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Portable Desktop Computer Case HOWTO 87

Louziffer writes: "I've just upgraded the case on my computer with a modified IBM P70/P75 Traveling Case with solid rubber wheels, a steel retractable luggage handle, and a combination lock. The project page includes a tools and materials list, a full set of instructions, and other ideas for making your own. These instructions could easily be adapted to making a case out of nearly anything similar. (The RF debate is addressed in the pages, for those who want to rant.) I'd like to see what other cool projects people are working on in this capacity. Computer cases can go far beyond the neat-but-overdone realm of clear cases." This one looks ready for a beating, or to arouse the suspicions of airport security. Lucid directions let you join the fun, too.
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Portable Desktop Computer Case HOWTO

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  • You have to make SURE it never gets x-rayed.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 28, 2000 @03:32PM (#1041382)
    No problem. I have a similar case. An overclocked celeron in an aluminium briefcase with a single large red button next to the handle. I was a bit concerned about airport security when I bought it to the US from NZ as cabin luggage last month. But nobody look twice. Thinking about adding an alarm clock and bundle of candles for the trip back :-)
  • Well, as a portable box to take to LANs, one would assume that a dual boot setup with windows, to play games, would be helpfull.

    Remember, a gamer only complains about windows when it crashes.

  • I don't know about you, but if airport security ignored a briefcase with a large red button on it, I'd think twice about boarding their planes.
  • wouldn't putting a handle on the top of your existing case do just as well? Just remove a suitcase or briefcase handle from an old case and bolt it to the top of your box. All you need is one of those dust covers to fit your box in case of rain and your good to go.
  • I know this is old, but it reminds me of this [] guy who made a rust box.... of course, I realize that they're on different levels of innovation (one for looks, the other for functionality) but I suppose nostalgia can have its uses.

    On another thought - for the daredevil in us all, why not make a computer case out of bullet proof material? Sure, we're not likely to get in the "line of fire" anytime soon, but with all the "flames" we see, it wouldn't hurt. (ok, so that was really corny.. I'm sorry.)
  • I did my best to make links for any graphics (except on the main page) and keep everything down to basic text. Hopefully the design will win through and you'll all get to read the instructions... but...

    The info on my project page is out there for anyone to use, so if anyone wishes to mirror it, please feel free. :)

    (BTW - The X-ray comment got a chuckle.)


  • Now all we need to do is design a computer that can hold your underpants! :)

    "How much truth can advertising buy?" - iNsuRge [] - AK47
  • by Quintin Stone ( 87952 ) on Sunday May 28, 2000 @03:38PM (#1041389) Homepage
    The point, for those of you who haven't realized it, is not for airplane travel, but making the CPU easier to transport to and from LAN parties. LouZiffer and a bunch of us run a North Carolina LAN party [], so having a portable system becomes a real advantage. No need to worry about getting a hand cart or dolly when you can just pop out the handle and glide the sucker around with its own wheels.

    An alternative is always PC Tote [], but then that requires all the lifting and the carrying and the kicking and the screaming.

  • It seems to me that everythign these is becoming more rugged: cars, tools, doors, and now computers. I wonder what's next.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    If you want to be able to take a desktop on the plane instead of with the luggage there is one standard case that will fit it but it is very hard to find. Its a baby xt case 7x12.5x16. Just small enough to fit in the sizer box for all airlines. (some airlines have 13 inches in the critical dimension instead of 14 inches)
  • but I like the industrial look of this. Reminds me of the SKB cases I've owned -- rugged as all-get-out, unpretentious, functional. I sold the one that held my old amplifier, but bought another to hold two of my pistols. For a portable computer which requires slot expandability (which seems reasonable for a gaming system), this seems like a cool solution. If I only wanted a tough portable, slots aside, I think I'd go for a Panasonic toughbook - mmmmm.

    Of course, I'm not often featured in better homes and gardens ... =)

  • I like your sense of humor.
  • Women perhaps? :P
  • by 1337d00d ( 177978 ) on Sunday May 28, 2000 @03:52PM (#1041395)

    You mean, at the x-ray machines that have those huge labels on the front that say that everything besides scientific and high-speed film can go through? The same x-ray machines that have the nice little happy face next to the picture of a laptop? X-ray machines are fine on portable electronics except things that store information via x-ray (or something like that, can't remember). Magnetic data is fine.

    However, it would be rather interesting to come into the airport dragging a gray box with several strange openings and buttons, refuse to have it x-rayed, and then not let them disassemble it for examination (what do you mean I can't take apart this hard drive thing? It might have a gun inside!). Got to try that sometime.
  • Hehehe. This is my LAN party machine, Signal11. Check out my "machines page" off of my main page [], where I give an overview of each of my machines and what is on it. LouZiffer is the one with Linux on it, and it is what connects me to the outside world. Daemon is the one that got the new case. (The names aren't religious, they just illustrate my viewpoint on my systems... namely that they tend to lean more towards disorder and chaos unless I'm around to watch them.)

    BTW - Redhat sponsors our LAN party [] out here, which is a big reason for the stickers all over my monitor.


  • Well, I'm not sure about everyone else. But I know I suffer paranoia when I carry my preciouse, out-dated box around. And with the way luggage handlers are generaly knowen to handle luggage. I wouldn't be puting my box on a plane with out protection. And there's a novilty value to it aswell.

  • by delmoi ( 26744 ) on Sunday May 28, 2000 @03:56PM (#1041398) Homepage
    why not just get a laptop?
  • One more mandatory enhancement is the oversize LED display that counts down

  • Almost complete mirror - a couple images I can't get to come down at all...

    Case Project Mirror []
  • William Gibson, in _Idoru_, describes a computer case made from molded and fused sand, with silver and turquoise inlays. Of course that computer had VR goggles, sense-gloves, and optical data ports, too, but the case was a hand-made work of art.

    Is there anybody out there in the fully-custom case market? Can I get a case that's more valuable than the components I plug into it?
  • Really? I never knew that. I know that disks used to come in special packages so they didn't get broken, and they used to say "Do not x-ray" or something similar across the front. Go figure.

    Don't high energy photons cause problems for satellites, though? I think mostly it's gamma rays and cosmic rays but it just seems like x-rays would damage the BIOS or HD, or at least create errors therein.
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  • laptop?

    Well, laptops are relatively weak compared to what you can get into a desktop machine. Plus, anybody can go out and get a laptop. But only a true geek would spend the time to craft a mobile desktop machine. There's plain hack value of making something like that. And then this machine may well be easier to carry around then a laptop. I mean, for the purposes that this is going to be used for (LAN gaming), you would have to lug a fairly heavy laptop around, while you can just roll this in. Laptop's require you to actually hold them while you move, while this you just pull.
  • by Louziffer ( 39872 ) on Sunday May 28, 2000 @04:11PM (#1041407) Homepage
    why not just get a laptop?

    Good question, delmoi.

    I'd consider this to be a case upgrade more than anything else. I already had the tools and materials other than a box of bolts and lock nuts, and I wasn't too happy with the recent paint job I gave Daemon because it looked WAY too much like an iMac (nothing against iMacs, I just don't like "pretty" cases). So... I upgraded.

    Now I could have paid $1,500-$2,000 for a decent laptop; However, I don't know of any in that price range with a 19" monitor, 256MB RAM, and decent 3D gaming performance. In fact, I can't think of any laptop that I'd want to replace Daemon with simply because of what it's used for. (Anyone out there have any ideas? I'd love to see them.)

    Hope that answers your question.


  • why not just get a laptop?

    Because laptops tend to be twice as expensive with half the performance. Not everybody can afford a $2000 P3/500 laptop, but can a $1200 desktop with the same, if not better performance. That's always been my experience with portables.
  • Read through the rest of the instructions. I really don't do anything that specifically must have the IBM P70/P75 Travel Case. This case is very similar in size to a lot of cheap, clunky, not-so-stylish hard plastic suitcases that are out on the market right now.

    In short, unless you work for IBM don't bother trying to get ahold of the exact case I used. There are plenty of other alternatives.


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  • I've taken my laptop, zip disks, floppies, etc, went through numerous x-rays in numerous cities. They are all just fine. I think that this computer would be just fine! I've never had a problem. steve
  • Are all the instructions for this project the most difficult methods? I'll give the guy an E for effort though with his techniques. The guy did get it done. The site's too slashdotted to really check it out.

    Drilling, as you suggest, works. But it can be damaging to the components as well as yourself if the drill slips or catches on the metal. I chose the safest method... and it really is quite easy. With a bit of practice you can remove a rivet just as fast as you could drill one. You should try it sometime.


  • Moving my stuff is a pain in the ass, as I will certainly remind you of when it is time to move in and out of the dorm []. The biggest pain is moving my computer.

    Half the battle is untangling the wiring and other debris and freeing the major components, the other half is dragging the crap to the car. The monitor and computer cases are big and bulky. I'm no lightweight, but a handle would certainly ease hauling the stuff around, particularly since I could use my free hand to carry other stuff.

    In spite of a lot of searching, I have yet to find cases which offer a carrying handle. Lack of a market isn't a reason, I bet plenty of college students would love easy-carry cases without getting an iMac.

    This travel case modification looks like one solution to my problems, but all I really need is a damn handle (or computer equipment that levitates itself into my car trunk).

  • A slicker (but more expensive) way to do this would be with a 2 or 3 space rackmount computer case and a skb rack case. [].

    skb racks are for musical gear but they hold rack mount computers just fine and they even custom make stuff.
  • I believe all electronic equipment used in space is shielded as much as possible. I think LOE satellites are actually inside the Van Allen belt, but they are still exposed to some radiation.

    As for hard disks and computers, a metal case blocks X-rays pretty well. You might get some strange effects if the computer was on. If you really want to destroy the data on a hard disk, try an NMR (or MRI) machine.

  • by orpheus ( 14534 ) on Sunday May 28, 2000 @04:58PM (#1041417)
    I'd rather build a 19" rack... but gee, how to do it for cheap???

    I've done this. Admittedly, "cheap" is relative to the price of buying a factory made, but it wasn't that hard, and the thing is incredibly sturdy

    1) The box frame is made from 1.5-2" construction angle iron. I got mine surplus, but I've seen 6-10 foot lengths from a HQ/Home Depot for $10-20. Use perforated angle iron for the two vertical corners in front. It doesn't have the same hole spacing as a 'real' rack, but that hasn't been a problem yet!

    2) Half a dozen carbide masonry bits makes for a cheap way to cut the 1/2" holes I used for bolts

    3) to assure squareness, structural rigidity, and a aesthetic side, I cut plywood panels slightly smaller (by the thickness of the angle iron) than the final desired dimensions. I bolted these inside the frame as templates to hold everything together as I drilled and bolted. A cheap sheet of 4ftx8ft BC grade plywood is about $11-15

    4) Then I removed the panels, sheathed them in aluminum roof flashing (a single $8 roll was plenty for the whole project) It was like wrapping a huge flat present - aluminum sheet is easy to work with. Then I bolted the sheathed side and bottom panels back onto the frame as EMI/RFI shielding and structural reinforcement.

    5) I used aluminum angle iron for the rack slides. I could've used steel, but I was impatient, and aluminum is much easier to cut/drill

    At this point I could have stopped, painted and been done, but I decided to make this way cool.

    A) I removed the panels, welded the corners (which had been bolted) and replaced the panels. It was my first real welding project, but it went pretty well. My grandkids will be able to use it in 2030.

    B) I painted the frame black, and I plan on laminating some jade green marble formica veneer onto the side panels. A jade marble tower with black steel corners will outclass any commercial rack (from past experience, I know to keep a black permanent marker handy for touch-up)

    I took (old-fashioned film) photos as I worked, and someday I'll get them developed, scanned and posted on the web. If I can sort them out from the 20+ other rolls of undeveloped film I have lying around (I have a darkroom I haven't used in years, but it's hard to force myself to send film *out* to be developed)

    The whole project took me a week (of spare time) but it was a real hands-on rush. I'd do it again! (well, maybe... )
  • This travel case modification looks like one solution to my problems, but all I really need is a damn handle (or computer equipment that levitates itself into my car trunk).

    In that case (hehe), try a PC Tote []. :)


  • What I think would be cool on this beast would be sliding covers. So that when you are traveling (this beast looks to be made that way), you could slide the covers closed (dust/grit/nastyness). Maybe have a locking mechanizim in it so that no one could thief your gear. Also, with some integrated covers, it looks like a huge plastic box. Just a few ideas.

  • In spite of a lot of searching, I have yet to find cases which offer a carrying handle.
    There are computer cases with handles. At least my old IBM PS/2 Model 80 has a carrying handle. But I still have to use both hands to carry it, as it weighs about 18 kg. (There's even a warning sticker about the great weight next to the handle) :)

    Too bad that it's designed for proprietary IBM motherboards, and would require considerable rework to fit a standard ATX mobo. :p

  • Actualy I have found a case that came with a handle...but since its a solid steel 3 1/2 foot high full tower the consept of portability is kind of nagated

  • Great ideas. BTW - The case itself does have a locking mechanism with a combination lock (albeit a wimpy 3-digit one). I take it you mean locks on the integrated covers though.

    I'll definitely add your cover idea to my "to be kept in mind for the future" list.


  • In that case (hehe), try a PC Tote. :)

    Just what the doctor ordered!

    Another poster posted that link earlier, but I surf slashdot with a +3 threshold, so I missed it. Kudos to both you and the other guy for the link!

  • In spite of a lot of searching, I have yet to find cases which offer a carrying handle
    The Antec Gemstone cases [] have handles. And the black ones actually look pretty good, IMHO. Personally, after seeing an iMac with the handle broken and several parts damaged on impact, I no longer trust handles.

  • I have heard that there's a possibility of the computer running over the motor that drives the conveyor belt, though. And that may not be so good. No idea if this is any more a misconception than the x-rays. But then, nearly all airport security is accomodating enough to hand search anything. They don't want to be on the receiving end when you lose that 32-page bid for a $1.2 million contract and decide to seek retribution because some $8.50/hr guard with a GED said it was perfectly safe.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I can say for certain that x-rays didn't kill my laptop 2 weeks ago when it went through the airport scanner.
  • THANK YOU for the mirror, Superfreak. Hopefully you'll get the moderation you deserve for your help. :)


  • Speaking of cases, I'm assembling a new computer this summer and I want a cool case for it - any suggestions? So far I'm looking at, are there any other places?

    Karma Police, arrest this man, he talks in maths
    He buzzes like a fridge, he's like a detuned radio

  • The airport cops don't actually have the power to arrest you (at least in the US)...just thought that would be a helpful tip if you ever did try somethint like that. =]
  • An overclocked celeron in an aluminium briefcase with a single large red button next to the handle. I was a bit concerned about airport security when I bought it to the US from NZ as cabin luggage last month. But nobody look twice. Thinking about adding an alarm clock and bundle of candles for the trip back :-)

    Airport security wouldn't appreciate the joke. You can't even utter the word "hijack" in jest in an airport without raising alarm.

    This isn't a new thing, back in 1991 Penn Jillete (of Penn and Teller) mentioned setting up a laptop with an autoexec.bat file designed to output text implying that it is a bomb. Many people in the security loop wrote PC/Computing (what? Penn had a column in PC/Computing?) expressing their disturbance over the article.

    Remember that at airports and airplanes, these goons have uid 0.

  • Did you know that airport security officers can't actually arrest you in the US? Just trust me on this one...
  • skb racks are for musical gear but they hold rack mount computers just fine

    An excellent suggestion. Most road shows have hardened experts (ad cases) for transporting sensitive electronic gear that needs to be setup quicker than it is broken down.

    If you're into Lan Parties, spend a few nights with a travelling band and adopt their procedures. (No one can wrap cable as efficient as a good roadie).

  • After seeing a cow-skin PC, then a rusty one, and now one built out of luggage, how about a poll for other interesting hacker PC boxes? Top five containers to put a PC into:

    1) Microwave
    2) Dishwasher
    3) Coffin (upright, serving as a rack system)
    4) 8 gallon Shop-vac (how many round cases with wheels - and a drain - do you see these days?)
    5) Tuba (really good RF shielding potential)

    After the transplant, dual-functionality of the microwave and dishwasher would be point of debate, of course. As for the shop-vac, if you're like me, your computer's cooling fans wind up doing way more cleaning in your apartment than you do anyway, so dust buildup isn't really an issue there.
  • An a totally different train of thought you could pout a computer into an esky for trips to LAN parties...

    You could section it off well so that half is the computer and the other half can carry about a dozen Jolt's... plus the ice required for the Jolts could be used to help cool your non-overclocked overheating Athlon :)

    Anyone out there done this?
  • I picked up an old lunchbox PC system at a computer flea market. It is a Dolch case and features a 640x480 VGA gas plasma display. It had a standard baby AT form factor 486 motherboard. The Dolch case is extremely sturdy, much better than most such cases I have seen. It has an aluminum chassis/frame surrounded by a plastic shell. The cheaper clone units just have the plastic shell. The case is quite compact and has a well made carrying handle on top.

    I replaced the motherboard with a baby AT factor slot-1 board. It is currently a portable P2-333 server. It is a very, very tight fit and agony to work inside. It works great. I have a PCI nic, 4G HD, and the original ISA VGA card connected to the VGA gas plasma display. The plasma display is usable, but I usually use VNC to control it. It's just a server so I don't care about graphics.

    Another case I've made is an industrial 486 motherboard mounted into a gutted Toshiba external SCSI CD-ROM drive case. The board is a 5 1/4" form factor and mounted with litte effort. It's quite slick looking - much more attract than a project box or anything I could have made. I mounted video and keyboard connectors on the front of the case.

  • But aren't geeks repelled from live music?

  • What do you think the iBook's are made out of. In fact all of Apple's new plastics since the B&W G3 are made out of the same bullet-proof material ;-) Go Apple!
  • I think you folks will like this one [].
  • If the nice x-rays killed my laptop back a few months ago, I wouldn't be able to reply to this comment. Just wanted to waste time :)
  • I doubt you would be allowed near an NMR machine with that much metal, those Tesla strength fields really suck :)
  • "If you're into Lan Parties, spend a few nights with a travelling band and adopt their procedures. (No one can wrap cable as efficient as a good roadie)."

    Yes. My roadie friend got tired of touring with rock groups, so she switched careers to LAN installation and system administration. Worked out very well.

  • If anyone cares to check out the NC LAN party, follow this URL.

    Free Range Action Gaming []

    Bad Mojo []
  • What is the point of having a case on wheels when I have a 21" Sony Trinitron that weighs upwards of 75 pounds. The case is the easiest thing for me to lug around...

    I just don't get it.


    Scott Ruttencutter
  • No but they can call the Police officer who stands no more than 100 meters away, and they can still do a citizen arrest, until the police can come by. Same thing goes for shoplifters, and if you get violent, that is shove the security officer to the floor, you are in really bad trouble.. ;-)

  • just get an espresso instead. All of the benefits this guy was after, and more. I can't imagine having many problems with transferring a machine as small as the espresso.

  • <I>Thinking about adding an alarm clock and bundle of candles for the trip back :-)</I>

    Next to the little plastic bags with sugar?
  • This sounds intriguing. I would love to find a case that is not as deep as the average minitower so that it will fit in my entertainment center in the living room. If anyone knows where to find such a beast, I would love to hear about it. Thanks!
  • Actually the Expresso will not meet his needs.

    He wants a portable gaming system. The expresso is based on the Intel 810 chipset - which has a very weak 3D graphics accelerator. It is pretty much unsuitable for 3D OpenGL or DirectX games.

    The smallest possible gaming rig I can envision would require an NLX motherboard that has an AGP slot (Intel has some) and a decent low profile 3D accelerator. Regretfully the "best" low profile AGP 3D carts are low end ATI cards. Nothing really exciting.
  • ...and beeps quietly once per second as it does so.
  • Does a US Citizen's Arrest differ from a UK one? You see, in the UK a Citizen can only arrest if they know for a fact that a crime has been commited. That's the extra power of the Police, they only need a suspicion.
  • I was frustrated when having to carry my computer to LAN parties, so bought a big heavy duty handle used for tool boxes and screwed that big chunk of stainless steal on top of my case.

    * Much more easy to carry
    * My computer looks like a high tech tool box

    * Lugging that Full Tower, sporting a dual processor mobo and 4 fans can be a real pain on my back.
  • Actually it's much more shock resistant than a rigid aluminum case. The drive bay is held on by four bolts on the front of the case, and has nothing but air around it. When the case is bounced (which I just had to try), the drive bay gives a little. The plastic itself absorbs shock like you wouldn't believe.

    Remember, this case was designed to carry computer equipment. It has an inner and an outer shell (about .75cm of plastic in all) with about 1cm of air in between. You'll find that many other cases of this type that aren't specifically designed for carrying computers still have the same specs.

    BTW - I did not intend this as a shipping case. It's designed so I can strap my monitor to the top of it and wheel it out to LAN parties.


  • This reminds me of my plan to create a computer based home entertainment system.

    Starting with a slimline case, I'm going to put a DVD drive along with a SB Live! card and Hollywood MPEG decoder card, along with some other goodies.

    Of course, this is nothing I've started yet, just something I've been puzzling out in my brain's idle moments.

    I'm sorry. What I meant to say was 'please excuse me.'
    what came out of my mouth was 'Move or I'll kill you!'
  • While I would think twice about lugging a 21" trinitron around, my 19" Philips/Magnavox straps conveniently on top of the case for transport (with a folded towel underneath it). I've created a makeshift harness for it with a square length of cotton cloth and two bungie cords.


  • The X-Rays themselves are not a problem. The problem is the huge-ass power supply for the X-Ray machine, with it's giant transformer. That's the problem. That's what screws up magnetic data. The safest place, in terms of shielding, is right in the middle of the X-Ray machine. The worst place is on the belt after the X-Ray machine...where the power supply is located.

  • Try scanning the negatives. It works quite well if you've got a decent scanner.
  • i love those fun prodject but i will never put my 5K (i am french-canadian) in one of those.

    Too true. This project does have a certain amount of risk attached to it. It took me nine days of careful work to get this case to the point it is at right now. A rack mount would have taken substantially less time, though I (well... my wife actually) would have found the cost prohibitive.

    I personally would consider this solution (when done right) to be less risky than carrying a rigid aluminum case around all of the time. That was my main concern. But as a professional solution, a rack mount case has its merits.

    Post #66 [] contains a description of an interesting project where the poster made their own rack. It is somewhat between what I have done and a professional rack mount solution.


  • Get some monofiliment fishing line. It's small enough to thread into the gap between the card edge connectors and the motherboard. Use this to make a loop to secure the back edges of all the cards. I built some systems to go on the road, and the cards normally are only secured on one end by a single screw. This is not enough to keep the card secured.

    Before I did this, every system had to be opened at the site before power-on and the cards re-seated. After I put the fishing line tie-downs in (using a "surgeon's knot" and acetone) we didn't have a single badly seated card. Oh, and a small amount of silicone to hold the drive connectors on.

  • Yeah, but you'd be surprised what they _can_ do until the proper authority arrives.

    I happened to be in O'Hare airport on my way to JFK the day there was an incident. Guy was trying to board with 3+ carry-on's and the gate clerk told him he'd have to check one. He said something like 'oh, then take this one... it's the one with the bomb in it'.

    You'd think this guy was Hinckley taking a pot shot a Regan the way the airline agents grabbed him and dropped him to the floor with a wrist-lock. CPD was there in < 1 minute to cuff him and cart him off. Would love to have been in the interrogation room when he made his phone call.

    "Um, boss... Hi this is Rick? You know how I was supposed to be in New York for that sales presentation today? Well, I kinda missed my flight...".

    Airport security has _no_ sense of humor (can't say I blame them).
  • Try putting a large clear plastic bag with washing powder next to it!!!
  • No kidding! I've heard about things like that happening before. But I've also heard about people who get cought with illeagal drugs and just walk away from the airport security.
  • My PS/2 Model 80 [] already has a carrying handle. A carrying handle and a sticker saying '18kg+'...

  • I had always planned on making a case out of a milk crate.
  • I am planning on removing my PS2 from it's case and building a new case out of Mindstorms. My actual goal is to get Mindstorm software working on the PS2 also so that it can program it's own case to do weird things as you play.
  • Many desktop cases have thin metal and the few screws are not enough to deal with the distortion and bouncing of being carried with a handle.

    If you do a Metacrawler search for portable computer cases (or lunchbox computer) you'll find an assortment of industrial portable computer cases. And there are at least two ads in recent Computer Shopper also.

  • Absolutely, it fits cups up to about 5 inches in diameter and it's even motorized!

    "What I cannot create, I do not understand."

Too much is not enough.
