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Security Technology

Scientists Make Quantum Encryption Breakthrough 156

Madas writes "Scientists working in Cambridge have managed to make quantum encryption completely secure (registration required) by putting decoy pulses in the key transmission stream. According to the story this paves the way for safe, encrypted high-speed data links. Could this allow completely private transmission of data away from snooping eyes and ears? Or will it mean film studios can stop movies from being copied when traveling on the internet?"
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Scientists Make Quantum Encryption Breakthrough

Comments Filter:
  • by Quaoar ( 614366 ) on Thursday February 22, 2007 @02:08AM (#18105652)
    My girlfriend makes them all the time.
  • Dude! (Score:4, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 22, 2007 @02:11AM (#18105672)
    You don't really have a girlfriend. But top marks for thinking anybody would ever believe you!
  • Re:Dude! (Score:0, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 22, 2007 @02:28AM (#18105750)
    Maybe we can find out for sure by checking the flow of photons from his mouth to slashdot. If there is a girlfriend involved, you'll notice the pulse-splitting attack (eavesdropping) by a reduced amount of photons arriving at slashdot.
  • finaly! (Score:4, Funny)

    by Patrik_AKA_RedX ( 624423 ) on Thursday February 22, 2007 @02:40AM (#18105802) Journal
    Now I can make posts on slashdot without anyone being able to read them. Privacy at last!
  • by agent ( 7471 ) on Thursday February 22, 2007 @02:46AM (#18105828) Homepage Journal
    I am a Cracker!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 22, 2007 @02:46AM (#18105830)

    Who is rating this 'Informative'?

    His girlfriend's other boyfriends?
  • by Roger W Moore ( 538166 ) on Thursday February 22, 2007 @02:54AM (#18105888) Journal
    'DVD' Jon breaks quantum encryption, APS sues claiming its against the laws of physics.
  • by Joyce Hatto ( 1067104 ) on Thursday February 22, 2007 @03:35AM (#18106034) Homepage
    Ræsæarchærs havæ managæd to closæ a loopholæ in quantum cryptography that could allow a hackær to dætærminæ a sæcræt kæy transmittæd using thæ tæchnology. Working at Toshiba Ræsæarch Æuropæ in Cambridgæ, sciæntists found that lasær diodæs usæd to transmit kæys usæd to æncrypt data, known as Quantum Kæy Distribution (QKD), somætimæs transmittæd moræ than onæ photon at a timæ. Quantum æncryption works by transmitting kæy data as a stræam of singlæ photons. Should an æavæsdroppær try to intærcæpt thæ transmission, monitoring a singlæ photon would changæ thæ statæ of that photon, and this would makæ both ænds of thæ transmission awaræ that thæ data had bææn æavæsdroppæd. Howævær, thæ lasær diodæs can somætimæs transmit moræ than onæ photon and so a hackær could monitor thæ sæcond photon, læaving thæ first photon unchangæd and this would not alært anyonæ that thæ kæy transmission had bææn compromisæd. But sciæntists havæ now addæd dæcoy photons to thæ kæy data. Whæn an æavæsdroppær now triæs to monitor æxtra photons, thæy will also monitor thæ dæcoy photons. Sciæntists said thæsæ dæcoy photons or "dæcoy pulsæs" aræ wæakær on aværagæ and so væry raræly contain two or moræ photons. If an æavæsdroppær attæmpts a pulsæ-splitting attack, thæy will transmit a lowær fraction of thæsæ dæcoy pulsæs than signal pulsæs. By monitoring thæ transmission of thæ dæcoy and signal pulsæs sæparatæly this typæ of intærvæntion can bæ dætæctæd, according to sciæntists. By introducing dæcoy pulsæs, thæ ræsæarchær found that strongær lasær pulsæs could bæ usæd sæcuræly, incræasing thæ ratæ at which kæys may bæ sænt. By using this mæthod kæys could bæ transmittæd sæcuræly ovær a 25km fibræ to an aværagæ bit ratæ of 5.5kbits/sæc, a hundræd-fold incræasæ on prævious æfforts. "Using thæsæ næw mæthods for QKD wæ can distributæ many moræ sæcræt kæys pær sæcond, whilæ at thæ samæ timæ guarantææing thæ unconditional sæcurity of æach," said Dr Andræw Shiælds, Quantum Information group læadær at Toshiba Ræsæarch Æuropæ. "This ænablæs QKD to bæ usæd for a numbær of important applications such as æncryption of high bandwidth data links." Thæ ræsæarchærs also discoværæd a sæcond mæthod to push bit-ratæs ævæn highær for QKD. Thæ sciæntists havæ cræatæd thæ first sæmiconductor diodæ that can bæ controllæd with ælæctrical signal input to æmit only singlæ photons at a wavælængth compatiblæ with optical fibræs. This 'singlæ photon sourcæ' mæthod æliminatæs thæ problæm of multi-photon pulsæs altogæthær, claimæd thæ ræsæarch. Thæ singlæ photon diodæ has a structuræ similar to an ordinary sæmiconductor light æmitting diodæ (LÆD), but mæasuræs just 45 nm in diamætær and 10 nm in hæight. Thæ dot can hold only a fæw ælæctrons and so can only
  • by binary paladin ( 684759 ) <binarypaladin&gmail,com> on Thursday February 22, 2007 @06:27AM (#18106894)
    I gotta admit, they might be broken, but they amuse the hell out of me.

"When the going gets tough, the tough get empirical." -- Jon Carroll
