Here is an example. Blah, blah...
    Ron: Silly rabbit, trix are for kids. You've proved to yourself that this is a "hard problem". Everyone else in this field already knows this. But good try and keep up the good work.
    Leo: I think you are wrong and my method is faster.
    Half of Slashdot Crowd: What an idiot!
    Other Half of Slashdot Crowd: I think he's onto something!
    Troll: Look at my link hidden as an informative link!
  • This post translated into MarketSpeak:

    "Look at the Brand X security system! It's based on unproven conjectures! But our ACME security system recently had one of our conjectures proven!

    (Guy talking really fast) Not all ACME conjectures have been proven. Proven ACME conjecture has not yet been proven. Unproven ACME conjectures are unstated and may be 1+1=3 (which has not been proven)."
  • ... is kind of interesting. If you look at very early versions of PGP, an algorithm of Phil Z's own design called Bass-o-Matic was used. Turns out that Bass-o-Matic wasn't a particularly good algo, but they learned from the mistake and from there on only used peer-reviewed algos.

    Insofar as the likelihood of breaking RSA, history shows that you're exactly right. While RSA is built on a lot of conjecture, it's survived a lot of mathematical attack. Protocol attacks against RSA have historically been far more effective. Check out the Crypto-Gram of a couple of months back for a quick look at RSA protocol attacks over the years.

    (I know Schneier covered at least one RSA protocol attack recently; I think he covered more than just the one. But my memory could be mistaken.)
  • by Ratteau ( 183242 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:36AM (#455887) Homepage

    I achieved cold fusion in my bathtub this morning.

    You better double-check your results and to make sure that gas emission was indeed helium.

  • by Pedrito ( 94783 ) on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:37AM (#455888)
    Hasn't everyone cracked RSA? I did a long time ago. Read about it in my out-of-print book Undocumented Cryptographic Algorithm Cracks.

    Pete Davis

  • by wynlyndd ( 5732 ) <wynlyndd@gmail . c om> on Monday February 05, 2001 @10:37AM (#455889) Homepage
    Just asking. :)

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
