Are Bad Licenses Good For The Community? 107
mib writes: "ZDNet has an article about the history of OpenSSH that not only says that telnet sucks (duh!) but that that bad licenses are good for the the open source community because they cause some people to develop unrestricted versions of restricted software." This is a theme that develops more and more often when 'work-alike' apps are being created in order to migrate people from one OS to another.
You can never go back again (Score:2)
A. SSH didn't convince it's v1 users that v2 was worth moving to or paying for (Not that it necessarily is or isn't worth it).
B. openSSH, while it's progress has been fantastic, still lacks features of the commerical version and GUI versions of v2 are not available
C. the open and commercial versions are not entirely compatible.
All of these facts have led to confusion about what version of SSH people should be using. For instance, what's the point in getting my users to use SSH in place of telnet when they make just as many connections with ftp (or dreamweaver or frontpage, etc.). SSH2 provides a graphical sftp client for windows, which makes the users happy and prevents that problem. Of course, I'd prefer the open source version for moral reasoons, but the two aren't compatible, so I can't run them interchangeably.
All in all it's just led to the better v2 ssh protocol not being widely adopted.
On another note, this situation is not like GIMP vs. Photoshop, et. al. because Photoshop or AIM or Napster were never open source to begin with, and if Linux user wanted the functionality those programs offered, they had to write it themselves. SSH was already available, but was was "revoked" later.
Was Hitler a good thing, all in all? (Score:1)
For instance, the East Coast Ice Storm of a couple years ago that destroyed the trees of Vermont, Quebec, Ontario, and probably a couple of other states had the "merit" that people had a nice "dry run" on emergency preparations so that they KNEW that they were ready for whatever hiccups might come out of the "Y2K Disaster."
On the other hand, the deaths of trees, destruction of property, and such, was NOT a good thing. And few would argue that World War II was a nice thing in having "showed us how bad tyranny can get."
So while I'll go along with the notion that if bad licenses come along once in a while, it is useful in keeping everyone else "resilient" against it, it's not a particularly Good Thing.
Re:It's all about money (Score:1)
If you need features that the original doesn't have, developing a clone may be cheaper than getting a source license (assuming that getting a source license is even possible).
Mediocre Licenses are *Terrible* for the Community (Score:1)
If there is a totally non-free license for something people need, a replacement will often be developed (although I agree with several posters who have pointed out that it would be even better to just fix the license on the existing product). But if there is a somewhat-bad, or mostly-free license for something, people are severly undermotivated to do anything to replace it.
My interaction with MySQL has been like this for years. They have fixed the license now, but previously, their license didn't make any sense (free ($$) for non-commercial use and some kinds of commercial use, if you could figure it out; open source but not freely redistributable, except older versions which were GPL's). This mess made PostgreSQL appealing for years (not to raise the old flamefest--I do know that MySQL lacks subselects and transactions and I do miss them dearly. I don't trust it for big stuff but it works great for small stuff).
Anyone else think of additional examples of mediocre licenses killing development?
Re:Sure... (Score:1)
On the other hand, which one is used by virtually all graphics professionals? Which one do people pay hundreds of dollars for? Would anyone still use Gimp if they had to cough up $600 for it?
Re:Are hurricanes good for the community? (Score:2)
So Linus, what are we doing tonight?
Re:Nope. (Score:1)
Re:That's why OSS is less popular with the big guy (Score:2)
Re:Graphics (Score:1)
What about CTO of both products? Which is higher? Depending on what you need to do, it's Gimp (if it doesn't do what you need, you need to have it coded, which costs in time and resources)
Better standards (Score:1)
Re:Why wait for the hurricane? (Score:2)
There is a reason why there is unemployment. All to often this is because there is no employment "slack" to hire them with. Employing them to correct disasters or fight wars will be economically disruptive. I am not saying unemployment is a good thing, I am just saying that it is there and is a part of economics.
Economics, like any science, does not make moral judgements. But it does assert that there are consequences to every human action. Getting rid of unemployment is a good thing. But there is a price to be paid. All to often that price looms where you least expect it.
Again, I'll ask my question. If there were a time of high unemployment, would you advocate the artificial destruction of a major city rather than wait for a convenient hurricane? Wouldn't you get double duty on the unemployment by hiring people to throw rocks through perfectly good windows? After all, you'll be hiring both the rock thrower and the glazer...
By the way, in reference to unemployment and WW2, why did the economy not fall back into depression when a million servicemen were mustered out? Why would you consider an economy beset with shortages and rationing to be healthy? From my reading of history, the forties were an economic mess while the fifties was the decade of prosperity.
Re:Adversity breeds... what? (Score:1)
SUB JOKE(Microsoft)
Michael Tandy
...another insightless comment from Michael Tandy.
Re:No way. (Score:1)
I apoligize for that. The annoying advetising clause is no longer included in 4.4BSDlite because deriritive works would include similar clauses. This lead to making certain programs virtually unadvertisable because you would need to dedicate half the page to these annoying clauses. Anyway Microsoft and Apple used the code under the new license.
Feel free to deny that the quality of TCP/IP networking in both M$ and Apple products improved when they started using the BSD code.
I nevr claimed using the BSD code didn't improve the product
Photoshop over the GIMP (Score:1)
another thing that bothered me in the way it parallels photoshop 3.0. what about 5.0? photoshop has changed alot since 3.
granted: the gimp's scriptability makes it really awesome in certain contexts. however, if i intend to design a web site, or create any graphics by hand, i use photoshop. why? because it's geared for professionals. because it works. it does everything it purports to.
there are really only two problems i have with photoshop. it's not free (not at all; but this comes from that "professional" thing). and it's not for linux.
[disclaimer: i haven't touched the gimp in a year. it may actually kick ass now. but it didn't when i tried it.]
Re: No way. (Score:1)
No I didn't forgot that SSH is a protocol and IF it is implemented correctly it would be safe. But the people who implement the protocol is after all only humans and they make mistakes. With several diferent versions of ssh some of them could be broken in some way.
"take the red pill and you stay in wonderland and I'll show you how deep the rabitt hole goes"
Re:Cars come with closed source software... (Score:2)
What kind of car do you have? To get the error for my Firebird I just short two pins together from a plug below the steering wheel. Then the Check Engine light flashes in a certain pattern, and off I go to fix the problem... which occurs all too often
Re:Are hurricanes good for the community? (Score:2)
Re:No way. (Score:1)
Directory of C:\WINNT\system32
04/29/99 01:04p 41,232 FTP.EXE
BSD code.
Yet THIS date
July 22, 1999
To All Licensees, Distributors of Any Version of BSD:
As you know, certain of the Berkeley Software Distribution ("BSD") source
code files require that further distributions of products containing all or
portions of the software, acknowledge within their advertising materials
that such products contain software developed by UC Berkeley and its
Specifically, the provision reads:
" * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
* must display the following acknowledgement:
* This product includes software developed by the University of
* California, Berkeley and its contributors."
Effective immediately, licensees and distributors are no longer required to
include the acknowledgement within advertising materials.
Is when the "advertising clause" was removed.
Now, what exactly were you saying about
>because you would need to dedicate half the page to these annoying clauses.
Given you now have no advertising objection to the BSD licence, do you not agree that for maximizing code re-use, public domain or a BSD licence does a better job?
Re:No way. (Score:1)
So anyway both licenses have flaws in the area of code reuse. The BSD license may have less assuming commercial software producers play nice, but if properly abused it can cause just as much code rewriting as the GPL.
Its not about money at all (Score:1)
...and since you dont seem to be from this planet, I guess the SETI project can stop its work now.
Its the license, stupid.
Me me me (Score:1)
Hey, why doesn't the US just open source our nukes and jet fighters? Then other countries could use them and make better nukes and jet fighters, and the whole world would benefit!
Re:No way. (Score:1)
We _all_ agree that it would be better to write software under a 'good' license to begin with. There's no arguement there. But there are 2 points to consider:
1) People have different opinions on what 'good' is. So perhaps it takes a stricter license to make an individual feel more comfortable about releasing his/her hard work to the masses. Even if you consider it "the man keeping you down"!
2) We live in a capitalist society. People are out to make money. Money stuffs pockets, but money also staffs buildings. Buildings that house developers and researchers. People that develop products (sometimes stupid) that get bundled with operating systems or pervade the market and make you think about adding a program like that to your operating system under a 'better license'.
Don't get me wrong. I believe in the GPL and the LGPL and BSD licenses. I also believe there is Linux (redhat, etc.) and then there is GNU/Linux. I believe in writting software that we can _all_ use and understand. But I can't afford the research, the time, the manpower, or the MISTAKES made in developing the next Lotus Notes TM. So I will gladly let those people make those mistakes and learn from them when I make a better version with other like-minded individuals.
Re:Sure... (Score:3)
Photoshop is scriptable via applescript with the appropriate plug-ins. It has a thorough history tracking which you can save and saveable actions, so you can perform one task once and then apply that same task to 100 different files if you so desire. Saved actions will generate anything that the GIMP can, plus it will output Pantone and other spot colors, CMYK, etc etc etc.
I really think that GIMP enthusiasts should go to a design studio and watch a photoshop artist in action before trying to compare the two. The difference between the two is immense, and slashdot seems to remember photoshop 2.0 rather than 5.5
M$ Know This (Score:1)
Nope. (Score:2)
More oil spills means more work for cleanup people (job "creation"), and more dead wildlife (hooray, most of those birds ate "our" fish).
More hurricanes for Floridans means more new buildings, more disaster aid, and possibly a dead relative here and there. More housing rubble hauled off to the dump, more trees cut down to make new buildings.
I guess I should be happy for Miamians who get to live in spiffy new buildings, but I can't help but think the city councillor's analysis is a bit narrow-minded.
Re:It's all about money (Score:1)
Wrong interpretation (Score:2)
I like the hurricane metaphor someone else used. We can survive a hurricane and rebuild afterward, but we'd rather not have the hurricane in the first place.
Graphics (Score:1)
Exactly. Now that there's a feature in a closed product, many people will scream "Reinventing the wheel!" when you create a similar feature for an open-sourced product. But, if you think about it, it's not going to stop there. Until the new version of Photoshop comes out, we don't know what it will have that we might like. And unfortunately, with the exception of the coders at Adobe, we don't have any say in the features we want or need. With open source, the entire point is "Is a feature not there? Well then, add it!" Closed source is best thought of as a sort of "test bed" - features you want appear there. If you want them, feel free to adopt them for your own. Make them better. If this is exactly what you need, and it's an immediate thing, however, you can pay for that convenience.
Now that I'm done claiming advocacy, I'll freely admit I'm running a dual-boot system, and as a graphic designer myself, have found invaluable services in both packages. I throw graphics in a common storage place and twiddle them with both programs. The GIMP does a lot of gruntwork (map generation, maze generation) that I'm too lazy to do myself, and Photoshop has a lot of other features (color separation, catalog generation) that make it *ANOTHER* indispensible tool. Just thought I'd throw in my two pence.
Re:Telnet Doesn't Suck (Score:1)
But telnet is not secure!
ssh does all of these things you mention and more. With the added bonus of security.
While telnet certainly didn't suck back in its day. Compared to the competition (ssh), and in light of the realities of the modern internet (unscrupulous, packet-sniffing script-kiddies, just dying to snag you passwords), the only conclusion a reasonable person can come to is:
telnet sucks!
Re:Cars come with closed source software... (Score:1)
Re:Graphics (Score:1)
Performance/Dollar of Photoshop: Some number greater then 0
Let's try that again, shall we?
Performance/Dollar of Gimp : Undefined.
Performance/Dollar of Photoshop: Some number greater than 0
Re:Me me me (Score:1)
It doesnt. It makes them possible.
Re:Are hurricanes good for the community? (Score:2)
Then logically, it stands that since criminals all drink water, all water drinkers are criminals!
One of the most basic tenets of logic is that just because something is true doesn't mean its converse ("opposite") is true. A=>B does not not always imply B=>A.
Not that I don't agree with your original point...
Re:Why wait for the hurricane? (Score:2)
For those who are economically illiterate, I will explain the problem. Disasters employ people that would have otherwise been employed elsewhere. There is no economic gain, only a shift of resources from non-damaged areas to damaged areas. Even with pure economic efficiency, the net gain would be zero.
There are a myriad valid and moral reasons to help rebuild damaged cities. Citing bogus economic advantages is not one of them.
Re:Cars come with closed source software... (Score:2)
Anyway, thanks for trolling.
Free Factor (Score:2)
Of course a lack of a price tag alone does not make a software package better than its commercial counterparts. The old standard is that "freeware isn't worth money." The statement is an over-simplification, but it has some truth in it. Its not a matter of price - its a matter of functionality. Price is simply a factor - and of differing weight depending on your available funds and ability to negotiate a license.
I'm currently working on progect with a major US company in comparing SSH2 to OpenSSH as a company standard. The ability to negotiate a license and the available funds is not a major issue - price is a relatively minor factor. Its become a very heated debate with those involved. OpenSSH is holding its own very well against its commercial counterpart. The only failing so far is less support for Windows environments. Again, its a matter of functionality.
In the end, if the company ends up with the commercial SSH2 package we'll still see OpenSSH showing up in the environment. There are a lot of technical users who strongly support it. The only difference the lack of a price tag makes in this scenario is that those who support OpenSSH will be able to deploy it without justifying additional cost.
And there's the subtle point missed by those who fixate on prace tags - Open Source does not live or die by cost.
Create don't copy (Score:1)
I really think that we should start to create our own programs from scratch, no trying to copy visually other software, good things will emerge from that.
Re:Sure... (Score:1)
Windows or MacOS, I don't even have the option.
Re:No way. (Score:1)
"take the red pill and you stay in wonderland and I'll show you how deep the rabitt hole goes"
Re:stupid... (Score:1)
Of course, having that many different programs to fulfil one need isn't necissarily bad. It means you always have alternatives, if one starts doing something you don't like or gets abandoned. And there's lots of different feature sets, and more different ways of doing things...
Re:You can never go back again (Score:1)
OpenSSH runs great on my Red Hat boxen. The source and executable .rpms are downloadable [redhat.com].
FiSSH [mit.edu] is being turned over to MIT, and as soon as they unscramble their (currently hosed) distribution and apply the known patch for Win98 compatibility (thot Win95/98 ran the same apps? think again) there will be a freely available SSH client for Winblows lamers, um, I meant mainstream users, built from True Free Open Source! Yay!
TeraTerm SSH [vector.co.jp] is another Win32 client, but not really open source, because Teranishi-san [mailto] has disappeared and the license is oddly written, but it does work for most purposes.
For file transfer, don't use FTP, use rsync.
--CharlieRe:stupid... (Score:1)
Take the long way home... (Score:2)
Re:No way. (Score:1)
GPLed code takes time to write. Closed source versions of the SAME code take time to write.
Public domain/BSD code takes time to write. Closed source can take this code and add features.
LESS TOTAL time is spent writing code.
The original claim was:
If the license was free, then there would be no need to write a clone. Coders could instead work on othe, new projects instead of duplicating effort.
If the goal is to stop duplication of efforts, the BSD or public domain licence does a better job than a GPL licence.
Worked for Linux (Score:1)
What the alternative (Score:1)
But if we are comparing draconian licenses to less-evil-but-still-non-Free licenses, then yes, they ARE good because they provide the impetus needed to write a clone.
No way. (Score:5)
Grade A prime bull.
If the license was free, then there would be no need to write a clone. Coders could instead work on othe, new projects instead of duplicating effort.
Only when everyone uses what's just been licensed (Score:1)
In the case of something like, say, AutoCAD, it works not so well. The license is obstructive, but the code base there is so vast compared to the people willing to work on it for free that the alternatives are just, well, inadequate. In which case you're just stuck with an irritating piece of software.
Open source only really works when you have a lot of people interested in something, compared to how complicated that something is. Relatively esoteric, complex things (ie, not gcc or kernel, which *everyone* uses, but, say, Adobe Aftereffects) fall by the wayside.
Not to mention licenses that prohibit reverse-engineering altogether...
Sure... (Score:2)
Maybe I missed something, but if it was unrestricted in the first place, people wouldn't have to spend their time writing new versions. They could take the code that was already there and change it however they wanted.
Well, yeah (Score:3)
While the SSH people are perfectly within their rights to release future versions under a more restrictive licence, one questions the business logic of pissing off your entire user base.
In part, the article seems to fall into the "OSS can only copy ClosedSS" trap, although he backs away from that in the end without providing an example of OpenSSH's innovation.
A standard would be good.
Balkanization (Score:2)
Bad, good... Either way it moves forward. (Score:1)
Re:Sure... (Score:4)
GIMP. Photoshop. Which one has scriptable effects? Which one can run a script to *GENERATE* an image? Which one is expandable enough to run over a web browser [cooltext.com]?
Or the AOL IM clients. TiK, anyone? Aol *CHAT ROOMS* over the client? I think the biggest advantage is the fact that closed software inspires not only clones, but improved versions.
SSH does command line as well... (Score:1)
Re:No way. (Score:3)
Bullshit! (Score:1)
Re:No way. (Score:2)
good and bad (Score:2)
Here's my definition of good and bad licenses:
A good license enforces what the maker of it wants and has no unwanted sideeffects.
A bad license does not enforce what the maker wnated to enforce or has unwanted sideeffects.
It is that simple, don't confuse 'good' with 'free beer'. Also be aware that good is highly subjective: what is good for you might be bad for someone else. I certainly can't blame somebody else for not delivering free labor.
Now some people on this site seem to believe that GPL is 'good' and should be enforced/envangelisized/promoted whereever possible. I'm not one of them. I don't think it is bad either, just that sometimes it is appropriate and sometimes not.
No in the case of SSH we are dealing with a bad license. It doesn't do what the originator intended (keep SSH propietary). Nor does it do what the users want, so they create their own version with a license that suit their needs. Probably, openssh will leapfrog past its original and become the default implementation in use.
Re:Graphics (Score:2)
Yes, it's never been stated as such, but with the GIMP constantly drawing comparisons to Photoshop around here, I trully feel its' worth it to enlighten this community as how powerful Photoshop really is, as opposed to how powerful they think it is. Yes, the GIMP can be useful at times, but it really feels like an absolute toy compared to Photoshop.
And unfortunately, with the exception of the coders at Adobe, we don't have any say in the features we want or need.
Actually, Adobe works very closely with it's largest customers (I work for one of them) to determine the features that their next product should have as well as which features are causing confusing among it's users. And it's not the coders that make the actual decisions, it's the product managers who talk with tech support and sales in order to have a product developed that will spur people to buy it or upgrade their current copies. If you're a customer of theirs, and a feature you want to see included isn't there, AND it's a feature that many other people want as well, you CAN call and try to make a difference.
Besides that, photoshop is one of the most extensible apps around with fully document API's (hence the HUGE 3rd party plug in market), so if you're a coder, you can just as easily add the features you need to their program.
That's the KEY difference between closed source and open source that's been said time and time again but overlooked: proprietary software companies develop their software for their customers, whereas open source developers develop the software for themselves. It's a big difference. Necessity is the mother of invention, and closed source companies require money...
Wow, way to screw the posting... (Score:3)
Bait and switch is dumb, and won't work...
Go over the story.
Someone wrote a useful program, made it Free, everyone liked it and used it. He tried to make a buck by making it not Free. Users got mad, took the version he provided for free (the bait) and redid his tweaks. Therefore, the switch failed.
Closed source programs aren't really covered in his article. Free software that pulls a bait and switch will result in the users getting mad and reimplementing the fixes.
In otherwords, you can sell propriatary software, maybe users will pay, maybe a bunch will reimplement for free. However, don't try to release it for free to get marketshare and then try to pull a fast one with the upgrades.
If you use Free Software to establish yourself, don't expect to be able to make it proprietary, because someone will keep it Free. Proprietary software can't leverage the community, that was my reading.
Re:Sure... (Score:1)
Like you said. The author's whole argument seems to go along the lines of "bad licenses are good because they encourage people to rewrite the software under good licenses."
Sounds a lot like hitting yourself on the head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop.
Re:That's why OSS is less popular with the big guy (Score:1)
Couldn't you call yourself something original, like "Signal 9"?
Or just do us all a favor, and go SIGKILL yourself.
Someone, moderate this guy into oblivion, spam him, and then track him down, and subscribe him to Columbia house and BMG; I'm sick of these poeople stealing user info and thinking they're clever by maligning the reputation of the posters that the trolls still couldn't hate more if they tried.
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [ncsu.edu].
Re:if bad licenses... (Score:1)
Re:Are hurricanes good for the community? (Score:2)
So Linus, what are we doing tonight?
No Prime Bull! (Score:1)
A workalike is sometimes a good thing. The developers aim to emulate the functionality of a mature product. Microsoft spent lots of dollars creating Microsoft Excel. All the guys working on GNumeric do, is trying to copy the functionality. At least that's what they did some time ago. If they had to come up with a totally new concept for a spreadsheet, I'm afraid it would be below par. Unfortunately, there seems to be a shortage of UI specialists among us. Furthermore, the training the users invested in the product on the other platform, will hopefully somewhat transfer across to the workalike clone.
Let's face it. We owe the closed-license people some thank-yous for the standards they've established, and their investments into user interfaces. Of course, if they opened their source, we would have a heck of a lot easier time. But then again, we're talking of the real world here :(
No Bad Licenses (Score:2)
The controversy comes when software is first given to one other person. A software license is merely a set of permissions and restrictions on what the user can do with the author's work. It shouldn't make any difference whether the software is given to one person or posted on the net for everyone in the world to access. This is not kindergarten where if you give some of your candy with your friend you have to give it to everyone else in class. What harm is there is saying "here friend, have my software, I am not done with it yet so don't let anyone else see it until I tell you otherwise"?
Ownership of software is not the question. We are talking licenses here. Every license in existance including the GNU GPL asserts ownership rights upon the software. Ownership means the right to control, and by controlling how the software is distributed, the GPL asserts ownership.
You may not like the terms of a particular license. I may probably agree with you. But that's beside the point. That particular software with that particularly onerous license is not my software. I have no rights to compell its author to do anything. Calling a license bad is just sour grapes. You didn't get your way and now you're pouting.
If you don't like the terms of the license, don't use the software. Gee, where have I heard that one before?
Re:Good/Bad - Your dualistic thinking is irrelevan (Score:1)
Re:Why wait for the hurricane? (Score:1)
Closed software is bad (Score:1)
I love open source software, use it all the time at work, and I've submitted lots of patches to lots of projects. In my group, between all the employees, we have write access to an inordinate amount of cvs repositories... but well... we don't release our proprietary code.
Does that make me bad? Does that make me evil?
If so, please show me how to grow a money tree... I planted a dollar bill when I was six, but it never quite managed to grow.
Good/Bad - Your dualistic thinking is irrelevant. (Score:1)
bad licenses are good for the the open source community...
Sorry, but such pronouncements will have everybody arguing all day, for one side or the other, pretty much leading nowhere.
If you look for the good side, then you will find examples supporting 'good'.
If you look for the bad side, you will find examples supporting 'bad'.
'Good'/'Bad' is a judgement call, and judgement is a very limited way of looking. Thinking is pretty much polarised into Either/Or boxes, while reality is fluid and ever-changing.
Drop the generalisation, and perhaps consider specific examples very carefully. If you study just one licence carefully, with all the factors that led to it and all the effects that it led to, then something can be learned, concluded, agreed upon, regarding that one event. But continue 'debating' sides and you find yourselves with a load of new opinions and conclusions about nothing.
Do you see how it leads nowhere? You'll either keep your opinion, or drop it for another opinion... 'yes, licences (whatever) are bad etc.'. Just opinions, just garbage that clutters your thinking. Are you interested in opinions? Are you interested in truth?
Re:Closed software is bad (Score:1)
But seriously, of course you shouldn't release your proprietary code. Whatever it is that makes your commercial product unique and marketable, keep it under wraps, unless your company can find another business model that works for them, and allows them to release the code. This is difficult, and won't work for many companies; heck, many of them probably can't see why they'd want to think about this in the first place, and sometimes they're right. It certainly isn't easy, and it won't make you instantly wealthy, like the money tree instructions on the internet promise to...
However, not all code is proprietary. In fact, most of it is downright dull. If you've written any libraries that are particularly good, but at the same time not a 'trade secret', you might want to release them under the LGPL, or under a BSD-style license. Ditto for any helper programs (that's why VNC was developed).
Therefore, Open Source!=Broke, and even a company that makes its living on proprietary software can still release or contribute to Open Source software as well. Apple, AT&T, Corel, (AOL/)Netscape, Sun, and many other companies have all tried this at varying levels and degrees of success.
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [ncsu.edu].
Re:Graphics (Score:1)
But how many people actually would even be SEEN by adobe. Only companys that have several 100+ copies of Photoshop (a single graphic artist who needs ONE feature to make his life easier isn't even going to be listened to by a huge corporation).
Oh, absolutely (Score:2)
If I give you the source for our main product, we're out of business. If, however, I give you a C++ class that's capable of doing mundane task X or Y, then we both win, since while you save time by using it, I gain stability by having it get thoroughly debugged by other eyes.
Re:stupid... (Score:1)
I'll agree with you about The Gimp filling a niche, and maybe X-Windows, but...
What is Emacs' niche? Is it its own niche? If I wanted a real LISP interpreter/compiler, I wouldn't use Emacs; I don't use it for an editor either--it doesn't dominate either of those niches. But perhaps if you want it all together, you want... Emacs? Hmm.
X-Windows dominates because it is a standard; I think it was made open to ensure this, too. Once a program, file format, whatever--open or closed--becomes standard and widely in use, it dominates. Of course, if it's closed, expect to see some re-implementations. Also, there are many commercial and free X-servers, and now there are alternatives that do the same sort of thing for Windows. So in this case, "X-Windows" isn't really one app, although XFree86 is pretty standard on Linux...
The Gimp is excellent, and its rival would be PhotoShop. So if you don't have the money to fork over, like The Gimp better, and are running UNIX or Windows, by all means, use The Gimp. PhotoShop is out for Windows and MacOS; the UNIX version was discontinued around 3.x, I believe, but I know that the Windows version (at least 3.0) runs very quickly under Wine. Also, we're starting to see more quality, free photo-manipulation programs for Linux, but I doubt any of them will replace The Gimp anytime soon...
But yes, my broad generalizations can often be refuted to differing degrees on a case-by-case basis. That doesn't mean there isn't any truth there, though, just that it isn't absolute.
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [ncsu.edu].
Re:Good/Bad - Your dualistic thinking is irrelevan (Score:1)
I posted expecting to get rejected, but instead I got reflected.
Re:Oh, absolutely (Score:1)
You're doing better than I am, as I haven't released a whole lot of code for anything; but then, I haven't written anything that's absolutely indispensable yet. I'd still like to code more SVGALib and BGI support on top of SDL (at the moment, I've coded some basic BGI support on top of SVGALib, and I'm not too impressed with GGI yet), and I've got a couple of other ideas, but I don't know if they'll ever happen.
My most ambitious project would be a totally configurable widget set that implements the calls for the widgets it can look like as well; but that would be a mess, and then I'd have to actually *learn* X programming.
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [ncsu.edu].
Re:Nope. (Score:1)
City councillors should be happy about that. Narrowminded fucks.
Sounds like Darwinism to me (Score:1)
If SSH.com's "bad" license served them well, then it's only "bad" to other developers -- but a better software offering appeared with a better license, and all turned out well in the end.
I can't see anyone arguing that bad licenses are good for everyone concerned, though, since the only "benefit" it provided was the production of a parallel software development effort that may or may not be compatible in the future.
Are hurricanes good for the community? (Score:5)
Re:Internet Explorer 5.5 is out now!! (Score:1)
Adversity breeds... what? (Score:2)
Unfortunately, we need some commercial software to exist (like Windows) because they need to compete with free software. Competition spurs innovation (that's a dirty word now, isn't it?), and non-free software is in many instances, better suited to compete then free software. Whether or not you like Windows, it's got a leg up in ease-of-use to KDE 1/GNOME, and KDE2 is the result.
Competition is good. Changing free software to non-free is bad.
It's all about money (Score:2)
stupid... (Score:5)
No, we do that to ourselves... Closed software is still bad, and if the world was Open Source, we'd *still* have 18 zillion versions of everything. Consider:
How many open programs are named 'ya*' or '?in?', for "Yet Another ---", or "?-- Is Not ?--"?
In the meantime, how many closed-source programs dominate the field for their type of application? (MS-Office; Windows; Photoshop; Quicken) Even if there are closed *or* open alternatives, people generally don't use them because of the stifling effects of closed software.
Even if Outlook and Eudora didn't exist, I guarantee you we'd still have mail, elm, pine, mutt.... etc., etc., ad infinitum. One program *or* one license is never enough for everybody in the Open Source world, and most people are just coding for themselves.
However, a commercial program like Outlook that is designed for the masses *does* give us something to shoot for; it's an example of "programming for the masses", which is what a program needs for more people to use it. So the Open Source e-mail clients of the future should be better for it.
BUT--this does not mean that if Microsoft opened the source for Outlook, that this would be worse--it would be better. Then we could examine it, pick it apart, and hack up a new e-mail client faster, fix some bugs, and avoid some mistakes. So open source licenses are still better, and closed programs provide an example, but they certainly don't help us by being closed, AND they aren't the reason why there are so many Open Source app/clones out there--that's just because everyone has their own itch to scratch.
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [ncsu.edu].
Re:Sure... (Score:1)
Someone has to think of them, and if the software were open in the first place, the ideas would be easily implemented into the existing software.
I just can't accept the fact that closed software is helping open-source developers in any way.
Cars come with closed source software... (Score:1)
As it is, you can't even get a list of the conditions that trigger the "Check Engine Soon" light.
On the other hand, what if the hacker in the car ahead of you on the expressway was testing his modifications to the Anti-lock Brake System control subroutine?
Slashdot ate my password, again.
No Cigar. (Score:2)
Tyrannies still exist, and regardless of the failure of communism, the transition to a more free world was (and is) by no means certain.
Similarly, although the Open Source movement seems to have 'the tide of history' on it's side at the moment, all the votes are not in, and advocating complacency is a sure way to get blindsisded by the unexpected.
Bad licenses are bad. Period.
How about saying "high crime rates are good, because they convince people to vote for the larger police budgets that are needed to keep them safe". This is the sort of absurdity that this thinking leads to.
Re:Sure... (Score:3)
Re:Me me me (Score:2)
And it's not like it's remotely easy to pick up 250,000 lines of source and make something better. I work on huge projects during the day, and it's common for a programmer on the project to misunderstand an interface subtlety and make a mistake that shows up later down the road. And this with experience working on a code base full-time.
One of the great myths of open source is that it makes bug fixes and enhancements easy.
Re:No way. (Score:1)
So you then advocate a BSD or a public domain licence, as these would allow the code written to be used EVERYWHERE, thus reducing the efforts of humanity on code.
Of course I have "profe" ( Re:Bullshit! ) (Score:1)
I have friends who work for
large corps that have source
code licenses to diferent MS
OS products.
Re:That's why OSS is less popular with the big guy (Score:1)
Re:No way. (Score:1)
Hey! Bezos didn't get a patent on SSH? (Score:1)
"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary..."
It's necessary.
USA% init 6
Re:Adversity breeds... what? (Score:2)
After all, emacs hasn't had any real competition in years (well, some would consider vi a competitor, but I don't. Nothing ever causes people to switch from one to the other), yet they still keep improving it.
Re:No way. (Score:1)
Microsoft did it with TCP/IP. Now of they did nothing that there is a need to duplicate. They just implemented it in there OS.
Now IBM released there e-biz software closed source based on apache, BSD licensed software. Assuming it catches on there will be a need to provide the functionality in an open source product. People will have to clone the functionality.
Re:Worked for Linux (Score:1)
scratching the itch (Score:2)
Do you remember why RMS started the GNU movement? (Score:3)
In a way, you could say that it is because the driver was under a "bad" license (closed source) instead of open source.
So in a waym "bad" (restrictive) licenses started the whole free software movement!
Not necessarily. (Score:4)
The only way it could be argued that closed source software is good for open source software is when the open source software tries to emulate important aspects of the closed source software (e.g. AbiWord is intended to have a very similar look and feel to the market leader, Microsoft Word, so that AbiWord is intuitive to use for Word users). The larger financial resources of the software companies can be used to conduct research into what users require of the software and to design other aspects such as the user interface, and these fundamental features can be incorporated into the open source software. Therefore, the commercial software companies can lay the foundations for the open source programmers to build upon, therefore saving some development effort for the open source programmers.
So maybe closed source software can benefit open source software, but not in the way suggested by the article.
That's why OSS is less popular with the big guys (Score:5)
You see a Huge company with 150,000 employees and a few Billion in annual profits doesn't buy software under the same restrictions as the rest of us. They don't suffer from bad licenses like we do.
Case in point. Nameless Big Company [NBC] buys a site license for NT. Latter it decides to create a web presence and simply grabs an NT CD and installs. As far as the internal developers are concerned NT Server is free because The site license essentially means paying for an estimated total number of servers with no penalty for adding more in the short term.
Even the CDs are different. I.e. No serial numbers to enter on the Corporate edition of MSOffice 97 when I had to install that.
Support is different too. They give the likes of NBC a different tech support number from the regular one. People answer that phone promptly and technicians come on site if needed ( for a pre established fee ).
Even Source code. yes. NBC can get the source code to windows if they ask for it. Sure it costs money but not nearly as much as that enterprise wide site license.
In short, bad licenses force ordinary users into open source and would have done the same to NBC. Except they get a not-so-bad license.
"Life Sucks. Then you die" -: Wolverine must have been talking to the small businesses who mistakenly believe that the fortune 500 became successful by choosing these tools ( which were only invented recently anyway ) and buy accordingly.