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Heartbleed Bug Exploited Over Extensible Authentication Protocol 44

wiredmikey (1824622) writes "While most organizations have patched the Heartbleed bug in their OpenSSL installations, a security expert has uncovered new vectors for exploiting the vulnerability, which can impact enterprise wireless networks, Android devices, and other connected devices. Dubbed 'Cupid,' the new attack method was recently presented by Portuguese security researcher Luis Grangeia, who debunked theories that Heartbleed could only be exploited over TCP connections, and after the TLS handshake. Unlike the initial Heartbleed attack, which took place on TLS connections over TCP, the Cupid attack happens on TLS connections over the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), an authentication framework typically used in wireless networks and peer-to-peer connections.

The researcher has confirmed that default installations of wpa_supplicant, hostapd, and freeradius (RADIUS server implementation) can be exploited on Ubuntu if a vulnerable version of OpenSSL is utilized. Mobile devices running Android 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 also use wpa_supplicant to connect to wireless networks, so they're also affected. Everything that uses OpenSSL for EAP TLS is susceptible to Cupid attacks. While he hasn't been able to confirm it, the expert believes iPhones, iPads, OS X, other RADIUS servers besides freeradius, VoIP phones, printers, and various commercial managed wireless solutions could be affected."
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Heartbleed Bug Exploited Over Extensible Authentication Protocol

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  • by sessamoid ( 165542 ) on Monday June 02, 2014 @11:46AM (#47147147)

    the expert believes iPhones, iPads, OS X, other RADIUS servers besides freeradius, VoIP phones, printers, and various commercial managed wireless solutions could be affected

    Nowhere on his page [] does the researcher say anything remotely like this. It's a really bad interpretation as he does not list any VoIP or printers or Apple products. Specifically to be vulnerable to this attack, the product must use a vulnerable version of OpenSSL. Certainly Apple does not use OpenSSL and there are other products that do not.

    If you post about a vulnerability and forget to mention the word "Apple" (whether or not it's even relevant), you just gave up tens of thousands of clicks.

The Macintosh is Xerox technology at its best.
