
40% of GitHub's Copilot's Suggestions Had Security Vulnerabilties, Study Finds (visualstudiomagazine.com) 24

"Academic researchers discover that nearly 40% of the code suggestions by GitHub's Copilot tool are erroneous, from a security point of view..." writes TechRadar: To help quantify the value-add of the system, the academic researchers created 89 different scenarios for Copilot to suggest code for, which produced over 1600 programs. Reviewing them, the researchers discovered that almost 40% were vulnerable in one way or another...

Since Copilot draws on publicly available code in GitHub repositories, the researchers theorize that the generated vulnerable code could perhaps just be the result of the system mimicking the behavior of buggy code in the repositories. Furthermore, the researchers note that in addition to perhaps inheriting buggy training data, Copilot also fails to consider the age of the training data. "What is 'best practice' at the time of writing may slowly become 'bad practice' as the cybersecurity landscape evolves."

Visual Studio magazine highlights another concern. 39.33 percent of the top options were vulnerable, the paper noted, adding that "The security of the top options are particularly important — novice users may have more confidence to accept the 'best' suggestion...." "There is no question that next-generation 'auto-complete' tools like GitHub Copilot will increase the productivity of software developers," the authors (Hammond Pearce, Baleegh Ahmad, Benjamin Tan, Brendan Dolan-Gavitt and Ramesh Karri) say in conclusion.

"However, while Copilot can rapidly generate prodigious amounts of code, our conclusions reveal that developers should remain vigilant ('awake') when using Copilot as a co-pilot. Ideally, Copilot should be paired with appropriate security-aware tooling during both training and generation to minimize the risk of introducing security vulnerabilities.


Older Tesla Vehicles To Get UI Performance Boost Thanks To Famed Video Game Engineer (electrek.co) 86

Tesla is working with famed video game engineer John Carmack to improve the interface performance in older vehicles. Electrek reports: Carmack is a legend in the video game world and in the broader computer science industry. He made important advancements in 3D computer graphics and was the lead programmer on game-changing video games like Doom and Quake. Later in his career, he focused his talents on virtual reality and became CTO of Oculus. More recently, he stepped down from his role at Oculus to focus on general artificial intelligence. In the 2000s, Carmack also had an interest in rocketry and started Armadillo Aerospace.

Several of these interests overlap with Elon Musk's, who has a lot of respect for Carmack and tried to hire him for a long time. While it doesn't sound like Musk has convinced him to come work with him just yet, Carmack confirmed that he is actually working on a Tesla product. Carmack drives a Tesla Model S, and he confirmed that he is working with Tesla engineers to improve interface performance: "I did kind of volunteer to help them fix what I consider very poor user interface performance on the older model S (that I drive). Their engineers have been sharing data with me." Tesla has had performance issues with its older media control unit found in older Tesla Model S vehicles. The automaker offers a media computer upgrade to improve performance, but you are stuck if you don't want to pay the $2,500 upgrade.


38 Million Records Were Exposed Online -- Including Contact-Tracing Info (wired.com) 19

More than a thousand web apps mistakenly exposed 38 million records on the open internet, including data from a number of Covid-19 contact tracing platforms, vaccination sign-ups, job application portals, and employee databases. The data included a range of sensitive information, from people's phone numbers and home addresses to social security numbers and Covid-19 vaccination status. From a report: The incident affected major companies and organizations, including American Airlines, Ford, the transportation and logistics company J.B. Hunt, the Maryland Department of Health, the New York City Municipal Transportation Authority, and New York City public schools. And while the data exposures have since been addressed, they show how one bad configuration setting in a popular platform can have far-reaching consequences.

The exposed data was all stored in Microsoft's Power Apps portal service, a development platform that makes it easy to create web or mobile apps for external use. If you need to spin up a vaccine appointment sign-up site quickly during, say, a pandemic, Power Apps portals can generate both the public-facing site and the data management backend. Beginning in May, researchers from the security firm Upguard began investigating a large number of Power Apps portals that publicly exposed data that should have been private -- including in some Power Apps that Microsoft made for its own purposes. None of the data is known to have been compromised, but the finding is significant still, as it reveals an oversight in the design of Power Apps portals that has since been fixed. In addition to managing internal databases and offering a foundation to develop apps, the Power Apps platform also provides ready-made application programming interfaces to interact with that data. But the Upguard researchers realized that when enabling these APIs, the platform defaulted to making the corresponding data publicly accessible. Enabling privacy settings was a manual process. As a result, many customers misconfigured their apps by leaving the insecure default.


Report: Java 'Surges' Back Up in Programming Language Popularity (zdnet.com) 60

"The programming language Java's popularity has been slowly declining in some programming language index rankings, but it's popped back into the second spot in RedMonk's latest chart," reports ZDNet: Javascript still rules in RedMonk's Q3 2021 language popularity rankings, which have been updated twice a year since 2010.

Python overtook Java for the second spot in RedMonk's Q2 2020 ranking, and Java has remained there in Python's shadow ever since, but now it has jumped one spot to second — a place it once again shares with Python. As RedMonk analyst Stephen O'Grady notes, Java's consistent third placing over the past year was "prompting questions from observers as to whether it was fated to a gradual drift down these rankings".

Tiobe's CEO Paul Jensen last September said Java was in "real trouble" because of a notable decline in its share of queries for programming languages on major search engines. But now, according to RedMonk, Java has 'surged' back. "This would be less of a surprise but for many of the language's competitors — and, it should be said, the odd industry analyst or two — writing regularly recurring epitaphs for the stalwart of enterprise infrastructure," said O'Grady.

The article also reports that Google's Dart programming language "made its debut in RedMonk's top 20 this month and displaced Perl."

OpenAI's Codex Turns Written Language Into Computer Code 69

A new AI system can read written instructions in conversational language and transform it into working computer code. From a report: The model is the latest example of progress in natural language processing (NLP), the ability of AIs to read and write text. But it also points towards a future where coders will be able to offload some of their work to AIs, and where ordinary people may be able to code without actually learning how to code.

Today OpenAI is releasing an improved version of its Codex AI model and releasing it for developers for private developers through its API. Codex is a descendant of OpenAI's massive text-generating model GPT-3, which was released last summer. But while GPT-3 was trained on a huge quantity of language data taken from the internet -- enabling it to read and then complete text prompts submitted by a human user -- Codex was trained on both language and billions of lines of publicly available computer code.

Salesforce Enters the Streaming Wars (axios.com) 17

Salesforce is the latest tech giant to venture into video streaming with the launch of a new service aimed at business professionals called Salesforce+, the company's chief marketing officer Sarah Franklin tells Axios. From the report: The service is part of a greater effort to transition Salesforce's marketing approach from paid customer acquisition to owned and operated media. Franklin says the hope is that the content will help people refine their skills, while also creating an emotional connection to Salesforce, driving users to "want to use our products and want to engage more with us." Salesforce+, which will debut globally during Salesforce's annual mega-conference Dreamforce in September, is a free service that will feature original programming from Salesforce and eventually, content created by its clients. The content will be available on-demand 24/7, but it will also feature live event programming, starting with Dreamforce.

Angry Windows Pioneer Blogs 'Screw You, Microsoft Edge' (charlespetzold.com) 241

68-year-old technology writer Charles Petzold wrote about Windows programming for 25 years, including several books published by Microsoft Press. In 1994 he was one of seven "Windows Pioneers" honored in a special ceremony (with an award presented by Bill Gates), and the company has also recognized him with their "Most Valuable Professional" award.

Petzold just wrote a blog post titled "Screw you, Microsoft Edge" when the browser spontaneously decided to advise him of a discount at Walmart. Recently while searching for a book on Bookshop.org, I was interrupted by a popup apparently generated by Microsoft Edge advising me of an alternative... Excuse me?

The assumption that I need help buying a book is the biggest insult I've encountered on Windows since the days of Clippy.

A further insult is the implication that I make buying decisions based solely on price... I might prefer a retailer that focuses solely on books, or a retailer that is not a large chain. More generally, I might make a decision based on the company's carbon footprint, or perhaps their reputation in paying fair wages, or what political candidates and movements they support, or whether the CEO uses his wealth to launch himself into space.

Of course, these concepts are entirely beyond the scope of Edge's braindead algorithm that apparently knows only whether one number is larger than another.

In November Microsoft had described the upcoming popups announcing better prices as "a proactive price comparison experience that meets you where you shop. When you're shopping, Microsoft Edge will check prices at competing retailers to let you know if a lower price is available elsewhere..."

Promising there'd be even more shopping experiences coming, they'd added, "we'd love to hear what you think of them so far!"

Microsoft is Recruiting US Teens To Be Influencers on Social Media for Its Educational Coding Platform (twitter.com) 33

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: Just ahead of the new school year, Microsoft and its nonprofit partner Code.org took to Twitter to recruit teens for Microsoft's inaugural MakeCode Insiders Program. Microsoft MakeCode is a code platform that allows kids to write programs for a wide variety of applications even if they have little or no previous coding experience; there's also a College Board-endorsed MakeCode AP CS curriculum, which can earn high school students college credit...

MakeCode Insiders, Microsoft adds, will be recognized for completing key milestones with badges, including MakeCode Influencer ("This badge is earned when a MakeCode Wizard is chosen to represent our product to teens on social media."). MakeCode Influencers, Microsoft explains, "are teens who have graduated from the Insiders program and are selected to represent MakeCode on social media in various forms...

Insider applications are due today, kids!

This is Microsoft's first time running the "Insider" program, and the guidebook promises the larger program's Insiders "will focus on MakeCode Arcade, a coding editor for retro-style video games, offering feedback and ideas that will inform product decision."

Google Chrome Criticized For Breaking Change Over Disabling Alert() and Confirm() in Cross-Origin Frames (inside.com) 110

Google Chrome will disable JavaScript functions like alert() and confirm() inside cross origin-frames," reports Inside.com's developer newsletter.

"As this is a breaking change, developers are encouraged to update their apps and debugging tools before the update." A Chrome engineering team member said the team is disabling alert() to protect users from being tricked by scammers. Some are complaining this has already affected programming tutorials and Javascript learning sites that sandbox user-provided code in cross-origin frames. For those affected by the changes, Chrome advises the following:

- Get a few months' extension by signing up for the "reverse origin trial" so you can temporarily opt out of the change.

- Check out the enterprise policy.

The move has sparked controversy:

- One Discord engineer criticized the fact such a major breaking change is happening without extensive discussion on the matter.

- Another Twitter user echoed the sentiment of many when he argued the move will just hurt those who can't easily update sites while encouraging attackers to use pseudo alert functionality.

One of Google's Chrome engineers explained on Twitter that "Major browser vendors are generally aligned about wanting to move the platform away from alert() and friends, even though it will unfortunately involve some breakage...

"On breakage in general — breaking changes happen often on the web, and as a developer it's good practice to test against early release channels of major browsers to learn about any compatibility issues upfront."
Open Source

ElasticSearch Keeps Fighting Open Source Fork by Amazon AWS (amazon.com) 161

In January ElasticSearch made what it calls "an incredibly hard decision" — to change the licensing on its scalable data-search solution. They called this an effort to "stand up to" Amazon's AWS for offering ElasticSearch functionality as a service "without collaborating with us... after years of what we believe to be Amazon/AWS misleading and confusing the community." Amazon then forked ElasticSearch, releasing a new "OpenSearch" product under the original Apache 2.0 licensing. Last month AWS's fork reached General Availability/1.0 status.

Now Mike Melanson's "This Week in Programming" column reports that ElasticSearch is "making further attempts at closing off access to ElasticSearch and shutting out AWS — while AWS is fighting back: AWS says that "OpenSearch aims to provide wire compatibility with open source distributions of Elasticsearch 7.10.2, the software from which it was derived," making it easy to migrate to OpenSearch. While Elastic can't do anything about that, they can make changes to some open source client libraries that are commonly used. "Over the past few weeks, Elastic added new logic to several of these clients that rejects connections to OpenSearch clusters or to clusters running open source distributions of Elasticsearch 7, even those provided by Elastic themselves," AWS writes. "While the client libraries remain open source, they now only let applications connect to Elastic's commercial offerings..."

AWS is again coming out as the savior of open source in this scenario, it would seem, this time promising to offer "a set of new open source clients that make it easy to connect applications to any OpenSearch or Elasticsearch cluster" that "will be derived from the last compatible versions of corresponding Elastic-maintained clients before product checks were added."

"In the spirit of openness and interoperability, we will make reasonable efforts to maintain compatibility with all Elasticsearch distributions, even those produced by Elastic," they write. In the meantime, while the OpenSearch community works on creating the replacement libraries, AWS recommends that users do not update to the latest version of any Elastic-maintained clients, lest their applications potentially cease functioning.

"It's disappointing to see this," reads a comment (upvoted 35 times) on the ElasticSearch repository announcing the change in late June. "You're forcing us as bystanders in a battle to choose sides." And Amazon responded with its own take on the situation in their AWS press release this week. "Our experience at AWS is that developers find it painful to update their already-deployed applications to use new versions of server software, so backward compatibility for clients and APIs weighs heavily in our designs..."

The press release also calls ElasticSearch's changes "disruptive," adding "The most broadly adopted open source projects generally emphasize flexibility, inclusion, and avoidance of lock-in..."
The Internet

The Push For a 'PBS For the Internet' (axios.com) 169

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Axios: The concept of a new media ecosystem that's non-profit, publicly funded and tech-infused is drawing interest in policy circles as a way to shift the power dynamics in today's information wars. Revamping the structure and role of public media could be part of the solution to shoring up local media, decentralizing the distribution of quality news, and constraining Big Tech platforms' amplification of harmful or false information.

Congress in 1967 authorized federal operating money to broadcast stations through a new agency, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and what is now PBS launched down-the-middle national news programming and successful kids shows like "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" and "Sesame Street." NPR was born in 1971. Despite dust-ups over political interference of national programming and funding, hundreds of local community broadcast stations primarily received grants directly to choose which national programs to support.

A new policy paper from the German Marshall Fund proposes a full revamp of the CPB to fund not just broadcast stations, but a wide range of digital platforms and potential content producers including independent journalists, local governments, nonprofits and educational institutions. The idea is to increase the diversity of local civic information, leaning on anchor institutions like libraries and colleges that communities trust. Beyond content, the plan calls for open protocol standards and APIs to let consumers mix and match the content they want from a wide variety of sources, rather than being at the mercy of Facebook, Twitter or YouTube algorithms. Data would be another crucial component. In order to operate, entities in the ecosystem would have to commit to basic data ethics and rules about how personal information is used.


Are Python Libraries Riddled With Security Holes? (techradar.com) 68

"Almost half of the packages in the official Python Package Index (PyPI) repository have at least one security issue," reports TechRadar, citing a new analysis by Finnish researchers, which even found five packages with more than a thousand issues each... The researchers used static analysis to uncover the security issues in the open source packages, which they reason end up tainting software that use them. In total the research scanned through 197,000 packages and found more than 749,000 security issues in all... Explaining their methodology the researchers note that despite the inherent limitations of static analysis, they still found at least one security issue in about 46% of the packages in the repository. The paper reveals that of the issues identified, the maximum (442,373) are of low severity, while 227,426 are moderate severity issues. However, 11% of the flagged PyPI packages have 80,065 high severity issues.
The Register supplies some context: Other surveys of this sort have come to similar conclusions about software package ecosystems. Last September, a group of IEEE researchers analyzed 6,673 actively used Node.js apps and found about 68 per cent depended on at least one vulnerable package... The situation is similar with package registries like Maven (for Java), NuGet (for .NET), RubyGems (for Ruby), CPAN (for Perl), and CRAN (for R). In a phone interview, Ee W. Durbin III, director of infrastructure at the Python Software Foundation, told The Register, "Things like this tend not to be very surprising. One of the most overlooked or misunderstood parts of PyPI as a service is that it's intended to be freely accessible, freely available, and freely usable. Because of that we don't make any guarantees about the things that are available there..."

Durbin welcomed the work of the Finnish researchers because it makes people more aware of issues that are common among open package management systems and because it benefits the overall health of the Python community. "It's not something we ignore but it's also not something we historically have had the resources to take on," said Durbin. That may be less of an issue going forward. According to Durbin, there's been significantly more interest over the past year in supply chain security and what companies can do to improve the situation. For the Python community, that's translated into an effort to create a package vulnerability reporting API and the Python Advisory Database, a community-run repository of PyPI security advisories that's linked to the Google-spearheaded Open Vulnerability Database.


Free Software Foundation Will Fund Papers on Issues Around Microsoft's 'GitHub Copilot' (fsf.org) 111

GitHub's new "Copilot" tool (created by Microsoft and OpenAI) shares the autocompletion suggestions of an AI trained on code repositories. But can that violate the original coder's license? Now the Free Software Foundation (FSF) is calling for a closer look at these and many other issues...

"We already know that Copilot as it stands is unacceptable and unjust, from our perspective," they wrote in a blog post this week, arguing that Copilot "requires running software that is not free/libre (Visual Studio, or parts of Visual Studio Code), and Copilot is Service as a Software Substitute. These are settled questions as far as we are concerned."

"However, Copilot raises many other questions which require deeper examination..." The Free Software Foundation has received numerous inquiries about our position on these questions. We can see that Copilot's use of freely licensed software has many implications for an incredibly large portion of the free software community. Developers want to know whether training a neural network on their software can really be considered fair use. Others who may be interested in using Copilot wonder if the code snippets and other elements copied from GitHub-hosted repositories could result in copyright infringement. And even if everything might be legally copacetic, activists wonder if there isn't something fundamentally unfair about a proprietary software company building a service off their work.

With all these questions, many of them with legal implications that at first glance may have not been previously tested in a court of law, there aren't many simple answers. To get the answers the community needs, and to identify the best opportunities for defending user freedom in this space, the FSF is announcing a funded call for white papers to address Copilot, copyright, machine learning, and free software.

We will read the submitted white papers, and we will publish ones that we think help elucidate the problem. We will provide a monetary reward of $500 for the papers we publish.

They add that the following questions are of particular interest:
  • Is Copilot's training on public repositories infringing copyright? Is it fair use?
  • How likely is the output of Copilot to generate actionable claims of violations on GPL-licensed works?
  • How can developers ensure that any code to which they hold the copyright is protected against violations generated by Copilot?
  • Is there a way for developers using Copilot to comply with free software licenses like the GPL?
  • If Copilot learns from AGPL-covered code, is Copilot infringing the AGPL?
  • If Copilot generates code which does give rise to a violation of a free software licensed work, how can this violation be discovered by the copyright holder on the underlying work?
  • Is a trained artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning (ML) model resulting from machine learning a compiled version of the training data, or is it something else, like source code that users can modify by doing further training?
  • Is the Copilot trained AI/ML model copyrighted? If so, who holds that copyright?
  • Should ethical advocacy organizations like the FSF argue for change in copyright law relevant to these questions?


Texas Instruments' New Calculator Will Run Programs Written in Python (dallasnews.com) 126

"Dallas-based Texas Instruments' latest generation of calculators is getting a modern-day update with the addition of programming language Python," reports the Dallas Morning News: The goal is to expand students' ability to explore science, technology, engineering and math through the device that's all-but-required in the nation's high schools and colleges...

Though most of the company's $14 billion in annual revenue comes from semiconductors, its graphing calculator remains its most recognized consumer product. This latest TI-84 model, priced between $120 to $160 depending on the retailer, was made to accommodate the increasing importance of programming in the modern world.

Judging by photos in their press release, an "alpha" key maps the calculator's keys to the letters of the alphabet (indicated with yellow letters above each key). One page on its web site also mentions "Menu selections" that "help students with discovery and syntax." (And the site confirms the calculator will "display expressions, symbols and fractions just as you write them.")

There's even a file manager that "gives quick access to Python programs you have saved on your calculator. From here, you can create, edit, run and manage your files." And one page also mentions something called TI Connect CE software application, which "connects your computer and graphing calculator so they can talk to each other. Use it to transfer data, update your operating system, download calculator software applications or take screenshots of your graphing calculator."

I'm sure Slashdot's readers have some fond memories of their first calculator. But these new models have a full-color screen and a rechargeable battery that can last up to a month on a single charge. And Texas Instruments seems to think they could even replace computers in the classroom. "By adding Python to the calculators many students are already familiar with and use in class, we are making programming more accessible and approachable for all students," their press release argues, "eliminating the need for teachers to reserve separate computer labs to teach these important skills.

After YouTube-dl Incident, GitHub's DMCA Process Now Includes Free Legal Help (venturebeat.com) 30

"GitHub has announced a partnership with the Stanford Law School to support developers facing takedown requests related to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)," reports VentureBeat: While the DMCA may be better known as a law for protecting copyrighted works such as movies and music, it also has provisions (17 U.S.C. 1201) that criminalize attempts to circumvent copyright-protection controls — this includes any software that might help anyone infringe DMCA regulations. However, as with the countless spurious takedown notices delivered to online content creators, open source coders too have often found themselves in the DMCA firing line with little option but to comply with the request even if they have done nothing wrong. The problem, ultimately, is that freelance coders or small developer teams often don't have the resources to fight DMCA requests, which puts the balance of power in the hands of deep-pocketed corporations that may wish to use DMCA to stifle innovation or competition. Thus, GitHub's new Developer Rights Fellowship — in conjunction with Stanford Law School's Juelsgaard Intellectual Property and Innovation Clinic — seeks to help developers put in such a position by offering them free legal support.

The initiative follows some eight months after GitHub announced it was overhauling its Section 1201 claim review process in the wake of a takedown request made by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), which had been widely criticized as an abuse of DMCA... [M]oving forward, whenever GitHub notifies a developer of a "valid takedown claim," it will present them with an option to request free independent legal counsel.

The fellowship will also be charged with "researching, educating, and advocating on DMCA and other legal issues important for software innovation," GitHub's head of developer policy Mike Linksvayer said in a blog post, along with other related programs.

Explaining their rationale, GitHub's blog post argues that currently "When developers looking to learn, tinker, or make beneficial tools face a takedown claim under Section 1201, it is often simpler and safer to just fold, removing code from public view and out of the common good.

"At GitHub, we want to fix this."

'Programming Is Hard' Considered Harmful (acm.org) 526

theodp writes: The commonly held belief that programming is inherently hard lacks sufficient evidence," begins CS Prof Brett Becker in [an article published in the journal Communications of the ACM]. "Stating this belief can send influential messages that can have serious unintended consequences including inequitable practices. [...] Language is a powerful tool. Stating that programming is hard should raise several questions but rarely does. Why does it seem routinely acceptable -- arguably fashionable -- to make such a general and definitive statement? Why are these statements often not accompanied by supporting evidence? What is the empirical evidence that programming, broadly speaking, is inherently hard, or harder than possible analogs such as calculus in mathematics? Even if that evidence exists, what does it mean in practice? In what contexts does it hold? To whom does it, and does it not, apply?"

Becker concludes: "Blanket messages that 'programming is hard' seem outdated, unproductive, and likely unhelpful at best. At worst they could be truly harmful. We need to stop blaming programming for being hard and focus on making programming more accessible and enjoyable, for everyone.


The Case Against SQL (scattered-thoughts.net) 297

Long-time Slashdot reader RoccamOccam shares "an interesting take on SQL and its issues from Jamie Brandon (who describes himself as an independent researcher who's built database engines, query planners, compilers, developer tools and interfaces).

It's title? "Against SQL." The relational model is great... But SQL is the only widely-used implementation of the relational model, and it is: Inexpressive, Incompressible, Non-porous. This isn't just a matter of some constant programmer overhead, like SQL queries taking 20% longer to write. The fact that these issues exist in our dominant model for accessing data has dramatic downstream effects for the entire industry:

- Complexity is a massive drag on quality and innovation in runtime and tooling
- The need for an application layer with hand-written coordination between database and client renders useless most of the best features of relational databases

The core message that I want people to take away is that there is potentially a huge amount of value to be unlocked by replacing SQL, and more generally in rethinking where and how we draw the lines between databases, query languages and programming languages...

I'd like to finish with this quote from Michael Stonebraker, one of the most prominent figures in the history of relational databases:

"My biggest complaint about System R is that the team never stopped to clean up SQL... All the annoying features of the language have endured to this day. SQL will be the COBOL of 2020..."

It's been interesting to follow the discussion on Twitter, where the post's author tweeted screenshots of actual SQL code to illustrate various shortcomings. But he also notes that "The SQL spec (part 2 = 1732) pages is more than twice the length of the Javascript 2021 spec (879 pages), almost matches the C++ 2020 spec (1853) pages and contains 411 occurrences of 'implementation-defined', occurrences which include type inference and error propagation."

His Twitter feed also includes a supportive retweet from Rust creator Graydon Hoare, and from a Tetrane developer who says "The Rust of SQL remains to be invented. I would like to see it come."
Open Source

Amazon's Elasticsearch Fork 'OpenSearch' Reaches General Availability 1.0 Milestone (thenewstack.io) 49

Mike Melanson's "This Week in Programming" column shares an update on Amazon's ongoing battle with scalable data search solution ElasticSearch: Earlier this year, AWS completed its fork of ElasticSearch with the first release of OpenSearch. If you haven't followed along, the whole affair was a bit of a tug of war between AWS and Elastic, with AWS eventually coming out seemingly on top. After Elastic changed the licensing on ElasticSearch in an attempt to prevent AWS from selling a service based on the then-open-source project, AWS forked the project to release OpenSearch under Apache 2.0, effectively preserving its open source status.

Now, OpenSearch has reached 1.0, which AWS says not only "marks the first production-ready version of OpenSearch," but also introduces "multiple new enhancements," such as data streams, trace analytics span filtering, report scheduling and more. The 1.0 release also involved quite a bit of code cleanup, removing proprietary code and marks, and adds the ability to upgrade from ElasticSearch to OpenSearch as if you were performing a normal upgrade of ElasticSearch.

If you're interested in learning where the project is going, head on over to the public roadmap to learn more.


New Study Verifies Safety of Rust (eurekalert.org) 132

Slashdot reader Beeftopia writes: Rust has two modes: its default, safe mode, and an unsafe mode. In its default, safe mode, Rust prevents memory errors, such as "use-after-free" errors. It also prevents "data races" which is unsynchronized access to shared memory. In its unsafe mode (via use of the "unsafe" block), in which some of its APIs are written, it allows the use of potentially unsafe C-style features. The key challenge in verifying Rust's safety claims is accounting for the interaction between its safe and unsafe code. This article from April's issue of Communications of the ACM provides an overview of Rust and investigates its safety claims.
The article is co-authored by Ralf Jung, a prominent postdoctoral researcher in the 'Foundations of Programming' research group at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems. And (spoiler alert) Jung has just received one of two 'Honorable Mentions' for the 'Dissertation Award' of the 'Association for Computing Machinery' (ACM), reports a nonprofit site operated by the American Association for the Advancement of Science: In his dissertation, Ralf Jung now provides the first formal proof that the safety promises of Rust actually hold. "We were able to verify the safety of Rust's type system and thus show how Rust automatically and reliably prevents entire classes of programming errors," says Ralf Jung.

In doing so, he also successfully addressed a special aspect of the programming language: "The so-called 'type safety' goes hand in hand with the fact that Rust imposes restrictions on the programmer and does not allow everything that the programmer wants to do. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to write an operation into the code that Rust would not accept because of its type safety," the computer scientist continues. "This is where a special feature of Rust comes into play: programmers can mark their code as 'unsafe' if they want to achieve something that contradicts the programming language's safety precautions. Together with international collaborators, including my thesis advisor Derek Dreyer, we developed a theoretical framework that allows us to prove that Rust's safety claims hold despite the possibility of writing 'unsafe' code," Jung says.

This proof, called RustBelt, is complemented by Ralf Jung with a tool called Miri, with which 'unsafe' Rust code can be automatically tested for compliance with important rules of the Rust specification - a basic requirement for correctness and safety of this code. "While RustBelt was a great success, especially in academic circles, Miri is already established in industry as a tool for security testing of programs written in Rust," explains Ralf Jung.... The ACM states: "Through Jung's leadership and active engagement with the Rust Unsafe Code Guidelines working group, his work has already had profound impact on the design of Rust and laid essential foundations for its future."


Netflix Plans To Offer Video Games In Push Beyond Films, TV (bloomberg.com) 51

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: Netflix, marking its first big move beyond TV shows and films, is planning an expansion into video games and has hired a former Electronic Arts and Facebook executive to lead the effort. Mike Verdu will join Netflix as vice president of game development, reporting to Chief Operating Officer Greg Peters, the company said on Wednesday. Verdu was previously Facebook's vice president in charge of working with developers to bring games and other content to Oculus virtual-reality headsets. The idea is to offer video games on Netflix's streaming platform within the next year, according to a person familiar with the situation. The games will appear alongside current fare as a new programming genre -- similar to what Netflix did with documentaries or stand-up specials. The company doesn't currently plan to charge extra for the content, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the deliberations are private.

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