Microsoft To Offer Free Wireless VoIP 208
Strudelkugel writes "The Business Online reports: MICROSOFT has developed a Skype-style free internet voice service for mobile phones that City analysts believe could wipe billions off the market value of operators such as Vodafone.The service is included in a mobile version of Microsoft Office Communicator due to be released this year. It will take the form of a voice-over internet protocol (VoIP) application that allows Office users to make free voice calls over wi-fi enabled phones running Windows Mobile software. Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer dropped his bombshell at the mobile operators' annual 3GSM show in Barcelona last week. The significance of his remarks was missed because of his effusive and eccentric delivery..." That is huge; I would hope to see the same thing coming out on the Symbian and other devices. The hard part will be getting these to market; since almost all mobile phones are sold thru the mobile telcom companies.
Anti-competitive? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Anti-competitive? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Anti-competitive? (Score:2)
Re:Anti-competitive? (Score:3, Informative)
No, it wouldn't.
Microsoft has an operating system monopoly, and therefore most people use its operating system.
If most people use its operating system, they're also likely to use any bundled services that come with it (as they're free), rather than paying extra to use similar services elsewhere.
Microsoft is 'leveraging its monopoly'. That's what it always does.
For example: If Microsoft wanted the proprietary WMP file format to
Re:Anti-competitive? (Score:2)
Re:Anti-competitive? (Score:2)
Secondly, your example with WMP is flawed. Media Player IS already bundled with the desktop OS, but the result is not that WMF/WMA suddenly becomes the most common format, and the reason is that WMP supports other video formats as well. Yeah, they provide WMF as a default option, but WinAmp supports it by defa
What's a mobile 'phone if not a computer? (Score:2)
Microsoft sell computer OSes, in fact have an economic monopoly on them. Microsoft have been slapped down (well, slapped on the wrist in the USA) for bundling other products with their OS (MSIE and WMP being two specific examples) to force it into peoples' ha
Re:Anti-competitive? (Score:2)
I really just couldn't be bothered today.
It's weak, but here's how (Score:4, Informative)
MS Communicator enters Microsoft into two areas:
The integration only works on MS OSes and in MS Office of course.
Microsoft recently announced that they're going into the corporate mobile email business, competing with RIM.
Microsoft announced that their mobile OS will support free wireless VOIP.
So... the year is 2008. You fire up your new workplace computer, it comes up with MS Communicator. You can add all your buddies from your IM lists, and you can add all their cell phones for texting. You can also access your corporate email.
Now you're looking at your cell phone plan and thinking "I sure wish I had a MS mobile phone so that I could use all these features from my cell phone. Free calling, corporate IM, corporate email integration... etc."
That's how MS uses their OS monopoly to extend into the cellular market, entrench their corporate email solution, deepen their penetration of MS Office, while providing people the first reason to upgrade since Office 97.
(BTW, I HATE real-time collaboration.)
Re:Anti-competitive? (Score:2)
Re:Anti-competitive? (Score:2)
Re:Anti-competitive? (Score:2)
Re:Anti-competitive? (Score:3, Interesting)
Customers, competition... Just becuase it is a new model, don't mean it won't be successful for others as well.
Besides, we all knew it was going to get to this point eventually. Phone would be like Cable, pay flat fee, and watch as much TV as you want. It has been getting closer and closer, and with technology easing the bandwidth and traffic problems of the past, should be a normal thing.
Besides, A) Microsoft wants to
the hard part? (Score:5, Interesting)
I think consumers will be willing to buy cell phones from anyone who can eliminate their costly cell phone bills. All Microsoft would have to do is work out a deal with Walmart or some other national chain and people will flock there if this is the real deal.
Coverage... (Score:2)
You can already buy DECT compatible mobile phones, they haven't taken off because people just use the phone on their desk when near it, simple. And wifi has a 150 foot range... get real...
Re:the hard part? (Score:2)
Re:the hard part? (Score:2)
Re:the hard part? (Score:2)
Not necessarily. I have a wi-fi network in my house, so I could use it there. There's a wi-fi network at my workplace. There's a wireless network at many resturants and coffee shops. Basically, there's wireless all around now and more coming. Google is talking about providing free wireless in San Francisco and maybe the whole US. The telcos could be cut out of the
Hmm (Score:5, Insightful)
Only if free wi-fi is available everywhere where Vodafone signal is...
Re:Hmm (Score:5, Informative)
Something like this perhaps: []
Anyone else read this as... (Score:2)
Cann'tt yyoouu jjuusttt feeeeell tthhee lloovvee..
Very good point. (Score:5, Informative)
Also note that 802.11's channel access scheme is not well suited to transferring many small packets at low latency, which is required for VoIP. The end result is that even an 802.11g access point at full rate (54 Mbps) has trouble matching even a 1.544 Mbps T1 line in terms of VoIP capacity, *even with voice compression*. This is because the capacity limit turns out to be not the raw bitrate, but the number of *packets* per second that the system is able to handle. Small packets and 802.11 just don't mix for a number of reasons. For bulk data, there are packet bursting extensions to 802.11 that help a lot (Part of SuperG for example, and I think Broadcom's equivalent to SuperG also does bursting), but packet bursting introduces too much latency and variation in latency for VoIP.
There was a good analysis of 802.11 capacity for SIP-based VoIP somewhere, I can't remember where. Note that IAX trunks would get MUCH better capacity in this situation, but this only helps for actual trunk connections (for example, trunking across a long-range cantenna-based 11g link), not when each user has a different device connected to the AP.
Re:Very good point. (Score:2)
I know of other sites that use the same phones for everyone with no complaints.
Re:Very good point. (Score:2)
Re:Very good point. (Score:2)
I didn't say that 802.11g was totally unsuited to VoIP, just that the maximum capacity was much lower than one would expect given the bitrate of 11g (54 Mbps) and the required bitrate per VoIP channel (worst case 64 kbps) because the throughput penalty for small packets over 802.11g is so large. The analysis I remember reading indicated at best 24-30 concurrent VoIP connections on an 11g AP with a good codec, which is approximately the same capacity as un
Re:Very good point. (Score:2)
And cheap, reliable cell coverage is not available in nearly as many areas in the US as Iridium satellite phone.
That doesnt keep the cellphones cheap good-enough coverage from wiping the floor with the satellite solution.
The fact is, the vast majority of revenue is from people who roam between one or two places; home and work, mostly covered by wi-fi. The writing's been on the wall for this one a
Re:Very good point. (Score:2)
Even for Internet access I find myself frequently using my Verizon 1xEVDO card because I can't get or maintain 802.11 coverage, or don't want to have to pay all the various 802.11 service providers.
Disclaimer: I work for Qualcomm.
Re:Very good point. (Score:2)
Then compare it to Verizon's coverage map of the same area.
Compared to VZW up there, T-Mo's coverage is utterly abysmal.
There's a reason T-Mo is so cheap as far as cost per minute - you get what you pay for.
Re:Hmm (Score:2)
So such services need not necessarily rely on "wi-fi".
Although, the countryside will be a bit cluttered here in Ireland with small mobile phone cells for three operators on GSM, and a couple *extra* operators with their own 3G networks, wireless broadband to fixed locations by several operators,
Microsoft are just as scared (Score:5, Insightful)
Skype... what Skype? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Skype... what Skype? (Score:2)
Re:Microsoft are just as scared (Score:2)
Remember Netmeeting? That was around since I believe IE4, maybe earlier. The biggest problem was that it didn't have a way to easily connect to other users without knowing their IP address, so me and my friends used to use ICQ's IP address reporting to connect to each other, that is until MSN messenger came out.
Speaking of MSN messenger, MSN messenger had full voip capabilities when it was first released, including like calling from your computer to
Re:Microsoft are just as scared (Score:2)
This is Notepad, people keep screaming that "There's gold in dem' dere hills" guess what there isn't...
Even skype is overpriced, free telephony is coming.
The only reason it hasn't happened yet is because of old fashioned wireless services and pricing systems (if you could offer the flexability of voip through a cell phone the telephone companies could save billions but they'd have to admit that there networks are vastly overpowered for that kind
Sounds Great (Score:5, Interesting)
As much as I hate microsoft, I think they are on a real winner with this one. If it ever makes it to the Australian market I'd sign up for it. I for one am sick to death of paying a $0.20 call connection fee + $0.60 per minute to use my mobile, perhaps this will force the telecommunications industry to adopt reasonable rates.
Re:Sounds Great (Score:3, Insightful)
Nah. It will just cause them to run out their tame congress-critters, who'll enact anti-VOIP legislation for the "good" of the consumer. Probably under the guise of VOIP being unable to do 911 emergency location services.
Re:Sounds Great (Score:2)
I'm failing to see the difference between this "service" they're offering and just running a SIP client on a 802.11 enabled cellphone (or other device). SIP clients are already available for Windows CrapEdition devices (have been for ages).
Of course, I'm a little miffed that I still can't seem to get a SIP client for my Sony Ericsson P900 (runs Symbian UIQ)
Re:Sounds Great (Score:4, Informative)
All you need is a wifi spot.
Re:Sounds Great (Score:2)
Why would you want to do Skype? You could use SIP, which is the industry standard protocol rather than using a propriatory system. That way you could call anyone else who uses SIP without needing to involve a third-party "service provider" and you get to choose which PSTN gateway you use if you want to call someone on the PSTN.
This should be interesting (Score:5, Insightful)
Considering what an absolute rip-off cell calls are and have always been, I'm all for free wireless + voip.
PS. I wonder if any telco ceo's are throwing chairs around
Re:This should be interesting (Score:2)
Microsoft is the new IBM (Score:5, Interesting)
Thank you, Microsoft. You may still be evil, but you've done the world a favor by destroying the exploitative business model of an industry that is arguably more evil.
Re:Microsoft is the new IBM (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Microsoft is the new IBM (Score:2)
For video we should get Xvid, and H.264 which means they're basically doing all they can, once people can just click a link on the net without installing ANY third party software it'll be Napster all over again.
Every single teenager will review a movie with a torrent link at the bottom, I.M.'s will start having auto bittorrent lookups for keywords.
People will try before they buy and with the crap out today they won't buy... Good news all a
Re:Microsoft is the new IBM (Score:2)
wow. people are so naive.
VOIP is headed for 100% adoption?? Since when? (Score:2)
people I know only 1 uses VoIP at all and even then only
when he can be bothered (easier to pick up a phone than
wait for PC to boot and all the associated bollocks that
goes with it). Sure , VoIP might be becoming popular in
internal corporate LANS but thats about it so far.
Re:Microsoft is the new IBM (Score:3, Interesting)
Security Nightmare! (Score:2, Insightful)
Ah, you ar loking at it the wrong way. (Score:2)
Computing == Telecommmunications == Control (Score:4, Insightful)
The question is, how much control of our personal information, how much logging and protocolling, how centralized will this convergence become? I would really hate to see the day when most people are emailing, phoning, websurfing and otherwise communicating on a hardware and software platform which comes with user-distrust cryptographically enforced on a TPM module.
It won't wipe billions off anything (Score:5, Insightful)
The other possibility is that the phone has some kind of wi-fi capabilties that connects to a local wireless network. I'm sure that will be the first feature to be crippled when you buy your Vodafone / O2 / Orange / T-Mobile branded phone.
But even assuming it weren't, how is this any different from what you can do with Skype now? I use my iPaq & Skype to make calls from hotels all the time. I too can call other Skype users for free, and landlines & mobiles. They don't have to buy MS Office or even be running Windows. The biggest problem with wi-fi access is that coverage spotty, potentially expensive, potentially illegal, and there is no roaming or moving at all. And you can kiss goodbye to your battery life. On top of that, workers are expected to be using a Microsoft enable phone with Microsoft Office.
It all sounds like a pipe dream to me. Of course because MS is a huge gorilla they might be able to foist this on some networks, especially the concept of site wide coverage (i.e. it works anywhere on the company premises), but that's about it IMHO.
Re:It won't wipe billions off anything (Score:2, Insightful)
And besides that:
Re:It won't wipe billions off anything (Score:4, Informative)
that phase will not last long. Already here in the Netherlands I can get almost 100% coverage (granted, we're a small country) and my provider has contracts with most other European countries so I don't pay through the nose there.
I pay something like 60-70 EUR a month for flat-fee UMTS access.
Re:It won't wipe billions off anything (Score:2)
Yeah, but I bet you're bandwidth capped. How expensive does it get when you discover that you've blown your inclusive 200MB/month (or whatever it is) though web browsing, email and VoIP calls, and you default to their higher tariff ? The parent is quite right for countries like the UK.
The article says this will be targeted at business users first. And that's where I see it having the most appeal.
Re:It won't wipe billions off anything (Score:2)
Re:It won't wipe billions off anything (Score:2)
Re:It won't wipe billions off anything (Score:3, Interesting)
Now this particular article refers to wi-fi so it's probably not 3G. But since Vodafone subsidize and customize their handsets you can virtually guarantee that no phone of theirs will support it, or if they
This is key - VOIP still needs an access point (Score:2)
I think this is the key point. If "free" internet access were available everywhere cell phone coverage was available, then this would be a no-brainer. Cell phones would merely become batter-powered wireless LAN cards with a microphone and a speaker attached to the
Re:It won't wipe billions off anything (Score:2)
Their solution will probably look a lot like MSN but something like
Re:It won't wipe billions off anything (Score:2)
I say potentially illegal because if you fire up a wifi device in downtown Boston (for example), the chances are that there will be 10 access points within range of you. Of those, probably 2 or 3 are usable. But since most have non-obvious names such as "AP01", "WLAN" and so on, who is to say whi
definition: (Score:5, Funny)
Innovation (noun) The act of poorly imitating the most hyped current technology and passing it off as your own.
And why not? (Score:2)
Google's last big announcement was that they're working on letting people use gmail to provide maikl service on their own domain names. But it turns out another major internet web email provider had done the same thing already... Microsoft.
Telco's are still running the show though (Score:3, Informative)
I'm all for this, but at least where I live in the UK most public WAPss are control by telephone companies like BT or T-Mobile, this even includes WAPss that you find in hotels etc.. It would definately be good at home and at work but I think less good on the move unless a bunch more WiFi operators start up and get seriously comptetive.
As it is, I only really use public WAPs when I really need something because they also charge very high rates for short sessions like an hour. The only way to get better rates on the public WAPs is to subscribe to a telco operated service then you end up full circle.
Service and Phone separated in Europe (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Service and Phone separated in Europe (Score:2)
Unlicensed Mobile Access (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Unlicensed Mobile Access (Score:3, Insightful)
Sorry mate, the question is, whether it will be SIP over 3G broadband mobile phones or just GSM over wifi (UMA). Now, my bet is on the first one, because it is simpler and judging past behaviours of mobile telco's... cheaper.
Ballmer's lost message (Score:2)
is THAT what that monkey dance is called. Hey, mom! I'm not a total wingnut! I'm effusive and eccentric!
Re:Ballmer's lost message (Score:2)
Article light on details but... (Score:2)
To all those eager to jump on Micosoft's bandwagon (Score:2)
Skype has that (Score:5, Informative) []
This is a poor but typical response (Score:2, Insightful)
If it were Google, now... (Score:2)
On Google's servers, of course.
Too many politics (Score:4, Interesting)
Gone is the idea of the "phone". You make phone calls via a softphone on your iPaq or Zaurus type mobile device. You have a handheld computer with a softphone. Instead of the idea of connecting to a cellular phone network, you pay a monthly flat fee and get a 1 megabit EVDO pipe to your phone and home computer. You pay your VoIP provider for minutes and your cellular network provider for internet access.
The ONLY reason we don't do things like that is because cell companies have so much control. They make a crapload of money scamming us and aren't going to give it up anytime soon. Cell phone networks are of the few networks left you actually pay on a per byte basis. There's no technical reason for them to do it. They just know there are few players in that market and can get away with it.
All it would really take is an internet service provider to get the balls and team up with a cable TV and VoIP provider. Provide fiber to the home for TV, phone, and internet. Set up a 3G cell network with EVDO for mobile internet access. Sell iPaq's with a softphone. They could make a KILLING. I'm willing to bet most of middle class America would pay 200-300 dollars a month FLAT FEE to get all their voice, tv, and internet from one provider that they can use anywhere (when in reality, it's just providing internet with other services on top of it).
Sadly though, if someone's going to invest in a cellular network, they probably want to be in the raquet too and aren't going to provide all that.
Re:Too many politics (Score:2)
> Gone is the idea of the "phone". You make phone calls via
> a softphone on your iPaq or Zaurus type mobile device
Personally, I think this convergence crap is highly overrated. The problem is really simple -- for something to work well as a phone, it needs to be shaped like a phone. And something shaped like a phone does NOT make a very good mobile computing platform!
My current personal solution is pretty straightforward -- I carry an old GSM phone for making
Too expensive for me... (Score:2)
I was with you up until there.
I currently pay: ~$50/month for basic cable TV + internet access ~$80/month for 2 cell phones ~$25/month for Vonage TOTAL: ~$155
Even that is too much for us. We are cancelling the cell phones very soon. We had cel
Problems (Score:3, Interesting)
There are also other issues, e.g. in many countries emergency calls needs to be tracable so that help can be sent even if the caller doesn't know where he is or is too badly injured to tell. Will Microsoft be able to provide this?
Probably Going Nowhere (Score:5, Insightful)
Telephones only took off because of compatibility. POTS networks are all similar enough that you can be fairly sure that a phone or modem will work anywhere in the world, if you can only find the correct plug to fit the weirdy sockets you are likely to encounter on your travels {hint: two crocodile clips and a multi-tool [please let's not start a Gerber v. Leatherman flame war here; the Gerber must be better, because all cheap knock-offs are based on the Leatherman] are as good as anything}.
A VoIP client is only any good if it is compatible with existing standards -- or if it can reasonably be reverse-engineered.
Re:Probably Going Nowhere (Score:2)
And ms has the infrastructure to run a centralized server easily thus providing a heap of standardization and reliability.
It may not be the same standardization and reliability that Slashdotters want but it will be enough to dominate the market.
Gaim is open but it runs support mostly for AIM,MSN and ICQ... because they're reliable and entrenched... Microsoft won't have a battle in the divided VOIP space they'll have a masacre.
Over hyped much? (Score:2, Informative)
Right... just like the PocketPC version of Skype did... this stuff only works reliably (well.. kinda...) over WiFi which limits you to your home, internet cafes, random unsecured WiFi points (not that I condone wardriving or any other illegal use of other peoples access points) and (for those who are lucky) WiFi enabled metropolitan areas. Now where is it that most people use there mobile phones? I think you'll
Re:Over hyped much? (Score:2, Insightful)
The alternative is to have a basic rental (say £15/month) and then have to have a separate wifi account and be switching around based on whether I can get a wifi signal with a network that I signed up for £20+/month. Bear in mind that often, I'm not near wifi and need to make a call.
It's not a big enough saving to make it worth it.
The interesting thing is whether wifi will even survive. 3G cards are coming
So What? Mobile users can do this now.... (Score:2)
The key here will be when a good SIP, IAX2, h.323, or whatever -- stack exists through LGPL so that most programmers can easily use it to create those clients.
So, the Stack-Geek types need to get those open stacks written and out there so the UI-Geek types can use them to make clever VoIP clients.
VoIP is so much more than
The Innovator's Dilemma (Score:2)
Clippy on my phone? (Score:3, Funny)
and what about the batteries? (Score:2, Interesting)
Skype and 3 (Score:2)
What will the phones cost? (Score:2)
Windows Mobile & Symbian (Score:2)
Sorry, I love my Nokia, but I need my VoIP and I need features. Not to mention MiniMo will run on it too. =)
Socialists! (Score:2)
Dial Tone is What Counts (Score:2)
What the carriers offer is a reliable connection and that is something that Voip+WiFi can't. Building out network coverage for this type of system will present reliability and coverage problems that are overcome by expensive carrier class equipment.
I love the smell of synergy in the morning! (Score:2)
OK, now keeping that in mind, I pay 20$/mo for my VOIP system, another 100USD/mo (I'm overseas atm) for my broadband connection, and probably about 50USD/mo for my cell plan (Company picks that up).
If I could call up my fiance dept and say "Hey, what you say we go halfers on that cell phone, but instead we'll use this sat link" do you think Finace would go along with it?
Add to that the fact that I'm technical architech
...could wipe billions off the market... (Score:2)
It would transfer those Billions TO MICROSOFT, as if they don't have enough already.
It's not new behavior for Microsoft. Netscape, Go, Pen, Stacker
What folks don't realize is how Microsoft's economic behavior has transfered Billions from the government, pension funds and other companies to their company by a variety of means, all unethical and/or illegal. See: []
Could this be possibly used as negotiation chips? (Score:2)
Re:Serves them right... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Serves them right... (Score:2)
Assuming you're talking GSM, the 7th bit is unused and the data gets compacted in the PDU to allow 160 characters to fit into 140 bytes. Stupidly enough, they call this compression, but there is also Huffman-coding compression available in GSM for short messages... it's just very seldom used IME. For more info, consult ETSI GSM 03.40 and 03.42 IIRC.
Re:Free? (Score:2, Insightful)
They are going to F*CKING KILL GOOGLE! (Score:2)
Re:Taking a leaf... (Score:2)
Now, it most certainly is easier to implement now, but the technology is far from cutting edge rocket science. As far as I can remember, I couldn't do "AJAX" work on an Apache server, only ISS back then.
I will admit though that it may be because I didn't know how to do the same thing with JSP, only ASP.
Rabbit (Score:2)