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Twitter Notifies Developers About API Bug That Shared DMs With Wrong Developers ( 12

Twitter has started notifying developers today about an API bug that accidentally shared direct messages (private messages) or protected tweets from a Twitter business account with other developers. From a report: According to a support page published today, Twitter said the bug only manifested for Twitter business accounts where the account owner used the Account Activity API (AAAPI) to allow other developers access to that account's data. Because of the bug, the AAAPI sent DMs and protected tweets to the wrong person instead of the authorized developer. Twitter said it discovered the bug on September 10, and fixed it the same day. They also said the bug was active between May 2017 and September 2018, for almost 16 months. The bug represents a serious privacy issue, especially for Twitter business accounts that use DMs to handle customer complaints that in some cases may include private user information.
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Twitter Notifies Developers About API Bug That Shared DMs With Wrong Developers

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    I kept getting all these crazy ranting tweets from Donald Trump like every morning.
  • Amateurs. Let the business world know that these clowns can't be trusted with serious matters.

"Laugh while you can, monkey-boy." -- Dr. Emilio Lizardo
