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Journal spoonyfork's Journal: Comcast DNS is pissing me off 6

The Comcast DNS servers have been flaking out all night. This isn't good for my internet addiction. I've been forced to squeeze in google searches whenever I can. This JE might or might not get posted. I'm listening to a saved mp3 rather than streamed. I played a game that isn't networked. I read up on hotels in Rome (not much left) in a guidebook. I moved the bookmark in my new JSP book. Also, it's made me start working on my Mexico journal again. I'm approaching productivity. Damn you Comcast!!!!111elevenoneone/b>
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Comcast DNS is pissing me off

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    • they said they could not help me because of large call volumes

      Heh.. that's exactly what stopped me after I looked up their phone number. I started to dial then thought.. what good could this possible do? Surely thousands of other pissed off intarwebbers would have called by now. How will my call help things? It will only piss me off even more.

      It's times like these that I think up crazy stuff like getting on a plane for Bangalore and visiting a call center. I fantasize about them not knowing how to help

      • Then I would probably ask for a job application.

        And listen to some idiots and serial whiners wanting to complain about something stupid all day. I think I'd rather starve. Then again I'm going to India on holiday in less than a month and would gladly pass on your job application ;)

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