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Encryption Security

Tripwire Goes Open Source 98

Brian McLaughlin writes: "Tripwire posted the source code to their integrity checking tool at SourceForge today. The press release can be consumed here."
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Tripwire Goes Open Source

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  • I was having problems too, it kept saying "There were some errors. Please see below for details." Of course there weren't any details below.

    I think I figured it out though... fill out the second address line (add Suite 100 or something)
  • by ajs ( 35943 ) <ajs.ajs@com> on Monday October 30, 2000 @11:02AM (#664564) Homepage Journal
    Has anyone ever come up with the mods to Linux or one of the BSDs to allow for OS-level triggers on the filesystem? I would much prefer to have a syslog entry get fired off the moment that anyone opens /bin/login in O_RDWR mode than have tripwire discover it minutes later.

    I know there was a commercial product that did this (and much more) for Solaris back about 3-4 years ago, but I haven't heard about it since. There are some other triggers that would be nice:
    • On any of unlink, rename, creat, mkdir
    • On failed system calls that fail due to permissions (e.g. the above calls as well as kill, socket, etc)
    I know you could do most of this in libc, but I don't think that would be wise, as someone with enough smarts could always do the syscalls directly using asm().
  • by Ec|ipse ( 52 ) on Monday October 30, 2000 @11:03AM (#664565)
    Now we need distribution specific policy files, currently the policy files are only for redhat. It would be nice to see policy files for suse, debian, turbo, caldera, etc.. as they apply to that particular disribution.
    For example, alot of the files in the default policy file (setup for redhat) don't exist on my system (suse) and if they do exist, their in different locations. I can guess that this will be pretty much the same with debian, turbo, caldera and others as well.
  • It seems that nobody remembers that tripwire was open source a long time ago ...

    ## $Id: README,v 1.26 1994/08/26 08:22:48 gkim Exp $
    ## README for Tripwire
    ## Gene Kim & Gene Spafford
    ## The COAST Project
    ## Department of Computer Sciences
    ## Purdue University

    ## All files in the distribution of Tripwire are Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994
    ## by the Purdue Research Foundation of Purdue University. All rights
    ## reserved. Some individual files in this distribution may be covered
    ## by other copyrights, as noted in their embedded comments.
    ## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
    ## provided that this entire copyright notice is duplicated in all such
    ## copies, and that any documentation, announcements, and other
    ## materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that the
    ## software was developed at Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN by
    ## Gene Kim and Eugene Spafford. No charge, other than an "at-cost"
    ## distribution fee, may be charged for copies, derivations, or
    ## distributions of this material without the express written consent
    ## of the copyright holder. Neither the name of the University nor the
    ## names of the authors may be used to endorse or promote products
    ## derived from this material without specific prior written
    ## PURPOSE.

    This README file serves as a quick-and-dirty primer on Tripwire.
    A PostScript formatted paper that fully describes the design and
    rationale is also included in the ./docs directory. The design
    document is also available as a technical report (TR-CSD-93/71). This
    document will be referenced throughout the Tripwire distribution as
    the Tripwire design document or the comprehensive Tripwire paper.

    This README file contains information needed to build, test,
    and run Tripwire. A table of contents follow:

    0.0. If you were running an earlier version
    1.0. Background
    1.1. Goals of Tripwire
    2.0. How to build Tripwire
    2.1. Common Tripwire compilation problems
    2.2. The siggen utility
    3.0. Getting Tripwire up and running
    3.1. Creating your tw.config file
    3.2. A caveat about your Tripwire database
    3.3. Testing Tripwire
    3.4. Running Tripwire as an integrity checker
    3.5. Keeping your database up-to-date
    3.5.1. Running Tripwire in Interactive mode
    3.5.2. Running Tripwire in Database Update mode
    3.6. A quick-checking mode
    4.0. Some Tripwire scaling hints for using Tripwire
    in large sites
    4.1. The tw.config grammar
    4.2. How you might use these directives
    5.0. Notes on signature routines
    5.1. Performance vs. security
    6.0. Signature routines
    6.1. MD5
    6.2. Snefru
    6.3. CRC-32
    6.4. CRC-16
    6.5. MD4
    6.6. MD2
    6.7. SHA/SHS
    6.8. Haval
    6.9. null signature
    7.0. Feedback and bug-reports
    8.0. User contributions
    9.0. Acknowledgements

    I'm glad to see it's back (sort of, anyways.)

  • You can get more information on what is TripWire by going to the following page on their website: http://www.tripwiresecurity. com /company/index.cfml? []
  • I'll be more careful about revoking my +1 bonus in the future.
  • 20,000 free valid mailing addresses pointing to security-interested geeks sounds like a mailing list gold mine to me, and probably the marketing genius who thought up the poster idea. A $1000 investment into some nice shiny poster, a couple hundred bucks in postage, and you get a qualified database of hackers you can market to, and also sell to other companies if you feel like it ...

    Bet we all get spammed with marketing material on security products in the future ...
  • So do the Linux, commercial Unix, and Windows versions share any code? How is this effected by the GPL? Can a company, who owns all copyrights to GPLed product A and closed source product B take code from product A (which they own) and put it in product B (which they also own)?
  • by n3rd ( 111397 ) on Monday October 30, 2000 @11:44AM (#664572)
    This can (and should be) used by anyone who runs *NIX.

    Actually, it's quite simple: It makes sure that when files change, someone is notified. Now, obviously you don't want Tripwire watching your logs (since they change constantly) or /tmp (since anyone can put files in there), but all of your other important area on your drive should be watched. Example: Someone gets root on your box, and they replace /bin/su (switch user, usually to root), with a trojan that has a backdoor. Tripwire will notice that it's not the correct file, and e-mail/page/alert someone.

    As for the "policy language" they refer to, that's just another way of saying "a way to tell Tripwire what to watch, how to watch it, and what to do if something has changed".

    To put it all in context, here is an example. Note that Tripwire is much more advanced than this, but essentially, this does the same thing: When I first install my system, I patch it, and capture all of the `ls -la` output of my important files to a file. Once an hour, I have a task (cron job) that does the same `ls -la` and compares the output to the original file. If they're different, either I changed something and forgot to update the original file, or someone is up to something. It then sends me an e-mail and I look into it.

    I hope that explains what Tripwire does in a nutshell. If you would like more information, let me know.
  • You can choose whether or not you wish to be contacted. And, IMHO, 20,000 security interested geeks are not the type of people you should lie to. ;)

  • See - there is someone already working on it - so join them at source forge [] and get cracking.

    No complaining about GPL constraints, now, it's still Open Source and you can always apply another licensing paradigm, such as that used in BSD, on the portions of your code that you create for it.

  • Is there anything Tripwire can do that can't be done by a few shell scripts, a crontab, and the md5sum program? I mention this specificly because of a Secrurity Focus article [] that mentions this (Section 8. Tripwires).


  • by Anonymous Coward
    Fewer restrictions would mean less freedom in the long run. No one is forced to make the code available if asked, so your work could be modified into an incompatible decommoditized product. That would not be so free, would it? That's exactly what happens with BSD licensed code. Its ripe for the picking by commercial entities. The GPL keeps it free by placing a restriction that source must be made available if you are going to distribute your binaries.
  • How many marketing droids did it take to come up with a name like that? Are they planning on versions like "tripwire, BSD sourced, BSD edition", or "tripwire, ClosedProprietaryDMCAProtected Source, Windoze edition"?

    Tripwire is a good product, it lets network and system admins sleep easier at night knowing they don't have to scan every box by hand every morning. I've found that sites running tripwire tend to have better system management policies, and know what security of internet boxes means.

    Now we can make it better, and tie in some better automated functions for varying degrees of detection.

    the AC
  • Woo hoo! It works. You rock.

  • Yeah after putting a - on the second address line it seemed to take it. All that work for "free" posters!
  • WHY should your precious little country be first
    in the list? If you're going to rank countries,
    where do the UK, Australia, France, Canada, and
    Finland fit into your list? Even if you are the
    biggest single country to use tripwire (which I
    doubt), if you're going to put one country first
    then you'd better rank everyone in order of use.

    I've never heard anything so pathetic--whining
    because your country came near the bottom of an
    alphabetised list! Grow up.

  • Yes, it used to be free (shareware maybe?). Gene Kim, their CTO, wrote the initial releases while in college. After college, Tripwire the company was formed. I presume those old versions of Tripwire are still floating around somewhere.
  • I'm from Michigan. That's the fourth M state in a dropdown of the United States' states. Do I holler about that?

    Yeah, but being from Michigan is punishment enough. :)
  • Alternately, run them on a read-only mount with plenty of cache. "Read-only" as in CD-ROM or hard disk with a hardware write-protect. After all, how often do you really need to change them?

    Slightly less secure but still pretty easy to spot, just mount the system directories RO. That will guarantee log entries for changes!

    Certain very popular operating systems have the odd habit of requiring that the system directories be read/write, but Linux isn't one of them.
  • To get around your America Nazi-era laws, just host the shit in a different country that has more freedom, like China or Cuba.
  • Yeah, but are they giving away free posters? I don't think so...
  • We have, per capita, the most people on the Internet

    Uh, no. According to many people [], the USA holds a modest 4th place in terms of per capita Internet usage. Should we be putting Finland, Norway, and Iceland at the top of the list as well?

    I'll bet you want everyone to speak English when you visit a foreign country too, right? Or have you never left the confines of your perfect little country

  • by Anonymous Coward
    That's only good if you keep your RPM database on a read-only volume... which makes it somewhat difficult to install new software.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Anonymous Coward
    This would have been news a couple of weeks ago... I dug out my Red Hat 7.0 source disk, mounted it, installed the source RPM, got inside the build directory, and there's the COPYING file with the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE...
  • This isn't news - they wanted to get into Red Hat Linux 7, and to do so they needed to have an opensource license. They did their part wrt. licensing, and was shipped as part of the distribution.
  • by tjwhaynes ( 114792 ) on Monday October 30, 2000 @11:57AM (#664591)

    I wonder if it'd be easier/faster to 'chattr +i' certain critical files like /bin/login and then add logging code to the appropriate syscall to warn you when somebody changes it back.

    Why allow anyone to change this back? Set the immutable attribute (+i) on anything that won't ever change, make your log records permanent with 'chattr +a /var/log/messages' so that the logs can't be editted, just appended to, and then install lids and set CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE to remove the ability to change these attributes on this system under this kernel. If you need to change things over, you'll need a second kernel image elsewhere for administration purposes (i.e. on floppy) but your key system will remain inviolate.


    Toby Haynes

  • Actually i'd recomemnd RIPEMD160 since its more secure than MD5..but yeah. i wrote a tripwire clone in one evening (and it shows..but heck it works)...Its called sentinel and its available for some time now :
  • It's called Tripwire "Academic Source Release", and is at version 1.3.1. []
  • by itemp ( 133373 )
    More free stuff!
  • I wish I could type with that....

    Yeah, but the rsi [] is a bear.

    You just thought carpal tunnel was bad!

  • Good to see that they followed up on their promise.

    Now if I just had something to use it on.... :)
  • Isn't there a BSD work alike already? It's in OpenBSD and it's called mtree (I think).
  • Isn't this illegal in Europe now? Or will be, if they sign that cybercrimes treaty?
  • When will people realize there is no need to close source the obvious

    Very little in an intrusion detection/change monitoring system is difficult to recreate. Using standard unix shell tools, you can create something just as useful with little more than md5sum, awk, cron, and a few lines of perl.

    Just be sure to store your cryptographic hashes on a read only media (CD-R's are great for this).

  • Tripwire couldn't have time its announcement any better on the heels of the the MS fiasco. In fact it's so well timed that.. nah! ;-)

  • by dizee ( 143832 ) on Monday October 30, 2000 @10:22AM (#664601) Homepage
    This is so cool, I remember when I started using Tripwire about 3 years ago and it irked me that the source wasn't open.

    I had been running it on a RH 4.2 box. I was trying to use the version that was linked against libc5 (the only binary they had at the time) on a RH5.0 box, and was told I would have to wait several months before they released a new version that would link against glibc (aka libc6).

    Source code gives a whole new meaning to free software.


    "I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer."
  • Most sites do put United States at the top. It pisses me off that I usually have to search down 30 countries to find Canada though (grumble).
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I downloaded the source, and the checksums don't pass.
  • Except you're a twit. A clueless twit who is factually wrong. The US is NOT the highest per capita user of the `net. It ranks fourth in countries.
  • by Garpenlov ( 34711 ) on Monday October 30, 2000 @10:21AM (#664605) Homepage
    Free (as in speech) tripwire.

    Free (as in beer) posters []. (You just have to figure out how to get past their poorly coded form validation to order one...).
  • In the name of opening it all up....

  • Yeah I still haven't figured out how to get my free posters yet :(

    I submitted this story 2 minutes after they announced it on their site..

  • Maybe this will be an inspiration for Microsoft.. after all, they've already kind of gone open source anyway :-)
  • Shit yeah, we should be at the top. We have, per capita, the most people on the Internet and we have, by numbers alone, the most people on the Internet by country. It simply makes sense, from a marketing perspective, to have the countries with the "biggest" presence on the Internet at the top of the list. Make it convenient for the largest amount of customers. If the odd Angolan has to scroll down a little, that's fine. How many of them are there on the Net?

    This isn't some petty "my country is better than yours!" pissing contest. It's simple common sense.

    - A.P.

    * CmdrTaco is an idiot.

  • I found it interesting when I downloaded their regular distribution (NOT the open source one!) that their license read:
    Other Use Restrictions.
    You may not use the Software for any purpose other than for use on your own internal computer networks, as set forth in this EULA. You may not place the Software onto a server that is accessible via a public network, such as the Internet.
    Hopefully, now that it is open source, this little restriction on non-Internet servers is taken care of. I'm not sure though. Any information on this would be helpful to me. Thanks.
  • Back Orifice 2000 []. It is quite amusing reading the idiotic questions from script kiddies in the forums [] and bug tracking [].
  • seems to validate only on US postcodes.... don't use spaces, works ok.
  • So, it looks like the open source version is linux-only. Are there porting efforts under way to Solaris and BSD (AKA "The Other OSes")?
  • if you're going to put one country first then you'd better rank everyone in order of use.

    Which is what I was implying. And which makes a hell of a lot more sense, at least for the top 5 or so countries (which probably make up 80-90% of all Internet users) than a completely alphabetized list.

    - A.P.

    * CmdrTaco is an idiot.

  • A while back (4+ years??) I started using the academic version. The cool thing about that was that it compiled on all the platforms I needed it for (R4k, PA-RISC, SPARC). Does the new open source incarnation of Tripwire port easily, I wonder? If not, one of it's coolest characteristics is missing. The original point of Tripwire was the creation of a working, widely-available integrity checker. Marketing a good idea is fine, but it sucks that portability might be taking a back seat to the targeting of specific markets. That seems to undermine the original intent a bit. It's cool that they are releasing the source, but it would be a lot cooler if they released the source trees for all supported platforms. Just switching back to the old version would suck. There is no encryption or signing done on the database (where the checksums & attribute data are stored). You had to use read-only media to store the database if you were using it as an anti-cracker tool.
  • If you are running an RPM based distro. I hove found the following to be a good tripwire work-alike:


    rpms=`rpm -qa`

    for i in $rpms do
    echo $i
    rpm --verify $i

  • by devphil ( 51341 ) on Monday October 30, 2000 @11:26AM (#664617) Homepage

    The subflavor of Solaris called "Trusted Solaris" will do this, I believe. The amount of hooks in the T.S. kernel is amazing. You can configure individual files to simply not be there when certain users read the directory listings. (I don't mean they get a "permission denied" or somthing; I mean the file just isn't there.

    Even without running Trusted Solaris, normal Solaris has auditing mechanisms that you can turn on to do this. I don't think you can specify which files are to be audited at different levels. You can watch specific users at different levels, but I don't think you can restrict it to the file level. (And if you don't, the amount of auditing log message traffic becomes overwhelming.)

  • "Free (as in beer) posters. (You just have to figure out how to get past their poorly coded form validation to order one...). "

    What does Tripwire get for open sourcing their

    20,000 free poster orders from leeching slashdoters! Shame on you!

    (Of course I went and ordered my free poster before bitching about it...)

  • AIDE BLOWS I tried a year back god used like 100% CPU resources just to build the initial resource I even ran out of memmory a few times. Avoid AIDE its really bad imho.
  • by WillSeattle ( 239206 ) on Monday October 30, 2000 @11:26AM (#664620) Homepage
    Of course, since the open source release is GPLed, porting it to other OSes is perfectly legitimate.

    In other words, Do The Work Yourselves. If you're upset that there's no BSD or other version, form a group and use the GPL to do it yourself. Don't complain, get to work.

    It's not like it's closed source proprietary, where you can't do that.

  • As long as they authored all of the code, they can re-release the source under any liscence they want. It's that simple.

    This is how some code is distributed in a GPL form and a BSDL form. The authors just take their source code and slap a different comment section at the top. It may or may not be put under the GPL as the last step before release. In any case, as long as they authored 100% of the code, they can remove one liscence and slap on another. OF course, this doesn't affect previously released code. ("Oops! Just kidding, delete that GPLed code from your HD" doesn't hold water.)


    I'm a slacker? You're the one who waited until now to just sit arround.

  • This is the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life.

    Click here to look at a BO2K "bug" []

    if you are not laughing yet, you need to get your pulse checked.


  • Why the hell don't the people of the USA just rename their country to "AAA American States United"? That way it would always be on top. Problem solved! :-)

    BTW: Where do you go to have your country renamed? Is there a standard form?

  • by karlm ( 158591 ) on Monday October 30, 2000 @11:28AM (#664624) Homepage
    Is the tripwire database file itself similar to "off-the-shelf" databse formats, or did they design thier own database format from scratch?

    Their database seems like the greatest potential gain for the community. The hashing of files is pretty simple, given the number of crytographically strong open-source hashes out there. The UI/customization end of tripwire seems like it would be relatively straightforward to design. It seems to me that most of the room for real software engineering is in the database file format.

    People have already created driver-level crypto filesystems, but has anyone ever proposed a driver-level tripwire filesystem? Of course, you would need to tell the fs whcih files and directories to keep track of or you would be swamped with change logs.

    Has anyone ever proposed a secured journaling filesystem? While we're replacing/overhauling the Linux filesystem, we might as well add secure functionality. (Assuming we don't cause a false sense of security.) Setting a file attribute flag to secure could cause any changes to the file or directory (including mv and cp) to be logged in a compact format. Any changes in the secure-log flag for all files in the fs would also have to be logged. In ultra-paranoid environments, one could even securely log file reads. (It's not that much more work to include this in a new driver.) Use an itterative one-time password scheme to watermark the logs (even a 64 bit hash would be relatively secure, because of the number of hashes that would need to be matched to change logs very far back in time). The easiest way to sign the hash is just to encrypt it with the one-time password. You keep the first one-time password on a locked floppy, along with a copy of the executable for checking the logs and computing the hashes of the files stored in the logs (add a hash to the logifile only when something changes). With the first password, you can compute the second, with the second you can compute the third, etc. This means that you can decrypt all of the hashes of the logfile if you have the floppy.

    On the other hand, if the filesystem driver keeps only the current one-time password, then any attacker will be detected if s/he alters the logs for any time earlier than when they broke in. (Since creating the correct hashes requires knowing the password for that time, and passwords for earlier times cannot be computed from passwords for later times.) You can keep snapshots of the logfile if you like, but they are not necessary for intrusion detection. One only needs to first check the integrity of the logfile, then trace through the changes according to the logfile. Any discrepincies between a file and it's last recorded hash indicate file corruption or a security breach. People could "turn back the clock" on the filesystem by changing the files back to a previous state and deleting any logs since, but any subsequent changes to the fs would be logged with the wrong one-time-password and this would be detected.

    First pos.. wow that took a while to write and revise! I'm surprised you actually read this far.


    I'm a slacker? You're the one who waited until now to just sit arround.

  • Look at the version v1.25 was the last one to appear in RPM format. They are up to v2.2.x now.
  • I wonder if it'd be easier/faster to 'chattr +i' certain critical files like /bin/login and then add logging code to the appropriate syscall to warn you when somebody changes it back. Changing the immutable attribute should be a pretty rare occasion, and would probably be necessary for tampering unless the attacker bypasses the usual filesystem syscalls and starts directly fiddling with disk blocks.
  • > > Karl, > >I beleive the word you're seeking is auditing > No actually, I meant journaling as in ext3, etc. As long as we're overhauling things, I figured this could be a very useful feature for servers. I alluded to this only breifly in the third paragraph.


    I'm a slacker? You're the one who waited until now to just sit arround.

  • Yes it's the same program. But it's the non-free section of debian because it wasn't open sourced. The debain non-free section contains porgrams which do not fit the debian free software guidelines. see Essentially non-free contains binary versions of closed sourced programs and programs for which the source is avaible under a restrictive license.
  • Now I don't have exact populations here, but =country&choicev%5B%5D=Canada&choicev%5B %5D=The+US&submit=Submit shows that the US has 92 Million users, and Canada has 13.5 million (as of June '99). I'm not sure about the states, but I believe the population is about 250 million, which would put usage at about 37%. In Canada, the population is around 26 million, which puts us at about 52%.

    Okay, so the figures are a year old, and my population of the US may be off, but I'm pretty sure Canada has the highest per capita connections to the 'net.
    So, I guess Canada should be at the top, or at least higher up than the US. Sorry guys!

  • Has anybody else wondered why only Linux versions of software are made open source? For example, "At the present time, Tripwire has no plans to make its commercial UNIX versions or NT available as open source." (from the FAQ []) and AFAIK Troll Tech has made only the Linux version of qt open.

    Is the reason the background of the OS? Linux users are used to having the source and a product which doesn't offer source can't expect a very wide acceptance in the Linux world (see for example some of the originally-closed drivers). In Windows, everybody is used to proprietary software, so they couldn't care less.

    Another peculiar thing is, why do they keep different versions for different architechtures? I'd think it would be easier to manage only one code base with #ifdef's or separate low-level files. It might be possible that they only omit the Windows-specific files, but in this case any GPL additions to the Linux version (made by users) couldn't be compiled into the Windows version.

    This, on the other hand, would mean that the Linux version would inevitably become better than the corresponding Windows version. The only legal way they could get the same features into the Windows version would be to code them themselves from scratch, and who's to say they didn't use any GPL-only code? Or do they demand everybody who contributes anything to dual-licence it so they can use it in the closed Windows version also?

    Any ideas, anyone?

  • The journalling file systems that are out there for Linux and UNIX log structural information only, and only temporarily. They allow recovery of directory structure in case of a small class of software/hardware failures (mostly, shutting down without flushing buffers), not much more. File content isn't logged, it isn't recoverable, and you can't roll back your file system arbitrarily.

    Sure, you can implement something like tripwire (or various forms of capabilities) at the file system level. But that doesn't need to be anywhere near as complex as a JFS. You're probably better off with a simple, general change notification mechanism and a user-level daemon.

  • Linus does not like software control tools like CVS.

    At some point CVS will happen. Someone (or group) will take a Linux kernel and check it into CVS, with or without Linus's blessing. And Linus will have to either get with the program, or get passed by. The real world of software development understands why source code control systems matter.

    The method right now puts Linus in control. He's "the man". CVS takes away from Linus's "power".

  • Actually... Trolltech GPL'd the Unix version of Qt :)


  • FYI- No Tripwire is purely a defensive measure. There is no way it can be used to attack a system. So it would be one of the few tools to survive that treaty.
  • Quoth the "Open Source Tripwire for Linux FAQ" []:

    What is your strategy for the other operating systems that Tripwire supports? Will they become open source?

    There are currently no plans to make open source any of the other UNIX versions or the NT version of Tripwire.

    Of course, since the open source release is GPLed, porting it to other OSes is perfectly legitimate.

  • Has anyone ever come up with the mods to Linux or one of the BSDs to allow for OS-level triggers on the filesystem? I would much prefer to have a syslog entry get fired off the moment that anyone opens /bin/login in O_RDWR mode than have tripwire discover it minutes later.

    Yes, there is such a thing for Linux, and it is called LIDS []. It is basically a kernel patch that, along with a user-mode administration program, does what you just described and much more. For example it can send a message (directly from the kernel!) to somebody on some IP address (which you preconfigured) instead of logging to syslog, also with the help of the capability support in the kernel you can limit the access to certain group of system calls. Check it out!

  • Er, why?

    Last I recall (circa version 1.3 or so), its sole purpose was to act as a system for generating and verifying checksums for system binaries, configuration files and their ilk. Generate sums with intact system, move to a not-easily-tampered-with medium (say, CD-R if you're paranoid, floppy followed by write-protect if you're not), and check against 'em later if your system is compromised or you otherwise feel a need to verify your files. Nothing more.

    It cannot even be used as a tool for, let alone have a primary (stated or unstated) purpose of, gaining unauthorized access to a system any more than any other one-way hashing system, unless distributed on a sharpened, magical CD with the strange unerring accuracy of Xena's chakram and you go sysadmin-hunting.
  • Thanx, now I now and I will get it!!!
  • I'm not sure what the benefit of open-sourcing this one is anyways. It doesn't seem to be clearly explained in the summation either. Can someone dumb it down for me? I understand that using the policy language, an administrator can define certain precepts/rules as pertain to directories, etc., but what are the actual benefits to open-sourcing this. Do you think they might have done it just to get on Slashdot?

    1. the man who put the BOP in the BOP-SHIBOP-SHIBOP []
  • Hm... maybe I've missed the point in time when Tripwire stopped to be available as source code, but I remember than 5-6 years ago and earlier I used to download and install it on various Unix boxes at the Univ. It was nothing more than checksum checker capable that was nice, because it checked many files and could be run automatically. Of course, it was available in source code (in the pre-RPM days even on Linux distros of that time - SLS, Slackware - everything installed with make install).

    Anyway - glad to hear that this nice tool is living and is returning to the open source status.

  • by SubtleNuance ( 184325 ) on Monday October 30, 2000 @10:32AM (#664641) Journal
    See the news from tripwire's new site [] which has the skinny from Tripwire directly. LinuxPower [] has an article []. As does IGN [] over here [].

    T here is also a great article here [] regarding file system monitoring - and alternatives (additional OpenSource) to TripWire. Not quite as relevant now that TripWire is OpenSource but still a good read.

  • by Some guy named Chris ( 9720 ) on Monday October 30, 2000 @10:33AM (#664642) Journal

    They are changed their source encryption to ASCII encoding, triple ROT-26 under the provisions of the DMCA which just went into effect.

    Also, you are allowed to view the source, but comprehension of it is a violation of the terms of use statement you agreed to when you first became aware of the term Tripwire. Failure to not comprehend the source is punishable by, but not limited to, confiscation of any or all of the following:

    • Reception Device - Eyes, 2
    • Transmission Facilitation Device - Hands, 2. Fingers, 11
    • Decryption Device - Brain, 1
  • by sverrehu ( 22545 ) on Monday October 30, 2000 @10:33AM (#664643) Homepage

    Who needs Tripwire when we have AIDE?

    To quote the web page: "AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) is a free replacement for Tripwire. It does the same things as the semi-free Tripwire and more."

    Check it out!

  • Of course, since the open source release is GPLed, porting it to other OSes is perfectly legitimate.

    • Qt is in the same boat. TrollTech GPLed Qt for Unix, but has yet to release the Windows port. I'm not aware of any effort to fork a Windows port from the GPL release. Harmony for Windows, anyone?
    • GNU GhostScript has always trailed Alladin by a year or so. I'm not aware of any extra features in the GNU version.
    • I haven't heard much from CUPS since it was first announced. Their strategy was to GPL the engine and sell proprietary printer drivers.
    • MySQL had a liberal Unix license and an expensive Windows license for a while. When they GPLed the Unix version, I wondered whether someone would fork a Windows port. Then the Windows version was GPLed.
    • Quake has been GPLed, but id will still sell you a license to use it in a proprietary product. I doubt that id is worried that the GPL release of Quake will cut into any of their business. In fact, they're limiting the Quake 3 licensees for the first year, to make an "exclusive club."

    A GPL dual license is a gamble. Someone could add a compelling new feature to the GPL release that can't be integrated into the "value-added" proprietary version. There seems to be a strong resistance do doing so, however. Doing so would require a fork, because the company won't accept a contribution unless you assign copyright. This lessens the contribution to the free software community, but I'm not about the smell the gift fish.

  • Do Linux's leading browsers or underlying GUI elements support keyboards? If not, go hack it in, it's not rocket science.

    Windows' standard combobox control (drop down list, whatever) will jump to any item when you hit the initial letters. I see 'Angola' in a combo box, I hit U. If it says 'United Kingdom', I hit U again. Oooo, tough.

    I'm from Michigan. That's the fourth M state in a dropdown of the United States' states. Do I holler about that?

    Certainly there are better things to whine about. And personally, I think it's better if US-centric Americans were subtly reminded that the US isn't the whole world.

  • Your keyboard probably has the letter 'u' on it, hit it a couple of times, you will be where you want to be. oh yeah and I don't care.
  • Poor Man's Tripwire? What are you talking about? In case you can't afford... something free? :)
  • They seem to have fixed the validation, I didn't have any troubles (and didn't fill in second address line).
  • ... and your e-mail address has to be lower case. Go figure.
  • Doesn't work if you're one of those people who choose to fsck up half the files from the rpm, because you think you can make it work better. (And often can..)
  • Anyone interested on working on the code, no matter your motivation, please cruise on over to the source forge page [] and make yourself known ;) I could use some help.
  • The point would be that because tripwire is no longer semi-fre you could now use either.
  • by Rob Wilderspin ( 2556 ) on Monday October 30, 2000 @12:19PM (#664653)
    If the log files can't be tampered with, does that include log rotation? If you can rotate them then so can a cracker, and if you can't then you'd better make sure you've got plenty of disk space...

    Do you need to put other mechanisms in place to cope with this?
  • Yes, gpl-ing software does not limit the authors rights in any way. (except the right to sue people who copy your software :-) ).
  • you need to upgrade your compiler to gcc 2.95.2, and it will build fine on all the platforms you mention. read the INSTALL file man, it's all there.
  • I know thisis a troll and all but i have to point out the law in question is being put together by the Council of EUROPE so save you anti-American trolls fro when it is actuall the US that does something
  • by LanMan ( 16456 )
    In case some people weren't aware, AIDE [] has been available as a GPL'ed replacement for Tripwire for a while now...
  • Do you think they might have done it just to get on Slashdot?

    Business plan:
    1) Start giving away our product
    2) Get Slashdotted
    3) ???
    4) Profit!

  • I had to fill out EVERY line, even the second line of the address.

    Worked just fine then! (US Address)

    -- Ravensfire

"I've finally learned what `upward compatible' means. It means we get to keep all our old mistakes." -- Dennie van Tassel
