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Researchers Calculate Capacity of a Steganographic Channel 114

KentuckyFC writes "Steganography is the art of hiding a message in such a way that only the sender and receiver realize it is there. (By contrast, cryptography disguises the content of a message but makes no attempt to hide it.) The central problem for steganographers is how much data can be hidden without being detected. But the complexity of this problem has meant it has been largely ignored. Now two computer scientists (one working for Google) have made a major theoretical breakthrough by tackling the problem in the same way that the electrical engineer Claude Shannon calculated the capacity of an ordinary communications channel in the 1940s. In Shannon's theory, a transmission is considered successful if the decoder properly determines which message the encoder has sent. In the stego-channel, a transmission is successful if the decoder properly determines the sent message without anybody else detecting its presence (abstract). Studying a stego-channel in this way leads to some counter-intuitive results: for example, in certain circumstances, doubling the number of algorithms looking for hidden data can increase the capacity of the steganographic channel"
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Researchers Calculate Capacity of a Steganographic Channel

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  • by ccguy ( 1116865 ) * on Tuesday November 04, 2008 @11:33AM (#25626581) Homepage

    The results are interesting and in some cases counter-intuitive (for example, adding noise to channel can increase its steganographic capacity

    How is that counter-intuitive? Many of us regularly backup our stuff here in slashdot, and no one has complained so far (which, being the slashdot crowd what it is, is definite proof that no one has noticed).

    In fact, a port of gmail drive to slashdot is already in beta.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 04, 2008 @11:47AM (#25626875)

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas non felis. Cras in ligula in odio pellentesque vehicula. Aliquam metus nulla, venenatis sit amet, feugiat nec, pharetra ut, justo. Fusce tincidunt, massa eu iaculis iaculis, lacus nisi ullamcorper orci, ac sodales arcu massa at urna. Ut mattis nulla interdum urna. Praesent consequat. Fusce pede diam, pretium tempor, egestas eget, rhoncus in, sem. Sed semper. Nam in lorem sed nisl blandit commodo. Donec tempus, eros vel fermentum dictum, nibh sem imperdiet arcu, quis porttitor pede mauris eu mi. Aenean eu dui nec ligula dapibus aliquam. Integer eget libero nec velit pellentesque facilisis. Pellentesque diam sapien, auctor sit amet, mollis et, condimentum quis, nisi. Proin in libero nec nulla suscipit varius. Vestibulum facilisis enim sed magna semper tempus. Aliquam posuere. Fusce suscipit ante at nulla tincidunt fringilla. Aliquam fringilla dui eget ante. Ut rhoncus tortor nec pede.

    Aenean posuere. Suspendisse vehicula ornare lectus. Aliquam eros sem, iaculis id, consequat eu, varius ac, elit. Sed feugiat pretium est. Vivamus tellus elit, convallis et, pulvinar vitae, egestas id, justo. Vivamus id dui. Donec lacus. Phasellus placerat pharetra felis. Donec sed pede in lacus pretium porta. Maecenas semper imperdiet est. Mauris varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

  • by xmarkd400x ( 1120317 ) on Tuesday November 04, 2008 @11:50AM (#25626977)

    In the stego-channel, a transmission is successful if the decoder properly determines the sent message without anybody else detecting its presence (abstract).

    When my girlfriend is talking on the phone, I am almost never aware that a message is being sent. She is so effective, in fact, that often when I am the intended recipient I am not aware that a message is being sent!

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 04, 2008 @11:54AM (#25627063)

    stegan O graphy i S T he a R t of hiding A message in su C h a way that only the sender and receiver realize it is there. (by contrast, cryptography disg U i S es the content of a message but makes no attempt to h I de it.)

    there' S a secret messa G e in this post. c A n an Y one find it?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 04, 2008 @11:56AM (#25627127)

    Is that what they mean? It's very counterintuitive if so.

    I read it to mean that if the user (rather than the interceptor) uses various algorithms to store data he can store more data, which is not counter-intuitive at all.

    Bugger, we're going to have to RTFA.

  • by kamochan ( 883582 ) on Tuesday November 04, 2008 @12:36PM (#25628019)

    So, does anyone know how much data can be stuffed, undetectably, into a 700MB AVI file?

    700 MB, if you do it in the dark.

  • by Binge ( 780857 ) on Tuesday November 04, 2008 @12:39PM (#25628075) Homepage
    I always thought Steganography was the act of writing on large, plate-backed dinosaurs. Ya learn something new every day here!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 04, 2008 @01:14PM (#25628733)

    In south or terse, I touch in kelp. You are wrought on girls, but it's young urine poor obese ladle mate.

    "In short, I think you are wrong, but it's your problem."

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Tuesday November 04, 2008 @01:44PM (#25629313)
    ... of Pamela Anderson. There appears to be quite a bit of excess capacity available.
  • by bokmann ( 323771 ) on Tuesday November 04, 2008 @02:17PM (#25629915) Homepage

    Calculating this with any accuracy would require knowledge of both the width of a Stegasaur (which can be approximated from their fossils), but also how fast they ran. Given other arguments about the unknowns of dinosaurs, the figures we can guesstimate for their speed are just to varied to calculate this capacity to any meaningful value.

  • Simple (Score:3, Funny)

    by TheSync ( 5291 ) on Tuesday November 04, 2008 @03:13PM (#25630911) Journal

    The The secure capacity C (W, g, A) of a stego-channel give W [noise], g [steganalyzer], and A [attack] is given by C (W, g, A) = sup I(X;Z) for X an element of S0.

    I is the spectral inf-mutual information rate for the pair of general sequences.

    Z is the stego channel after encoding, noise, and attack (before decoding).

    S0 is the secure input set, the set of encoded data that remains impossible to steganalyze after the addition of noise (but not necessarily attack).

    I think mathematicians like to make their papers overly complex.

  • by Katatsumuri ( 1137173 ) on Tuesday November 04, 2008 @03:43PM (#25631407)

    It is generally a bad idea to play a smartass in front of a cop on duty.

    In a friendly debate with a moderately drunk chick in the bar, that may be appropriate.

Solutions are obvious if one only has the optical power to observe them over the horizon. -- K.A. Arsdall
